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Trump Looks to End Biden’s Rigged Statistics Regime

Posted on Thursday, December 5, 2024
by Shane Harris

Over the past four years, the Biden administration has routinely manipulated and skewed the “official” figures on everything from job numbers to crime data in service of Democrats’ political agenda, severely undermining public trust in the taxpayer-funded agencies charged with providing unbiased, accurate statistics to the American people. For President-elect Donald Trump, ending Biden’s statistics corruption will be a critical first step in restoring the proper function of these agencies.

The FBI’s release of crime data earlier this year confirmed just how egregiously and intentionally misleading the Biden administration has been when it comes to compiling and releasing government data.

As AMAC Newsline reported at the time, the crime data, which covered the calendar year 2023, showed a marked decrease in violent crime from 2022 – appearing to vindicate claims from the Kamala Harris campaign that the Biden-Harris administration’s approach was leading to less crime. But what neither the Harris campaign nor the Biden administration reported is that the FBI’s numbers did not include data from more than 1,000 police department jurisdictions, including those in many of America’s most violent cities, thanks to changes to the FBI’s reporting system in 2021.

Meanwhile, the government’s annual survey of crime victims found that 22.5 out of every 1,000 residents were the victim of a violent crime in 2023, and 102 of every 1,000 reported being the victim of a property crime – levels that remain virtually unchanged from 2022 and far higher than Trump’s last full year in office in 2020. None of these figures were anywhere in the FBI’s summary of its crime data or the corporate media stories touting a supposed decrease in violent crime.

The Biden administration’s deception on illegal immigration has been even more outrageous.

In the months leading up to this November’s election, with Vice President Harris facing mounting pressure over her handling of the border crisis, the administration suddenly began touting “progress” on the issue, pointing to lower numbers of crossings “between points of entry.” But as AMAC Newsline again covered, the administration merely made it far easier for migrants to enter at points of entry and remain in the country.

In other words, the number of migrants coming into the country wasn’t down at all – in fact, it was higher than ever. The Biden administration was just funneling those migrants in through a different pathway to avoid the negative headlines before the election.

The Biden administration’s efforts to cook the books on jobs numbers has been just as flagrant. For years Biden and his allies have pointed to supposedly strong jobs numbers as one bright spot in an otherwise weak economy beleaguered by 40-year high inflation and stagnating growth.

But even those numbers, it turns out, were a lie. Along with the fact that most of the job “gains” seen under Biden were actually people going back to work after the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden Bureau of Labor Statistics also revised down its initial job numbers nearly every month of the administration. In August, it was revealed that the economy actually added a staggering 818,000 fewer jobs from March 2022 to March 2023 than was previously reported – an error so large it is difficult not to view it as an intentional ploy to mislead the public.

Of course, only the initial rosy jobs numbers were relayed by the media, while the Biden administration quietly revised the actual figures each month to little fanfare.

All of this has rightfully created a culture of mistrust between government agencies and the people they are supposed to serve. By attempting to willfully mislead voters for the political gain of Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party, the Biden administration undermined the democratic process by robbing voters of essential knowledge about the true state of the country.

Voters, however, saw through this charade and elected Trump anyway. It seems when violent crime and illegal border crossings are severe enough a problem, no amount of data manipulation can paper over the magnitude of the crisis.

Trump rightly called out the Biden administration’s rigged statistics game throughout his campaign, promising to take immediate action to address the problem when he returns to office. He has already begun to do so by appointing nontraditional, unabashedly America First candidates to fill key roles in his administration – all of whom have made clear their shared commitment to rooting out this very sort of corruption perpetrated by “Deep State” actors.

