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Trump-Backed Candidates Dominate Ohio, Indiana Primary Races

Posted on Wednesday, May 4, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris


Midterm season officially kicked off on Tuesday with a slate of primary elections across Ohio and Indiana, including several marquee races that Republican and Democrat insiders were watching closely as key indicators of voter sentiment heading into November. While the final results provided several interesting trends worth following this election season, the key takeaway was clear – former President Donald Trump remains the undisputed leader of the Republican Party, and his endorsement is the single biggest determining factor in deciding primary contests.

The highest-profile race on the ballot Tuesday was for Ohio’s open U.S. Senate seat, where a crowded field of Republicans was vying to replace the retiring Rob Portman. The four main contenders were former Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, former Ohio GOP Chair Jane Timken, Ohio state Senator Matt Dolan, businessman Mike Gibbons, and venture capitalist and Hillbilly Elegy author J.D. Vance. With the exception of Dolan, who ran an explicitly anti-Trump campaign, all the Republican candidates actively pursued the endorsement of the former President, with Vance finally securing the nod just a few weeks ago.

Trump’s endorsement appears to have been decisive in boosting Vance over the top, as the first-time candidate won comfortably on Tuesday with a little over 30% of the vote. Whereas Vance was polling in third or fourth place in most polls prior to receiving Trump’s stamp of approval, he immediately catapulted into first place soon after. That momentum carried through to election day, and Vance won the vast majority of Ohio’s 88 counties. Mandel, who before the Trump endorsement had enjoyed a somewhat comfortable lead in the race, finished second in nearly every county that Vance won and second overall with around 23% of the vote, more evidence that Trump’s endorsement carried significant weight for Ohio Republican voters.

Elsewhere in the Buckeye State, other Trump-endorsed candidates also had big nights. Former Trump aide Max Miller cruised to the nomination for Ohio’s 7th Congressional District, while Madison Gesiotto Gilbert, who many GOP insiders say could be a future rising star within the party, also won in the Ohio 13th. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose and Congressmen Troy Balderson, Steve Chabot, Warren Davidson, Bill Johnson, and Brad Wenstrup – all endorsed by Trump – also easily won contested primary races. In all these cases, the margin of victory was as notable as the victory itself, with each candidate garnering a sizable plurality, and in many cases a large majority of the vote.

Just to the west in Indiana, a heated Republican primary battle came to a conclusion in the 1st Congressional District when Air Force reservist Jennifer-Ruth Green, an unabashedly pro-Trump candidate, earned nearly 50% of the vote and beat out LaPorte mayor Blair Milo and perennial candidate Mark Leyva, who was the GOP nominee for the seat in the last two cycles. If Green goes on to defeat incumbent Democrat Frank Mrvan – entirely possible in the D+4 district in a Republican wave year – she would become the second Black Republican woman ever elected to Congress.

The other race of note in the Hoosier State on Tuesday was the Republican primary contest in  Indiana’s 6th Congressional District, where incumbent Greg Pence, the brother of former Vice President Mike Pence, received a Trump endorsement and fended off a challenge from James Alspach. Again, Trump’s support appeared to go a long way toward securing an easy victory for an incumbent Republican.

On the Democratic side, Tuesday also offered some notable insights into the direction of the Democratic Party. In Ohio’s 11th Congressional District, comprising most of Cleveland and several surrounding suburbs, incumbent Shontel Brown easily fended of a progressive challenger in Nina Turner. While Brown is herself a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (and had the CPC’s endorsement, as well as a rare endorsement from President Biden), Turner had the backing of prominent progressives like Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. In what was viewed among Democratic insiders as a proxy war between the establishment and progressive wings of the party, voters went with the less progressive (but still staunchly liberal) Brown by a wide margin, suggesting that even among Democratic primary voters, progressivism may be falling out of favor.

