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Trump’s Demographic Breakthrough Shatters Core Democrat Delusion

Posted on Wednesday, December 4, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

Perhaps one of the most devastating aspects of President-elect Donald Trump’s decisive 2024 victory for the left is that it has shattered the persistent liberal myth about the rise of a supposedly permanent Democrat majority.

That myth emerged in the early 2000s with the publication of The Emerging Democratic Majority. In that 2002 book, political scientists John Judis and Ruy Teixeira argued that demographic and cultural shifts in the United States were reshaping the electorate in favor of the Democrat Party. They claimed that the rise of professional, knowledge-based workers, increased diversity through immigration, and urbanization in key metropolitan areas was creating a “new majority” of voters leaning Democratic. The book also emphasizes the growing political influence of suburban and exurban voters, whose values tend to lean more progressive over time.

Barack Obama’s sweeping victories in 2008 and 2012 initially seemed to confirm Judis and Teixeira’s thesis. The country was indeed becoming less white at an accelerating pace, and this development seemed to carry with it a gradual shift leftward among the electorate and the country as a whole.

Notably, The Emerging Democratic Majority contains a great deal of nuance and context, stressing that Democrats’ emerging coalition is not guaranteed but contingent upon the party’s ability to address economic inequality and maintain unity among diverse groups. However, many Democrats only extrapolated the broad strokes of the argument. They distilled it down to the simple aphorism “demographics is destiny,” asserting that because of changing demographics, there may never be another Republican president.

Trump’s victory in 2016 delivered the first blow to Democrats’ delusions about a permanent majority. Judis and Teixeira were correct that states like Virginia, Colorado, and Nevada, which were normally Republican strongholds in the latter half of the 20th century, became purple and then leaned blue. But Trump’s strength with working-class voters saw Democrats’ “blue wall” in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania crumble, handing Trump the presidency.

Democrats appeared to get things back on track in 2020, but even then there were some early warning signs about what was to come in 2024. Biden won the presidency, but it wasn’t thanks to the diverse coalition that Judis and Teixeira outlined. In fact, Trump won 12 percent of the black vote in 2020, up from eight percent in 2016. Trump’s share of the Hispanic vote also shot up 10 points, from 28 percent to 38 percent.

This year, however, the floodgates fully opened, flipping the myth of the “emerging Democratic majority” on its head. 16 percent of black voters cast ballots for Trump, including a notable 30 percent of black men. Trump also won 45 percent of the Hispanic vote, the best-ever performance for a Republican presidential candidate. Despite an eight-year campaign from Democrats and the corporate media to brand Trump a racist and misogynist, he only continued to gain ground with minorities and women.

In a post-election article republished in The Free Press, Teixeira acknowledged that the shape of Trump’s 2024 victory means “the Democratic coalition has shattered.”

“The party is uncompetitive among white working-class voters and among voters in exurban, small town, and rural America,” Teixeira writes. “This puts them at a massive structural disadvantage given an American electoral system that gives disproportionate weight to these voters… The facts must be faced. The Democratic coalition today is not fit for purpose. It cannot beat Republicans consistently in enough areas of the country to achieve dominance and implement its agenda.”

Teixeira goes on to detail a now common criticism of the Democrat Party emerging in liberal circles; namely, that the party has become the party of wealthy liberal elites while not just abandoning but scorning the interests and values of everyday Americans.

“Before the election, there was much debate, bordering on denialism, about whether and to what extent demographic trends revealed by most polling data would actually undercut the Democratic coalition in the election,” Teixeira continues. “Now that we have results, it is clear those trends were real—and they are bad news for Democrats.”

Not all Democrats have had the same clear-eyed analysis of the situation facing the party as Teixeira. In the immediate aftermath of the election, a litany of cable news pundits suggested Harris’s loss was due to black and Latino men being “sexist.” On MSNBC, Al Sharpton outright accused black men of “misogyny.” Joy Reid similarly accused white women of being racist for not showing up for Harris.

