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The One Phone Call Joe Biden Won’t Make That Could Lower Gas Prices

Posted on Monday, November 22, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Roman


As gas prices have rocketed to their highest level in years and are projected to shoot higher still as we approach the Christmas season, debate has turned to the culpability of Joe Biden in causing the surge in prices, which have risen over 50 percent from just a year ago. While the impacts of Biden’s domestic energy policies, and the contrast with his predecessor’s, have been much discussed, less noticed but perhaps equally significant has been the impact of Biden’s poor foreign policy choices—and in particular, the feud he has pursued with the one foreign leader who could bring oil prices down.

In the middle of a domestic energy crisis, Joe Biden has picked a fight with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, not over policy, geopolitics, or American interests, but over an event that happened in 2018—namely the killing of a Saudi critic of the regime. Three years later, Biden is refusing to meet with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman out of spite. And in response, the Saudis, by their own admission, have been cutting off oil supplies, forcing Americans to pay more at the pump.

The Intercept, hardly a right-wing outlet, reported earlier this month that Joe Biden has been refusing to meet with the Saudi Crown Prince or members of his government since he took office out of anger over the killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. They quote a Saudi official who told them that:

“Saudi has put a lot of work into getting a cohesive OPEC+ to work over the past 15 months since the crisis that dropped oil futures below zero so will not break ranks with the consensus or Russia on this. Also the Kingdom resents being blamed for what is essentially a structural problem not of its own making in the US which has hampered its own energy production. Finally, I hear that the price of Thanksgiving Turkeys has doubled in the US so why can oil prices also not inflate?”

The official added a winking emoji to the end of his note.

This is a far cry from Saudi-American relations during the Trump administration, when the President was awarded the Kingdom’s highest honor and secured hundreds of billions in contracts for American firms, implicit backing for his Abraham Accords (the most significant step toward peace in the Middle East in decades) and a pledge to keep the U.S. strong by maintaining a steady energy supply. How did things go so wrong?

The mainstream media praised Barack Obama for his charisma, but his relations with foreign leaders were often poor. He tended to see them either as tools to implement what he and his team of ivory-tower Americans believed their countries should be doing, or as obstacles to the extent they rejected such proposals on the basis that local conditions were different than 25-year-old Obama staffers believed.

By the end of Obama’s tenure, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen were alight in war, with ISIS on the verge of a takeover, while Iran, uninhibited by Obama’s apologies and encouraged by his gift of billions of dollars in sanctions relief, was on the march. Even Egypt, where Obama had given a much-discussed foreign policy address early in his term, had seen its relations with Washington fall to their lowest level in forty years, with Obama’s ambassador all but expelled. Obama had ignored the complexity of the region, and then abandoned it.

Donald Trump embraced a different approach, coined “principled realism.” Recognizing that not every country was like America, and that trying to force them to be was futile, the Trump administration tried to focus on areas of common interests rather than disagreements. With Egypt and Saudi Arabia, this meant recognizing the threat of Iran and Russia, the need to contain ISIS, and that human rights, while important, could not be the end all be all. Donald Trump met with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, after all. He ultimately gave him nothing, but he was willing to try. Why? Because he believed it advanced America’s interests. This was the same mindset with which he approached his engagement with Saudi Arabia. America had clear and defined interests, and he was content to work with the Saudis to advance those, rather than try to radically reform Saudi society, which unlike his two immediate predecessors, he was wise enough to know he did not fully understand.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, has adopted an even more extreme policy toward the region in general and Saudi Arabia in particular than even Obama. Since taking office, he has refused to meet with the leaders of Saudi Arabia, a stunning contrast from Donald Trump, whose first international trip was to the Kingdom. One of Biden’s first acts as president was to withdraw support for the Saudi War against the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen, a war the U.S. pushed the Saudis to fight, and where the Saudi involvement has negated the need for American troops. The result has not only been a feeling of betrayal in Riyadh, but empowerment among the Houthis, who earlier this month seized the American Embassy in Yemen, taking hostages.

