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The Magnificent Truth About America’s Uniqueness

Posted on Tuesday, July 4, 2023
by Ben Solis

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis


The Fourth of July is not just a celebration of Independence in the United States, but a reminder of the great promise of America to people around the globe. While this lesson is often dismissed or denied in many classrooms today, it is a central element of America’s unique identity in world history.

Two central truths that Thomas Jefferson outlined in the Declaration of Independence – that everyone has certain unalienable, God-given rights, and that legitimate political power is derived from the people – have inspired hearts and minds ever since Thomas Jefferson first penned them nearly 250 years ago.

This Fourth of July, it is worth remembering one story from Soviet Russia in 1953 that is illustrative of the transformational power of the American experiment.

Following World War II, the Soviet regime sentenced tens of thousands of political prisoners to forced labor in gulags throughout Siberia. One of the largest gulags was in Vorkuta, the fourth-largest city north of the Arctic Circle. There, laborers toiled in horrid conditions in coal mines.

One of the prisoners at Vorkuta was a Catholic priest who had been held in a German concentration camp during World War II. Upon his liberation by American soldiers, the priest received a page from a Bible printed for U.S. troops overseas which also contained copies of America’s founding documents.

Miraculously, the priest managed to smuggle the page into the labor camp. Every evening, he would pray for the American people, laying his hand on the forbidden document deep in his coat pocket next to his heart. It served as a powerful source of hope to him and the other prisoners at Vorkuta.

On July 4, 1953, the priest prayed with other Christians and Jews, singing the Latin Christian hymn Te Deum. Not even the guards disturbed them, with one even encouraging the priest. “Pray on! It seems there is still someone above who hears your prayers,” he said. The priest said he had never experienced such a unity of mind and spirit of people of different denominations and nationalities, all of them praising God on the occasion of American independence.

Two weeks later, more than 18,000 inmates initiated a strike that led to the Vorkuta Uprising – one of the first major signs of resistance to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. As the priest recalled, the yearning for freedom reflected in the Declaration of Independence was that same spirit which drove the resistance to Soviet domination in Vorkuta and throughout the Soviet Union.

Today, however, there is an ongoing effort to erase and rewrite this legacy of the American founding. Alternative histories like Nikole Hannah-Jones’s 1619 Project seek to reframe American history as a story of systemic racism.

The 1619 Project’s version of history or something like it has now become popular in many American classrooms. Students are now taught that America was founded to preserve slavery and reflect the interests of a wealthy, white ruling class.

Those who wish to preserve and pass on the truth about American history – and what July 4, 1776, represents – are now engaged in a struggle that will determine whether future oppressed individuals like the priest in Vorkuta will look to the United States as a symbol of freedom and hope, or one of oppression.

Thankfully, the faction fighting to preserve a historically accurate account of American history has some powerful voices as well. Following the release of the 1619 Project, Dr. Mary Grabar, a historian and author, released her own 256-page takedown of the Hannah-Jones work, entitled Debunking the 1619 Project. Grabar writes flatly that the 1619 Project is a “big lie.”

One by one, Grabar lays bare how the 1619 Project takes quotes out of context and intentionally ignores key facts about the founding that provide nuance to the American story.

For instance, while Hannah-Jones dismisses Thomas Jefferson as nothing more than a racist slaveowner, Grabar reminds readers that the story is more complex. After all, it was Jefferson who, as president, signed a law banning the import of more slaves, as well as legislation excluding slaves from the western territories.

Former President Donald Trump also brought this issue to the fore during his presidency and offered a resounding defense of the greatness of American history and the legacy of July 4, 1776. During remarks at Mt. Rushmore on July 3, 2020, Trump called Independence Day “the most important day in the history of nations.”

“We will state the truth in full, without apology: We declare that the United States of America is the most just and exceptional nation ever to exist on Earth,” Trump continued. “My fellow Americans, it is time to speak up loudly and strongly and powerfully and defend the integrity of our country.”

In September 2020, President Trump also held the very first “White House Conference on American History” in direct response to the pernicious lies the radical left was spreading about the founding story of America. There, scholars like Dr. Jordan Adams of Hillsdale College explained in great detail how a nation built around the ideals of freedom and equality “becoming the freest and most prosperous nation ever to have existed, is no accident and is never more than a single generation of corrupted education away from extinction.”

Trump also created the “1776 Commission” with the express purpose of “[enabling] a rising generation to understand the history and principles of the founding of the United States in 1776 and to strive to form a more perfect Union.”