But the fact remains that voters of all races and backgrounds simply didn’t believe that Harris would defend their interests, no matter her “intersectional” identity. Donald Trump listened to the American voters and structured his campaign around opposing illegal immigration, combating inflation, and restoring peace to the international community, which is what they consistently told pollsters they were most concerned about.

Democrats have spent the better part of two decades indulging their most far-left impulses, taking for granted that demographic shifts in the United States would create for them at least a viable, if not outright dominant, electoral coalition. That calculation was incorrect, and now it is Democrats who may be facing an “emerging Republican majority.”

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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2 months ago

Only President Trump could have accomplished such a feat. The man didn’t have to take all the crap dished out toward him and his family. But he did because he loved his country and the people. God Bless President Trump and his beautiful family. MAGA

USN Retired
USN Retired
2 months ago

It’s called propaganda. The Bolsheviks did it with Pravda, the Left Wing Communist movement ie: Democrats, are doing it with main stream media here in the U.S. Problem is the average uninformed person believes what they hear. We get idiots like Whoopee Goldberg. If they would just educate themselves a little, they would see the garbage these Socialist shovel. It’s very encouraging that a good part of the people of America could see what was going on (internal Communist takeover). They stood up and voted. I look forward to Trumps next term, he can and will get America back on track. My concern now is his safety. The swamp wants him gone.

2 months ago

C’mon again–the primary reason Trump lost in 2000 was voting fraud. There is 100% proof of that if only one will look. That problem was minimized this time thru superior efforts. The communists will win in 2028 if we don’t extend our antifraud efforts. Fraud discussion, even among conservatives, was suppressed after 2000 and the same thing is happening today.

2 months ago

About time “Democrats” understand that their communist ideology is not in line with American values, and diametrically opposed to the U.S., and most of our states’ constitutions. If “Democrats” did not have this constant inner urge to Lord it over their neighbors, tax (steal from), and oppress others, they would do the right thing and pick themselves up and emigrate to a country more tyrannical, more in line with their communist ambitions, of which there are many. Alas, “Democrats” not only have the inner urge to enrich themselves, nanny, pontificate, punish, ridicule, and chastise, they also prefer to be lazy, ignorant, and self-deceited, and therefore, instead of practicing “Go East Young Communist” they continue to call them themselves “elite”, study science only enough to twist it for their “dialectics” arguments, and prefer, or are inherently incapable to understand cause and effect relations, proudly displaying their ignorance, and unfounded arrogance for us to experience in perpetuity. “Democrats”, as was witnessed this year in their party’s inner workings, disdain democratic process, elections, equality, fairness, and to have to share this country with those who work hard, love their family and faith, and are grateful to their Creator. They believe themselves to be “more equal than others”, (i.e. the Hunter Biden pardon) and the pinacle of their own narcissist world. We should reverse the Biden administration’s policy of flying illegals from a myriad of countries over night to any U.S. city of their choice, and fly “Democrats” over night to any communist country of their choice, where they will be able to live out their “dreams”, any sane person’s nightmare.

2 months ago

Americans do not want Socialism, Communism, Progressivism,or any other ISMS except Americanism!!

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
2 months ago

I am sitting back right now enjoying the salty popcorn & the big win!! We do have a lot of work ahead of us to make sure we can KEEP our country. We The People (and I am speaking for 80million folks) are no longer known as Republicans because RINOS are weak. We are now the party of MAGA and America First Patriots! By all accounts it will take the brain dead Uni-party 2 decades to catch up to our movement. God Bless America & God Bless Trump!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
2 months ago

Biden “won” in 2020 due only to the corruption of voting “laws” unconstitutionally changed by judges and bureaucrats. Does ANYONE really believe that the moribund Biden actually got more votes with black and Hispanic voters than Obama?
If we can tighten up voting rules, we will always have a chance of winning national elections.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

If you believe in mutilating children for life and providing them with puberty-blocking chemicals which increase stroke, heart, and other risks in the name of “gender affirmation”, then the Democrat Party is always for you! Just don’t give them a sugared or energy drink and you’re OK…

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
2 months ago

Let me see. The party of slavery, bigotry, death, tyranny, depravity, war and hatred of over 50% of the population, and who then denigrates them, might not have a winning proposition. Who could have guessed.

