The great science fiction writer Frank Herbert warned about duplicity, “feints within feints within feints.” Life is as complex as simple, secrets hidden in secrets, like a Russian matryoshka doll. Politics can be that way. As President Trump begins to win, watch what happens next.
Last week, President Trump – on the day after his inauguration – joined well-known business leaders in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to announce a massive project. With his support, the leaders are allying to invest in AI infrastructure – across America. See, What Is Stargate? OpenAI, Oracle, and Softbank Team Up for $500B AI Infrastructure Initiative.
This alone is big news since the initial private investment is 100 billion dollars, a four-year goal of 500 billion, and hundreds of thousands of jobs. More remarkable, the group’s aims are worthy of Frank Herbert’s imagined worlds. Recall he wrote Dune, Dune Messiah, Children of Dune. See Not Found – Markets Insider.
President Trump and the AI consortium imagine a world of answers to insoluble problems, a world of hope and healing that pushes back against hopelessness and powerlessness.
They envision – and their work supports the dream – a world in which medicine is personalized, affordable, and deadly diseases get found years in advance, for example, in the blood, allowing, perhaps within 48 hours, a personalized inoculation against the disease, including cancers.
They are perfecting these breakthroughs – part of that “Golden Age” – for science, allowing us to make quantum leaps in what we understand, how answers are found, and care administered.
This is not politics – or even business – as usual. To put it in perspective, it is like finding electricity in a world of candles, the combustion engine in a world of carriages led by horses.
It is the kind of breakthrough that helped us win World War II, not just with jets, radar, and the atom bomb, but with antibiotics, which the Germans and Japanese were slow to find.
It is a complete reset of how we think about the possible, and they call it “Stargate.” It is like Apollo, when Americans conceived, believed, and proved they could get humans to the moon.
But here is where “feints within feints” shows up. No sooner had this project been rolled out, then detractors appeared. Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren snarked that one AI innovator gave personal money to Trump’s inauguration.
Ironically, he gave a million dollars from his pocket and briefed Trump and many others on his AI long before that. Never mind the medical advances for all mankind, Warren wants blood.
Warren and another Democrat warned these businesspeople they might be investigated, should be scared, and fear, not hope, should be their compass. The sheer cynicism, duplicity, anti-public welfare, and progress-eroding nature of her threats is sickening. See, Tech boss Sam Altman’s humiliating clapback that silenced Democrats.
But worse is the way swamp creatures – and Warren is one – operate, ready to hurt the public, slow human advancement, and misuse their power for venal, political ends.
In truth, people support leaders they believe in, which is neither illegal nor against the public interest, and that is why the courts support free speech, including personal contributions.
Here is where the “feint within the feint” appears. Not only is the effort to advance human medicine with private investment good, but Trump’s support for investment in America is also good, but Ms. Warren comes to the high table with “unclean hands.”
You see, among Senator Warren’s top 20 donors, each hundreds of thousands, are promotors of her woke ideology, those seeking appropriations, and technology groups – only in her case, she has a record of returning their gifts with favors, the very sin of which she accuses Trump.
Her supporters are Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, and the universities of Michigan, California, and Washington. To her, they give her the benefit of their tax breaks. See Top Contributors, federal election data for Elizabeth Warren, 2020 cycle • OpenSecrets
Even more revealing, on her big donor list are Disney, Microsoft, Apple, Kaiser, ATT, and IBM. Now, take a moment to pour over her legislative, regulatory, and appropriations record, which she supports. See Top Contributors, federal election data for Elizabeth Warren, 2020 cycle • OpenSecrets.
Let me sum it up this way. Trump is cutting red tape. Expect more. He is dismantling corruption in favor of enterprise, advancement, free speech, free markets, and the Bill of Rights.
The swamp hates being drained. Swamp critters hate being exposed. They hate being called swamp critters. They grasp power by accusing others of what they do. Full of intrigues, ignoble behavior, and complaints, they are at the heart of “feints within feints within feints.”
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).
If Democrats are complaining, you’re doing something right! Keep doing something right; let them complain.
