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Too Convenient – Loan Forgiveness

Posted on Tuesday, October 25, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
President Joe Biden, joined by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, delivers remarks about student loan forgiveness.

Just too convenient. Three weeks from election day, Democrats are running away from their Frankenstein policies. Defunding police created horrifying homicides. Wild spending – seven trillion – triggered wild inflation. Killing fossil fuels will kill Americans this winter. And what does Biden do? Goes for broke, a half-trillion more – for educational loan-holders, earning $125,000 or less, who never asked.

That is your money, not his. That is the famous road to hell paved with good intentions, at best. That is not at all like a PPP stipend, which kept companies alive if they kept people employed, took all the risk, suffered all the loss, stayed afloat, and made a commitment – rewarded by loan forgiveness. Never mind the federal lockdown guidance was objectively overzealous, overextended, and often unnecessary.   

Forget apples and oranges – that fundamental difference, that reality – one group never asked and has earning power, while the other was induced and had none. Biden – with whatever discernment he retains – lumps them and slams those asking accountability. That is what shameless leaders do – disgrace democracy.

Buying votes is not unknown but is always crass, and usually illegal. But politicians make loopholes, in the name of democracy. Biden has used them all his life. This is a “reverse roar back.” A “roar back” is a late breaking surprise meant to hurt or damage the other side, often inflicted by the losing candidate. 

The reverse is a late breaking gift, a sudden visit from the Unholy Cash Cow, the Great Green Pumpkin at Halloween, money that does not belong to politicians, thrown to voters for votes.

We see this when Democrats lather up an election-year appropriations bill, and it stinks. To be fair, fiscally irresponsible Republicans do it too, they join the “free money” money fest. Only money is never free. It always comes at a cost, even when used (blatantly and immorally) to buy votes, especially then.

Our Founders feared this exact turn of events, congressional power over money – over taxes and spending by a government powerful enough to persecute critics and reward those that graft keeps in power. No kidding – this is all over our Founding documents, The Federalist Papers, letters, speeches, and fully integrated into our Constitution.

But never mind. We are at the crossroads, the place where massive power over money, drunkenness on that power, leads leaders no longer to care, to think they are smarter than the voters, can bribe them with their own money – and get away with it.

And that is what this whole “student loan forgiveness” gambit is about. Responsible students took out loans, and invested in themselves, as did surety parents, grandparents, and siblings. They made a promise to themselves, their kin, banks, state guarantors, and the invisible God above – or conscience – to repay.

Now comes blundering Uncle Joe, with his swaggering batch of congressional and senatorial Flagstaffs in tow, saying – “Whoa, forget all the honor, conscience, and moral obligation stuff.” After all, appearances suggest they all forgot that stuff decades ago. “Let Uncle Joe pat your head, smell your hair, and forgive your loans.” Yeah, right.

Here is what they do not understand. Americans are not stupid, and are generally more interested in self-respect than an extra buck, not about to be bought. Nor is the 8th Circuit, US Court of Appeals, which just blocked the handout. It is all too convenient, tons of money days before the election, on no authority.

Sometimes, the political process disappoints us, double-talk and hidden motives, feints within feints, too little candor, too little trust, too little hard work, and too little trust in hard-working Americans. I know about educational loans, took out and repaid more than $100,000. 

No regrets. I would do it all again. What I would not do is sell my soul, honor, or dignity for a few bucks – even if Uncle Joe pushed. But here he goes – trying to gild the lily, once again.  Just too convenient.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Rigged for votes only

2 years ago

It is still beyond me that this ZERO who never fulfilled any major or minor accomplishment in his public service of 50 years is sitting in the Oval Office! I will say that I have never read or heard of any former US President who has caused more harm to this country. And all that I know, he is on the verge of criminality. I have three college graduate and one with a masters. It was all paid for by me and my husband!

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Elections have consequences, especially stolen ones.

2 years ago

Great, to the point article Amac. What I am waiting for is someone’s head to roll. Some accountability somewhere, somehow by someone. I am so sick and tired of these blatant attacks on our Constitution and country. To even think a sitting so called President could say something like “The Constitution isn’t absolute” tells you how sick this man is. Please God Almighty, please help the righteous reclaim our nation from these Satanic followers.

2 years ago

I just hope that all those who paid off their debt they owed to a school where they learned their trade no matter what it is would wake up & remember that they paid off either their loan or their kids loan & never gave it a thought because that is what you do as a moral & respectful person. Biden has been on the public payroll for most of his life & making terrible choices like taxing social security , not once but twice , His kids using the Biden name to gain money & position throughout the world. His family taking advantage of the name including his crackhead son. Obama picked him as VP because he knew he didn’t know anything & is still pulling the strings along with others . NOV can’t come soon enough but The Public Has To WAKE UP , Vote GOP , GOD BLESS AMERICA

2 years ago


2 years ago

I almost hope that those who believe they will get it spend every penny of what they think is coming. When it doesn’t and they find themselves deeper in debt, they explode. Face it the only thing that helps the delusional is hitting rock bottom.