The issue which seems to be most driving Joe Biden’s antipathy toward the Saudis is the killing of Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. In response to his death, many in the U.S. media and some Members of Congress called for the U.S. to break relations with or even sanction Saudi Arabia, as all available evidence points to agents of the Saudi government being responsible.

Trump understood the wrong of the Khashoggi killing, but he also understood the need to consider America’s broader interests in the region, as any U.S. president must. If the U.S. cut off aid to Saudi Arabia in Yemen, then the U.S. might have to send troops itself, as may well happen given the recent fate of the embassy. If the U.S. cut off military sales to Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia could buy weapons from Russia or China. Most importantly, Saudi Arabia has oil, lots of it, and wields considerable influence over other Gulf states which do as well. Like it or not, oil matters, and the U.S. needed it. President Trump did not have to like it, and he didn’t, doing everything in his power to expand domestic production to loosen the dependency on Riyadh, efforts Joe Biden has reversed. But Saudi Arabia had that power, and for Donald Trump a strong U.S. economy was more important than one man, as tough of a decision as that may have been.

When the media suggests Donald Trump would also be having problems with supply chains and inflation, they may not be wrong. The difference, however, is that Donald Trump always prioritized the American economy over moralizing and virtue signaling, and he would have responded to gas price increases by doing everything he could to secure greater supplies without compromising vital U.S. interests. Far from refusing to meet with them, he would have called up the Saudis and asked what they wanted in exchange for supplying the U.S. with the energy Americans need for Christmas. Joe Biden won’t even talk to them. The Saudis say “Biden has the phone number of who he will have to call if he wants any favors.” Joe Biden’s only response at a recent townhall was to say “There’s a lot of Middle Eastern folks who want to talk to me. I’m not sure I’m going to talk to them.” And to think people accused Donald Trump of alienating America’s allies.

America deserves a President who has the confidence, and the competence, to talk to people. Joe Biden cannot even do that.

Daniel Roman is the pen name of a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Reopen pipelines, & OK drilling & Leave it alone

2 years ago

I know I shouldn’t but I hate everything about Joe Biden, his administration, and the whole of the Democrat party. They are pure unadulterated evil.

dominick Palmisano
dominick Palmisano
2 years ago

Turn on the XL – pipeline and get the U.S. back to being energy independent again, forget other countries for our oil!!!

Mark ludwig
Mark ludwig
2 years ago

When you have a fool for president what do you expect will happen? All the high prices can belong to joe!!!

2 years ago

Biden’s handlers, suspected to be Soros and barack, have only one goal: Destroy the US. Therefore, if they can take action to cause that, they will. They are.
Biden’s entire administration is an enemy of America.
When are they going to be arrested, imprisoned, and their Treason and Sedition dealt with?
Gas price is only one small part of their attack on Americans.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Dementia JOE cannot even field questions from his liberal media journalist’s, how can you expect him to deal with foreign affairs and be in control of anything?? Our VP is a complete disaster and so is this destructive administration that only cares about the Green new deal and a multi trillion dollar disaster bill that will force us into socialism or maybe even worse? A total disaster

2 years ago

All Joe Brandon has to do is reverse all his January 20 executive decisions that killed our energy independence. Period!!!!!!!

2 years ago



2 years ago

Open the pipelines and save America; we were energy independent. Not under scary Biden.
Bring back TRUMPs policies. The LEFT destroys everything it touches: energy, education, transportation, a country, and the list goes on!!!

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

This regime has absolutely NO intention of doing anything that will lower gas prices. NONE. They hate gasoline. They hate anything that isn’t part of their unrealistic, economy crushing green scheme. And most importantly…THEY HATE AMERICA. This regime’s actions aren’t misfeasance or incompetence. These actions are malfeasance and calculated.


judy d
judy d
2 years ago

How can anyone expect a life-time career pol to think beyond the nose on his face? Pres. Trump was/is/will be, a business man. That’s something this country has never seen before. And a huge plus here- he had the courage to act instead of cowering in the phony white house, his basement in Delaware, or wherever Joe is being operated out of. As long as we have sleepy joe and his “woke” henchmen, we’re screwed. He’s not going to do anything to help the US, but of course China is another deal.
Frustrating, and as Charlie Brown would have said “Aaaaaaargh!”