A simple truism I learned decades ago in the business world is that when someone has nothing of value to add to a conversation or solution on the table, the first thing most of them do is immediately complain. It’s not that the complaint offers up any alternative solution or better path of action but rather is merely a crude attempt by the complainer to appear somehow intelligent rather than merely being completely useless in that instance. The Democrat Party is a party based on envy and stoking division in order to attain and maintain power. It’s what the Democrat Party has done for decades. They NEVER offer up any good solutions to address the real concerns of the people. Just bad solutions or terrible “compromises” that, if adopted, come back to bite the American public down the road. What you discuss in today’s article is simply another example of more of the same from the Democrat Party.
Hopefully at some point in the not-too-distant future, the American people will finally see the Democrat Party for what it truly is and relegate it to the dust bin of history. Marxism and capitalism don’t mix and certainly can’t co-exist and still maintain a viable constitutional republic. Until then, we should treat them exactly the same way President Trump treated the whining Democrats at last week’s round table meeting in Los Angeles. That was a great example of systematically taking apart every single complaint and rant by the Democrat attendees that stood in the way of getting the situation on the ground back under control and establishing a set of practical policies to prevent a future repeat of a situation that should have never been allowed to exist in the first place. In the meantime, let the Democrats offer up their tired, old complaints that solve nothing and then say in very plain English why that isn’t going to be how things are going forward.
The far left was leading us into Communism by causing chaos and crime in our country. If Trump had not won, we most certainly would not have existed as a free America. In my dreams, Trump makes such a great change in our country to bring it back to a Constitutional free land with thriving Capitalism, so that the GOP will get elected for at least 2 more terms!! And the people out there who voted for Murkowski and Collins…primary them OUT when their terms are up. McConnell is leaving at the end of his term (thank the Lord) so, Kentucky…you know to elect a true Republican, right?
The only thing I’m sceptical of AI is accountability. I worked in tech field for over 40 years and even computers make mistakes, cuz many programs them! If we get to a place where machines diagnose illnesses and treatment but it’s wrong, who is held accountable? These questions need to be addressed as the tech moves forward. I’m not against AI but just cautious!
‘Pocahontas’ is an extremely low IQ, far Left-wing, progressive, anti-America, crime-loving, ignorantly arrogant hypocrite, and is completely void of any Common Sense. Her ONLY WARPED AND ANTI-AMERICAN VOTERS – LIE, SPREAD LIES, LIE SOME MORE, RESIST EVERYTHING THAT WILL HELP AMERICA AND LIE A WHOLE LOT MORE. This delusional creature speaks with ‘fork tongue’. She should to be recalled and then sent back in humiliation and disgraced to her artificial, imitation Tee Pee. She is a lying, despicable woman with no integrity. A TRUE NO-CLASS LOSER.
RBC, your last two paragraphs are on the money. Will the “SWAMP” be properly drained this time?
The dems have already started their latest misinformation campaign. Egg prices not going down? Trump’s fault, not bird flu. They are smearing nominees and campaigning for 2026 already. Disgusting. I haven’t watched this much politics and news in a decade, but what is happening is making me smile-every single day! Congress MUST get off their butts and enshrine all of these EO’s into legislation so that they cannot be overturned in 2028, just in case Vance doesn’t win the Presidency.
The Democrats have been a party of fools who THINK they have fooled the public. We know better!
This is what colonists fought for and died for , the right to think and do , not being told what to think and do . Democrats are stale, staid and scared, fighting for own suirvival, contry is not even in the picture. They have empty heads and hands. Not a match for thinking and independent spirit.
Amen to that! This is why im praying that Trump will be successful and all his nominees will stick with the program and not wuss out for money, fame, appointments or what ever causes one’s you vote for to rollover.
9 out of the top 20 contributors are liberal colleges (Well over a million bucks) went to Pocahontas….Go Figure
I can’t keep up with all the technological advances that keep compounding. I just watch in wonder. Warren is a grifter and Trump is so far ahead of her she’ll never catch up.
Put Elizabeth Warren on one of those planes to Columbia – one way.
Advancements, improvements , discoveries are made by people who have initiative. And setting the ideas from that initiative into motion can often be a project that is a combination of things that need to be coordinated properly. President Trump seems to have the mindset favorable to exploring possibilities such as this medical technology topic described in this article. Great stuff to think about RBC – this is a right nice way to look at developing goals that will of benefit to many.
