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Trump’s Trial Needs to Be Televised

Posted on Wednesday, April 5, 2023
by Outside Contributor

On Tuesday, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg presented his bag-of-tricks indictment charging former President Donald Trump with 34 counts of false entries in business records. Bragg managed to slice and dice two payments to former hookers into what sounds like a big deal – 34 felonies. Don’t be fooled. As former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, no fan of Trump, said of Bragg’s case, it’s “an abomination” held together “by chicken wire and paper clips and rubber bands.”

The judge in the case, Justice Juan Merchan, set the next court date for Dec. 8, 2023, with a trial likely some time in 2024. That’s smack in the middle of the campaign for the presidency, and will stick Trump in a courtroom with daily press coverage as “the defendant.”

After Trump’s arraignment, Bragg released a statement saying he charged Trump because “everyone stands equal before the law.” Bragg’s lying. No one else would have been prosecuted for the business entries referred to in the indictment. Nor would Trump, had he quietly exited the White House in 2020 and retired. The prosecution intends to cripple Trump’s candidacy.

That is why it is important that the entire trial be televised. The New York County jury pool may be unavoidably biased against Trump, but if the jury convicts, the case will be appealed where the law and facts will more likely prevail.

The real jury in this case is the public, which will decide if they want Trump to be president again. The public needs to be able to scrutinize Trump’s trial, gavel to gavel. Bragg’s legal gymnastics need to be on full display, as he attempts to leap over the statute of limitations, turn a state misdemeanor allegedly committed seven years ago into a federal felony and transform two business transactions into 34 separate crimes.

Here’s the hitch: In New York State, TV cameras are barred from the courtroom.

A bill to allow televised coverage awaits action in the New York State legislature. Lawmakers need to pass it now. The public deserves transparency. All states except New York and Louisiana already permit TV cameras in court.

A televised trial will allow people to see for themselves whether the judge treats both sides fairly and if the prosecution’s key witnesses – convicted perjurer Michael Cohen and porn star Stephanie Gregory Clifford, known as “Stormy Daniels” – crumble under cross-examination.

How believable are these people?

The spotlight should also be trained on Merchan, currently assigned to the case in the New York State Supreme Court. On Friday, Trump lashed out on Truth Social, saying Merchan “HATES ME” and “treated my companies…VICIOUSLY.”

Merchan presided over the jury trial last year of Trump’s real estate company for tax offenses, resulting in a conviction and fines, as well as the sentencing of Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg to five months in prison. He’s also presiding over a case against Steve Bannon, former Trump adviser.

Is Merchan’s ever-expanding anti-Trump portfolio mere coincidence? It’s reported that his daughter Loren Merchan worked for Kamala Harris’ campaign in the 2020 presidential election and now runs a business dealing with the Biden political operation.

The liberal media are giving the judge glowing reviews for his work ethic and rise out of poverty, and are declining to question his impartiality. With a televised trial, viewers can draw their own conclusions.

In 1965, the Supreme Court ruled that allowing television equipment and reporters into a courtroom was so disruptive that it denied the defendant a fair trial.

But by 1981, technology had so improved that televising a trial could be done without disruption, and SCOTUS reversed that ruling.

Trump’s attorney, Joe Tacopina, cautions that he’s planning motions to dismiss, saying, “there is no crime.” Perhaps he’ll succeed, but New York lawmakers have plenty of time to legalize cameras in court, in case Trump is taken to trial.

The stakes are higher than Trump’s own assets, reputation or even freedom. Bragg’s success would unleash political prosecutions by left-wing, Soros-supported prosecutors across this nation. You could be next. As Trump warned in 2019: “They’re not after me. They’re after you.”

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.


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1 year ago

… desperation so palpabel, you can taste it on your tongue, this going after Trump business isn’t so much about President Trump as it is, the systematic crossfire of deflection of attention away, from the most corrupt politician in U.S. history, Bejing Biden –

1 year ago

I see our whacked-out democrats friends have their social media intelligence apparatus, stinking up the place on stakeout, here at AMAC –

Thomas D Booth
Thomas D Booth
1 year ago


1 year ago

This indictment business is yet another mainstream media stunt. The people protecting the Biden family cooked this thing up, to deflect attention, away from Biden family corruption, Biden mismanagement, Biden infirmity, Biden’s bombing of the Nordstream pipeline, and the comprehensive, abject failure of Biden policy. Everybody knows, it’s a stunt. Our dearest democrat friends know it, too –

1 year ago

Our number 1 problem here in America, as of this writing, the mainstream media –

1 year ago

Impersonating a president? Not even funny.

