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The Terrible No-Good “Bipartisan” Border Bill

Posted on Tuesday, February 6, 2024
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

joe biden speaking; border security bill

President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats are once again attempting to pin blame on Republicans for a crisis they created, this time by blasting House and Senate conservatives for refusing to back a “border security” bill that would make the border worse.

Shortly after the Senate unveiled a $118 billion bill to supposedly “overhaul” immigration policy on February 4, House Speaker Mike Johnson declared that the legislation would be “dead on arrival” if it ever reached the House. “I’ve seen enough,” Johnson said in a statement on X. “This bill is even worse than we expected, and won’t come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created. As the lead Democrat negotiator proclaimed: Under this legislation, ‘the border never closes.’”

Notably, $60 billion of that total will go to security assistance for Ukraine, while $14 billion will go to Israel and $10 billion will go to “humanitarian aid” for Gaza. Only $20.2 billion is actually labeled for border security—and much of the funding designated as “border security” would in fact be used to process illegal aliens and release them into the United States. In other words, Congress would be appropriating more than three times more money for the security of foreign countries than for the security of the United States.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise confirmed that the legislation would not receive a vote in the House. “Here’s what the people pushing this ‘deal’ aren’t telling you,” the Louisiana lawmaker said. “It accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients—a magnet for more illegal immigration.”

Indeed, the legislation would explicitly allow the Biden administration to continue admitting up to 5,000 illegal aliens every single day before turning anyone away – for a total of more than 1.8 million people per year.

But Scalise’s comments barely scratch the surface of the problems with the bill.

For starters, while proponents of the legislation suggest that it would crack down on illegal immigration by placing daily limits on admissions and stiffening asylum requirements, the bill also includes a provision which states: “If the President finds that it is in the national interest to temporarily suspend the border emergency authority, the President may direct the Secretary [of Homeland Security] to suspend use of the border emergency authority on an emergency basis.” In other words, Biden or any other president can unilaterally ignore every border security measure contained in the bill simply by claiming that it is in “the national interest” to do so.

As Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton posted on X, the bill also gives DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas – who is currently facing an impeachment vote in the House – virtually unlimited authority to grant asylum to illegal aliens (the first step toward a green card and citizenship), “codifies catch-and-release under so-called ‘alternatives to detention’ for any alien who says they intend to apply for asylum or another protection,” “gives immediate work permits to everyone who says they want asylum,” and “grants 50,000 extra green cards per year for no apparent reason.”

As several Republican lawmakers have noted, the bill’s significant expansion of the Biden administration’s authority to quickly grant asylum claims will allow the White House to claim that it has “solved” the border crisis merely by declaring that everyone who crossed the border illegally is now here legally.

Moreover, the bill would hand $1.4 billion to immigration-related non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and nonprofits. As AMAC Newsline reported in January, many of these groups are actively facilitating the border crisis under the guise of offering “humanitarian assistance” to migrants, including by offering illegal aliens advice and assistance in evading existing U.S. immigration laws.

In addition, the bill would exempt families from detention requirements, further incentivizing human smuggling operations to pair minors with single adults – a practice that has led to horrific suffering for vulnerable migrant children.

As even CNN admitted, “It’s unlikely that the deal could take immediate effect even if it were passed, as it would require an immense number of resources, including the hiring of additional personnel, which often takes months.” This means that Biden and Democrats could claim victory on the border while continuing to allow unprecedented numbers of people to cross the border illegally. Moreover, the bill would be in effect until 2029 – meaning that if former President Donald Trump were to win this November, he would be bound by whatever is in it.

In a post on Truth Social, Trump offered perhaps the best summary of the bill: “The ridiculous ‘Border Bill’ is nothing more than a highly sophisticated trap for Republicans to assume the blame [for] what the Radical Left Democrats have done to our Border, just in time for our most important EVER Election. Don’t fall for it!”

The bill is a product of negotiations between Senate Democrats and a small group of Senate Republicans led by James Lankford of Oklahoma. While Lankford has in the past been by and large a principled conservative, in this case he appears to have been had by his Democrat colleagues.