Restoring trust in government requires more than competent leadership – it demands a transformation of the very systems that allowed for such widespread manipulation. By focusing on accuracy, accountability, and authenticity, the incoming Trump administration can bridge the growing divide between citizens and the institutions entrusted with serving them.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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11 days ago

This manipulation is very difficult to root out. It has become a mind set of the workers gathering the statistics to cook the books. The last 4 years has been a sham. We had a president that worked for the Ukraine, China and Iran. The invaders coming from all over the world. Many of them having nothing more than a plastic bag of stuff with them. And they are living here in luxury hotels and the dem governors and mayors are fighting tooth and nail to keep them here. Criminal or not. While the citizens who have been here for centuries are left to fend for themselves. FEMA says sorry folks we don’t have any money we gave it to the invaders, among them murderers rapist and violent gang members. They are defying the will of the people and do what they want. Trump is fighting for the people, the dems are fighting for foreigners. That is their new base. Will we stand up. Like they did in PA and Chicago. Is Newsom able to pass his anti deportation bill. Will CA DA be able to prosecute the sheriffs or police depts that cooperate with ICE. Are the CA people going to stand up. Don’t let these dictators destroy our country. They are destroying our children with their trans policy. They are destroying the citizens next. Call them out. Our freedom depends on it, if not our very lives.

11 days ago

Telling the truth will be new and refreshing

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 days ago

“Bidenomics works” just like “Biden wasn’t sleeping, he was deep in thought” in Africa! This guy is an embarassment to the country… you’d think with all the millions he stole, he could buy a cup of coffee!

11 days ago

If both Trump and Congress follow the recommendations made by both Elon and Vivek, then the wholesale rightsizing or elimination of a number of federal departments and agencies should solve the problem of data being routinely being skewed to support the fictions that Democrats routinely promote. The remaining staffs, at the remaining federal departments and agencies, won’t have the time or the resources to spend on manipulating data sets to promote political agendas.

I’m sure Trump will be happy to follow most, if not all, of the DOGE recommendations. It’s Congress I have great concerns about. Already Senator Thune and several others in the Senate are talking about either changing the priorities of the President’s agenda or burying much of it via the “normal congressional process”. We really have to keep the pressure up on Congress to both pick up the pace but also remember why most of them have a seat in Congress today at all.

11 days ago

i am not sure every middle and upper management government employee doesn’t need to be fired. and some lower management too

Tom Fargher
Tom Fargher
11 days ago

I totally blame the Mainstream Media for perpetuating these lies and not doing a service to the American public that our constitution requires to keep our Republic solvent and strong! This is where the President needs to focus on fixing the misinformation as well!

11 days ago

What about the phony inflation numbers.According to govt numbers,inflation over 5 years has been 20%.That is nonsense lies.My food price inflation over that time is nearer 60%.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
11 days ago

The DC Democrats lied about everything because the truth of what they were and still are trying to do to this country would lead to just what we got in November. They are ruthless in going about their business of destroying our Constitution and Capitalism. They even allow citizens to be raped and murdered and to be mugged and robbed in our large cities (all led by Democrats!). Now they are already warning us that they will do everything in their power to stop Trump from righting their wrongs. Nevada, California and Arizona votes were “delayed” to make sure they got counted…they are not fooling anyone. These “votes” were manipulated to give the Democrats a bigger vote power in the House and Senate. These people are evil and do not care about anything but total control of us and to be able to take our money.

11 days ago

To paraphrase Mark Twain: There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies, Damned lies, and statistics. Biden and company have used all three over the past 4 years.

11 days ago

What do you expect from a career politician,He is all about lying to make himself and the rest of the democrats look better.Thanks be to the Lord that the citizens of the USA saw through his lies.

Michael J
Michael J
11 days ago

Everything can be manipulated. Propaganda has a strange way of exposing government lies especially when personal finances are telling us a different story.

11 days ago

And let’s get inflation figures that accurately track price levels. The numbers we see each month are just NOT CORRECT!!! Ask any shopper.

