
Newsline , Society

The Olympics Went Woke. Athletes Hated It.

Posted on Friday, August 9, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

In spite of all the historic moments and awe-inspiring achievements during the Paris Olympics, perhaps the most viral image to emerge from this year’s games has been a photo of gold medal-winning Italian swimmer Thomas Ceccon sleeping under a bench in a public park. Apparently, the ground was better than the accommodations offered in the Olympic Village – just one of many complaints from athletes after the Paris Olympics Committee made wokeness it’s top priority.

Ceccon expressed his concern about Olympic Village conditions immediately after arriving in Paris. He was fearful the accommodations could affect his and his fellow Olympians’ performance. While he still earned the gold medal in the 100-meter backstroke, he failed to qualify for the 200-meter backstroke. He stated, “I’m disappointed that I didn’t make the final, but I was too tired. It’s hard to sleep both at night and in the afternoon. Here, I really struggle between the heat and the noise.”

“There is no air conditioning in the village, it’s hot, the food is bad,” Ceccon added, per The New York Sun. “Many athletes move for this reason: it’s not an alibi or an excuse, it’s the reality of what perhaps not everybody knows.”

Ceccon is far from the only Olympian frustrated by Paris’s Olympic Village. Per Olympic rules, the host nation is supposed to provide adequate lodging and food for all visiting competitors. This year, however, the Paris Olympic organizing committee botched the job by going fully woke. Paris Mayor Amme Hidalgo stated of the games, “We are ready to show the world that this great sports festival can combine spectacle, environmental preservation, and social justice.”

To that end, the organizers mandated that 60 percent of all food served at the Olympics be vegan “to reduce the carbon footprint of dairy, meat and cheese.” Additionally, vegan options with high “transportation emissions,” like avocados, a favorite of athletes, were also banned. What little meat was available was served “raw” or “undercooked.”

Athletes were so frustrated at the lack of access to quality proteins and essential nutrients for competition that they began searching for alternatives. As reported by The Australian, “more than 700 kilograms of eggs and a ton of extra meat” had to be flown on emergency flights to Paris just to keep the Australian team well nourished. Other Olympians found ways to smuggle in dishes from outside the village.

The frustrating woke initiatives didn’t stop at food. Several weeks before the opening ceremony, Olympic organizers revealed to the public that there would be no air conditioning in the Olympic Village. Instead, they would have standing fans with the goal of keeping the temperature between 73 and 79 degrees. Almost immediately, countries announced plans to bring their own AC units.

After intense public pushback, the committee agreed to order 2,500 “temporary cooling units.” Nonetheless, multiple Olympians have stated that their rooms were still unbearably hot, with some even comparing them to “saunas.”

Even small items were not spared from the green agenda. In July, the committee announced that everything provided to athletes would be made from “reclaimed, repurposed, or recycled items.” Some of these were benign and praiseworthy, like coffee tables made from “recycled shuttlecocks” and bean bags made from “parachute fabric.”

On the more unsettling side of the spectrum, however, the Olympic committee provided 7,000 “reclaimed” toilet brushes for athletes. Though one presumes they were thoroughly cleaned, the thought was still unsettling for many. Additionally, all 16,000 beds were reused, which was doubly concerning due to the high levels of bedbug infestations across Europe. Many beds were also reportedly made of cardboard.

In light of the conditions, some athletes ditched the village entirely. Team USA basketball stars, including LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Britney Griner, and Briana Stewart, opted for luxury hotels downtown.

The irony of all these initiatives is that many actually increased the energy consumed by the games. Forcing countries to fly in emergency protein significantly increased carbon emissions via transportation. The last-minute portable AC units also used far more electricity than one contained and controlled HVAC system would have.

Multiple Olympians also stated that the poor food quality and discomfort in the rooms directly affected their performances. For athletes who had trained their entire lives for this moment, being forced to live and compete in subpar conditions to appease far-left activists must have been a crushing disappointment.

The experiences of these Olympic athletes should also be a warning for the rest of the public about the dystopian future that awaits us in a world ruled by climate alarmism. If liberals have their way, we too may soon be forced to smuggle in meat and cheese and sleep on cardboard beds with no AC.

Regardless, it seems that going green has cost Paris the gold.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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Michael J
Michael J
7 months ago

Athletes and their trainers should have boycotted to bring attention to these atrocious conditions and treatment. Unfortunately, everyone just goes along and they get away with it. Doesn’t anyone have a backbone anymore?