Democrats and the corporate media have predictably attacked Republican opposition to the bill as evidence that the GOP has no interest in actually solving the border crisis and instead only wants to take advantage of it as a 2024 campaign issue. Biden has accused Republicans of wanting to “keep playing politics with the border,” while the Huffington Post declared Republicans are “going ballistic over bipartisan border bill they demanded.”

It is currently unclear if the bill can even clear the Senate’s 60-vote threshold for passage, with some Democrats also expressing their opposition. Even if it does, however, House Republican leadership has made clear that they have no intention of bringing it up for a vote. Their position remains that the Senate must pass H.R.-2, a far more robust border security package that does not give the Biden administration any loopholes to avoid enforcement.

The next major question will be how both parties spin this debacle from a public relations perspective. Democrats have successfully cornered Republicans into blocking a bill that has the ostensible veneer of doing something about the border. It will now be up to the GOP and their conservative allies in the media to make clear to the American people that the bill would actually be a disaster for the country, and that change in leadership is needed for real progress on the border crisis.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @ShaneHarris513.

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1 year ago

Nancy Pelosi once said, “We have to pass the bill so we can see what’s in it.” How stupid do they think we are? There is so much garbage in this bill that the Republicans better hold their promise to vote ‘no’ to anything close to it. I can’t believe Lankford supports it!! I wrote to my 2 senators, asking them to pull him aside and counsel him on the foolishness of this move. This is not a U.S. border bill; it’s another bill to prioritize foreign security over our own. This bill does nothing to secure our borders, but, instead, opens the door even wider.

So, with the 5,001st daily gate crasher, border patrol will lock the turnstile? Wasn’t it one of the former democrat immigration secretaries who said 1,000 per day is a catastrophe? Where will these millions of illegals find work? I’m not sure they bring advanced education or valuable skills with them (other than the spies sent from our adversaries), so that will drive down wages for our own legal workers. Biden is taking almost half a trillion of our tax dollars every year he’s been president and giving it to them in one form or another. What is it costing American citizens who have been raped, vandalized, drugged, or killed by these invaders? Outrageous!!

Typical of the dem style of negotiating, they start their demands at atmospheric levels. It seems that they think merely uttering the words puts them on the moral high ground, and millions of their followers fall for it. But they leave the details–the implementation–to everyone else and then blame them for the failure. They say they need more time to finish the job, or more money to complete the plan; they blame Republicans or Trump for obstructing progress.

There is nothing good in this bill. The mainstream media, democrats, and dear little KJP say over and over that Republicans offer nothing, that they won’t come to the table to negotiate, that nothing gets done because of their obstruction. And most on our side will not pounce on them with the truth, which is that the Republicans did have a stronger immigration bill on the table, but Schumer refused to bring it to the floor for a vote. We need better ways to deal with the dems and the media, and to let the voters know that the dem policies do not contribute to a secure border or the safety of our country’s citizens. I hate to put it this way, but we need to remind people how stupid the other side is.

1 year ago

The folks in congress obviously do not have there ear to their constitutients. I don’t think I’ve seen a worse bill in my lifetime and the sorry state of the Republicans who supported this is evident!

1 year ago

The issue isn’t how many you allow to come in. The issue is that even one comes in and aren’t arrested and/or deported immediately.

Gary Gardell
Gary Gardell
1 year ago

The supporters of the proposed legislation are idiots who are out to bankrupt and destroy America! How in the hell did we end up with so many idiots supposedly running the country? And “we” keep returning them to office every election cycle. We’ve lost our collective minds!

Patriot Bill
Patriot Bill
1 year ago

In today’s political world. Bipartisan means uniparty. All the RINOs need to be expunged

1 year ago

why is it so hard for people to understand the deep state is behind all these politicians destroying the country how is it trump was able to do all the great things for america and all the while the gov and all the politicians courts trying to stop him every step of the way. gas under 2$ a gallon border closed stores had everything and he never wanted to make me buy stuff i didnot want leave my gas stove and car alone dictator biden

1 year ago

How could any senator of either party vote for this bill? It is imperative to keep a list of who votes for this bill (and never trust them with anything that matters).
One provision effectively blocks Texas from protecting its own border if the Feds facilitate illegal entry.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Things this “bi-partisan” bill is good for:
1. Lining bird or other small animal cages.
2. Emergency campsite toilet paper.
3. Kindling.
4. 800 paper airplanes.
5. Confetti at Donald Trumps January 2025 Inaugural.

