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Trump Makes Big Splash with Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy “DOGE” Office

Posted on Thursday, November 14, 2024
by Shane Harris

President-elect Donald Trump has announced a number of high-profile cabinet picks in recent days, but two non-cabinet appointments that are getting a significant amount of attention are those of Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to lead the Department of Government Efficiency – “DOGE” for short, after the amusing internet meme that Musk helped make famous.

“Together, these two wonderful Americans will pave the way for my Administration to dismantle Government Bureaucracy, slash excess regulations, cut wasteful expenditures, and restructure Federal Agencies – Essential to the ‘Save America’ movement,” Trump said in a statement. “It will become, potentially, ‘The Manhattan Project’ of our time.” The announcement fulfills a campaign promise for Trump, who pledged at the New York Economic Club this summer to create the office and install Musk to lead it.

Musk and Ramaswamy, who entered the political fray this year and became top Trump surrogates, have both defined themselves as crusaders against excessive bureaucracy. “There are around 428 federal agencies,” Musk said in an interview with Tucker Carlson earlier this year. “There’s so many that people have never even heard of. I think we should be able to get away with 99 agencies.”

Ramaswamy has been just as strident and vocal in his opposition to the ever-bloating size of the federal government. “The people who waxed eloquently about ‘threats to our democracy’ were really most worried about threats to our bureaucracy – which is the *actual* threat to democracy itself,” the entrepreneur and former Republican presidential candidate posted on X earlier this month.

Trump’s establishment of the “DOGE” office comes following four years in which the Biden-Harris administration significantly expanded the federal bureaucracy – and could be one of the president-elect’s most powerful tools for combatting the inflation that has plagued Americans over the past four years.

Under Biden, federal spending has exploded to more than $6 trillion per year, and trillion-dollar deficits have become the norm. The national debt has doubled to more than $35 trillion since 2015. The country now spends more than $1 trillion per year just on interest payments on its debt, and the debt-to-GDP ratio – a key metric of economic resilience – has now topped 120 percent.

The federal workforce has also exploded in size under Biden, adding as many jobs in the last four years as the prior 13.

Musk has said he believes he can cut federal spending by $2 trillion per year. It’s undoubtedly an ambitious target, but there are plenty of places to start.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, for instance, there are at least 1,264 federal programs and bureaus that have expired authorizations, but they still received $516 billion in funding for Fiscal Year 2024. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease spent nearly half a million dollars in 2023 to study HIV in “transgender” monkeys. The Army has damaged $1.8 billion in equipment due to “improper storage.”

American taxpayers have also funded an $8.6 million “investment” in promoting tourism in Egypt. (In total, the U.S. Egyptian embassy website brags, “Since 1978, the American people have invested over $30 to support Egypt’s economic development” – never mind the rapid decline in America’s own economic development over that timeframe.) The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimates that the federal government made $247 billion in “improper payments” in Fiscal Year 2022 alone, including “payments to deceased individuals or those no longer eligible for government programs.”

The Department of Defense is one of the biggest culprits for wasting taxpayer dollars. Even as enlisted troops struggle to make ends meet, the Pentagon’s accounting records are now so convoluted that the agency can’t even account for billions in spending, and it has never passed an audit. GAO estimates that 58 percent of the Pentagon’s assets – worth $39.6 billion – are unnecessary. Over the past three years, the Navy has “lost track” of $3 billion worth of equipment.

This list is just a minuscule fraction of the enormous waste, fraud, and abuse that abounds in the federal government’s continual spending spree. The problem has grown too large for any internal agency office to handle.

Trump’s appointment of Musk and Ramaswamy to tackle the government efficiency crisis presents the first real hope in decades to seriously address the problem. As successful entrepreneurs, both men have a proven track record of trimming the fat to boost the profitability and productivity of their enterprises.

After Musk acquired Twitter, for instance, he slashed 80 percent of the workforce and demanded more from the remaining employees. Despite predictions that the platform would collapse, it has instead thrived under Musk’s leadership.

Musk and Ramaswamy promise to be successful for the same reason Trump was successful – they are outsider business leaders who don’t think like the Washington machine. Government is the only industry that doesn’t have to turn a profit to survive – to the detriment of the taxpayers that fund it. The more that Musk and Ramaswamy can make the government function like a well-run private company, with real accountability and meritocracy, the stronger the country will be.