2 months ago

The democrats under Obama didn’t care for those not voting for them. They polarized a large part of the voters in America. For me personally I was afraid of Obama. He was a dictator to me. Because he spread hatred to those opposed. It was not obvious but here and there he dropped his facade and said we need to get rid of the tea baggers. Obama was promoted by the elites and the WEF and the new world order supporters to be president of America. Who ever heard of this person? Hillary was supposed to continue this in 2016. Only the democrats had become too communistic and she was a crook. They were better prepared in 2020 their destruction of the man Donald J Trump continued and through fraud they won. After 4 years of nothing happening but destruction of America and with the MSM propaganda to destroy Trump, they lost. Again they won’t accept the vote of the people. Harris didn’t lose, Trump won is their mantra. They didn’t look inward as to why they LOST no they blamed it on the MAGA Nazi fascist Trump and his supporters. Why did they create such hatred for him. Because he took their power away. They didn’t look at the voters who voted them out. They put a man in the White House in 2020 whose hatred for Trump was so great. He accused Trump of everything that was wrong in America for 4 years. And lied about everything that they screwed up. The economy, the border disaster, the Afghanistan withdrawal, the war in the Ukraine, the trouble in the Middle East. Biden Harris are pro Hamas and pro Israel. Biden plays both sides. The rest of the world also knows. That is why Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran all felt confident they would win because America would not support Israel. Only the IDF is a well trained military force. The dems made a big mistake by setting forth a policy to support foreigners and foreign countries and destroy their own citizens. The shining city on the hill, DC is an armed camp with fences and more fences around the capitol and the White House. Followed in every major city in America with homelessness. Which is never mentioned by Biden Harris regime. Not in the past 4 years or during the campaign. The democrats might have been busy to take over the country for always. Only they made one mistake. The people. They didn’t see any democracy in their policies. Only the dems still don’t see it after this landslide loss. Their trans agenda, open border policy, supporters of foreign wars. Do you think all those dead soldiers in the Ukraine, on both sides, are grateful for the money and weapons Biden sent to the Ukraine. Just so Biden looked like a leader in his legacy. In meantime rule like a communist at home. He was going after his opponents like they were the enemy. By pardoning his son he still made it Trump’s fault. While his son admitted to the crimes he was convicted on. Who is more dangerous leader in America. My vote goes to Biden and democrats there is nothing democratic about the dem party and its leaders. Their trans agenda the past 4 years has shown the people that a .3% minority was more important to them than the majority. Their power has been taking away in 2016 election was interrupted because they let loose a deadly virus in 2020. Biden Harris the puppets for the regime were not being believed. After all they lied for 8 years during Obama’s presidency and Biden Harris kept up this lying facade every day. The dems lost their grip on the country for a long time in the future, even a billion dollars couldn’t buy them the presidency. They should have given the money to the voters not the Oprah’s and Beyoncé’s of the world. Their bumbling fumbling agenda of the past 4 years made America not to be believed. Their policies were voted down and the people voted for a leader with common sense and who heard the people’s cries, they are hurting.

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
2 months ago

The people that Voted for Camel Face are the ones that scare me. I don’t understand how they can even breath as brain dead as they are.

2 months ago

Silent major was awaken through the democrats miss judgement of true feeling of American People when they try force accept the Woke ideology !

kameltoe harris
kameltoe harris
2 months ago


Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

Were reaching the Ex Dem, voters now

2 months ago

Just wait until the country finds out how much and how often the Democrats have cheated in elections to attain their “demographic shift”. The whole bunch have gotten so corrupt and drunk with power they would do anything to dupe the country and remain in office.

