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The Left’s Word Games Can’t Conceal ‘Third World’ Impact of Open Borders

Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Politically incorrect words don’t kill, but Venezuelan gangs do.

On Saturday, former President Donald Trump warned rallygoers in a small Wisconsin town that if Vice President Kamala Harris “is reelected, your town and every town … will be transformed into a Third World hell-hole. “

Trump repeatedly warns that Biden-Harris open borders are turning New York into a “Third World nation” and America into a “Third World” disaster.

Left-wing elites are apoplectic over Trump’s use of “Third World.” Never mind the violence perpetrated by migrant gangs and the societal disorder caused by open borders. The Left’s problem is with “Third World.”

NPR calls the term “offensive.”  Foreign Policy columnist Howard French calls it “utterly racist rhetoric.” This is an intentional distraction.

People watching their neighborhoods being degraded know what they are seeing with their own eyes. They have no problem calling the conditions “Third World.”

New York City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino, a Republican, says “We’ve got a Third World country now here in New York City, with Third World crime.” She estimates that 60% of the arrests in her Queens district are “illegal aliens.”

Queens resident Ramses Frias, a Democrat-turned-Republican, complains that commercial streets are being turned into a “Third World market,” with illegal vendors hawking stolen merchandise, and half-naked sex workers strutting in plain sight of children walking to school. Roosevelt Avenue is so overrun with hookers that it’s dubbed the “Market of Sweethearts” and looks like Bangkok’s sordid Patpong market.

The Trump campaign is also getting backlash for posting a comparison of two images on X: one of a quiet, clean street lined with homes, and the other of hundreds of newly arrived migrants, eating and sleeping huddled on the sidewalk outside the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan.

The Trump War Room caption reads: “Import the third world. Become the third world.”

The NAACP said of the post, “They are showing all of us just how racist they are.”

Preposterous. Bedlam is being imported to the area around the hotel, once a Manhattan landmark. Businesses are fleeing. The migrants pictured happen to be mostly Black, but commuters — Black as well as white — dread walking past the chaos to get to Grand Central Station.

Trump is also being bashed as racist for calling migrants who rape and murder “animals.” On Saturday, he said, “Just this month, right here in this beautiful town, police arrested an illegal alien member of a savage Venezuelan prison gang known as Tren de Aragua” for “holding a mother and daughter captive against their will and sexually assaulting them again, and again, and again.”

Trump called the alleged assailant “an animal.”

He also used “animal” to describe the Venezuelan illegal who raped, bludgeoned, and killed nursing student Laken Riley. But Reuters accused Trump of wrongdoing for “resorting to the degrading rhetoric he has employed time and again.”

Ridiculous. The issue isn’t Trump’s choice of words. It’s loss of life caused by Harris’ open border.

The Left elite also turned a blind eye to the impact of prostitution on business owners and families trapped in close proximity to the brothels.

Incredibly, most Democratic politicians — except New York City Mayor Eric Adams — align themselves with the sex workers. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose Queens district is overrun with street prostitution, has insisted in the past that “sex work is work” and generally supported decriminalization. Rep. Jerrold Nadler supports decriminalization, even as prostitution spreads in his Manhattan district.

A Democratic bill in Albany would decriminalize buying and selling sex, operating a brothel, and sex tourism — never mind the impact on neighborhoods. “This legislation would make NYC a major sex tourism destination,” warns Sonia Ossorio, of the National Organization for Women, who has documented the explosion of migrant prostitution.

Last week, The Washington Post accused Trump of alarming voters by depicting an “imaginary and frightening world.” Frightening, yes. But not imaginary.

Felonies are up 35% in New York City since 2019, and an estimated 75% of arrests in midtown Manhattan for assault and other crimes are illegal migrants. Street sex sells for $50 for fellatio, and $100 for vaginal penetration, according to NOW.

The situation is Third World, and you’ll get four more years of this mayhem if Harris is elected president.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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4 months ago

Awwwww, poor wittle snowfwake Liberal organizations and lamestream media got twiggered by DJT’s “third world” comment. Guess they better go find their safe space, drink their hot chocolate and play with their coloring books. They simply refuse to understand that our First Amendment Rights don’t end where their poor wittle feelings begin. Political correctness has gotten us into this mess, and it’s time to fight back against these creampuff liberals! VOTE TRUMP!!!

Ken Phipps
Ken Phipps
4 months ago

We have to keep telling the truth!! Leftists and the leftist media hates the truth. VOTE RED TO STOP THE INSANITY.

4 months ago

Can’t New Yorkers and others see this? Are they that loyal to a corrupt and evil party that they still vote for them? Has Satan totally took over the souls of Democrats that they no longer have morals nor conscience? Let’s pray for these people, as they are lost. .

