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The Secret Plan

Posted on Wednesday, June 12, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Fourteen years ago … a secret cabinet meeting occurred. President Obama had his vice president nearby, glad to be called “clean and articulate” by the ever-sharp Mr. Biden. As the two waited for others to flow in, Mr. Biden wiped his chin, while Mr. Obama laid out the plan.

“Joe, this is how it will go… I will set things in motion, and talk transformation. We will nationalize healthcare, selling them on lower premiums, and higher benefits, fix it so they go the other way. Nancy is all in, will tell them they gotta vote before they see it. Joe, are you with me? Joe, pay attention.”

“God Save the Queen, I’m with ya Barry.”

“Okay, now Joe, this is serious stuff … please sit up, listen. And wipe your chin. No more queen jokes, please.”

“Barry, is Putin still in Iraq?”

“Joe, he’s not in Iraq, he’s not even in Ukraine yet, that part of the plan is for later. And yes, I’m going to give you Ukraine and China, so your son can make a bundle, you’ll get that Corvette you wanted, and I’ll even throw in a laptop. Now Joe, please pay attention.”

“The way this will go down is, you gotta think game theory, I’ll set the spike, go away, you’ll end up here, maybe after Hillary, but you’ll get here. Then, we open up the border, get the unregistered Mexicans, Guatemalans, Venezuelans over here to vote, lock things in.”

“But Barry, com’ on man, how we gonna do that? First, they’re not Americans, third, they’re not gonna get nothin when they come, and second …  can I have ice cream?”

“Joe, you are drifting, stay with me. We’ll call ‘em New Americans, that fixes that. We’ll set up stuff for them, sanctuary cities coast to coast, “get out of jail free” cards, homeless shelters we can blame on Herbert Hoover, Calvin Coolidge, some other rich Republican if one comes along.”

“We let them all claim asylum, whether they can prove a well-founded fear of persecution or not, and you know most will never show at a hearing, so we’ll just let ‘em in, and bingo, we got votes. To get them here, we make clear – and Democrat governors are with us – they get stuff.’

“Barry, com’ on, what stuff, the health care?”

“Yeah, but more than that, you have to think big Joe… If we’re gonna remake this place, you gotta think bigger buddy, way bigger. Here’s what we’re gonna discuss today …”


“Yeah, Joe, this is a cabinet meeting coming up, a secret cabinet meeting, and you need to be sharp. The illegals, I mean New Americans, are gonna get Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (SNAP) money for their kids …”


“Yes, Joe, we want them to bring their kids, have kids, make it all about the kids, because that plays better than letting parents or police talk stuff like drugs. You have to see the strategy, Joe.”


“Joe, Jill told me you were having a tippy day, not to let you take the West Wing stairs, and I see what she meant. Lean in here, buddy. That’s good, okay, here’s the secret….”

“… We’re gonna give to millions of illegals, I mean New Voters, I mean New Americans, all kinds of new eligibility… Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Emergency and Full-Scope Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance (CHIP),  Medicare ‘Premium Free’ Part A, HUD Public Housing and Section 8 Programs, Social Security, free housing from San Francisco to Maine, free food, heck free everything – then take the credit, get the non-profits on it, and bang, we got transformation.”

“Never work, Barry…”

“Yeah exactly, they’ll never work, they’ll vote for us, they’ll love us, and you’ll be president, Joe.”

“No, Barry, it’ll never work. What about the real Americans? Folks are gonna see it, they’ll think we’re inventin’ new voters like Al invented the Internet. They won’t love us, they’ll think we don’t see the dotted line on the map …and what was that last part?”

“You’ll be president, Joe.”

“I will?”

“Yeah, you will, and we’ll set it up so you can get lots of money for Hunter, make those China, Ukraine, and Romania trips pay off, sniff, laugh, crack jokes, and … you’ll get ice cream, too.”

“I will?”

“Yeah, ’course you will Joe, that’s all in the plan. It’s all part of the transformation.”


“No, Joe, that’s another plan … just one a day here. Say, have you had your one a day? We gotta keep you healthy man, you got a future, and we’re counting on you, you know that, right?”

“Sure, God Save the Queen. Hey, where’s that ice cream?”

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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8 months ago

RBC, nice chuckle. Unfortunately, too true as most of us know that Mr. Ice Cream is not in charge of the shenanigans that have been being played on the people. Hopefully, there will be a reprieve this upcoming election cycle. We can only pray that the people will open their eyes and see the truth.

8 months ago

He promised CHANGE! Change from our Judeo-Christian values and beliefs. He promised a change in societal norms, He infiltrated the judicial, educational, entertainment, media and military structure with WOKE values. He created the grounds for the DA’s and Judges who favor the criminal and forget the victim. He opened doors for radical Islam within our very own borders building as we sit here and read this article. He is a demon who hates America and wants to change it to a 3rd world middle east country.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

“Fundamentally transforming America”… well, here we are! Weaponized, gentrified, inflated, and puberty blocked…. oh, and now we even have ISIS cells crossing our open welcoming borders into America, too… Change You Can Believe In!

8 months ago

Great satire, but sadly it’s true. We’re a banana republic and Obummer holds the puppet strings. When a country turns its back on God to the point of legalizing post-birth murdering of newborn babies, the country faces God’s judgment.

Linda R
Linda R
8 months ago

I always look forward to your articles, Mr. Charles. This was “funny” – but sadly true. (Were you listening in?!?) I believe it has actually happened that way, or at least, very similar. However, their “house of cards” has started to cave in on them. The truth is coming out, and “we the people” have awakened and are fighting back. Stand strong, everyone!