2 years ago

Maybe if the Saudis wore KKK white robes then Jackass Joe might feel more comfortable with meeting with them!

What foreign leader can trust this clown when he lies so easily and so often?

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Didn’t Obama warn to be prepared to pay 10 dollars per gallon? Why the shock we have climate change agenda besides whole N.American continent is drowning in oil Saudis should have been weaned off American tiddy decades ago

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

To think reading the title of this article, I was thinking O’Biden could pick up the phone & reopen the Keystone Oil Pipeline spigot once again & provide some relief, but no, pissing off the Middle East once again fits the O’Biden narrative to a tee…He is doing all that Obama did, but with more effort put into it where the Middle East is concerned, especially Saudi Arabia. I have to say, I can hardly blame them for the reaction America has received from them…
Saudi Arabia sells oil across the globe, I can envision the faux bumbling Idiot in Chief buying that Saudi oil through China, hence more kickbacks through his pedophile son, Hunter Biden making the arrangements…
Sound familiar, it should. Hunter very recently secured the largest mineral rights deal for China in Africa as China owns the largest lithium mines in the world now. Every electric car battery produced by China, Biden pretty much gets a cut of the action through commissions…Yup, we need that Green New Deal now more than ever since China owns 85% of the lithium produced around the globe…The Biden arrangements in Russia, Ukraine & in particular China are moving full steam ahead whilst he puts a world of hurt on America & her people within it, that’s you & me folks…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

2 years ago

Patriots, Time for civil disobedience. We need mass demonstrations and marches on DC.
where is the Republican leadership ?
are Abbott and Desantis the only leaders with guts !!!

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
2 years ago

Let’s be honest. Biden does not give a damm about our energy costs or the effect on inflation. He has taken an ideological side with the far left which believes that drastically higher prices for traditional energy which fuels our entire economy makes their beloved and phony “green” energy more competitive. His Energy Secretary laughs about the prices and makes it very clear she intends to do nothing about it. Even though the beneficial impact is almost non-existent, they falsely argue they will save the planet by forcing the American people into submission by eliminating affordable fossil fuels. Instead they are going to force themselves into the waste bin of history. Worst administration in my 78 years and I thought it would be impossible to be worse than Carter or Obama. Carter was simply incompetent, Obama was very divisive igniting both a class and racial war that only grows worse. Biden has reached new levels of anti-American ideology following a true patriot, President Trump, who really did put America First (which every president is elected to do!). We were energy independent under Trump and did not need Saudi Arabia! We were selling American oil and providing our own needs. The Keystone pipeline would have provided even more capability from our next door neighbor, Canada. There was no need for Saudi or OPEC at all until this twit took office and destroyed 60 years of American energy progress in just a few months. .

2 years ago

This is really getting out of control and people need to be vocal about their opposition and start taking a stand for our freedom! This makes me very angry. What he’s doing will make it harder for people to get to and do their jobs and businesses without the help they need to run their businesses profitably. I’m sure many businesses will be forced to close, creating a larger population of the unemployed and become a burden on the unemployment entitlements, not to mention the huge burden on other taxpayer supported social benefits (if there are any tax payers left to foot the enormous government spending)! It’s all insane and seems as if “they” haven’t thought through the long-term effects of their crazy actions! Obviously, “they” don’t give any thought to “We the People” (the middle class working people) or the economy.

Eric Young
Eric Young
2 years ago

Biden is the worst president in the history of the United States!

