AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Roman

The three viewers who tuned into C-SPAN on January 6th to watch the ceremony in the House Chamber memorializing the events of January 6th, 2021, would have noticed two things. First, that they outnumbered the Republican attendees: Liz Cheney and her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney. Second, that, after witnessing Lin-Manuel Miranda provide a musical interlude for the event, Vox might, for one of the only times in history, have had a point when they said that the musical Hamilton should now be considered cringe-worthy. If they made it through that with the TV still on, they would have been subjected to a long series of solemn speeches about attacks on “democracy” and the dangers that arise when parties refuse to accept the results of elections.
It is a pity that Democrats have spent the last year turning “January 6th” into a bloody partisan shirt. If they were willing to reexamine their own actions since 2016 when they systematically refused to recognize the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s victory either because of “Russian interference” or because they felt the rules of the game (the Electoral College) were unfair after the fact, they would have realized that there is much to be said for the idea that democracy requires a willingness to accept defeat and try again next time on the part of all players. And that many of the problems in U.S. politics stem from an unwillingness to do so. What happened on January 6th is an example of such, but one which cannot be removed from the context of the preceding four years.
Democrats, and the media sphere which feeds the anxieties of their base of white college graduates, are not interested in the refusal to accept democratic elections in general, but rather in the refusal of Republicans to accept Democratic victories in particular. MSNBC’s constant coverage demands Republicans “publicly accept” the results of the 2020 elections not merely as having occurred but as having been unquestionably fair and without any legitimate questions being raised. Going further, they imply this requires assisting with the passage of whatever legislation Democrats or Joe Biden demand, even when not every Democrat supports it.
Democrats are also quick to invoke the memory of the U.S. Civil War and have recently discovered a newfound appreciation for Reconstruction, as it is a convenient tool to justify their desire for a radical remaking of Red State society without the need for pesky elections or consent from the people. There is, however, some truth to Civil War era analogies, albeit not with the 1870s but with the 1850s. The demands of speakers on MSNBC and Democratic politicians are that Republicans not merely accept that Joe Biden is President, but that he should be President, that it is right he is President, and that they should apologize for anything they may have done to not make him President.
In this absolutism and refusal to share a country with people who do not gratefully affirm all of their values, Democrats echo the Southern Fire-Eaters during the 1850s.
During the course of that decade, Southern politicians not only abandoned a previous willingness to compromise on policy, but also adopted an approach whereby Northerners were asked not just to accept Southern demands, but to publicly state that they were just. This manifested after the Dred Scott decision when Southern leaders implied that they considered compliance with the Supreme Court decision Dred Scott v. Sanford to be insufficient. They insisted that any criticism of the decision whatsoever was anti-Southern, an attack on the “rights” of the South, and therefore grounds for secession. When Stephen Douglas, the leading Democratic candidate for president in 1860, a man who had helped repeal the Missouri Compromise on their behalf, refused to publicly state that he thought slavery should be respected everywhere, as opposed to merely pledging to accept the ruling, the Fire Eaters broke up the Democratic Party.
This may have seemed antithetical to their goals, but that assumed their goals were designed to be achieved democratically and through compromise. On the contrary, they had concluded that their vision of society was so important it could not be subject to compromise. If, because it was a minority vision, it could not be realized within the United States as it existed, then they would leave. The point was to prove this.
When Northern Republicans warned of a plot by “Slave Power” to dominate the country, they correctly grasped the consequences of accepting all Southern demands but misunderstood the purpose. The demands for first the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, then the admission of Kansas as a slave state, and finally, following Dred Scott, for the protection of slaves as property everywhere in the country were not really intended to achieve these demands but to have them denied. By denying them and demonstrating both the will and power to deny them, Northerners would then legitimize the option “Fire Eaters” were really invested in; namely, secession.
Democrats are once again openly advocating some kind of disunion. This time, they suggest that their opponents are the ones doing so, lobbing accusations of Neo-Confederate sympathies. However, the attitude they have adopted of “rule or ruin” is the same.