The Commission released its final report in January 2021, which affirmed “how the American people have ever pursued freedom and justice, which are the political conditions for living well.” Far from a nation founded on racism and slavery, the report says, the United States was founded on “self- sacrifice, courage, and nobility.”

This Fourth of July, all Americans – and every freedom-loving people – should take heart in the magnificent uniqueness of the United States. May she continue to carry forth the light of freedom and liberty for the world!

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
1 year ago

The uniqueness of our nation was the wisdom of our founders to recognize, respect, and clearly articulate that our most fundamental rights came from God and not the government. That our foremost right was the freedom to live our lives as we wish provided we do not trample on our neighbor’s rights doing so. Today’s biggest failures, and it starts in our modern government, is the refusal to understand that freedom has a very real price. That price is that we all must exercise personal responsibility for ourselves in order to be free. Anyone dependent on someone else is never free, yet we have entire classes of people today who refuse any personal responsibility and demand to be taken care of by others. We see it in people who pretend to be perpetual victims and demand support they are not entitled to, and many of our politicians encourage that dependency in return for votes.We are on a dangerous path that will not improve until all people learn to be adults and take personal responsibility for themselves. That requires some hard work, work to gain a useful education and work to make that education effective. Only then will the magic of our nation, created by God, be realized by all. Happy Independence Day!

Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
1 year ago

Loved the article! “We the People” must preserve our history and understand that freedom is not passed through the bloodstream to the next generations. As Ronald Reagan once said, ““Freedom is not something to be secured in any one moment of time. We must struggle to preserve it every day.”

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
1 year ago

I can’t think of one other country that promotes individual freedoms with the fervency shown by our society. I give thanks to the Great Creator for being born in this exceptional land of he brave, home of the free. (I admit to reading that somewhere.) An American doesn’t have to be born on the Fourth of July, as I was, to appreciate his or her great fortune to be an American.
To those citizens who would impugn the goals of America, or look to the false political theory that is socialism, as being a replacement for our representative Republic, I say shame on you! That you fault the Constitution for this or that, only identifies you as being unworthy of living here. I would go to your departure, bound for any other country of your choice and wave goodby while shedding tears, tears of joy!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Great article , the spirit of what the United States of America stands for. Praise for you Ben for defending the soul and spirit of the Nation from the corrupt detractors running loose these days with distorted ideas , and outright lies about the history of the Country. I am 73, a Reagan Conservative, I appreciate things like respect for truth, liberty, self determination — visited Independence Hall for first time in 1961 , with my parents, and the Declaration of Independence has been an important,and very good influence in my life ever since then. The last sentence of the Declaration — ” And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” I do believe those words help to keep things in proper balance , In the spirit of maintaining stability and staying on the right course, the Liberty Bell spirit ! A song from December 1941 entitled ” We Did It Before — and we can do it again ” can be a bit of encouragement these days too. Those of us who value Faith, Family and Freedom , I reckon we are fortunate to appreciate those ideas.

1 year ago

The most effective way to educate the population and save America is to bust the teachers’ union. They have worked hard to turn people against freedom and individual responsibility and make them believe that we should all end equal, not just start equal. America i about opportunity and taking your individual talents and making the best of them. It’s about helping your neighbor and worshipping God. It’s about being free to pursue your dreams. And it is past time to stop trying to change it.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Wonderful article. I finished reading it in tears.
Anyone can rewrite history after 400 years. But to make America into a slave colony that is the most inane concept of one person
Being an American by choice who came here more than 64 years ago I can attest that many people looked up to America and still do. Why are millions coming here illegally every months if this was such a hateful country. Why are the AOC’s in the congress so hell bent on destroying America. They don’t care about the country they only care about destroying America and be all powerful in order to eliminate the white race. Don’t let them, stop them or the genocide coming to America is greater than that of Stalin and Mao.
May God bless America this day and every day

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

God bless America for allowing people to come and start a new life There is not and will not be another country to offer such possibility That America unfortunately is lost right now I pray and hope that she is strong enough to overcome the dark forces that are harming her right now Happy Birthday and many many many returns

1 year ago

Is there a new trick to be able to give a “thumbs up” to a comment? I thought it was a glitch when I was not “alowed” to vote for a comment, but a week later, it continues, and I notice some I’m able to vote, some not???

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Beautiful article, best one I’ve seen for a long time.