2 years ago

A synopsis of the BIden “administration” or menstruation to this point:
(A) Research everything President Trump did
(B) Negate (A) and do the opposite
(C) Fail

2 years ago

This is planned destruction of our energy independence and retaliation against the Prince for going against the communist deep state agenda. The Obama administration tried to assassinate the Prince in the Las Vegas false flag massacre and the Biden (Obama) team is deliberately destroying our energy independence to usher in their money laundering and public control scheme, “the Green New Deal”.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

The Saudis are smart- they don’t won’t to meet a FOOL with a butt load in his depends!!

Joe Patriot
Joe Patriot
2 years ago

Biden is not the President. He wasn’t elected. He is the front man for the world communist cabal that perpetrated the vote fraud against America in 2020. He is a lifetime con man for sale.

Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
2 years ago

Yeah, one phone call… but, not to the Saudis! Biden needs to call whomever, and reopen the dang pipeline and American oil fields! Screw the Saudis! Seriously…

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Not only does he alienate the Saudis but he shuts down our pipelines in the United States. We don’t even need OPEC at all when we are sitting on the largest oil patch in this side of the world that would take care of all of us in this hemisphere if we could drill. It’s in Midland, TX. Check it out. It is huge, very deep. Every oil supplier could use it. They are here and ready.

2 years ago

Biden is a man of folly; I don’t expect anything wise to come out of this man as President.

Bob L.
Bob L.
2 years ago

Who’s responsible for the energy “crisis”? No, it’s not Saudi Arabia or OPEC, it’s the current regime in Washington, the people hiding behind “Sleepy Joe” and using him for a front man. In the stack of Executive Orders he signed the first two days of his administration was orders to end our energy independence and the institution of the “green raw deal” of inadequate alternative energy. About a week ago the new energy secretary laughed out loud when asked about the rising cost of fuel. Her response was “OPEC controls the price of oil”. In case anyone already forgot, we were all but independent for supplying our own oil last year and in control of the price of oil in the U.S., but are already, just 10 months into the current regimes rule, now importing a lot of what we need. Another energy source about to come under attack by the radicals is natural gas, a fuel that has been substituted for coal since coal has been all but outlawed. They think windmills and solar panels can supply all of our electricity. Problem with that idea is the wind does not blow steadily 24/7 and solar panels don’t work after sunset. During last February’s deep freeze, windmills froze up and solar panels were covered with snow and with all of the conventional powerplants that had been shut down there was a serious shortage of electricity which caused a lot collateral problems and damage as well as cost more than 200 lives in Texas and Oklahoma.

2 years ago

Biden is not going to make that one phone call to start up the pipeline/s again, as he feels he would be giving in to Trump. And of course, Biden has no worries about gas because he gets to ride his ass around on free gas taxpayer dollars–WE are the ones paying, the normal everyday people. I wonder if he knows how stupid he is? I wonder if the puppeteers know how stupid they are? How many people miss Trump?

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
2 years ago

Remember that FEDEX commercial, from the 70’s, where the CEO picked up the entire phone to call FEDEX ? That would be old Buck Fiden.

2 years ago

I hardly think Sleepy Joe did it because of “principle” since he has none. All the negative events happening to America are caused by Sleepy and the demo/marxists controlling him.

2 years ago

Biden has absolutely no clue what’s going on and his closest staff, Klain and Rice, may well be on Soro’s payroll for all the good they seem to be doing. Then we have the empty suits of his cabinet who either don’t have a clue (my choice) or are afraid to voice the obvious for fear of losing their prestigious positions! I don’t think they have a coherent thought or idea among them!

Harry Guzaliak
Harry Guzaliak
2 years ago

Excellent Post, A must read.

H L Howell
H L Howell
2 years ago

Biden/obama are idiots.