Trump has said that the work of the DOGE will conclude “no later than July 4, 2026,” the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In this DOGE is as close to perfect as it gets – a government commission whose sole purpose is to eliminate the need for its own existence.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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Karen Le Seure
Karen Le Seure
3 months ago

I’m SO excited at the thought just to see what these guys can eliminate from spending our tax dollars. This next Administration is going to be so exciting to live through.

3 months ago

I have no doubt that Musk and Ramaswamy can identify at least $1 trillion that can be effectively cut from the federal budget without degrading essential, constitutionally appropriate services. Anyone who has worked on federal budgets is well aware of the bloat and unnecessary areas that exist in almost every aspect of the federal government. The federal government generally doesn’t understand or appreciate terms like efficiency, cost control, or prudent spending of taxpayer dollars. From what I saw in my limited time in the federal government, budgets are little more than an annual exercise in cut and paste in laborious Excel spreadsheets, accompanied by several layers of budgetary proposal / justification forms. Then it all goes through the usual bureaucratic rubber stamping up the food chain and whatever amount requested is then authorized. It’s an exercise in glorified paper pushing writ large with taxpayer money treated like little more than monopoly money.

The trick isn’t in identifying areas that can be effectively scaled back substantially or cut out altogether, but rather getting Congress to work to Trump to actually make those needed cuts in spending or eliminate whole departments or agencies. Remember, Congress controls the power of the purse and is the one that has to defund programs, agencies or departments. I have no doubt Trump will be more than happy to do his part and push to have the cuts made, but Congress also has to do its role. My concern, as always, is whether the members of Congress have both the courage and spine to do their part and make the identified cuts or complete eliminations in the federal budget. Congress has historically had no problem “talking the talk”, but where they fall down badly is in the area of “walking the walk”. Here’s hoping the members of Congress understand the People expect real changes this time around.

3 months ago

Congradulations to President and President elect Donald J. Trump, it was so great to see him re-elected America is back.
Here are my thought, we all need to give him some latitude and let him select the people who he feels will best implement his policies and agenda, my and your personal opinions are not relative at this point, but we should also be aware of how they function and make sure they perform in the best interest of America, I trust President Trump to firer anyone who doesn’t measure up.
I feel as if America was reborn, and we will be living in a brighter world, with a social, economic, and peaceful world.
We should all Democrat or Republican pray for his success and America Future.
It was a plus to see young and old, rich and poor, people of all races, men and women, and ethnic groups help America see a brighter day.
God Bless America!

3 months ago

Simply amazing. This republic is finally on the right track, and we have Christians and patriots who will sacrifice to bring opportunity for all Americans!

3 months ago

God has blessed America. Another chance. Let’s get to work.

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
3 months ago

Folks currently holding high income jobs with no productivity will need to have a career change. They will be going back to class and learning how to contribute to society and how to live without all the Biden/Obama freebies. About time we all dedicate ourselves to protecting the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Go Trump and all his helpers. Yea, for the land I love, American!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Remember the $800 toilet seats from the 1980s? A lot of DC crap has gone through those seats since then! Time to flush.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

Hope DJT and crew move many federal agencies OUT of corrupt DC. That will leave a lot of liberal Virginia voters without cushy jobs. I believe 4 out of the 5 richest counties in the country abut DC. In the day of internet and ZOOM, there is NO reason that all the agencies have to be based in DC. Then cut all their staffs by at least 25%. If the current employees don’t even have to show up in person, and when they do they access porn on tax-paid computers, we do not NEED them!

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

We pray they succeed without any resistance from the bureaucrats. They should arm themselves with some form of Judicial warrant to get all records from any agency so as not to be hampered with top Agency’s resistance. We know how they will try to protect corruption with delays. Lord, please bess thee two patriots in their work for us. Amen.