The term comes from Lincoln’s famed Cooper Union Address when he correctly diagnosed the uncompromising approach of the South: “Your purpose, then, plainly stated, is that you will destroy the Government, unless you be allowed to construe and enforce the Constitution as you please, on all points in dispute between you and us. You will rule or ruin in all events.”
It is hard to watch MSNBC, or read the rhetoric in the New York Times or Washington Post, and not conclude that an America that does not fulfill their vision of what it should be is not really America at all. That is the subtext of their suggestions that democracy is under threat. If it is not their vision of democracy, it is not democracy, and it is not legitimate.
Many conservative intellectuals have noticed this subtext, and while correctly diagnosing the “rule or ruin” theme, they make the same error of Northern Republicans in the 1850s of assuming that “rule” is the “plan A” of their opponents.
That is the fear expressed by Michel Anton in his recent article in American Mind, “Blue America’s Messaging Problem”. Anton observes that liberal culture war sentiment, especially in campus/workplace bubbles and online spaces such as Twitter, has turned near exterminationist, with a determination to ban all further discussion or dissent on issues, such as those revolving around gender identity, where the left feels there is no need for debate. Fantasies abound on left-wing Twitter about authoritarian solutions to the problems of racism, sexism, economics, etc. They are combined with demands for action from the Democratic House and Senate, and denouncements of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema for “treason” due to their opposition to eliminating the filibuster.
But these screeds are precisely that – fantasies. It now appears likely that the filibuster will remain, and that even if it did not, the Supreme Court, fortified by Donald Trump’s appointment of Amy Coney Barrett, would not allow the fulfillment of most of the radical left’s often preposterous visions. Hence the shelf-life of another left-wing fantasy, court-packing. In fact, if you look deeper into the words of actual Democratic leaders and more established liberal media personalities, you will see something entirely different. They already know not only that their agenda is doomed, but they have intellectually accepted the inevitability of GOP rule.
This is evident in their discussion about “assaults on democracy.” When they suggest that gerrymandering, or the existence of the Senate, or ballot security laws, or the Electoral College will keep them out of power, they are looking for rationalizations of impending defeat and its consequences. They are busy delegitimizing their impending defeat, not doing anything in particular to avert it.
Conservatives do need to be aware that America’s constitutional system faces an impending threat from the current intellectual climate on the left. But that threat will not come from left-wing tyranny when Democrats are in power. Rather, it will come from how the left will respond to being out of power when they have delegitimized the process by which they got there.
If Democrats already believe that with the failure of H.R.-1, “rule” is off the table, the real question is what they do when they are left with only the option of “ruin.”
Democrats and liberals have effectively established three major narrative “truths” which they have sold their voters. First, issues where Americans disagree, such as abortion or public health mandates, are not issues of policy where compromise is possible, or where you can live with an outcome you do not like. Rather, they are objective truths, where any answer other than their own is wrong and unacceptable. Second, that no definition of democracy is legitimate except for the one they define. And thirdly, that any institution which does not match up with the first two points is illegitimate.
Democrats on January 6th talked a big game about efforts to overturn an election, but their challenge to the legitimacy of any outcome they dislike goes drastically further than anything that occurred that day. In their view, the House of Representatives is unrepresentative due to gerrymandering, ignoring their own complicity in the practice in Illinois, Maryland, New York, and the other Blue States. The Senate, being not based on population, is also illegitimate. Even the Electoral College, whose integrity they claim to have defended on January 6th, 2021, they attack as illegitimate, suggesting that since they won the popular vote in every presidential election since 1988 except for 2004, all GOP presidents are illegitimate. In turn, this leads them to suggest the Supreme Court is illegitimate since most of its jurists were appointed by Republican presidents.
This delegitimization leaves them in a bind. Short of a Republican candidate in 2024 winning the electoral college and “popular vote”, Democrats are committed to denying the legitimacy of that outcome, and many would allege even then that the victory depended on “voter suppression.” This may seem like a threat, but a threat must have a prospect of action. What action can Democrats take?
Both some Democrats and Republicans point to Democrats’ efforts to seize federal control of elections as “action.” Yet at this point, that seems to be an uphill lift for Democrats. So what do they plan to do? The answer is nothing until after they lose. At that point, however, logic takes over.