7 months ago

All of western Europe is being subjected to this “woke” BS in one form or another. Aside from the tourist hotels and certain well-known tourist destinations, most Europeans are subjected to these sorts of arbitrary governmental mandates on a daily basis. Go to the UK, Germany, and other major European destinations and their major cities pretty much all line up with what Paris is doing. It all flows from the mandates from the EU headquarters in Belgium. The combination of the so-called “green agenda” and the emphasis on mandating DEI and ESG on the populous have made regular life in most major European cities increasingly intolerable. This is America’s future if we continue to allow the far left in this country to continue to mandate their nonsense unopposed. Every day, the American people are afforded a view of what their lives will be in the not-too-distant future, if we continue down this socialist path. It should be a wakeup call for the apathetic and those that think “It can’t come here”. Yet surprisingly, it isn’t.

7 months ago

The left ruins everything it touches.

7 months ago

Oh well, doubt if Paris will ever host the Olympics again. I hope that committee in LA for the 2028 games are taking notes.

Dave K
Dave K
7 months ago

Unless We the People vote out the current leftist regime in November 2024, what has been “provided” to the athletes at the Woke Olympics of 2024 will become the norm for this great country – VOTE!

Jay H.
Jay H.
7 months ago

I stopped watching the olympics when they started allowing professional athletes to participate. (The olympic committee removed Jim Thorp’s medals and ruined his life because he ate a meal provided by the manager of his team.) Now that they allow men to compete & beat women, I sure as hell will not never watch their sham show!

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
7 months ago

Paris wanted to show the world that they can “combine spectacle, environmental protection and social justice,” they failed miserably.

7 months ago

Thanks for your article as this is the first I’ve learned about those awful conditions. Hopefully, this makes more ‘news’ so the world learns the facts.

G Morgan
G Morgan
7 months ago

Why have we not heard about this Bull Sh** on ABC , NBC , CBS etc . OR Newspapers ???? We are only told what “ THEY “ want us to know! What has America Become ???

Reggie Smith
Reggie Smith
7 months ago

It is time to put the Woke society to sleep!

7 months ago

I agree with the statement that the entire group of contenders should have boycotted the facilities immediately after finding out about the subpar accommodations. It is supposed to be an honor to be the host city for these games and not just a means of making trendy non-functional venues. I highly doubt any of those organizers live and eat with what they served and put out as accommodations. Starting with the temperature settings, unless those fans were high functioning Vornado fans, they would not have been able to cool down the air especially if the humidity level is high. No fan cools down a space when there is high humidity. As for the “vegan” only food that should have been made a choice not a mandate.

6 months ago

This has been a disgusting experience for so many great athletes, poisoned by the water they are made to swim in, beat up by men in women’s sports, now no air conditioning in August!!! Then that stupid crazed ‘opening drag ceremony’! that NBC thought was so ‘incredible’! It was – it was incredibly degrading and demonic!

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
7 months ago

There’s a good YT video explaining the precipitous drop in the number of cities “bidding” for the Olympics, because of the last few that did not increase tourism to the point that the games were at least money-neutral. Paris is not only losing money, they are taking a body blow to their prestige as a destination. And LA for 2028 has told the Olympic organizers that they will reuse facilities built for their last Olympics

7 months ago

We didn’t watch a minute of it.
Very unfortunate for the athletes though.
The French are a peculiar sort; glad they are a long way away…

Kim b
Kim b
7 months ago

The inability of those involved to not say no and return to their homes makes them just as guilty as the organizers. It’s called greed and the narcissist need for self gratification at any cost. As far as having another Olympics in Paris of course they will Paris did exactly what the Olympic committee wanted The liberal and far left Americans pushed the agenda

Wild Wyoming
Wild Wyoming
7 months ago

Doesn’t anyone check and see what the housing, available food and living conditions are going to be before the olympics? I don’t watch olympics or sports of any kind, haven’t since about the mid 1970’s. Just get no enjoyment out of something like that.

agnes Puzzo
agnes Puzzo
6 months ago

What a travesty. These athletes have been training their whole lives to be champions. Not to be treated as subhumans. I have no wish nor will I travel to Paris.

Bill Emerson
Bill Emerson
6 months ago

It seems that in spite of trying to be “green” and “woke,” Paris made itself a laughingstock. How inconsiderate to deprive world-class athletes of meat by forcing your agenda upon them

7 months ago

Paris Mayor Amme Hidalgo stated of the games, “We are ready to show the world that this great sports festival can combine spectacle, environmental preservation, and social justice.” Well, many people in the world don’t appreciate your wokeness especially if that keeps you from doing your duty!!! The Olympics is NOT a place to display your ignorant acceptance of wokeness and using that as an excuse to mistreat the athletes!! This Olympics has been a bit disappointing in terms of what is expected and what the reality has been!! And what is social justice regarding the Olympics anyway???