1 year ago

After reading the indictment, I have to agree with Trump’s lawyer. There is no actual crime here. Which even a number of legal experts on the Democrat side agree with. So if the Judge doesn’t dismiss this case before any trial is even scheduled, it is pretty clear what we will be treated to is essentially a Chinese style kangaroo court. In the typical CCP show trial, the defendent is arrested, presumed guilty of whatever he is being charged with and the only mystery is how many hours or days the trial will last before the court finds him guilty and sentences him to what punishment they have already decided on.

Brenda Putnam
Brenda Putnam
1 year ago

What a gigantic crock of crap. I have never seen a party so desperate to keep a man from being our president. This man has put up with more lies and propaganda in a single term that I have ever witnessed. The Democratic Party is tenacious I’ll give them that. You’d think they’d be embarrassed to continue this farce. They’re proven liars, the Russian collusion, one of many lies made up by this party.The sad thing is the tax payers keep having to foot the bill for their shenanigans. Where does it end? The demorats have certainly proved they don’t have our ( the tax payers ) best interest at heart. It seems to me they’re pushing us toward a socialist country. All for personal gain for who? Soros and the demoratic elite should be ashamed of the obvious greed. But of course … they have no shame. It’s all about POWER HUNGRY ANIMALS!!!!!

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
1 year ago

This sham is all about the 2024 election. The Democrats want to assure Trump receives enough support to win the GOP nomination. Then they will pound the idea of Trump possibly going to prison should/after he wins the presidency in order to scare enough voters off. Since they have no other message or positives, this is all they have in order to win.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

It definitely needs to be televised so it can show what a fool Bragg is by using an imaginary law theory when there is no such thing for an imaginary crime that never happened.
This is all biden, clinton, and obama.
This could not happen without biden’s approval.
This kangaroo court is a 3rd world court and is exactly what Hitler and Stalin did and Biden ordered this with Soros help.
Prime example of pure Fascism.
They go after a political opponent by committing election interference regardless of violating the U.S. Constitution and weaponization of lawyers.
So for all of those laughing and think this is so wonderful, Just remember that YOU could be next.
So, YES it should be televised.

1 year ago

… New York is going to wind up with a multi-million reparation payout to President Trump, wrongful prosecution –

1 year ago

I’m a huge Trump fan but will not watch any tv courtroom proceedings because this entire
topic bores it. This case is preposterous. If Trump is in court in what I ( not anyone else) considers
to be a major charge I will probably watch. This is not worth my time.
The DA wants to extend his 15 minutes of fame by postponing the trail until December. Also he
knows that with primaries in January he is trying his best to make Trump appear to be criminal as voters go to the polls. Thus, once again, this fact alone proves that this is a political manuver. Not a legal manuver.

1 year ago


1 year ago

me too

1 year ago

Bozo the clown should be able to defeat Biden. So should I and all of those commenting here.
The repubs should be able to defeat Biden with an illegal immigrant candidate. How can anyone lose to Joe Biden ?

John Edwards
John Edwards
1 year ago

I like this article, because it speaks the truth. If they can ruin President Trump, then the rest of us are cake walk.

1 year ago

And Joey might get hit by a runaway Ben & Jerry’s ice cream truck, could we get that lucky?

Pat Cook
Pat Cook
1 year ago

This is one reason why the legal profession is so looked down on.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

WHY did Beijing biden make a Secret Deal to HIDE his Senate Records?

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Trump would completely smoke those liberal idiots! Remember how Ollie North made fools of his kangaroo congressmen? LIVE is the way all MAGAs should go; no way to “EDIT” out the truth and selectively play snippets!

1 year ago

Wasn’t an impeachment charge against sitting President Trump a question to the prime minister of Ukraine about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden because Joe was a candidate for the presidency and that was election interference? Isn’t Trump a candidate for the presidency?

1 year ago

The trial probably should be televised but Alvin and company wouldn’t approve it because they would end up looking like first class idiots to the entire world.

1 year ago

This is just as depressing as the democratic Biden and him administration ruining this country this incident just adds to the democratic misery they bring to this country.

1 year ago

Are the people in Duck Dynasty democrats? If not, Trump is very safe from them. The current administration? I don’t know. CHRIS

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

If it is televised it will be a remake of “Captain Kangaroo”, because that’s the kind of court it will be…a kangaroo court in a banana republic. Day-O.