11 days ago

The “real” statistics need to get out there ASAP, through a White House briefing, so that ALL legacy media in the room will HOPEFULLY be obligated to report on the real numbers. The FBI reporting system obviously needs a total overhaul and whatever cities are NOT reporting crime statistics need to be require to either by EO or congressional action. Once this Biden/Harris debacle is exposed, I believe the people will start contacting their representatives with their anger and disgust and even the Dems will have to start getting with the program, because they will no longer be able to hide it. And a LOT of people have some “splainin” to do!! Every US citizen needs to know how they have been lied to!

11 days ago

When job numbers, etc. were first being reported during lyin’ Biden’s regime, I would mute the TV or change the channel, because the figures would be “amended” several months later. I’m betting there’s a monstrous crap bomb waiting for us all when Trump’s administration exposes all of the fabricated reports that the corrupt Biden-Harris government completed, resulting in more hardship to the country. Bureaucrat jobs had better get eliminated and government officials had better face criminal charges. No more “taking the high road!!!”

11 days ago

God, we pray for Trump to be able to do just this..end that evil regime.

11 days ago

And the Legacy Media didn’t even question these obviously fraudulent statistics much less actually investigate him. There are a lot of “reporters” but not many real journalists any more!

11 days ago

Everything the Democrats has done is a lie. Everything they will ever do is a lie. They literally are the epitome of evil. They’re only goal is the destruction of this country. They will burn it to the ground just so they can rule over the ashes. Never ever believe anything a Democrat says. If their lips are moving they are lying! Prove me wrong

11 days ago

We can’t get lying Biden out of there soon enough.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
11 days ago

Automate stastics for the Govt role

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
10 days ago

The corruption we are experiencing in our government is a very clear indicator that we MUST have term limits. These individuals have been sitting in office for decades without facing any consequences for their misdeeds. This has emboldened them to do the things they do and to lie to the American Citizens. They are comfortable in their positions and they truly believe they are above the law and that they will never get caught. No one should be that comfortable in a position to think they are untouchable.

10 days ago

The information provided in Mr. Harris’ article is both surreal and completely unsurprising. This is what happens when a sham leader and government are in power. Lies upon lies, cronyism, and zero accountability. Of course, this time, we cannot, entirely, blame the same public ignorance that elected and re-elected Obama, because our voters only delivered their ballots, and did NOT commit the obvious ballot fraud of 2020. Hopefully, our electorate has now been sufficiently steeped in the filthy, despotic episodes of this “Democrat” Party, that has sold us down the river at every opportunity. On the positive side, they have, unwittingly, been instructive in their vivid examples of how a democratic republic must NOT be governed.

11 days ago

Numbers don’t lie, but the people selecting the numbers to use are creatively corrupt..

10 days ago

I’ll never understand the rational of 71M Americans voting for this corrupt and dishonest group of people. It’s scary to think there are that many of Americans who want to see America fail. Sad

Leslie Jones
Leslie Jones
10 days ago

It was clear that the job statistics were always being jimmied but the MSM slavishly released them anyway.
Journalists used to fact check government data and interpret it but they were all drinking from the same Coolaid bottle.
What a skunk Biden is, everything was twisted to suit his agenda. Clear them all out!

11 days ago


10 days ago

I get sick when I think of Joe Biden as President. He did so much harm in little time. Worst president ever!

