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The Media Against Bibi

Posted on Friday, January 6, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Herald Boas

The global media, predictably hostile to conservatives everywhere — in Israel, Europe, and North America – is attempting to delegitimize the newly-elected Israeli government led by Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu with the constant use of epithets, including “far right,” “extreme” (or) “hard right,” “extremist,” and other pejorative terms inconsistent with their treatment of equivalent figures and groups on the left.

In the case of the European and North American media, they are trying to brand Israel’s new government as uniquely extreme and undemocratic.

In so doing, they ignore the fact that Israeli voters were fully aware of the views of the parties that make up the new government — and that after several years, this coalition won in a free national election the required majority needed to form a stable administration of the Jewish state, which is the only true representative democracy in the region, and a long-time ally of the U.S.

The outgoing Israeli government consisted of a hodgepodge of left-to-right parties that was formed primarily to oust Netanyahu, Israel’s longest serving and most popular single political figure. This coalition faced internal conflict and declining popularity almost from its beginning. Now, as the opposition to Netanyahu, they have been predictably hostile to the new government even before it took power — and the media has uncritically echoed their negative propaganda, especially their attempt to brand the Netanyahu administration as extremist.

It is true that the smaller religious parties in the new government coalition hold some fundamental religious and social views that the members of the largest coalition party, Likud, do not. Many of these views are opposed by Likud and Netanyahu himself. Especially in the protection of human rights, Netanyahu has explicitly and forcefully been critical of discriminatory views, and he has guaranteed all Israelis their constitutional protections.

Internal disagreements within the new coalition do lie ahead. Although Israel is a Jewish state with a substantial Arab minority, many Israeli Jews are not very religious, and those who are divide in several groups, including orthodox, Hasidic, conservative, and reform — each of which worships and practices their religion in their own way. The more fundamentalist or haredi groups historically attempt to impose views on marriage, conversion, military service, settlement rights, etc., which often conflict with national policy.

In creating the new majority coalition, pragmatist Netanyahu has had to make compromises with each group, whose leaders before the election often used inflammatory language. Some changes in social and education policies are now likely, but all of them were expected by voters who gave Likud and its partners their majority.

The same divisions among Jews in Israel exist in the U.S., the world’s second-largest Jewish community, which numbers about 6 million. But the American community, not facing 75 years of constant threat and violence from its neighbors, is much more politically liberal. Many U.S. Jews favor an immediate two-state solution with the Palestinian community, but this is no longer favored by most Israeli Jews (after many attempts to create a non-hostile Palestinian West Bank state were rejected by Arab leaders).

Bibi Netanyahu is an economic and political conservative who has strong support from Jewish Republicans, but is disliked by the many more numerous liberal Jewish Democrats — and by the liberal establishment media.

At its founding in 1948, Israel was a socialist state, and its socialist Labor Party dominated Israeli politics for decades. Today, that party and other leftist parties are small. Netanyahu was among the Israeli leaders who helped transform the nation’s economy to a free enterprise model, launching the tiny Jewish nation to become a major player in global technological and medical research, innovation and high-tech production.

The Israeli population has swelled in recent years with waves of immigrants — first with North African and Middle Eastern refugees, then with more than a million refugees from Russia, then with the rescue of thousands of black Jews from Ethiopia, and now with French and other European Jews fleeing the current wave of anti-semitism, as well as a stream of other Diaspora Jews making Aliyah (immigration to the Promised Land). Today, there are 7 million Jews in Israel, 2 million Arabs, and about 500,000 Christians and others. About 450,000 Jews now live on the West Bank.

The previous U.S. administration began to break the long stalemate between Israel and its Arab neighbors. It moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the nation’s capital, recognized Israel’s need to hold the Golan Heights, and made a breakthrough with the Abraham Accords in which several Arab nations formally recognized the Jewish state, opening diplomatic and commercial relations. The latter succeeded because Israel and most of its Arab neighbors face a common threat from Iran and its pursuit to develop nuclear weapons.

The current U.S. administration, however, has been in favor of reviving an agreement with Iran that was abandoned as unworkable, and is opposed by Israel and most other nearby Arab states. The establishment media, always sympathetic to the Biden administration and its policies, has been routinely critical of Israel and Netanyahu for opposing the Iran nuclear agreement. Netanyahu spoke against the agreement when he was previously prime minister, and will now continue to do so with his new government.

President Biden’s long-held inclination to appease Iran originated during the administration of President Barack Obama (Biden was then vice president) — a period when relations between the U.S. and then-Prime Minister Netanyahu turned quite icy.