3 months ago

Thrilled and the trifecta announced today makes it even better! I hope these two get along well and hit the ground running. Start by firing ANY fed employee who did not return to work 2 years ago when Biden told them to. Then consolidate agency offices and start selling off real estate/cancelling office leases, etc. If the “employees” don’t want to move to the new in-office location, they are free to leave. Immediately cancel any and all financial help to any country that has been sending criminals and illegals. Cut off funding to any state and city that has labelled itself as a sanctuary and won’t cooperate with ICE. No more fed dollars will wake up these people VERY fast. All employees in the US MUST USE E-VERIFY, without jobs some people will self-deport. If they want to deport as a family, then go now, before you get separated. Free the 86-year old lady in federal prison for praying at an abortion clinic. Free Jan 6th protestors who were simply standing around. Start putting out simply worded press releases explaining to the American people just how much money was “wasted” on stupid projects and pork for back home bridges to nowhere, then tell us how much money was saved and put that toward the National Debt. Start a Repayment clock for paying off the debt! No one will forget that during the next election cycle in case you know what happens. I’m sending my “fix-it” lists to the people who Trump is appointing to positions that will deal with this-since I live in Oregon none of them are my Congress members, of course. Make America Great Again!!

3 months ago

dems, rinos and some republicans will try very hard to place roadblocks in President Trumps path every chance they get. We who voted for change need to make sure we hold all politicians accountable if they interfere with the change we voted for. Time politicians do what we want and not what fills their pockets or desires. IMO

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

Thank God for the American voter who saw the light and put things right.

M Fuller
M Fuller
3 months ago

I say cut out all of those IRS workers ASAP..

3 months ago

This is bold shot across the bow for entire swamp to be on notice.

3 months ago

Trump is on the right track. Finally the pork that is always added to bills will finally be slashed and the waste of years of inefficient agencies will be eliminated. The democrats have failed the country the past 4 years and made everyone in power rich and the country poor. The MSM added to this by promoting propaganda not the truth of what was happening by bloating expenditures to keep the power. The dems still don’t understand why they lost. It was their leadership and policies and the candidates they had. Their divisiveness, their us against them attitude. Their smug pronouncement of comtinueing that division and hatred will end. Why? because the people of America have spoken. Their policies of lies and hate will end. They cannot describe what a conservative is but a depraved human being that should be eliminated. They see the conservatives as an enemy but cannot understand that we are human like them. We live and breathe just like them. Have hopes and dreams just like them. We have concerns and worries just like them. Only we come from love and compassion and they come from hate and destruction. They think they are important. They think their actions are the way. The country overwhelmingly decided on November 5th we are still a Republic. An individual counts not a dictatorship. Hatred has taken over the past 4 years. Even Biden has seen it. He was grinning from ear to ear with Trump at the White House. He didn’t like it either the way the country was going under his leadership. The O, s the P,s and deep state have lost the hold on this country. And the “DOGE” will get us back to a powerful efficient republic.

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
3 months ago

“In this DOGE is as close to perfect as it gets – a government commission whose sole purpose is to eliminate the need for its own existence……”

If they succeed it will be the first time in the history of (a) government that this has happened. I used to do this for companies I worked for. I’d work myself out of a job. It was very rewarding and this team has my support.

David Wallace
David Wallace
3 months ago

Senator Rand Paul should be very happy to see DOGE with Eli & Vivek heading it up! ????????

3 months ago

What a brilliant pairing for this new department. These two savvy business men will figure out what to keep and what to do away with.
I am delighted at this measure to cut down on government expenses and frivolous spending the liberals excel at.
Looking forward to lower American gasoline prices, no more SSI to illegals, closed borders and being able to afford both groceries and medications. Wow, what a concept!!
Thank you dear Lord for saving our country from the real Nazis and their evil intentions for this country.

3 months ago

“Since 1978, the American people have invested over $30 to support Egypt’s economic development”
Doesn’t anyone proofread the articles before publishing! Good grief!

Harry Boccelli
Harry Boccelli
3 months ago

What a fantistic idea!!!!!!!

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
3 months ago

IF these 2 can’t do it… its a lost cause.

3 months ago

It’s about time! We were about the end of the rope and hope they can get us back~~

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
3 months ago

Like a sweet dream, the thought of rationalizing the vast bureaucracy spawned by out of control FED is exciting. There is no doubt they are serious about the effort. The devil will be in the resistance raised from the LEFT and swamp. May this effort prevail!

3 months ago

I am so energized are the appointments President Trump is making to his cabinet and elsewhere. I am sure President Trump will focus on all this, but I hope he also appoints a strong team to go after politicians who committed crimes against him and the country over the last at least eight years. Every one of them need to be arrested, like they did to Trump, prosecuted, convicted and spend time in prison. Otherwise, where is the incentive not to commit the same crimes again. This is not vengeance, but rather holding the guilty accountable. 