4 months ago

I have said this ever since Biden Harris were installed as our so called leaders. They have made America into a Sodom and Gomorrah. They cater to the rainbow groups by supporting gender surgery on minors as young as 10-11 year olds sometimes even younger than that. Drag queens performing in front of kindergartners and first graders, serving in the army. Demanding gender pronouns be used. Women are birthing people, men are having periods and babies and men play in women’s sport on their say so they are women, but keep their genitalia. Same in prison. Taxpayers must pay for invaders trans surgery. And FEMA money is being used for housing and healthcare for these invaders. And citizens affected dramatically by hurricane Helene there is no money for. Just like the victims by the fire in Maui. I think they got 750 dollars and invaders get a monthly allowance of 1400 dollars and free everything else. They go before the citizens. Of course we are a Third World Country. The dems know it but as long as Trump can be blamed for all the things they destroyed they are going to call him out. He beat Biden and Harris to the disaster areas of hurricane Helene and now they are saying he just went there without being invited that there was no room for him to go. Well 2 days after the disaster there is room. Like in East Palestine it took sloppy a year or more to go there. I guess he wasn’t invited. He never mentioned it. Not in his speech before congress just like Maui. Forgotten. Biden Harris haven’t done nothing but bring America down in the world and destroying those citizens who oppose their governing tactics. And then when they are called out they make up stories. They couldn’t stand it Trump went to Georgia and ole Joe was sleeping on the beach and Kameltoe was partying with her money elites. Trump met with the people Biden and Harris with dignitaries. They don’t need support. And still Biden talked about climate change was the cause of the hurricane. He doesn’t know that for a fact. With that statement none of the people who floated down the river are helped by that. When there is money needed for Ukraine boom 5 minutes later it’s on its way. Not the poor citizens in Asheville, Appalachia, Tennessee or Florida or other areas affected. We have become a Third World Country where morals have gone, crime is rampant, religion is shunned and Maga people are domestic terrorist. Invaders are the new citizens. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE if you want to save America.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
4 months ago

Praise for you and this important. article Betsy ! This information should be appreciated by people who appreciate civilization,and good character and living responsibly. Having principles that are respectful — having a society that values Faith, Family and Freedom – that is the American spirit that needs to be defended from attacks by Third World decadence. Your writing is straight and honest, unlike the twisted as a corkscrew comments from those who are offended by the use of the term. Third World . Describing conditions that are found in countries that lack systems that promote Law and Order is simply being accurate – and honest . To have ideals that are uplifting, that are noble – that is what is needed in any place in this world — in Third World countries ,in New York, wherever civilization is valued . Hopefully the so-called Third World countries will become better places in the future if good can prevail over evil . I am 74, born and raised in Philadelphia, in the 1970’s lived in and around New York for about four years. So, may living conditions improve wherever improvement is needed and may God bless America, land of the free, and home of the brave.

Ken Phipps
Ken Phipps
4 months ago

We need to keep telling the truth. The leftists and the leftist media hate the truth… Vote RED to stop the insanity.

4 months ago

The first thing we Americans should not stand for is anyone calling illegal aliens illegal migrants. It’s way past time to call your representative and give them hell if they use the term “illegal migrant”.
Our immigration laws need to be tightened such that any politician or bureaucrat who tries to ignore our immigration laws will immediately lose all monetary ties, lose any retirement and go to jail for a minimum of 10 years: no exceptions.
Right now, we are losing our Constitutional Republic, our country, to rotten politicians and globalists who would destroy America for their personal monetary gain and control of “freedom loving Americans”. These people deserve only one thing, A JAIL CELL.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

This alone should be enough to open everyone eyes, yet there are those refusing to see. Average citizen thinking of voting for Harris should remember he has no means to employ a private security.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

Bad news for us but Venezuelan crime rates are down. See? Kamala is a successful crime fighter!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
4 months ago

The communist/fascist LEFT often say “words are violence” when a patriot simply states the TRUTH. Yet they deny that their over-the-top use of “Hitler,” “fascist,” and “existential threat” concerning Trump and us supporters had anything to do with TWO (so far) assassination attempts! Total hypocrisy and BS!

4 months ago

The Dems say they are the only party that “empowers and protects women. How is “empowering and protecting” women when they become the property of gangs and pimps?

4 months ago

This is what happens when a nation turns it’s back on God. America no longer has God’s hand of protection as a nation. When a political party stands up and says that the right of a woman to murder her baby is part of the American Dream, as Oprah did at the Democrat Convention, then we can no longer expect God to protect America. We are witnessing the end of our Nation.

4 months ago

Amazing, but sadly not surprising that liberals/Democrats get so incensed over a phrase, but NOT over the very fact that they are responsible for the very invasion of illegal aliens that are turning America into a third world country!

4 months ago

Easy to reduce crime by making everything legal. Left lost their minds long ago, can’t believe so many people can’t see it.