Democrats, having delegitimized the courts, the House, the Senate, and the presidency to their base cannot merely accept that outcome. At the very least, ambitious Democratic politicians will denounce the legitimacy of the new Republican government. But at the state level, it is likely a greater temptation will develop. In the aftermath of his recall triumph, Gavin Newsom has begun challenging both the U.S. Supreme Court and other states, threatening to imitate Texas’ SB8 law, allowing for private civil enforcement of abortion restrictions, to firearms purchases. While it is grandstanding, what would Newsom do if a Republican president, who Newsom alleged was illegitimate, signed a bill allowing national concealed carry, or right-to-work? Would he meekly obey? Announce defiance? Hold a referendum asking for an endorsement? What if the FDA reversed the administration’s rushed approval of abortifacients? He has already indicated a determination to have California supply them to states where they are banned.
This would be Calhounism, an irony for liberals who have worked to remove the South Carolinian’s name from Yale houses and monuments. But it is Democrats and liberals, not Republicans and conservatives, who are the true Calhounists now. They are the ones who are suggesting that the Supreme Court is illegitimate, and why, one might ask, are you bound to follow the orders of illegitimate authorities?
It is quite plausible that the next Republican administration will find itself in conflict with the Blue States echoing the arguments of John C. Calhoun on a host of issues, openly denying the right or authority of the federal government to interfere in their affairs. While intellectual conservatives who have long advocated federalism might welcome this ironic turn of events, federalism as a proxy for partisanship is very different than federalism as a laboratory of ideas. The Blue States will use their “autonomy” to engage in steadily more provocative actions to “prove” their argument that the Republican party is tyrannical, and will steadily escalate their demands as they wish to make their prophecies of oppression real rather than achieve any specific ends. This is political nihilism of the sort that threatened the union once and risks doing so in the future.
Conservative intellectuals are correct to be concerned about the conspiratorial turn liberals are taking. But the focus on CRT and mandates misses the wider picture. Those pushing these policies, with a few exceptions, do not understand why they are doing so or what they want them for. They are pushing them as a means of control and power, and also of testing their control and power. In this case, rejection serves the purpose of proving their point as well as success.
Democracy is in danger. That danger does come from an unwillingness to accept anything short of unconditional surrender from the other side. Democrats, rather than projecting, need to look long and hard at what they are actually saying and demanding, lest they find themselves pursuing a self-fulfilling prophecy of exactly the outcome they claim to most fear.
Daniel Roman is the pen name of a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics.
Spot on!
Want to rig elections so they WIN only
Democrats are Scumbags. Let’s ask the question What did Nancy know and when did she know it? Why didn’t she accept the support from President Trump? She is a vile and disgusting human being in my eyes. Evil, corrupt, and a power hungry nut job.
I don’t get it. What’s the difference between the conditions in the header ” … rule or ruin …”? If they don’t rule, they will work to ruin. If they do rule, they will ruin through incompetency anyways. It will just take a little bit longer.
Remembert: The Democrap Party is dedicated to RULING our Nation, not GOVERNING our Nation based on a Democratic Constitution and its supporting elements (SCOTUS, POTUS, CIA, FBI, etc.).Being over-80, I will not have to suffer the consequences that Puppet Biden and the Democraps are creating to RULE the Nation (i.e. establish Communism in which the Democrap Party RULES the Nation). I fear the only way to turn this around is for the military command recognizes what is happening and steps up to prevent such things as rigged elections, etc. SCOTUS appears to have failed to some degree in maintaining a viable Constitutional Democratic Governance. And with rigged elections, the will of the majority no longer matters.
I believe that Biden only “won” because of fraud in a number of states that decided the election. I resent the left and the news media saying I believe a ” Big Lie” .I don’t believe I lie I believe there was fraud. Others can believe that there was no fraud but it has not been proven either way. Those who believe as i do that there was fraud never have had there day in court and the other side has never proven that it was a fair election. ( I also believe that the 1960 election was impacted by fraud and numerous Senate elections from Georgia this year, to Minnesota and KBJ in Texas was fraudulent) . We live with the results because there is no way to avoid Fraud without tough I D rules which politicians are unwilling to enact. If you have an election system that enables fraud by mail and harvesting you must expect people to question the results. If you cant prove Biden won without fraud, Shut up.