1 year ago

Withdraw all funding not related to the borders. Stop sending money to Ukraine!

1 year ago

May God help us.
Have the democrats lost their minds? Why do they hate America so much? Are we heading for another civil war? When and how does this insanity come to an end?

Doug C
Doug C
1 year ago

NO DEAL!!!! ANY Republican Senator that signed off on this, is null, void and should be fired

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

WONT FUND BORDER or aid Israel

1 year ago

Obiden and Schumer love it. That’s all I need to know.

1 year ago

About time some of these RINO Republicans get exposed. Open immigration will bankrupt our great country.

Remember that when you vote against the Marxist Democrats in Nov. 2024

1 year ago

The dems at work. They create a problem and blame Trump. Then they so called “want to fix it” with a bill that not every dem senator or representative even likes. That way they can blame the reps as obstructionists. Only ole Joe wants to throw money at it. Not for the people but lawyers and groups that support the migrants on the way here. The UN, the Red Cross, Churches etc etc. Now these migrants who are committing an illegal act, are getting debit cards to spend on food. Shelter is provided. Etc etc. No thought given to the poor citizens in America. They would benefit from a debit card for food. They are busy taken the money from the middle class you know DEI. Only these things cannot be legislated. Robinhood stole from the rich to give to the poor. Only that died out over time. It never caught on. Why not? Resentment first of all but also someone more powerful put a stop to it. And the same with the border debacle. There are laws on the books where ole Joe could solve the crisis one two three. This new migrant bill is nothing more than legally sloppy continue what has been going on for the past three years. Only he is trying to get some money from the taxpayers to go to his lawyers and judges and FBI. To keep these people happy, 400 billion is a drop in the bucket. Like Comer and his committee keep saying follow the money with ole Joe. It is always about money. And also don’t forget behind this so called asylum seeking migrants there is a plan. To destroy America. Be prepared it is coming.

Andre Bixby
Andre Bixby
1 year ago

Something that seems to be missing here, is before he was against it, good ole Mitch was supporting this bill in the senate. As others have so eloquently expressed, time to get rid of the Rhinos like the senior senator from KY. Positions like his should never be forgotten come election time. Experience counts for nothing if that experience is bad. He, and others like him, is the epitome of what’s wrong with the Republican party in DC. “Hold our Congress responsible” should be the new slogan of voters everywhere.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Howncouod some people be so shameless. These politacel idiot’s are hurting there own people. Shutn the boder down and keep it shut. WE dont need millions of forigners coming over here. Kyle L.

Bob L.
Bob L.
1 year ago

We don’t need another bill of which there have been so many in the past that have amounted to nothing. We are being played as fools by the way Washington is ignoring existing laws and proper procedures, actually conspiring to destroy the country.
It’s simple, if people want to come to our country they need to apply through the legal path FROM THEIR OWN COUTRY – NOT CRASH OUR BORDER. Seeking asylum is no reason to bypass the proper pathway.

1 year ago


All Biden had to do when he took office was to leave the Border the way President Trump left it! But he couldn’t do that.

No, he had to open the Border and let over 10 million illegals into our country!! This Bill will allow even more illegals to come in! This has become a nightmare for all of us. We are no longer safe. It seems whatever Biden does becomes a disaster – both here and abroad!
President Trump has proved time and time again, his love for our country and for the people.

Of course, this all started with Obama wanting to transform our country! Hillary was to continue the transformation. Thank God President Trump stepped in and was elected President!! He opened our eyes to what’s really going on in this country. The corruption in the White House, federal agencies, the justice system, the schools, the media and let’s not forget “the swamp”!!

The democrats had to do something drastic if they were to get back into the White House to continue their plan to destroy our great country. They couldn’t win the election honestly because President Trump was doing such a great job. That’s when COVID came along!!

Wow – what luck for the democrats!! Do you think COVID was accidental? Do you think all these indictments against President Trump just happened? I don’t……..The democrats and the Rino’s don’t want President Trump back in the White House – I wonder why……BUT WE WANT HIM BACK!!