2 months ago

So, any thoughts as to whether Biden will do the right and classy thing and pardon Trump?

2 months ago

To God be the glory!

2 months ago

Harris lost the election because she ran a horrible campaign and because she refused to distinguish herself from the Biden agenda. I think there are many who would again vote for a Democrat if Democrats would stop hugging up to the insanity of the radical Left. Men cannot become women, trans surgery should not be available to minors or prisoners, 2 million illegals per year crossing our border is insane, censorship and bans from social media in conjunction with government is trampling rights, lawfare against political opponents is unacceptable to the vast majority of Americans. On and on it goes. If Democrats get back to reality, they may still win some elections.

2 months ago

I hadn’t heard that before, but I like it “emerging Republican majority.”

Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow
2 months ago

Liberal political scientists like Judis and Teixeira made a huge false assumption based upon their own racial/ethnic biases. They believe that all minorities must think and vote alike. It is white liberals who are the most guilty of such condescension and, yes, racism. The long history of American immigration and assimilation were ignored at their peril.

2 months ago

The Demographic Destiny of Permanent Incumbency by the Browning of America was thwarted by assimilation, Americanization, and living the American Dream by post immigrant generations. The assumption of ‘destiny’ was lazy politics and racist, assuming that persuasion would be unnecessary as voters would be dumb drones in collective buckets of pre banked ballots to automatically win elections Instead, 2nd generations started to live like other Americans with the same concerns, desires, enjoyments, and patriotism. White folks balked at the brag that they were an irrelevant dying off breed, and minorities chaffed at the contempt that they had no other alternative, while as the most loyal constituents got the least of the political victory spoils. And the Progressive agenda failed under Biden Harris and the country experienced a nightmare to know better. Its up to Trump to cement the triumph.

2 months ago

The fact that the radical left wing of the Democrat party has driven so incredibly far far far left of normal American mindset into a wasteland of horrendous economic policy and promotion of race hate are the real problems. A press that screeches at the top of their lungs that the Republicans had drifted to the ultimate far right are just the biggest mistake. The Republican economic, social and “normalcy”. standards have not changed much. It is the Democrats being driven by woke and communism that has removed it, likely for a couple of decades into a land of no return.

Dr. George Rivera
Dr. George Rivera
2 months ago

One must not overlook the ballot box stuffing of 2020 that did not occur in 2024. Indeed, what stuffing that did occur was to get Kamala up to a minimal level. What happened to those millions of voters who “showed” for Biden but not for her? Simple. They never existed in the first place.

Timothy James Welter
Timothy James Welter
2 months ago

The Democrats Communists Progressives Socialists agreed to A Treasonous and Traitorous Platforms to dissarm the Organized and disorganized Militia, has more right to exist than the U.S.ARMY . It puts all Military Oath swearers all representatives in A State of fraud and being in violations of A Capitol Punishment Laws giving Aid and comfort to China North Korea, and Russia can lead to blindfold on or off, Fired by firing squad this is A Criminal report, complaint and Officers of any Court must re-report these RECO level violations to the Courts. Semper Fidelis food and Water Poisoned.

2 months ago

Biden won the presidency, but it wasn’t thanks to the diverse coalition that Judis and Teixeira outlined.”

It was pure voter fraud. Biden got 80 million votes??????? Trump won the popular vote by a landslide and didn’t get that many votes. Trump won only because we Republicans finally got off our butts and monitored all the counting houses preventing the demon-communist-cRATS from cheating. Trump actually won 2020, but all the EXTRA fraudulent votes pushed Biden to 80 million.

2 months ago

Say goodbye to social security and medicare, VA, disability , trump is going to ax them hope you are all independently wealthy

2 months ago

2024 Election Maps by county and state

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