Running for a chance to take on the Republican nomineet in Ohio’s U.S. Senate race, Democrat Congressman Tim Ryan did as expected and locked up the Democratic nomination early Tuesday night. While Ryan carries a voting record that is by no means moderate, he did run a more moderate campaign than challengers Morgan Harper and Traci Johnson, who secured a mere 17% and 12% of the vote, respectively. Again, it appeared that Democratic primary voters were not interested in nominating a more progressive candidate, which could be bad news for incumbent Democrats who have to defend their progressive voting record in general elections this fall.

In the six months leading up to election day, every week except one will have a primary election. If Tuesday’s results are any indication, most of those contests on the Republican side where Trump has made an endorsement will go to the candidate supported by the 45th President. That means that, if polls are correct and Republicans indeed retake Congress this year, it will likely be thanks in large part to a slate of candidates committed to Trump’s America First agenda and ready to continue advancing his policies in Washington.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter at @Shane_Harris_

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Nice to read something upbeat for a change! The work DJT has been & continues to do with respect to MAGA & America First Republican candidates successfully running/winning for office is testimonial to Trump’s work behind the scenes whilst the upcoming 2022 midterms are getting closer…
The President needs to continue on this path & folks don’t forget the next Trump Rally on Friday, May 6th on RSBN…
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

With God’s help & all the work President Trump has done for us & our wonderful country, I am hoping for Devolution & people to start believing in our country’s founding ideals. Please pray very hard.

2 years ago

So glad to see this. Get on board with the Donald and become a winner. Love my great president. Can’t wait to see the slaughter in November, providing people show up to vote no matter what. KAG

2 years ago

TRUMP 2024
Save America

Carla Butler
Carla Butler
2 years ago

It is nice that President Trump has chosen to help endorse candidates running for offices in several states. I think he did a great job when he was in office, and this was despite a lot of interference from democrats. I am not sure he would be a good pick for the republican party for a presidential run in two years. His age is against him, and I think there are candidates just as qualified to run that would be more beneficial for the American people. I do thank President Trump for all he has done. I am just a believer that younger blood so to speak would be more beneficial.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Victory indeed awesome

2 years ago

I heard someone set a bowl of small black pills on the DNC table labeled “Smart Pills”. Several democrats popped a couple and said they tasted just like rabbit tuds to them, which shows they really work quickly for some of the more astute democrats.

2 years ago

In my particular county in Indiana, there were three Dimocrats running for a particular office and the winner will face a Republican who is running unopposed. More as an indication of the overall voting, the Republican got more votes (X2+) than all of the Dimocrats combined.

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

hey lefties! yoooo wooooo lefties. do you see the result of your voter fraud? are you catching on to why not committed voter fraud would have worked out better for you?

I just hope the republican have the guts to go scourged earth of the democrats.

2 years ago

I have been a Trump supporter since he officially threw his name into the hat for POTUS. With that said, I think the media is giving him too much credit for some of these endorsements. The “polls” can say whatever they want about standings prior to, and after Trump’s endorsement but it seems more like Vance was going to win regardless of endorsements. We must remember that a lot of people in America voted for Joke Biden simply because they didn’t like Trump. Relying on him so much, at least publicly, could hurt some candidates in close races. There are still a lot of people that don’t care about gas prices, crime, etc. and simply have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Up with America First. Up with President Trump. Up with candidates who are in accord with America First and President Trump. Not only is President Trump a true patriot, he also is a true problem solver, who works with people who might not have been 100% on board with him from the start. The relationship of JD Vance and President Trump is an excellent case study of how political goals are more important than personal differences. Initially, JD had been very critical of President Trump. However, both Vance and President Trump evolved into having a mutual respect for each other. They value the welfare of our country more than holding on to personal petty resentments.

2 years ago

Keep winning Mr. President we aren’t tired of it yet.

Vic. Matt.
Vic. Matt.
2 years ago

This is just the beginning, way to go MAGA policy!

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
2 years ago

????CHRISTrumpOwens and all their US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022-2036 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen????

