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The Solution Is a Convention of the States

Posted on Wednesday, October 9, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Almost immediately upon taking office, President Joe Biden signed a series of executive orders wiping away the progress of the Trump era and resurrecting some of the worst abuses of the Obama era. In addition, he proposed massive new spending—and more national debt—to be added to the extravagant expenditures of the past few decades.

For more than 80 years, Americans who love their country have been fighting a defensive political battle to preserve the values and traditions that made our country great. But we have suffered one defeat after another. Even the incremental successes of the Reagan and Trump administrations have been wiped away in the “progressive” tide, like sandcastles on the seashore.

This is the lesson we have learned from participating in federal politics. As I wrote in an earlier essay in this series, “In the federal political game, we always have to start on our own two-yard line and run the football uphill. The other side starts on our 20 and runs downhill. The referee (i.e., the mainstream media) calls every real or imagined penalty against our side and rarely calls one on the opposition.”

That’s accurate as far as it goes. But here’s the rest: If we do happen to get possession of the ball, we are allowed one down while the other side gets six.

That’s why in laying out agenda items in this series, I have limited myself to four that state legislatures can accomplish alone, thereby wiring around Congress. Most state lawmakers remain receptive to traditional, productive Americans in a way that Congress is not.

This essay outlines the fourth, and most important, agenda item. This is to enshrine corrective reforms in the U.S. Constitution. Experience shows that constitutional amendments have lasting power that other restraints—including laws and provisions in the original Constitution—don’t possess.

The American Founders weren’t superhuman, but they were very wise. They understood that the day might come when the federal government exceeded and abused its powers and the electoral system had failed to remedy the problems. So they inserted an additional remedy in the Constitution: the amendment process.

We usually think of constitutional amendments as responses to changed conditions. But the founding generation recognized that we can use amendments to cure constitutional drafting defects, resolve constitutional disputes, overrule bad Supreme Court decisions, and restrain federal power.

And the founding generation did more than recognize this; they acted on it.

In 1791, they adopted the First through Eighth Amendments of the Bill of Rights. The goal was to prevent abuses that might arise in the otherwise-lawful use of federal powers. At the same time, they added the Ninth and 10th Amendments to clarify limits on federal authority. In early 1795, they ratified the 11th Amendment to reverse an overreaching Supreme Court decision. Less than a decade later, they added the 12th Amendment to correct a constitutional drafting issue.

All of those amendments have had a major historical impact. Today, all but the Ninth retain at least some force.

In subsequent years, Americans have used the constitutional amendment process to institutionalize other reforms: abolishing slavery, protecting minorities from state oppression, ensuring that women can vote, and imposing term limits on the president.

Each of these amendments was ratified by the requisite three-quarters of the states. Before they could be ratified, however, they had to be proposed. In each case, Congress proposed them. But that was back when the necessary two-thirds of each house of Congress still had some sense of honor.

Today, however, Congress is abusive. It revels in its power. And as an entity, it’s mendacious: Despite repeated promises over many years, Congress still refuses to propose amendments favored by towering majorities of the American people. These include amendments requiring a balanced budget except in genuine emergencies, imposing term limits on members of Congress and on the Supreme Court, and curbing undemocratic and unfair regulations.

Anticipating this, the Founders included in the Constitution’s Article V a provision effectively granting state legislatures equal power with Congress to propose amendments. Upon the “applications” (resolutions) of two-thirds of the state legislatures, Congress must call “a Convention for proposing Amendments.” This is a task force of state delegations with authority to propose pre-specified amendments that Congress refuses to propose.

A convention for proposing amendments is a type of “convention of the states”—a very old mechanism employed many times for other purposes. However, special-interest groups have prevented such a convention from being used to formally propose constitutional amendments. They have done so primarily through an effective disinformation campaign that began during the 20th century (pdf).

In the 1970s, it appeared that the states might force a convention to reverse liberal-activist Supreme Court decisions on a wide range of subjects. (The most famous is the abortion case of Roe v. Wade.) Liberal establishment figures—academics, politicians, “journalists,” and others—were determined to prevent the American people from overriding the court. So they decided to frighten people away from the convention route by publicizing scare stories.

They claimed, for example, that a convention of states would be almost unprecedented and that its procedures and composition were unknown. They simultaneously argued both that it would be an uncontrollable “constitutional convention” and that Congress could control it.

