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Trump’s Vertical Climb

Posted on Friday, February 7, 2025
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Some years ago, I sat at the end of a runway in an F-16, backseat, preparing for a mock dogfight over San Antonio. Never before – and off the runway, we went vertical. The sensation was riveting. Everything changes very fast. The experience came to mind watching Trump. He’s taking us vertically.

In effect, Trump is wasting no time. When you get right down to it – if you have a mission, why waste time? Get ‘er done. If you know what you want to accomplish, where to go, and how to do it, then do it.

That is, to the great satisfaction of many Americans, exactly what Trump is doing. The list in all of two weeks is impressive, actually more than that, never been done before.

In every area, reducing government, lowering costs, protecting the border, returning to defensive readiness, creating global predictability and deterrence, deporting illegals, resurrecting energy independence, demanding accountability, common sense, individual rights, values, faith, justice, and speech – Trump has gone vertical.

Three basic reflections, at this point, sweep over me. To borrow from the wisdom of others, Trump last summer came very close to death, twice. When you come close to death, life becomes very real, as it did for Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan when both were shot.

Suddenly, life is precious, time is precious, every minute, every second counts. After all, in both of the recent assassination attempts on Trump, his life was saved in seconds – by a merciful God.

What happens when you see and feel the presence of death up close is that you revalue, upvalue, and become grateful for every moment of life, each dawn, each family member, and your life mission. I think Trump is moving fast and has gone vertical with his decisions because he knows – life is short.

Second, the mandate Trump got was clear, powerful, and convincing. The woke world, political left, and new Democratic ideology were dealt a body blow, the kind that knocks you to the ground in hockey, the kind of hit in the sky that produces a winner and loser, one prevails, one is vaporized.

The mandate is broad, too, and Trump knows it. He knew it would come, as did many Americans, but it covered every demographic, poor and rich, urban and rural, old and young, men and women, black, white, Hispanic, you name it. That is the green light to go vertical, which creates the obligation.

Third, the alignment of the White House, Senate, and House is often temporary, fragile, and fleeting. It could be now. Republicans have 218 seats, Democrats 215. When a similar majority was held by Republicans in 1931, they lost it – in the same year, with three special elections.

Soberingly, Republicans did not regain the House for 63 years, excepting 1946 and 1952, when in 1994 Speaker Gingrich introduced the “Contract with America,” and Republicans flipped 52 seats.

In short, life is short, mandates are seldom as powerful, and institutions often shift in ways that prevent action, even when taking action is what most want. Like planets, alignment is rare.

Taken together, the hundred-plus actions President Trump has authorized, the degree to which he is plainly committed to restoring common sense, and the cascading effect, amount to another miracle.

One final reflection. Back to thinking about the fighter analogy, air-to-air combat, and how going vertical feels. Like being in the cockpit of an F-16, things move fast, especially accelerating vertically, rolling inverted at some elevation – planning out to prevent blacking out – there are G-forces.

Doing good things fast can be necessary for winning, wise, courageous. It can make sense in both physical and political combat, even spiritual combat, but there are G’s. As Trump keeps his vertical climb, and holds firm, there will be bumps. Then again, if you are winning, even the bumps are fun.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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1 month ago

Wonderful article by RBC, about the urgency with which President Trump avails himself and his supporters of this wide-open opportunity to reverse the damage wrought by his recent foes… who served only themselves.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 month ago
  • President Trump is doing great by healing the Nation with the restoration of common sense , respect for individual rights, Faith and all of the other things listed in this article . Understanding the reasons for managing things properly and the basic ways of good management – planning , organization, coordination, scheduling , clear intelligent communication — all combined in order to make good decisions. It is great that you wrote this article RBC , it contributes to the encouragement of this restoration that is taking place in the United States of America – and the uplifting spirit so needed at this time. It will be nice if the Declaration of Independence is remembered during this time as the realistic reference point for establishing all of these improvements — meaning there will be much work ahead to achieve the sort of goals aimed for — just as was the case in 1776. Let the renewed sense of honor , courage and respect for Liberty prevail over any obstacles . Faith in God and using common sense will help develop all of the projects underway .
1 month ago

In 2016, Trump was full of good ideas, but he was a novice and made mistakes. By 2024 he had 8 years for planning and gaining experience. Now he knows better who to hire to head his agencies, how to implement his agendas, has a better idea of what works and what doesn’t. He was able to hit the ground running this time, and America will never be the same. It will be greater than it ever has been. I’m looking forward to 2029 and (probably) JD Vance continuing to keep America great.

Pat R
Pat R
1 month ago

Quite the insightful way to look at Trump’s race-speed approach to accomplishing his promises – Vertical. Gave me a whole new perspective. Thanks RBC.

Melinda C
Melinda C
1 month ago

Go Trump! We may have to put up with temporary price increases or other inconveniences, but no pain, no gain.

1 month ago

RBC, Pres. Trump’s first day of office was a “blitzkrieg” attack on all the wrongs that the Demos created since the Obama era. More to go.

Nancy Hildebrandt
Nancy Hildebrandt
1 month ago

Beautiful metaphor and I had to go back and look at my calendar to convince myself it was only two weeks plus a couple days. I still have to rely on more experienced pundits to not be upset by all the banshee screeching from the other side. But it’s banshee literally! The popularity of Democrats has plummeted and they have nothing left but to screech.

Vietvet 6769
Vietvet 6769
1 month ago

Hang on to hats, to going high and faster yet!

Professor Fate
Professor Fate
1 month ago

“Rolling Thunder”, DJT style! The DemoKKKRATS don’t know whether to cr*p themselves or wind their watches. The growing flood of DemoKKKRAT tears is washing their filth from America. Their increasingly loud squeals are an indicator of just how deep DJT has stuck them. Their taxpayer funded, vote buying gravy train has just been derailed.

1 month ago

It’s found to watch the meltdowns of Democrats…

1 month ago

Yesterdays picture of the Washington DC Democrats Schumer holding hands with Maxine Waters and both shouting was a “poster child” picture. Stay on point Mr. President we need more pictures like that.

1 month ago

Great read my friend ????

Nancy P
Nancy P
1 month ago

I have never flown military, or vertical. It is a bit dizzying, and exciting at the same time, to see it being done politically. Going vertical was the right, and best, thing for Trump to do. We shall have to make sure what is being put in place is never undone.

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
1 month ago

DJTs first 4 years taught him a lot – you cannot trust these lying, thieving snakes for one second. That is why he knew this time around, he had to hit the ground running. We all put our faith & trust in him to help us and he has accomplished SO much in less than one month all I can say is God bless DJT and the real UNITED States of America! She is coming back strong!

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Demonstrators listen to the speaking program during an "Our Bodies, Our Sports" rally for the 50th anniversary of Title IX at Freedom Plaza on June 23, 2022 in Washington, DC. The rally, organized by multiple athletic women's groups was held to call on U.S. President Joe Biden to put restrictions on transgender females and "advocate to keep women's sports female."

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