1 year ago

Good article. I think most Americans don’t realize that it is God who is primarily responsible for America’s greatness because of promises he made to father Abraham. God has poured out his blessings on this nation like few others. But God tells us if we forget him and don’t keep his laws and statures he will start withholding those blessings. I think that is what is happening now, he is withholding his blessings and if we don’t repent and return to him we will eventually go into captivity just like ancient Israel did.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Our nation’s enemies (termites in the woodwork) like Nikole Jones and her ilk have to quote out of context or just plain LIE to advance their anti-God, anti-liberty program. If they know of a country that is better than ours, please MOVE there immediately. Otherwise, stick a rag in your mouth!

1 year ago

It use to be that there was a song that was sung at the beginning at every sporting event. America, America, God shed His light on thee. Is how it began. Now these same sporting events want to recognize disrespect for our flag. Recognize the alphabet people and groom our children. Call us racist and destroy our nation. All so they can have power and take that power from we the people. Our framers laid out the foundation with our constitution. It called for freedom for the people. That didn’t end slavery until the civil war. It didn’t end there either they just repackaged it and it continued. Martin Luther King was man that made great changes in the way things happened in my lifetime. I grew up in the 60s didn’t know any black people at all. My dad was a racist and called them names all the time. My childhood had me living in fear of my father because he was a mean man,and I made up my mind that I would never beat my wife or mistreat my children. I don’t believe we are so much of a product of our environment as we are a product of our decisions. When I was a senior in high school I met a black sophomore and had the privilege to work with him. We become good friends because of that class. I graduated from school seen him once again after graduating that next year. 25 years later I saw him at a bar, we sat down and sat there and laughed and talked for hours. Have tried to contact him a few times since and receiver no response. Now I realize I need to be intentional about this. Any way back to the article at hand. We live in the greatest nation ever. We just need to live and love up to our writings of our founding fathers I believe it was God inspired. We need to be in prayer for our imperfect nation and for God to work on our imperfections to make us a more perfect nation. And that my friend is through love. Love one another. We have everything to gain and nothing to loose but fear. And let God shine His light on thee again. Jesus loves you.

Robert Deighton
Robert Deighton
1 year ago

Thank you. Another reminder of the privilege and good fortune we enjoy as citizens of the greatest country in history. Our everlasting thanks to the wisdom and sacrifices of our Founding Fathers. And to the heroes that sacrificed their lives so we may continue this epic journey, Our duty is to defend and protect our Great Constitutional Republic against all enemies, foreign and domestic for future generations.

1 year ago

Well done. The more often the best statements President Trump made are shared the more difficult the continuous smearing of his name becomes. I fear what the injustice of this country tries to do to him. We need people like him.

Lauren R MacArthur
Lauren R MacArthur
1 year ago

A wonderful reminder of how and why our nation was founded. And a reminder of how evil has been creeping in lying to divide us.

Patricia I Biesik
Patricia I Biesik
1 year ago

Every time I try to vote up on any comment, I get a notice that says I already voted it’s really making me mad as I’m a long time member!!! WHY AM I GETTING THIS NOTICE WHEN I HAVE NOT EVEN VOTED AT ALL???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Dave R
Dave R
1 year ago

Happy 4th of July, a celebration of our independence, let’s enjoy it while you still can!

Mary Wall
Mary Wall
1 year ago

Happy 4th of July!

Jeanette Fenton
Jeanette Fenton
1 year ago

Love this article. It is joyous to read good news and truth, especially with all of the “noise” we hear in the news. I pray that the truth of our history is not lost but shared with our children.

1 year ago

All those who despise this country should move to one of their choice for a few years. If they like it there, good riddance. If it changes their minds about America, it’s a worthwhile lesson. The United States of America is the greatest country ever formed. Happy 4th of July!

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

It is fair that citizens of other nations do not understand how the U.S. is so uniquely different. It is unthinkable that American citizens do not understand this, and be willing to fight to make America the great nation it once was, without Socialist control in government.

1 year ago

Donald Trump really missed the meaning of 4th of July this year. Trump posted on Truth Social bashing Biden & our American flag & included profanity. Trump seems to be losing it & thinking of his ego more than USA. To Donald I say nice Locker Room talk on the holiday that you claimed to cherish a few years ago at Mt. Rushmore.

Jeanette Fenton
Jeanette Fenton
1 year ago

love it. Thanks for writing such a wonderful piece about our history. We got so much when we were young studying about the founding of our country and the people, men and women, who helped make our country independent and great. It makes me so sad and worried when I see that schools are doing just the opposite in teaching our children, altering history and the important details. It will ruin our country with our next generation being taught such slanted falsehoods.

Mikki Thiele
Mikki Thiele
1 year ago

inalienable rights not unalienable

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