The Nation created by the Founders was a “REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT”, re: Article IV, Section 4. In the Constitutional REPUBLIC created by the Founders the individual is protected FROM majority rule. The Founders detested “DEMOCRACY.”
“Democracy is the most vile form of government. … democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property: and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. It is universally admitted that a well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people.” James Madison (1751-1836) Father of the Constitution, 4th President of the U. S.
“We are a Republic. Real Liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy.” Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) Signatory to the U. S. Constitution, Secretary of the Treasury & Secretary of State
“A simple democracy is the devil’s own government.” Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) Founding Father & Signatory of the Declaration of Independence
“Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.” —Benjamin Franklin
“Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy; such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mold itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable [abominable] cruelty of one or a very few.” John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the U. S.
The policy of American government is to leave its citizens free, neither restraining them nor aiding them in their pursuits. —Thomas Jefferson
“A democracy is a volcano, which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption, and carry desolation in their way.” Fisher Ames (1758-1808) Founding Father and framer of the First Amendment to the Constitution
“We have seen the tumults of democracy terminate, in France, as they have everywhere terminated, in despotism.” Gouverneur Morris (1752-1816) Statesman, Diplomat, writer of the final draft of the Constitution
“In democracy … there are commonly tumults and disorders … Therefore a pure democracy is generally a very bad government. It is often the most tyrannical government on earth.” Noah Webster (1758-1843) Father of the Dictionary and an American Patriot
“But between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.” John Marshall (1755-1835) House Member, Secretary of State and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
“Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate (lost all regard to good principles, virtue or decency, dashed, broken or ruined in morals, shameless in wickedness) are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.” Joseph Story (1779-1845) Lawyer, Supreme Court Justice & influential commentators on the U.S. Constitution
“A decline of public morals in the United States will probably be marked by the abuse of the power of impeachment as a means of crushing political adversaries or ejecting them from office.”
Alexis de Tocqueville, 1835
“The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty, especially as the sheep was a black one. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of the word liberty; and precisely the same difference prevails to-day among us human creatures … and all professing to love liberty. …” President Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Jackson was the, founder of the Democratic Party and the first President to be elected from the Democratic Party (1829–1837).
The Democrats of today have immersed themselves in the revolutionist socialist Karl Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital” anti-capitalist ideas that stymies free market economic grown and freedom of the individual and instead have created a strict elitist class (Bolshevist) to rule the citizenry.
It was the Socialist President Woodrow Wilson and his cronies who systematically began to changed our Republican Form of Government to a Democracy. He lead the Democrats in creating the “Income Tax” and the taxation of “Inheritance” pursuant to Karl Marx’s Ten Planks of his Communist Manifesto. In essence the Democratss want to disarm us, control our healthcare, police our thoughts and words, and tax us into DEPENDENCE.
When one examines the Amendments beginning with the16th (the Income Tax Amendment) all the Amendment since were adopted during Democrat presidency and administrations i.e., the 16th (Income Tax)Wilson; 17th Wilson, 18th Wilson, 19th Wilson, 20th F.D. Roosevelt; 21st Roosevelt, 22nd Truman; 23rd Kennedy; 24th Johnson; 25th Johnson; and 26th Democrats. All of these Amendment to our Constitution in combination changed our Government from a Republic to MAJORITY rule as exemplified in this analogy:
Two wolves and a sheep are in a meadow – Wolf 1 asks Wolf 2 “What’s for lunch?”
Today the Karl Marx Democrats are hell bent to eliminate the Electoral System so as to allow the heavily populated states such as California, New York, Texas, Pennsylvania and the North Eastern states to completely control the election process and to hell with the smaller states like Idaho, Montana, Arkansas, Maine, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Iowa, etc.
A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC is what we were GIVEN. It is up to US to keep it.