Mainstream media outlets, particularly The New York Times and The Washington Post, readily spread these falsehoods (pdf).

Today, the campaign continues, largely carried on by groups funded by progressive financier George Soros. Left-wing professors, none of whom has ever published any scholarly research on the subject, work with these groups. They use their unique access to the mainstream media to publicize their disinformation. A handful of naïve conservatives provide them political “cover” on the right.

In 2009, I started researching the Constitution’s provision for a “convention for proposing amendments.” This was part of my regular academic duties. I received no grants or compensation for my findings, other than my regular academic salary. That’s how I learned that the claims in the disinformation campaign were false.

I published my conclusions in scholarly articles, thereby subjecting them to the review of other academics—several of whom have confirmed my core findings. I moderate the Article V Information Center website, and I continue to counsel organizations and lawmakers who wish to promote a convention. I’ve even published a legal treatise on the topic, now in its second edition.

Since I began publishing my research, more state lawmakers have come to understand why we need a convention. Indeed, a majority of state legislatures have now adopted “applications” (resolutions) to force Congress to call one. Resolutions of this kind need not be signed by the governor.

Perhaps the most prominent convention-advocacy group today is the “Convention of States” movement. It urges state legislatures to pass applications for a convention limited to proposing amendments (1) restraining federal power, (2) imposing fiscal restraints, and (3) adopting term limits on federal officials. Of course, any proposed amendments would have to be ratified by three-quarters of the states (38) before they became effective.

But once ratified, these amendments can’t be reversed by Joe Biden, Congress, or federal bureaucrats. As explained above, amendments historically have very long life expectancies, longer even than the original Constitution itself.

This is a step we can encourage state lawmakers to take and that no one in the federal government can block. By using the Constitution’s convention procedure, we can enact the reforms necessary to save the country—and we can make them permanent.

Robert G. Natelson, a former constitutional law professor who is senior fellow in constitutional jurisprudence at the Independence Institute in Denver, authored “The Original Constitution: What It Actually Said and Meant” (3rd ed., 2015). He is a contributor to The Heritage Foundation’s “Heritage Guide to the Constitution.”

Reprinted with Permission from The Epoch Times – By Robert G. Natelson

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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4 months ago

Beating a dead horse on this topic. For any CoS to be successful, one needs some degree of shared common values around which both sides can generally agree. That no longer exists in this country and hasn’t for quite a few years, if not decades at this point, as the country is completely bifurcated into two distinct groups occupying the same geographic area known as the United States of America.

On one side you have what could best be described as those that still believe in the United States as founded, and in the rights, freedoms and personal responsibilities that all entails. Limited government with as few restraints on the individual as possible to live their lives.

On the other side you have those that can best be described as the Socialist / Marxist / New World Order types that embrace that neo-feudalism ideology. Essentially top-down government command and control of nearly every aspect of one’s life with the promise, never actually fulfilled of course, that the government will provide for your needs and wants to the degree the government sees fit to do so. As long as you comply with everything the government dictates, you will have the illusion of choice and freedom.

So, one might rightly ask where the happy middle ground is, where both sides share a common set of values, from which to reach a compromise on addressing anything in a productive fashion acceptable to all? Answer: There is none except in the minds of those in academia that live in an insular world that is protected by tenure from the harsh realities of the real world.

Are there many problems that exist that we need to urgently address as the country moves rapidly towards being reshaped into another bankrupt socialist Utopia? You bet there are, but they won’t be addressed by pursuing a mechanism no longer appliable to the country as it exists today. A free society and Marxism, which is the current path we’re moving towards, cannot co-exist as world history has shown us repeatedly. This upcoming election will define which direction the American people opt for the next 100 years. If we are smart enough to select freedom, then we must purge the system of the socialist ideology that has been attacking us from within for over 100 years since Woodrow Wilson. That won’t be done by pursuing an inadequate and inappropriate mechanism no longer applicable to the country as currently constituted.

If we foolishly opt to continue with socialism, then this whole discussion becomes a moot point, as the Democrats will wipe away most remaining rights and freedoms and ensure permanent control. They’ve already articulated how they intend to do it all.

4 months ago

The number of state legislatures that have approved the calling of an Article V convention are stuck on 19, and it took 10 years to get to that point. Priority is unknown for a vote in the remaining 15 state legislatures that are required. Then, Congress has to act on the calling. Any bets on THEIR priorities? Afraid we’re out of time to make a CoS happen……..

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