John Gilpin
John Gilpin
8 months ago

We have got to take our country back folks.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
8 months ago

Obama asked the wide eyed fools that voted for him to help him change the country. He didn’t get the chance but saw his opportunity to finally get his chance with moron Biden getting all the blame. It is like a bad movie but unfortunately we are living in the nightmare. This must be stopped.

8 months ago

While you wrote this as a tongue and cheek piece, you’re probably far closer to the truth of how many of Obama’s meeting actually went with Old Joe and the others in the room than you might have imagined. While Old Joe probably still had much of his mind still intact back then, there is little doubt Obama and the others had little to any real respect or expectations of what Joe could do to help advance their agenda beyond just showing up for photo ops. Even back then, Joe was known as being the dumbest Senator in Congress, who simply lucked out by being chosen to be V.P. for Obama by the Democrat Party to lend an air of so-called gravitas to the junior Senator from Illinois with no real record of accomplishments in life that was elevated to POTUS.
As for the Obama agenda, which was nothing more than the marching orders handed down to Obama from his financial backers like Soros, Bloomberg, Ray Dalio, Tom Styer, Bill Gates and the rest of globalists brigade that routinely write the multi-million dollar checks that bankroll the Democrat Party, it has produced the sort of destruction change to the United States that it was designed to deliver. The vast majority of the Obama sycophants, who never looked beyond the carefully crafted PR image of Obama as either “the smartest guy in any room he walked into” or the so-called “great orator” who couldn’t string two sentences together in an interview without a teleprompter in front of him, his voter base just lapped up whatever he was selling without ever thinking “What will this change really do?”.

8 months ago

RBC,”many a true word spoken in jest”.As they say.I think you have just about hit the nail on the head,seriously.

8 months ago

Unfortunately this is probably really close to the truth. I do believe someone is assisting Obama with the strings as well.

8 months ago

So true! You hit the nail on the head.

8 months ago

Sick, but close to the truth of things!

8 months ago

Sounds about right…..all according to Barack’s plan….and its working….evil is winning.

Martha Barra
Martha Barra
8 months ago

Unfortunately this sounds too true and there probably is a lot of truth.

8 months ago

Too close to reality for me, I think that actually happened except Pelosi wasn’t there cuz she retired

8 months ago

Words from the past… “People are getting smarter nowadays, they are letting lawyers, instead of their conscience, be their guide.”
AND, “If Stupidity got us into this mess, then why can’t it get us out?”

Denis Hanna
Denis Hanna
8 months ago

If this election is rigged, it may cause a civil war. If it does I will fight to my last breath. It occurs to me that the side the military ends up on will be the victor. Where do you think they stand?? Miley is a worm and this is Obama’s agenda.

8 months ago

Whoever thought that the American people would allow that movie to become a reality for who sits in the Oval Office?

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
8 months ago

I don’t give our crooked government the credit for the shape our country is in. The people had already headed down the wrong path anyway, so the time was just right for crooked politicians to take over the country. The only people it bothers now are the ones who knew what was happening all along.

8 months ago

Very funny–except it is too real. NOT FUNNY

Capn Bob
Capn Bob
8 months ago

Number one in January is for Pres Trump to nationalize all Air national guard units in every state to begin to return of all illegals to their home country or cooperating countries who will assist us in this return mission such as Panama. All illegals who report voluntarily and are vetted will be given special paperwork to allow them to file with their local U.S. consulate.. LEGALLY for Visa’s and or green cards, to return if they are approved. Those that don’t volunteer will be rounded up and black listed making it next to impossible to reenter. Once this mission is underway a much brighter future will appear for all Americans and we can get down to the real business of maga.

8 months ago

Sadly, so close to the truth that it really isn’t even very funny. More like pathetic and scary with what we are seeing with these guys “in charge”! Don’t know how they pulled it off, but we have to get things turned around and MAGA

8 months ago

All good, but I think you left out Billary. You know they have a hand in all this.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
8 months ago

Please think before you speak.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
8 months ago

I see tex is off his meds again.

Jim Carlyle
Jim Carlyle
8 months ago

Seems Obama was more creative than I gave him credit for-thought he was just an ordinary hack, not World Class.

Norma Jenkins
Norma Jenkins
8 months ago

That was funny and sad!!! God bless America!!!

8 months ago

You forgot closer to aWW111

8 months ago

Charles, is this way to start conspiracy theories?

8 months ago

This reads like a fairy tale. What is true & what is not in this article is hard to separate. What a waste of time.

8 months ago

That whole scenario with osama osambo is very believable.

8 months ago

Lt Beale, many thanks!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
8 months ago

Humor helps to keep things in balance and provides a different way of looking at certain aspects of how and why something appears to be .When seen in a new way , with some facts of the matter rearranged then it can be possible. to think about what is going on in the situation by having a view of the situation that turns it around just enough to see something in a new way. The whole idea of humorous stories is basically a way to gain new knowledge of something that is taking place and understanding how it could possibly be the way it is – because the serious consideration of it limits the way it can be understood. Humor often simplifies complex developments and I reckon I do not want to get too detailed about all of this , because that would not be humorous. So , appreciating the joy of humor, the relief involved often when something is understood better , the great feeling of having a laugh.these are all on the list of the good things in life.. Imagination can add to humor and it can be something that will solve things that at first appear to be unsolvable . I do believe God encourages humor by the way some things of a spiritual nature are presented to us, There is plenty to think about with that idea ! Just one example – When. Christ taught the parable of the lamp ,the light from the lamp symbolizing what is good, He started the parable by saying ” No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a bowl, instead they put the lamp on a stand for all to see .”. That may have been a very humorous thing to say back then – and it is kind of humorous now when given some thought !

8 months ago

Im more popular then you lol

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