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
2 years ago

CHRISTrumpOwens and all their US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022-2036 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen

2 years ago


James Prater
James Prater
2 years ago

If anyone watching what Yahoo has to say about the political atmosphere, they would be surprised at the Ohio results. I would like to find a daily feed of current news and be able to shut off Yahoo. They constantly print questionable “information” about Trump and other Republicans. If he runs in ’24 can we all say a prayer he figures out how to tame his mouth on Twitter?

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
2 years ago

????CHRISTrumpOwens and all their US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022-2036 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen????

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
2 years ago

THE 45th is from up North, he has this inbreed mentality to be boisterous and very over the top. It is a way of life. I cannot tell you how many times I have stood on a NYC corner and watched to guys going at it verbally trying to convince each other that the other is wrong or right. Then 2 blocks down once again 2 more to a point of stopping the complete flow of traffic down 5th avenue. In closing if he did tone it down he wouldn’t be Trump. His handlers should intervene but then he would get P’O’D at them for getting in the way. Personally I hope the Trump I know never goes away and continues to KICK their tails until he can’t raise his right leg to do it any longer.

Texas Bob
Texas Bob
2 years ago

At last, another person who has experienced the New York spirit!! Some mighty fine folks who happen to have been brought up in the NYC environs. A lot of them have great ideas like Pres. Trump. Too bad he accepted the recommendations from a few RINOs.

2 years ago

If you wish to learn more about what is truly going on in our nation and the world, go to the following site: and look at the interview with MEL K: 2030-the Great Reset Agenda that was streamed 3 May 2022. This is very informative about the One World Order/Global Reset that has been occurring and the Elite who are behind it. Also check out site for more information about the good, bad, and ugly of each state as to their status of their support of OWO/GR. 2020 voting fraud, check out

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

I still hope President Trump allows any ego to stand down and let another REAL conservative run in 2024. Mr. Trump can direct the party as kingmaker but not force his family to endure another 4 years of abuse by the jackals on the left. Maybe even enjoy time as House Speaker!
The next President will have to spend his entire initial term in full repair mode and we most certainly need a two term President. This is something Trump cannot do by law.
If President Trump happens to stumble upon this entry I implore the great man to consider the real needs of the country before throwing your hat into the 2024 Presidential Campaign ring.

2 years ago

Good on President Trump to still be actively involved in campaigning for candidates in the primaries. Regardless of whether he runs again in 24, the principle of America First must be reinstalled in our government. The results of policies installed in the last 15 months are now fully visible to all and for Republicans, if come November they do retake the House and Senate, there must be full unity against the Left in all matters. That means that GOP leadership in both chambers must embrace all Republicans against the Democrats and they MUST be realists, with a wartime conservative mindset.

2 years ago

Any/All candidates who are in favor of America and American Citizens first deserve everyone’s support!
NO MORE marxist democrat policies and programs aimed at expanding that party’s power and ability to fleece taxpayers at Citizens expense!
For 50 years the democrats have been stealing, lying and forsaking people of all races and beliefs to help only themselves.
ENOUGH , THROW THEM OUT and put America first!

2 years ago

Goodbye AMAC, your censors have did their job in suppressing free speech and thought.

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
2 years ago

Where can I find the list of all Ohio winners? Our newspaper like all others are to be put under the bird, the dog, etc.

2 years ago

And they will most likely dominate WV as well. God Bless the USA and give us TRUMP2024MAGA!

CheraMom Evans
CheraMom Evans
2 years ago

But, WHY is he backing Dr. Oz!??

2 years ago

I totally agree on the question about Dr. Oz! Makes no sense at all. IVoter Guide shows him supporting abortion, Equality Act, and he does not support the second amendment. I believe most would call him a RINO! President Trump, please be careful who you back because our country is falling apart at the seems and more RINOs are not needed. We need more Constitutionalists and he is not one! Watch 2000 miles everyone or better yet, buy the video and hold backyard viewings! God Bless America!

2 years ago

Trump is the man to watch

Ben Ruiz
Ben Ruiz
2 years ago

Jennifer Ruth Green is anti-trump she is not pro Trump in 2020 Her vote went to Biden and the Democrats. You should correct this article it’s garbage

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