The U.S. liberal media has fanned the political differences between the liberal Biden administration and the new conservative Netanyahu government with a war of epithets and adjectives, echoing Israeli opposition leaders’ rhetoric and satisfying American critics of Israel on the left — all of this before the new Israeli government took office.

Governing Israel, like any representative democracy, is always a challenge, and when the new government takes full charge and implements its policies, it will be open to legitimate criticism and opposition. But the war of words and defamation already in full throat by most of the Israeli, U.S., and other global media, needs to be seen and understood for its bias and predetermined attempt to undo what the voters themselves decided.

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anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Had Arab world been blessed with leaders of his caliber the world today would be a different place thus the hate

TR Murphy
TR Murphy
1 year ago

Ya’ll need to have some conservative sites to share to. FB is a bunch of liars and traitors.

1 year ago

Open borders for israel.

1 year ago

The Jews have been hated for thousands of years. The media is what it is. I try to avoid MSM whether on the tv or written. I’m glad Bibi has been re-elected. A strong voice for all people. For Israel. Somebody to oppose stupid in our White House. WE need a “leader of his caliber.” Truth.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Bibi faces the same swamp creatures as Trump. Those swampers in Israel cooked up a phony “crime” supposedly committed by Bibi just as our fake media and DIMMS cooked up phony “crimes” against Trump! And the media, here and there, are in bed with terrorists and communists!

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
1 year ago

BiBi is a solid leader, he has a strong loyal following. He is decisive and seems to play by the rules.
Unlike here in the U.S. BiBi was legally elected. He has a long slippery road to travel in the next 2-3 years. He is good for the State, and in time it will be seen that he and his party will do the most good for all of the fragmented groups that really have less than zero support. So I close by offering this single thought ” I SHALL BLESS THOSE THAT BLESS THEE OH ISRAEL, SAITH THE LORD”
The media needs to back off and know the truth as it was spoken so long ago. The more thorns they throw down the less they are listened to. Yes if the Arab countries had only 2 or 3 leaders that had as much concern for their countries as BiBi has for his, the world would be a different and better place.

Aaf Schafer
Aaf Schafer
1 year ago

The far left administration hate the right in any country. The election of Meloni in Italy was heralded by the MSM as fascism.
Since Obama has hatred for Israel increased. Trump made a peace accord between Arabs and Israel. Brandon even tried to take the American embassy out of Jerusalem. We people have to stop watching MSM stop reading newspapers. Research everything yourself. Wake up America.
Ask yourself why there is so much hatred from the far left for the right.

1 year ago

Governing Israel requires a genius. Bibi is one. The worldwide communist movement including israeli leftists are arrayed against him but still he manages to prevail. His lefties have no idea how lucky they are to have him in charge.

1 year ago

The left is of the “new world order” mentality…whether they’ll openly admit it or not. A one world dictatorship headed up by those who ignore God, liberty, freedom, and just want to rule on the rubble. etc. George Bush Sr. during his presidential acceptance speech opined: “We must usher in the “new world order”. I heard that speech and at the time didn’t fully understand the implications…but that has changed significantly in the last 30 years. It’s going to get worse and our nation’s foundation is the target. No nation ever in the history of this world has had the freedoms and opportunities that we’ve had…ever.
Patrick Henry made an almost futuristic comment that’s burned in my brain: “When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.” A most prophetic statement ever made.

1 year ago

Israel will eventually sign a treaty with the Palestinians over the west Bank in the near future as prophecized in the bible. When that happens it will launch the Seven Year Tribulation, Good time to know Jesus Christ before its too late!!

1 year ago

In America conservative means you believe in your Constitutional Republic ideology and you believe in your country. The mockingbirds and anti American leftist believes in nothing except their mental illness.

1 year ago

Yes many do not think much of the current U.S. President and his policies and politics, but are willing to let his term continue thru 2024 when the electorate can speak with their vote.

Nadene RADER
Nadene RADER
1 year ago

People just love to slander, Ibpray the majority will not pay attention to the trash and just make sure the man in charge keeps on working for the people

1 year ago

MSM can continue their ridiculous dialogue against B Netanyahu and his forthcoming administration all they want. He has been the best leader for the state of Israel and he is still slated to do great things for the Israel.

1 year ago

Sad and frustrating ???? just how this left woke socialists went against Trump they did to Netanyahu ….Prayers for Bibi ????????????❤️

1 year ago

Down with jewish supremacists and their “chosen” fraud.

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