Sadly, Warren chose to insult President Trump because she is clearly anxious about herself and her deadbeat political party being “eclipsed” by the philanthropy of HIS exceptionally good deeds, that she and her party would NEVER have undertaken. Regardless, he continues to boost the state of our nation, this time, by supporting AI development that will likely bring enormous breakthroughs in medical and other siences and technologies… to save many lives, and greatly improve others.
Because our “democrats” are much more involved in the kinds of policy that give kickbacks to themselves and their constituents, she simply saw no alternative other than to throw insults at a President who unwittingly upstaged her with selfless acts of humanity. Oh, poor, poor Pocahontas !!!
Warren, in my opinion, is what’s wrong with America. The woman has made a fool of herself publicly. Pretending to be an Indian??? Come on man! It’s embarrassing. I Voted for President Trump 3x . My hope in Medicine? Is to find cures. I have Chronic Legacy Pain. Meaning long term pain. Fibromyalgia, Chronic Migraine, Arthritis in my Spine and all the joints in my body. Opioids like Norco gave me relief but did not erase the pain. Doctors giving injections, non FDA injections to my spine for 6 years, without telling me they were non approved, only dried out my discs making my pain worse and when I said no more? I was told after 6 years of clean pee tests I failed one. I researched. If that happens? A doctor is to send that sample to a specialty lab for further testing. My doctor did not and didn’t give me a copy of the test results because they Don’t Have Them! I cannot get into another pain management doctor for help! I’m in constant pain that steals my joy. There are millions of us! Cancer patients and surgical patients are not getting proper pain care. Look into it. Research it!! Find Cures.
There must be something that cannot be mandated by Democrats at a future date. He did the same thing with warp speed, and the jabs were voluntary. So Biden made it mandatory to shove down people’s throats, until the court said no can do. And the consortium is all Democrats using mRNA. Some of us are allergic to those ingredients.
Sounds like Feaux-cahontas is running her mouth to sound relevant, but once again the former “I have a plan for that” presidential candidate merely continues to make a fool of herself.
Let them complain.
That way we know where they are.
What did you expect from her? If Trump himself found a cure for cancer THEY would declare his attack against modern medicine and the imminent destruction of American democracy.
Whatever Trump “pushes” or promotes, the “Demoncrats” will complain about & condemn. Anything to slow down President Trump’s agenda & defame his character! I coined the word “Demoncrat”, the definition of which is: any member or supporter of the radical, far-left gang of crooks & hoodlums out to destroy Trump & our Democracy. They want to replace it with a socialist government. We need to drain the swamp as quickly as possible & pave over it with liberty, justice & freedom for all loyal U S Citizens. God Bless the USA & President Trump & keep them both safe & strong!
Swamp creatures! That is humorous and sadly descriptive! Thanks for this article. Very helpful and cleverly informative. If they refuse to help, at least they can get out of the way! Shame on you Ms. Warren!
Although I don’t agree with AI taking over so much of our life, I can see the opportunities for it’s use. Also, remember the Marxist/democrats want death. They agree with the globalists that reducing the worlds population is a good thing through war, abortion, etc. Far different from our real President.
The people in this country needs to continue to do major surgery by getting rid of woke senators like senator Warren. And the federal funding these schools who contribute to her cause need to be cut off immediately! Heard on a TV show that Senator Warren is as annoying as a hemeroid. She’s worse than that. She’s one of the major cancers representing the people who reject her ideas. Vote her and other crackhead out!!!!
It is so easy to point fingers. It is time to dismantle weak insinuations. Come to the table with better ideas or sit down. If no solutions, get another job.
Warren isn’t the only one to profit from this duplicity, as was pointed out by RFK, Jr. during his “inquisition”. Of course, they all bristled at his accusation, but he’s perfectly on target (and is now himself a target).
If you are going to quote Herbert, you should note the back story of the Dune series of books. Namely that, the reason there are no AIs in the stories is that humanity had a near extinction event with AI several hundred years before the setting of “Dune”.
. –Skip Thacker
Ya gotta love The Donald, and watch the Democrats cry.