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

THIS BILL STINKS! If anyone believes it will solve the border crisis, I can get you a sweet deal on the Brooklyn Bridge. Biden can’t be bothered enforcing existing immigration laws. Does anyone seriously believe Biden will enforce any future ones?

1 year ago

Stand by H.R.-2 , DONT GIVE ONE INCH to the marxist democrat party!!
ALL American Citizens KNOW that the democrats have FAILED MISERABLY and own this TRAITOROUS and Destructive policy.
Stand up for American taxpayers!

1 year ago

Did you watch 60-minutes last Sunday, Feb 4th? Shows a hole in fence/wall that people from China are entering & using Tiktok to locate & use this. If 60-minutes is aware of this, one must assume that the WH knows also, but is ignoring this. What is going on here?

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
1 year ago

Its very simple… since you “F’d it up”… put it back the way you found it when Trump was president, and we can build from there!. YOU CAN DO THAT TODAY OBIDEN!

1 year ago

Boy we are in trouble if some of the Republicans were behind this bill! Are they out of their minds? This is the trouble you do not compromise on anything, that is right from the Bible also do not compromise.

1 year ago

Doesn’t anyone realize that the United States of America has been under the United Nations Control? They have edicts on the USA to Educate, feed, house, healthcare, anyone who enters the U.S. while its own middle class citizens have and are falling below poverty level? Why have we never requested funds from any of the countries even the ones who have sent all the millions of illegals currently into our country? Why is the USA the only country that does not have a declared official language? (On this note the ACLU has more governance over our country and power on the US not being able to declare American English as our Official Language) Therefore creating the United Nations of America? Congress can declare WAR. Doesn’t that mean it can declare war on the Mexico/American Border to therefore continue on building the wall? Why do we constantly send our GI’s all around the world to be sitting ducks. Why didn’t we have the Iron Domes after many of Israel’s people moved out of the North to protect our people in the Middle East? How many of our prisoners have we sent to the Mexico Border but accept prisoners from every country? Thank you for destroying the Back Bone of Our Country! When we were losing the Greatest Generation and NJ killing them off in our Veteran’s homes – No one noticed that upon losing/killing them that America has fallen under Satanic Rule? We can’t rely on our own government that many of us are Praying for God’s Good Angels to help command our country back to ONE NATION UNDER GOD!

1 year ago

At least 70% of Americans think that the border security levels aren’t strong enough!!! So why do Biden and Democrats insist on this direction with the border!! This should affect even some Democrat voters to vote a different direction but if Democrats put someone else in the place of Biden, they can claim that this border crisis was all Joe’s doing – not that any intelligent person would believe that!!!
And this idea that this bill is bipartisan – that means that you had Democrats and Rinos voting for it!! From what I’ve read, they may as well tear this up and start over!!! This immigration bill has so little having to do with immigration and more to do with appeasing Joe’s friends!!! Make these separate bills!!! I’m disgusted with how much money and equipment we have sent Ukraine and I just wonder if that war would have even have been noticed over here if Joe didn’t already have his Ukraine connection to bribery, etc.!!! Stop trying to appease your friends, Joe, and start thinking about your own people (unless you don’t consider us your people)!! WE have sent Ukraine over $75 billion dollars!! And every time I hear about this much money coming out of our tax dollars, I get pissed!!! We don’t have that kind of money so you are either borrowing or printing it and neither is acceptable!!! Imagine what kind of good that $75 billion could have done for our own people – the Vets, homeless, addicted, the poor families with children, the unemployed, the sick, the elderly!!!! What are you thinking, Joe, or do you think at all, you just follow orders???

1 year ago

does anyone(except the brain dead left) believe slow joe will enforce a new law any more than he has enforced laws already on the books? we dont need new laws, we just need new politcions.

1 year ago

the most selfish person i ever saw – always just thinking of himself and his motely crew!!! shame on him and he goes and blames Trump – ha Trump had things under control and biden screwed them up when he became the imposter in wh

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
1 year ago

biden creates the problem then proposes to solve the problem by making it worse.

Jerry Tervol
Jerry Tervol
1 year ago

This bill is a direct assault on the American taxpayers. There is nothing in it for American citizens. If it passes I will go to Panama and sneak back to get all of the rights I should have been born with.