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
7 months ago

All that does is make the rich,richer. All countries should boycott them. Kyle L.

Jim R
Jim R
6 months ago

It’s France, FFS. We or other countries have been bailing them out for centuries!

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
6 months ago

Are the Olympics still going on??? I thought the 2024 Paris Satanic Olympics ended two Fridays ago.

Phil Ketch
Phil Ketch
6 months ago

The athletes couldn’t have hated the woke agenda to bad, they all stayed there and competed.

Tom Spencer
Tom Spencer
6 months ago

I have sent a letter to the US Olympic committee as a long time former donor commenting on several things:
-The obvious wholeness of our committee
– the Committee’s lack of backbone to protest the two men who won gold medals in the women’s division.
-in women’s basketball, having disgusting people as Britany Griner and Diana Taurazi represent our country. Then to not showcase Caitlin Clark , the premiere college basketball player of all time.
– to showcase 10 NBA all stars of 35 yrs or more. Plus , Lebron favors China over the USA. Disgustingly woke.
I boycotted TV coverage.
Too bad for the honest sincere amateur athletes who give their best for their country.
2028 in LA will be disgusting without new leadership at the US Olympic committee.
I am boycotting that Olympics too. Will we have security in LA? Will the homeless vagrants dominate?

6 months ago

Mentally ill “authorities “ must be addressed and removed from important positions in society. If we allow these mentally disturbed individuals to continue we all will be destroyed. Wake up.

6 months ago

No more Olympic events in France, then!
What…no cheese…in Paris?!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
6 months ago

They should have moved to better conditions next games should be held somewhere else never in Paris let them have there non caring ways with there people. Treatment of athletes should be at the top of importance for those in Paris not to skimp on what you give them to make sure they are comfortable they should never hold another event there again.

Barb R
Barb R
6 months ago

I have to wonder if they were truly expressing environmental concerns (woke) or if they were just to cheap to put out the money required to provide adequate conditions for the Olympic contestants. The athletes and trainers should have made this a big deal and presented to the world how shabbily Paris was treating them. Never again should they hold the Olympics in Pairs.

6 months ago

I wasn’t home for the opening ceremony, when I saw news of the ceremony and their “stupidity”. I decided to forgo watching the entire event, which I have looked forward to since I was a child. These organizers and leaders have ruined a great “World Event”.

Then the President of the IOC “No way to tell if a man is a man, or if a woman is a woman.
Sir can you tell if a Unicorn is a unicorn? You could do an “low cost” experiment! I have found a well placed “swift kick” to the groin area, might give you a lead on the difference between men and women, if you can’t figure it out! Those laying on the ground, really writhing in pain, struggling for breath and maybe have a bit of a different voice inflection. Those would be the “Males” of the species!????

With the Olympic Village being turned into what sounds like an attempt to showcase a “Woke” experiment at providing “Low budget costs” and “living conditions” housing, the left

Terry Materna
Terry Materna
6 months ago

The Olympics was a waste of time and BS woke

Jonathan S
Jonathan S
6 months ago

Woke is a catch all word without any meaning. The Olympics took away freedom from the athletes by keeping them in substandard conditions and not allowing them to leave Olympic Village without special permission. Taking away freedom had nothing to do with a political ideology because frankly both parties are hungry to take away our freedoms often in the name of freedom.

Jonathan S
Jonathan S
6 months ago

I really get a kick out of people who state a thousand times how they are against censorship yet the same people want to censor anything they don’t agree with. Both parties do it all the time.

Jonathan S
Jonathan S
6 months ago

I just don’t get you people. I wish the Olympics to see the great athletic performances and not many of the sports. Have the complaints are about boxing and that’s one of the sports I don’t get the point of and it’s had more than its share of corrupt judges. Also, I don’t watch the fluff that’s not the athletics. The fluff would be a waste of my time.

John Shipway
John Shipway
7 months ago

All these eggs, meats, cooling units flown in for the purported gustatory needs of these entitled lifeless athletes. I almost said “amateur athletes”, but professionals are now allowed along with chicks with peckers.
Im a disabled 70 year old widow that just had to sell my beloved pickup to afford a roof replacement on a fallen tree damaged storage building. Without such unusual happenstances there are generally about 7 more days in each month than I have enough money to buy food for, I’m supposed to give a crap whether these pampered grown children have their “special nutrients”? GIve me a break.
I also truly doubt if American athletes really minded the conditions at the Paris Woke Olympics seeing as how the out of control insane lefty Olympic Committee allowed American athletes to participate despite failing doping tests.
God bless America indeed.

Like you
Like you
7 months ago

What a sissy lol

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