2 years ago

Biden does not have the power to give out our money, congress has the power. Isn’t this act illegal?

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

This upcoming election should not even be close. The Marxist Democrat Party has performed horribly in planning and execution. The unpatriotic Democrats are so full of hate and dysfunctional ideology that they are incapable of using common sense and civilized principles that have been time tested for thousands of years. Instead of supporting those citizens who believe in law and order, Biden and his misfits are promoting violence and anarchy. Innocent Americans are suffering economically, psychologically, and physically — while the dysfunctional. open border is becoming more and more savage and lawless. Biden brazenly brags and lies that he and his cohorts are doing a fine job, and if that is not outrageous enough — Biden, his followers , and the propaganda mainstream media are slandering the Republicans as if they are seriously trying to destroy our Constitutional Republic. Americans should be outraged.

2 years ago

From my history readings, I remember that votes used to be bought at the ballot box for cash or for liquor. Laws changed that. However, the democrats are still buying votes with promises. From the statements of democrat members of the House of Representatives, $10,000 to $20,000 is merely a drop in the bucket for their student loans. And, from my history readings and personal experience, campaign promises aren’t always kept.

2 years ago

PPP loans were NOT all forgiven…my son had to pay back the loan for his small family owned restaurant. While his loan wasn’t huge it was big enough that they struggled to pay it off all while keeping the doors open amid the lockdowns, the rising costs of supplies and the lack of willing workers.

2 years ago

I might have a small (Very small) amount of respect for Biden if he used some of his unearned billions to pay off student debt. Then again, maybe not.

2 years ago

It’s my understanding that Biden can’t do this by executive order, congress has to vote in it.

Mal T
Mal T
2 years ago

Earning 3 degrees over an 8 year period one of our grandsons amassed college loans totaling $500,000 while sharing an apartment with 2 other students, getting surplus food from the food bank, and working when he could. He managed to totally pay them off last Spring at age 38. Without help.
If he can pay off an amount equal to a 30 year mortgage on a new home, anyone should be able to pay off $10,000 without any help. It simply takes determination.

zoe frost
zoe frost
2 years ago

Nice job laying the whole sordid, smarmy scheme BUYING D votes, Mr. Charles. This is worse than a kick in the face to every responsible person who paid their own student loans off, many by working multiple jobs. This is the Commie D middle finger to us and yes, to the stupid idiots who vote DemoNcrat…not realizing there is no more Democratic party! The top dogs are all America-LAST, Constitutional Republic-HATING, Communists/Marxists/Globalist TRAITORS!!!

Nothing to see here, walk away. It’s just another means to crash the economy. Add it to the evil, insane traitor D’s pork-loaded, easily purloined/kicked back, multi-trillion dollar bogus bills and EOs. Make no mistake, it’s not due to stupidity, but all planned by obam/bidumb/soreazz et al traitor’s, their ‘fundamental transformation/Build Back Better/Great Reset’ on hyper warp speed.
Our Republic stands squarely in the expletive-ing expletive traitor’s way to their insane utopian dream…totalitarian tyranny hell (for average Americans), AmeriKazuela.

Jay H.
Jay H.
2 years ago

Why doesn’t bidung demand the liberal puke, America hating elite colleges who are sitting on billions of dollars in endowments do their fair share to pay off student loans & then demand all colleges lower their tuition rates!!

2 years ago

Backfire! I think that the student load issue has created as many against it as for it. The blowback once the debate began educated many of us as to the unfairness of the “forgiveness” probably more of us than it pleased.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Has everyone realized that as the government gets involved in things, costs skyrocket? First, it was medicine; then, college. Hospitals and colleges can raise prices exorbitantly because they know they will get paid by someone. If the person involved had to pay (and couldn’t) the price would HAVE to drop.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 years ago

Hello Everyone
I had student loans I made my loans and I will pay my loans myself I will not have anyone pay my loans for me it is not fair to anyone out there so Biden is wrong he is making others pay for someone’s loans and that will fall on taxpayers,again I will take care of my debt’s not make someone else pay, I hope this does not go through. What will happen it will make getting a student loan easy because if you make it or not if you do not want to repay others will get stuck with your bill, schools will start to raise what it cost to go to school because again there is the promise that the loan will be repaid.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

The cost of an education continues to rise at rates higher than other goods and services and it will continue to rise so long as the Federal Government continues to subsidize institutions of higher learning with tax payer money. A feedback loop, to curb the excess, is missing.

Only the House of Representatives can legally vote and release funds for public purposes. It is time our Representatives remind the President of the Separation of powers!

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