2 years ago

I don’t know how valuable that Saudi oil is EXCEPT the closing of our pipeline brings us right back to depending on some Sheik thousands of miles away for oil… This man in D.C. is dangerous to the very foundation of our country and he keeps going on with no barriers, Who’s in charge of what? and Why”

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

The so called GLOBALIST RESET cannot happen unless everything completely collapses and that’s especially true about our once great and free country (they must destroy our way of life and cause total independence on our completely corrupt leftist progressive socialist democrat party along with way too many RHINO traders of the Republican Party. If you believe that everything that’s happened in the last 2 years is just a coincidence then your definitely not paying attention to this administrations true sabotaging intentions.

james michalicek
james michalicek
2 years ago

Joe Biden. Worst president ever.

2 years ago

So even this clown joebama and his anti American useless Democrat party should be smart enough to know that the answer is energy independence!
WHO elected these idiots!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

We have never had one but a nationwide strike might get some attention and I mean everything, cops, air controllers, the whole ball of wax. Everybody except maybe doctors. Imagine what it could do for fuel inventory.

2 years ago

ol’ slow joe biden’s a spineless worm. Every decision he’s made has been the wrong one, IMHO.

MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

Joanne 4 justice
Joanne 4 justice
2 years ago

COME BACK ………………. SAVE USA!!!!

2 years ago


2 years ago

Chicken joe . He has no idea what or how to be a president. He needs to be put in a old cokes home. His wife must be proud of what she is putting her husband thru.

Ken Bone
Ken Bone
2 years ago

We were exporting oil under Trump before Biden stopped the pipeline, exploring etc. To go back to that would be great and very possible. Evidently Joe doesn’t know, or want to know what he is really doing by just being against Trump.

Zoe Frost
Zoe Frost
2 years ago

Whoa, whoa, whoa…if the election hadn’t been stolen, there would be NO need to contact the Saudis…we WERE energy INDEPENDENT while Trump was POTUS. President Trump would NEVER have shut down pipeline(s) nor production of AMERICAN produced gas or oil, NEVER. This is a very expensive, Republic debilitating, causing suffering of Americans, endeaver from the anti American/anti Republic activities of the Commie/Globalist fraud Brandon Administration of Tyranny.

2 years ago

Does anyone think that Bozo Biden actually knows ANYTHING…anything at all?
He a vacuumed brain case, spineless puppet. Nothing more.
The socialist slime and communist kiddos that are the puppet masters not only have no concern for the citizenry of the United States, it is pretty unlikely that the whole group of them doesn’t have two brain cells to knock together and zero synaptic energy.
Seriously, why are we letting the 5th floor try to run this great country?

2 years ago

this braindead-biden-THING + h-the-HO + the ANTI-American DEMON-c-RATZ + every Federal agency INCOMPETENT so-called ‘head’ + the current PC-military generals, more concerned with getting another [UNdeserved] star & preaching outlandish crt-CRAP, vs. ‘Warrior’ General Officers [IF there are any remaining in any of the Services] are a “Clear & Present Danger” to the once-great USA and to all LEGAL American citizens. With the growing divisiveness in this Country, we may have no choice than another Civil War, to rid the Country of these DISGUSTING COMMUNISTS & ILLEGAL ALIENS infiltrating virtually all aspects of OUR society, STEALING benefits meant for LEGAL AMERICANS ! ! ! ! !

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

I wonder how many people will vote for anyone in the Democratic party next year when the price of everything we have to buy has doubled?

Bruce Wickstrom
Bruce Wickstrom
2 years ago

How can you tell Sleepy Joe is lying? Simple solution his lips are moving. He has destroyed everything that President Trump has done for the American people. Rvn 68-69

2 years ago

Hey Joey: I will NOT buy an electric car EVER, EVER, EVER. Will go back to the horse and carriage if need be. You and your cohorts are going to really suffer for all the stuff you are doing to us sane, honest, tax paying, freedom loving Americans. I hope (sorry, God) we see all of you hang for treason!

2 years ago

Where are Americans supposed to get all these electric cars? China has the cobalt (thanks to Hunter Biden) for the batteries. How can the cars be manufactured without this essential part?
More and more questions.

2 years ago

Democrats are destroying America..

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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