The Chess Game With No Endgame. Whenever democrats are making a big commotion in the middle of the board look diagonally and in all directions. Look to the farthest reaches of the chessboard. Look to see what the ‘knights’ and ‘bishops’ are doing. The ‘Main Event’ taking place in the middle of the board is the distraction. The gibbering monstrosities of CNN & MSNBC is: “What will it take to save American Democracy?” (The implication here is that Republicans are endangering democracy.) As we focus on this monstrosity Communists make off with Our Faith, Our Country, Our Constitution, Our Children, Our Bill of Rights, Our Founding Father’s Reputation, Our Police Force, Our Economy, & Our Lives, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness! And, finally they corner us in a game of ‘Political Chess’! There Goes Our Castle ~ Our Home! They have the mainstream media; their brainwashing and propaganda. We Have Our Faith In God & Perseverance! May God Watch Over Us & Save Our Country!
great article!
The real threat to Democracy is the man in the WH and his Democrat/Socialist puppeteers in the backroom pulling his strings!
The southern dems in the 1850s are like our current leftist dems in another way: the south knew they were sitting on a powder keg of their own making; five million landless slaves who would eventually demand their freedom. Today, our dems have created the furious mob of robots who comprise their voting base. This mob, braying for total victory, prevents any compromise, as senator synema discovered.
My wife thanks you for citing her great uncle John Caldwell Calhoun
Whenever any political faction rules a nation, that faction ruins that nation. Democrats have always, since their inception to defend slavery in the U.S., had a penchant for ruling over others. Today’s Progressive (Socialist) Democrats take the desire to rule as close to Communism or Dictatorship as it can be taken. From promoting slavery, to maintaining “equal but separate” citizens, to promoting eugenics to control the number of citizens as well as the quality of citizens, Democrats have a history of wanting to rule over citizens. As a Socialist Democrat Party, today’s Democrats want to change our citizen status to being subjects, subjected to a ruling Socialist government. To be honest, Socialists are winning this century old war.
All I want to know is, what happened to the policemen who reported the demonstrators getting off the white buses before the capitol incident?
Two points: (1) We are not a “democracy. The writer fails to correctly point out that the United States of America is a Republic. Any proper reading of the Constitution makes that abundantly clear. The Founders feared democracy and thus the establishment of a Republic. (2) The writer mentioned gerrymandering”. There is, of course blatant “gerrymandering” which both parties have practiced to some extent. However, when redistricting is done there is a certain amount of gerrymandering that takes place. This cannot be avoided since the party in power in each state will try to make it look fair, but in reality, will do what they can to keep their party in the majority. This is just a fact in the life of the political world.
There’s a lot to digest in this most profound dissertation. One thing I noticed: if women’s reproductive rights are truth and principle to the left and anathema to the right, it is exactly the same with the illegitimacy of abortion and legal rights of the fetus, truth and principle to the right, anathema to the left. There is no middle ground on this issue.
This is a brilliant essay, fresh thinking. There is no question that if Trump had been declared the winner in the last election, the country would still be roiled in riots and destruction, not just a one day event that got out of hand and was perhaps instigated.
Democrats, as evidenced by their very name, have always opposed our system of government, the constitutional republic, and been after to replace it with a Democracy, or in short mob rule where a majority of the people, residing in a handful of cities controlled by Democrats would decide how the rest of the country would have to live, and what their rights are. If our country were a Democracy we would not have an electoral college, a house and senate, three separate branches of government, or a Bill of Rights. Our rights would be up for grabs every election because they would be deemed issued by government, rather than God, and anyone’s say in local affairs would be considered unnecessary because the national mob and its centrally located federal government would decide all matters without any on site knowledge as in any other totalitarian state the “Democrats”, our current resident communist party so admire. The founding fathers did not choose democracy as our form of government but a constitutional republic because democracies are historically very short lived, and usually end up in tyranny, and terror as the example of the French revolution has proven with its reign of terror by guillotine, which was heavily reformed after the resulting “emperor” was removed by force by an alliance of countries that had been attacked, and some of them occupied by Napoleon the tyrant . So if anyone asks you if you want to do away with our electoral college, or any of our checks and balances, any means outside of an article V convention of states, to do away with any part of our constitution, consider these facts, the source, its agenda, and then tell them to go to a very hot place, remove their cover, and tell them that they are part of the problem, not the solution.