George M
George M
10 days ago

“Restoring trust requires far more than competent leadership” are you kidding me? We have not seen 5 minutes of competent leadership since Biden/Harris entered the Whitehouse. The question really should be “why does the government use these same manipulated numbers for their own purposes”. Fed Chairman Powell keeps touting the strong economy and falling inflation. He must live in a different world than I do. Here in AZ prices are still strong and going up, house prices still strong (way beyond affordable for most people), and people are getting laid off all over the place. I can’t even begin to list all the big companies who have announced layoffs but I personally know at least 4 people who have been laid off within the last year (tech & pharma reps). These people were not slackers lying flat and just getting by, a strong and growing company would be searching far and wide for these people. Boeing seems to be in real trouble with huge layoffs, airbus announced layoffs today, John Deere has layoffs all over the midwest (seemingly moving to Mexico – do they understand that Trump may take exception to that plan?) many of the big pharma companies have had huge layoffs of at least the sales forces, big tech has been laying off people for a couple of years.
Not really sure if the Fed is blowing smoke, doesn’t want to scare us or if they use the same junk numbers released by the Biden Administration. Either way taxpayers deserve better and I guess enough people finally realized that the Biden administration’s smoke and lies were not nearly enough to cover for their incompetence.
We can all sincerely hope that the incoming administration will try and clean up Biden’s mess and get all these reports back on a factual basis. Then perhaps these reports will represent useful data rather than an incompetent’s wish list!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
10 days ago

You cannot believe ANYTHING said by DIMMs. Their “leader” is the Father of Lies” AKA Satan!

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
9 days ago

January 20th, baby!!! Can’t wait!!!

Isla (aka)
Isla (aka)
10 days ago

Cooking numbers is nothing new, when you work for a large company you are taught that the same numbers we used to impress the stockholders are the same numbers we used to beg for leniency from the tax man. It was the spin you gave. Unfortunately, this is what happens when the God of the universe is no longer the ruler in the lives of the powers that be.

8 days ago

Beware of any one party or government that wants to control all the media. That was one of the top goals of Communism in the 1950s which was OWN AND CONTROL ALL THE MEDIA. Why do you think they want that & then note the Russia contol of media today & then try to convince me why I only want to know and believe one side of every story.

8 days ago

Yes , this will teach Biden to say his rallies are bigger than Trump rallies. It is very important for Americans to know who has the biggest rallies.

9 days ago

I would LOVE to trust my country again but Trump and CO only have 4 years to fix it and they will be fighting the LYING D-RATS and the lying MSM the whole time. Has anybody else noticed that since the D-RATS have been back in the WH there has not been riots in our cities. I expect all of that to come roaring back on the scene once Trump is back in office; ANTIFA and all of the other SCUM will be rioting again as they crawl out of their filthy holes.

9 days ago

Truth is going to come out pretty soon.

9 days ago

Statistics; 6% of fatal accidents are caused by drunk drivers. that means 94% are caused by stone cold sober–the sober drivers are the problem, get them off the road and leave them to the good safe drunks. you can manipulate statistics to say anything one wants, including the exact opposite of the facts.

P. Lindberg
P. Lindberg
9 days ago

Democrats don’t believe in God or Judgement Day, so they feel quite free to lie about everything. One day, justice will be served. In the meantime, any American who votes Democrat for any elected office is a partaker in their treason and will partake of their judgment.

JF Williams
JF Williams
9 days ago

Good point! I might add that Trump might also consider changing the reporting process, job numbers count part time jobs as a job when in fact is is only 1/2 of a job. Likewise, teenage jobs at McDonald’s should not be counted as a job, there should be a hourly price fixed to a full time job like $20.00 per hours, minimum wage should not be inclusive, two part time jobs at $20 per hour would equal (1) job not two!

7 days ago

Lock up main stream media news castors for reporting untrue stories. It is not OK for these idiots to be spreading lies.

Michael Adams
Michael Adams
10 days ago

All governments are corrupt. All political parties are corrupt yes, everyone. President Trump and his team will surely help the United States and some allied friends, but it won’t stop the one world government from marching forward. The writing is on the wall. The globalist has already begun crafting the processes you see traces of in the European Union. Their one world order won’t get off the ground well before it collapses. We are in the generation of the fig tree. Israel was reestablished in 1948; the clock is ticking.
The United Nations, UNESCO and other world agencies are getting more involved in parts of the world they have no business in. Currencies are being combined; they are developing the use of electronic currency that can be used globally.
These are perilous times. These are exciting times!

9 days ago

Most of Trump’s appointments look more like Israel-first candidates than America-first candidates.

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