1 year ago

Trump is a rollling catastrophe from one foolish issue to the next. He needs to get out of the way and not support any other candidate – that’s a sure path to lose. I don’t think he will win in the primaries. In that situation look for him to run on a 3rd party ticket. That will be a disaster for Republicans but his vindictive and bullying nature will compel him to do so.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Trump is going to be convicted. As long as there are dems in New York City it matters not if there are cameras or not. All the jurors will be bought by Soros. Since they got this far and the dems are still demonstrating against Trump with the blessings of the mayor of New York nothing will change. Only Marjory Taylor Greene was singled out to behave.
Cohen and Daniels are already bought. Daniels after all needs money to pay her 120,000 dollar judgement she has to pay Trump. As long as the people in America are still asleep as to what Brandon, the dems, the elite and the WEF are doing to America and make the election between personalities and not what is good for America we will become a socialists country for the next 50 years and maybe beyond.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

This”thingy”that the liberal cult is doing to President Trump will be as lopsided,one sided as the kangaroo sixth court.When you have ALL of the”officiators”that are members of the party of hate against you,there is no chance that you will win.The liberal,socialist democrat party hates conservative AMERICANS and loves foreign countries and their entities,especially the illegals.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Your hatred for human beings shows here. Satan has entered your soul. I will pray for you.

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

If you google the judge, it sounds as if he was brought here illegally as a Child, and the 1986 amnesty granted his Mother and Aunt, and himself amnesty, and they applied for citizenship, just another case of people coming here then hating on the country they adopted.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
1 year ago

The charges should be dismissed before it even reaches a courtroom.

1 year ago

There may not even be a trial. EVERYONE knows this is a political lawfare attack. It had already been turned down as a “case” 7 or 8 years ago, including by Bragg, but the dainties have been held in his face, and it probably is not easy to say no to Soros. He’s a communist and they are bullies – – but Bragg obviously is a coward, so he very well could have been told to do the job or next year his job would end. We don’t know. but I do hope Trump’s attorney will “come alive” and take strong action, because we all know it is a dirty deal, just like the invasion of Mar-la-go.

Lois DB
Lois DB
1 year ago

After years of televised Democrat investigations of Trump – J6 latest,we
deserve to see this sham trial televised!

1 year ago

I think this a farce. There are too many politicians who have done worse, if he actually did what they say, and those who have caused the death of our soldiers and other disasters aren’t having to pay. Do I want it televised well no and my reasoning that although Trump did so many good things for our country he had a tendency to run off at the mouth and that will only hurt him. I wish people would rise up and get to the people who are doing this nonsense and put them out of positions where they can tear our country apart.

David A Satterthwaite
David A Satterthwaite
1 year ago

AMAC is showing their prejudice.

The sword of Justice
The sword of Justice
1 year ago

The Soros-supported hand-picked jury is being processed for this kangaroo trial, in the meantime while the New York lawmakers( more likely criminals) have plenty of time to legalize cameras in court, in case Trump is taken to trial.
The new American Fascist party aka the Democrat party is showing its real character in the state of New York.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

They did for J6 but I never watched, make=
More compelling for sure
Boost ratings alone

1 year ago

You know it’s never going to go to a trial. This is only done to try and damage him as a presidential candidate.Bragg knows there’s no chance of a conviction or a trial even. I’m sure the Democrats are happy right now that the damage has been done. They are wetting their pants over the possibility of trump being reelected. That is why he needs to be reelected nobody can scare them as badly as he does.

1 year ago

It is all so much BS…trying to make Trump look bad. Sorry, but it makes me want to vote for him all the more. The demonrats are EVIL and will do anything to win….looks who’s in the white house…We all KNOW Bozo Biden did NOT win the election.

1 year ago

The district the indictment was originated is 85% Democratic….there is no way he can be fairly judged.

Noname (no-nam-ee)
Noname (no-nam-ee)
1 year ago

President Trump is most certainly right when he says that the commie pinkos chasing him are really after all American citizens. Let us be ever vigilant and distrustful of the government – at best a watchful servant and at worse a fearful master. Slavery is just a vote away,

Neal M Christensen
Neal M Christensen
1 year ago

All of the effort they are putting in to destroy Trump might mean that they are not confident that their election fixing will be enough to give them the Presidency.

Caroline Kreitler
Caroline Kreitler
1 year ago

Your story writer got the wrong trial date because it’s not December 8, It’s actually December 4. The details are below.
“On Tuesday, Judge Juan Merchan set a Dec. 4 date for the next hearing in the Manhattan district attorney’s case against Trump. The former President pleaded not guilty to the indictment accusing him of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records as part of a scheme to shield the electorate from information about past alleged affairs,” NBC reported.

1 year ago

“everyone stands equal before the law.” 
If that is true then why aren’t the clintons in jail along with most of the “democrat” party(since they are IN FACT communists) who are doing everything to overthrow our nation.

1 year ago

We answer to two masters. George Soros and the Chi-Coms.

1 year ago

You just show your stupidity with every word you mumble, Rumble!

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

It should definitely be televised, that way the American public can see how a kangaroo court operates.

Let’s go Brandon!

1 year ago

How about putting this little red dot on the other side of the page so it doesn’t cover the printed part of the page. that is my thought. thank you.

1 year ago

Why is this Soros Axxhole still allowed to do this and isn’t what he is doing/ interfering in our government and why is he still in this country??????????????

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