If both Democrats & Republicans refuse to accept election results, what is going to happen to America. What is your answer to this question? And remember, United we stand & Divided We Fall. Why do we want to open any door to foreign enemies.
Socialism loves it when a nation is divided & fighting with each other. Stop & think at what we are doing to this great nation. And lastly, note that our Federal Debt has increased for 13-years straight & with both parties in White House. How does debt fit in with failure of a country or think of your same household if you only lived in debt.
This is well written and concise.
Although the left leaning intellectuals will see this article as a renouncing of their ideals, it is far from that. I believe that those who condemn this writing should take the time to learn the meaning of a “Constitutional Republic” as this was the impetuous for our Constitution. Maybe then, these intellectuals would or could understand why just the word Socialism is so anti-American to most conservatives. The reality is that almost all Socialist countries, either are failing or will fail due to the top down mentality that cannot succeed as it is structured to only benefit the top tier citizens.
All said and done we need to divorce ourselves from the left.
Even Amac doesn’t use the correct description of our country I think. Maybe someone can correct me, I won’t mind, if I’m wrong. Amac used the word DEMOCRACY for their tease at the start of their first story. If I’m wrong our Founding Fathers called our nation a REPUBLIC. The Webster Dictionary tells the difference between the two mis-used words. China. North Korea, and Iran use the wrong word to describe their countries. They should be using Democracy not Republic. Look the two words up and you can see our Fathers were correct.
How many times, and how many different ways must it be said? We are NOT a democracy, we ARE a constitutional republic. The difference is critical. Even AMAC seemingly doesn`t get this important difference. Sheesh.
democrat = degressive, divisive, liars, corrupt/criminal, useless, godless, BABY KILLERS, fruits and nuts that don’t know which restroom to use, radical socialist/communist/marxists craving total absolute raw POWER to CONTROL everybody and everything to ENRICH themselves and FORCE their evil reprobate ANTI-CHRISTIAN lifestyle agenda on children and society. Yes, the USA is divided, good will not unite with evil and right will not unite with wrong!
Wow, going with the option of ruin (destroy) as their approach is absolutely ridiculous. Sounds so much like children throwing tantrums to get their way than responsible adults. Life is a series of compromises not who is the ruling bully u charge.
One thing the conservative section needs to emphasize to those who are currently claiming the radical changes is to put back in the face of those people their own words from their own previous posts contrary to their current claims. Make them stand responsible in the consequences of their own words.
They want us to “accept” their actions and words as “truth” then they need to be careful about how we match up their words to their actions. If they can call us hysterical for being reactive to mandates they put in place then they face the situation they created because they are losing their control.
You can’t denounce the ideals or morals of the left. They have no ideals or morals.
First this was not an insurrection,second it was a peaceful demonstration until peeloosli and”ITS”private government got involved,and third it did create a sense of urgency for the real AMERICANS to get totally involved.
This “situation reminds me of old cartoons”Of parents depicting “a large “overpowering bilious parent trying to force”cod liver oil down a fighting child”… The use of such a “medicine”.. never used again… and has gone “out of use.
Don’t think the commie Dems even know what Democracy is. I can’t stand looking at that idiot anymore.
The term “Democracy” really didn’t come into fashion in the US until Woodrow Wilson(D) became President in 1913. It has been all downhill since then. When I hear someone refer to the US as a “Democracy”, I immediately brand them as a domestic enemy and remember I took an oath on at least three different occasions to defend the nation militarily against them.
The words “Democracy, Democratic, and Democrat” do not appear even once in any of our nation’s founding documents.
This administration wants both. They intend to ruin what we have and rule over those of us who are not elitists with an iron fist! God Bless America
My mother, God rest her soul, advised me upon leaving her home at 21: “We are Democrats because they represent the middle class!” . . . Not anymore! . . . There is NO MIDDLE CLASS IN SOCIALISM! . . . She must be turning over in her grave since her family escaped from Communist Russia!
Nice title to the article. Since the Democrats don’t know how to rule, they sure have the ruin part down.
Money and power, that’s all they want. If they ruin, which they are doing already, they will suffer as much as everybody else. Seems their ignorance doesn’t see it.