3 months ago

I am interested in knowing how the elimination of most Federal employees (going from 428 to 99 agencies) will impact the communities in which these Federal employees reside.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 months ago

Damn! This frivolous spending is outrageous ????

Don Medley
Don Medley
3 months ago

If this republican controlled Congress doesn’t do any better than the last time we had all 3branches of government nothing will be done to help the American people. Electing Thune to lead the Senate is a horrible start as he’s just another corrupt RINO. I hope I’m wrong but it appears this group of republicans won’t be doing anything to help Trump and the American people.

Susan I Jasabe
Susan I Jasabe
3 months ago

Great people and A wonderful pick

3 months ago

The pantheon of America’s greatest presidents has a new star:
* George Washington
* Abraham Lincoln
* Franklin Delano Roosevelt
* Ronald Reagan
* Donald J. Trump

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Excellent article. They can start with the $1.4 Billion being spent wasted that biden just gave out wasted on the Global Warming lie and most of the money going to liberal States. More money coming out of everybody’s Retirement Funds for a lie.

3 months ago

You want to know what kind of guy Musk is. Check out the youtube video where he stayed at a shelter and what has transpired from that.
Personally, after watching Vivek’s involvement and support for the citizens of Springfield Ohio, I have no doubts, with Musk, that changes will be made that will benefit all of us Americans. God bless America and God bless it’s citizens and President Trump.

3 months ago

Please JESUS help me and all of us find You and obey Your Teachings to better deserve Your Grace for all of us.

Go DOGE !!!

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
3 months ago

It is great to see so many intelligent, experienced people being selected by Trump. Of course, we have to remember that the entire Marxist bunch has already stated that they will fight Trump on anything he tries to do. One would think that his huge victory would make these people realize that the citizens “screamed out” that they do not want what the Marxist regime was trying to sell to us. But, no, they are doubling down on their hate speech and lying. I pray every day that President Trump’s security detail is loyalty to him and will be able to keep him safe from harm.

3 months ago

Everyone needs to encourage their Senators and Representatives to cut all this waste that they find. We need to back them up. Otherwise they will not have the backbone to make the cuts happen.

3 months ago

Just cutting the amount of government jobs Biden added will save millons. Also cutting the fat that was added by the Democrats in the last budget will save millions more. Some of the “projects” were too ridiculous. Elon and Vivek will do a great job, as they have needed to do the very same in order for their companies to survive. The magnitude of the federal government is ridiculous. There are too many people involved, and no one has been made accountable for any thing. That needs to change.. No wonder the legacy media is spewing hate and lies, as they are the backbone of the Democratic party. They, as per usual, are trying to convince us “stupid” Americans that this is a bad thing.

john wessel
john wessel
3 months ago
  1. some years back I taught math in a California school district. Our principal announced a Palm Springs math convention and even paid for substitutes for the day for us.
  2. I asked why not save the money and pay us to stay home. She said, ‘oh, this is federal money earmarked for one purpose only, we can not give it to you.
  3. Thus to schools sent 14 teachers, paid our travel and meal costs and hired 14 subs., all federal money. Each of us got a swag bag, attended of small meeting of our choise and met for a long lunch.
3 months ago

They need to eliminate the Nixon era automatic budget increases

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 months ago

Bill Gates and Kkklaus Schwab are not happy about the election at all. They have already surfaced, seeking to enslave us with their Central Bank Digital Currency by using the three who are perhaps likely to give them what they want: Trump, Musk, Vivaswami.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Cant wait to send ideas to DOGE, as is now X site & Big on crypto

3 months ago

This is very good news. Although I don’t like the idea of creating another department, at least this one is time limited, a good idea. Maybe Elon and Vivek can rein in Trump’s spending, a tendency he has that probably led to bankruptcy in the past.

Michael Dosie
Michael Dosie
3 months ago

I just hope all those findings and uncoverings do not lead to just–findings and uncoverings. It is akin to all these Congressional hearings with all the evidence and yet, not one thing becomes of all their findings and uncoverings. This office (DOGE) has no legal or congressional authority to act on anything–just presenting their findings and uncoverings, and that has been done time and time again in other administrations.

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