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

How bad is it? It’s SO BAD that even turtle-faced RINO mitch mcconnell is no longer backing it despite initially supporting it wholeheartedly. Now that’s BAAAADDDD!

Bill Jones
Bill Jones
1 year ago

Our country is being invaded with the help of the White House, Congress, and the Senate. There is no excuse for this Treason any and all who have done nothing to stop this invasion is an enemy of our country. The President all the way down, our country fought for our freedom once and we are on the brink of another revolt against our oppressors, and it won’t be the British this time! It’s time we as a nation stand up against our elected officials and tell them that it’s time to STOP the bull Shi+. We need to clean house starting with the president, congress, and senate. Unless the record of an elected official is clean they have got to go!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE MONEY for other countries until we get our own under control!

1 year ago

Let us go back about 40-years & take a look at how Congress negotiated & compromised on bills & did not just say it was dead on arrival or state will not pass it cuz POTUS says he will veto it. Quit dividing this country blue/red & do what is the best for USA. The Greatest Generation would be very ashamed of what you are doing to this great country that they fought for in WWII.

4 months ago

THIS website is a total disgrace! If anyone actually has the brains to red the entire bill they would actually see where the funds would actually be allocated. This website is built on faith my ass!!! its built on lies.

OH LOOK- you can actually read the bill for yourself!!!!! While you are at it, think for yourself as well.

1 year ago

I’m amazed that dementia Biden has the wits to even spin the border problem as a House Republican issue. This from the man who thinks he going to meet with Francois Mitterand!

1 year ago

Senate republicans need to defeat this bad bill. It should never see the light of day, it should never even make it to the house. It is a betrayal of everything Republican and conservative. It does NOT “secure” the border. It only allows Biden and the democrats to get more potential voters into the country.

1 year ago

They should throw nobiden across the border and leave him there….

1 year ago

And how do you track the count of immigrants with an open boarder. We already have more than that crossing un-noticed withourt being counted

1 year ago

Biden caused the problem, force him to fix it!!

WTSHTF the lying media needs to go first!!

1 year ago

Bills should be issued for American border security Separately from any other country’s border issues. Then Americans would/could/should see where our politicians stand. Democrats want to hide their whims within broad covered bill packages.

Bryan Tully
Bryan Tully
1 year ago

Republicans piss me offDemocrats make me sick

1 year ago

Can someone please explain why the republicans are such suckers?Everytime a deal is entered with the left the republicans are the suckers! I would expect them to learn sooner or later, but they never do. So sad !

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
1 year ago

The Dems are selling and America is not buying.

1 year ago

Biden blames Trump for the bill not reaching the Senate, but the bill is useless because the border was fixed under President Trump, so why did Biden reverse all the controls?

1 year ago

Anyone with any type of moral convictions could not or should not vote for this bill. But we are talking about these people we keep voting for. How foolish are we? Its time to clean house in Washington DC

David P. Nelson
David P. Nelson
1 year ago

I still would like to know why the Left-Wing Democrats want to destroy our great Country???????

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

I don’t understand why everyone is so upset about this bill. It does provide for a LOT of money to go to the NAZI infested and ultra corrupt government in Ukraine…….well a tiny amount will before the very well run and bloody Russian woodchipper removes the last male inhabitant of Ukraine. I don’t get it? I thought America was all in on supporting corrupt Nazis in Ukraine. I still vividly recall the Ukranian flag pasted all over the wall behind our drunken speaker of the house (at that time), with both houses of Congress gathered together clapping like seals for the midget green clad Nazi.
C’mon………lets keep the support going for our favorite Nazis!!
God bless America

Back to school. Image of teacher s desk with a pile of textbooks and apple
Flag of Maine USA state on a textured background. Concept collage.
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 5: Jayanta Bhattacharya, U.S. President Donald Trump's nominee to be Director of the National Institutes of Health, speaks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on Capitol Hill on March 5, 2025 in Washington, DC. A Stanford University professor, Bhattacharya spoke out about shutdowns and vaccine policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
EL PASO, TEXAS - JANUARY 31: Seen from an aerial view, Texas National Guard troops stop immigrants trying to pass through razor wire after crossing the border into El Paso, Texas from El Paso, Texas. Those who managed to get through the wire were then allowed to proceed for further processing by U.S. Border Patrol agents. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

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