4 months ago

Committed members of the left don’t care about children – not their own, or anyone else’s. They want pay in return for no work, and they’ll punish anyone they can reach who stands in their way.

4 months ago

Most 3rd world impact of the border: all the 3rd world crap and crude diseases that are not screened for…be afraid, be very afraid, many silent killers in those diseases.

4 months ago

Excellent article that illustrates how well the author is informed! The ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT (UN?) mission and agenda was available decades ago, but I am unable to locate it now. Interesting! 
The agenda simply stated “The Declaration of Interdependence and the Dissolution of Nations.” If truth be in action, then by attaching the words in this agenda to the actions of the current administration, it makes sense why they keep the borders open. I believe that those cities/states who designated themselves as ‘sanctuary’ were ‘conned’ about the true reason for accepting these people. From what I have seen and heard, this activity appears to me to have become a classic activity of man’s inhumanity to man (the fellow at the stop light washing car windows to make dollars for his family) as these people are being used to infiltrate our culture to change to a ‘third world’ agenda while actually destroying the ‘American Dream” and in the process I believe they are being trained to depend on the government.

4 months ago

and i bet you will vote for the promises of free s_it that never materialize bu the dumbas craps and especially harris. what are you going to do when there is no welfare handouts? better what are your kids going to do for food? you better think long and hard( if you even can) before voting for harris. do your own research, do not believe the dumb as crap lies. vote for trump and keep our kids fed 4 more years. do it

4 months ago

They’ll complain about anything Trump says. Anyone who opposes the Dems is declared a bigot. Trump is absolutely correct in saying these things.

4 months ago

What is the story on Aurora Colorado ? Trump said this at rally in Saginaw today: The gangs go to the bank & borrow money and take over properties & the Gov of Colorado has testified and does not know what to do with them. What is going on here & what cannot police enforcement take care of this situation? Trump sounds like they have taken over the whole town of Aurora………….

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

Unless U censor Videos etc alone

Mike B
Mike B
4 months ago

Keep voting for these anti Christ politicians . The racist card is old and doesn’t work anymore. Can you realize that politicians like Adler, AOC, Nadler are destroying this once great city? Get some brains and vote these woke POS out of office! Vote red down the line, because if you don’t, another 4 years of this New York will be a 3rd world hell hole and there won’t be no turning back. Living in Illinois, Chicago is following in your footsteps. God help us.

Richard Schwenderman
Richard Schwenderman
4 months ago

If what the regime has produced so far isn’t enough yesterday at the podium Joe Biden was dog whistling his Aristide Army to violence at election day.

4 months ago

Harris is the person who said about the demonstrations that became savage riots at 9PM “They won’t stop and should not stop.” We either have the choice of a leader who leads toward anarchy or one who can’t see it coming.

4 months ago

Courtesy of Biden-Harris Homeland Insecurity Dept., EACH COUNTY in our country has now inherited, 4-5 convicted murderers. And they don’t know where they are.

4 months ago

The Harris crowd seems to require their own living and political space, to insulate them from the rest of Humanity.
With that concept enabled, THEY may not be grateful, but the rest of Humanity sure would.

4 months ago

I remember when efforts were made to clean up 42nd Street in NYC. They got the theaters etc. to close down. Unfortunately it was done when there was little porn there compared to the past because of the then huge popularity of Kung Fu movies. There was several theaters playing triple features and one setup where there were two interconnected theaters each playing a double feature. One ticket covered all four movies! There was a Martial Arts Equipment store, another store that sold Kung Fu movies on VHS and the newstand at one end of the street carried martial arts magazines including the legendary Martial Arts Movies magazine. It was Nirvanna for the Kung Fu fan and the porn was quickly dying off there. So of course That’s when the “Reformers” finally came in to “clean things up”. Now where are they? NYC is getting worse than ever and there is no longer a Kung Fu movie industry to kick the porn etc. out!

4 months ago

There is nothing wrong with calling an animal an animal, except it is not fair to domestic dogs and goats and horses. But can anybody tell me what the term THIRD WORLD means? To me , there is only one world & is there anyplace that is called 2nd world?

4 months ago

The vile “media” and the far left traitors can’t stand the truth so every truthful word will be labeled. The shameful part is that so many weak minded “American” voters buy in to the narrative hook-line and sinker.

4 months ago

Trump is one spreading FAKE NEWS, as today in Saginaw he said that the Fed Govt is not taking care of the 5-6 states hit by hurricane cuz FEMA is broke cuz having spent Billions on illegal aliens. Yesterday, Mayorkas said that FEMA will need more money to get thru this hurricane season. Trump should quit throwing slams at FEMA and the people that are in North Carolina to help the people & help unite people and not make this a political issue. How many natural disasters have hit the USA this year & it is a lot.. READ THE BIBLE AND DECIDE IF there is not some signs.

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