For decades, for years, they called us racists. Today they occupy campuses across America calling black conservatives Uncle Tom’s and race traitors.
For decades they’ve called us misogynists. Today they allow fake women into female restrooms.
For decades they’ve called us misogynists but have opened the borders to a wave of illegal migration under which up to 60% of the women being trafficked into America are raped and sexually assaulted by the coyotes smuggling them into America.
For decades they said we were waging a “war on women.” This month they destroyed Title IX and thus destroyed the sports careers of millions of young women.
They say they’re saving the planet from environmental Armageddon. The electric vehicles and solar power systems they’re mandating require the mineral rape of the earth, the empowerment of Communist China, and the systemic exploitation of the developing nations where the essential rare earth minerals for the batteries and panels are mined.
For decades they labeled us racists, bigots, and even white supremacists. In the meantime, they have inculcated a whole system of racist ideology into our schools and government under the banner of Critical Race Theory which is predicated on the white-skinned Americans being inherent oppressors and all colored people being inherent victims.
They preach tolerance and acceptance, yet if you dare to question their ideological orthodoxy you must be canceled.
They say we “deny science” but think a magic gender incantation or chemical and surgical castration turns a man into a woman.
They say we “deny science” but lectured us for 2 years that the COVID-19 vaccine stopped the spread of the disease and protected you from ever catching it in the first place.
They call us conspiracy theorists for positing the “Lab Leak Theory,” yet it is now apparent that the disease originated from the Communist Army’s Level 4 bio lab and not the Wuhan meat market.
They call us conspiracy theorists every day, but they still say Russia “stole” the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton.
They lecture us on President Trump being a “wannabe dictator” who wishes to create a police state, yet it is the current Administration that has charged the leader of the opposition with 730 years in prison and imprisoned his former White House staff for a misdemeanor Contempt of Congress charge.
They originally labeled Conservative media “FAKE NEWS,” yet when Conservative outlets reported on the Hunter Biden laptop story, they used the FBI and DHS to suppress the story before the election via their Social Media lackeys in Palo Alto.
They said President Trump denigrated the vaunted US Intelligence Community, yet the Deputy Director of the CIA and 50 other former CIA Directors and intelligence officers issued a statement labeling the Hunter Biden laptop story Russia disinformation when it was real.
They accused President Trump of colluding with Russia. Yet their Presidential candidate actually paid a former British spy to repackage fake Russia disinformation into a “dossier” with which to smear the future President and acquire secret FISA warrants to surveil members of his campaign and later his White House staff.
They lecture us daily about the “threat to democracy” if President Trump is re-elected, while Biden’s FBI is targeting innocent Catholics because they go to Latin mass or because they attend Schoolboard meetings as Conservatives.
Should I go on?
I could and for much longer.
Stand up to those who hate America, hate you, and hate the very idea of Truth.
Before it’s too late.
Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is the host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website. He is a regular contributor for the Association for Mature American Citizens (AMAC).
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
You are absolutely spot on! The enemy is within & waiting and watching to pounce! Joe Biden held those doors wide open for them & many others to destroy our great country! We have to stop him once & for all this election!
Great article Dr. Gorka, and sound advice. I question whether or not the American public will heed your instructions…I seriously doubt it.
The public has gone this long without so much as raising their voice. If they haven’t done so by now, their not going to. I would venture to say nothing short of Chinese troops marching down main street USA would make the average citizen concerned enough to do something, and THEN it will be too late.
I never thought it would go this far, so quick without some kind of push back by the American people. We’ve all but rolled over and given up. What the heck happened?
The “Democrats” have tried to defame and undermine President Trump since he first became a Presidential candidate, because they have always known he is many times more competent than they are. The results of President Trump’s economic and diplomatic stewardship during his presidency reinforced that truth. The “Democrats” then pulled through the 2020 election the only way they knew how…. with no chain of custody for paper ballots they used to commit voter fraud.
Now, they are using their fraudulent judicial power in New York to disadvantage President Trump a second time…. showing their filthiness once again. Much is at stake, obviously.
Gorka is point on.
Dems WANT Division & War alone or why the college protestors in body armor vs 60s Vietnam protests then, see the chnage
Dr. Gorka is one of the finest minds in the U.S. I certainly hope our next president will find a meaningful place for him in his administration.
Sit and do nothing and soon you will not be allowed to do anything!
It is time to exercise the rights enshrined in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence and remove the tyrants who oppress us and deny us our inalienable rights.
SPOT ON and to think he could have gone on and on. The govt has betrayed each and everyone of us. They all are engaged in malfeasance and corruption .They have broken their oath of office as traitors . They are on a straight road to total communism.The govt is shredding our constitutional republic.
Good spot on article.It’s “us” that loves AMERICA the way it was many years ago and then it’s the “IT’S”,the very coordinated evil machine that hates AMERICA and is running the once great lady into oblivion.
Jackass Communist wannabe Democrats vs Common Sense Conservative Republicans! What Garbage!
Fake news has dramatically, increased perhaps intentionally! Is it a plot to confuse the publi??
Our founding fathers would have taken care of this 3 years ago.
They “say” a lot of things like, for example, how they will end minority poverty but as usual never actually do anything but campaign on ending it.
You did it again Dr. Gorka, thank you for the truth once again
Perfectly stated, Dr. G. I anxiously await the sequel.
Absolutely true! I left a private Catholic College (retired early) because I could no longer stand the hypocrisy. Now this college celebrates pride for two separate months, has separate programs and support for minorities (we used to call that segregation), and teaches Queer Theology.
Read, “The Big Lie” by Dinesh D’Souza. Much enlightenment on the situations we have going on, and where they come from. I never thought that it could be so serious as it truly is. It is far deeper than the campus protests.
The marketing of racism is one of the largest and most successful indutries in this nation.
The Al Sharptons of the world should write books on how to pull the wool over the liberal media who are the race-baiters free marketers.
Thank you I applaud your words as much as I wish they weren’t true they are true ! May God help us and save America and open the eyes and ears of its people.
The Democratic govt has betrayed each and everyone of us. They all are engaged in malfeasance and corruption .This article is SPOT ON Dr Gorka…
You are a smart man- excellent writer- patriot. Thank you.
Called you racist for Decades? No generations. We are just getting started . lol