AMAC Exclusive – By Cal Palmer

In his memoir published in 1953, legendary Hollywood screenwriter Ben Hecht summed up the moral universe of American pop culture at the time. On screens big and small, there were “no problems of labor, politics, domestic life or sexual abnormality but can be solved happily by a simple Christian phrase or a fine American motto.”
There is a moral universe of American politics today too, shaped by the media’s leftist bias: there are no problems which cannot be solved happily but by embracing radical understandings of “systemic racism,” “climate change,” and “misinformation.”
These are the left’s three emergencies. And the left deploys them at will.
President Joe Biden told us right from the beginning that his administration would defend us from an “attack” on “truth,” the “sting of systemic racism” and a “climate in crisis.”
We’ve watched that shameless defense for ten months now.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg pushes infrastructure spending because systemic racism was “physically built into some of our highways.”
Vice President Kamala Harris blames the border crisis on “the lack of climate adaptation” in central America.
Press Secretary Jen Psaki suggested that “misinformation” is so prevalent on social media that the federal government may need to step in and censor speech on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
But here’s the important part: the loudest voices on the left have supported limitless domestic spending, open borders, regulation of speech, and centralized economic planning for decades.
The three emergencies are pretext. They are mental imports. Sometimes conscious, sometimes unconscious, the three emergencies are cheap to manufacture, flimsy to the touch, and easily substituted for one another.
And, because the left frames each as an “emergency,” they act as trump cards.
Why? Emergency rhetoric works.
It pushes the American people to accept concentrated power over constitutional order, getting something done over getting it done right, and the present over the past and future.
The left understands that when a plane loses an engine at 20,000 feet, passengers are more concerned with a safe landing than with the airline losing their luggage.
The left knows they’ve switched your bag and it’s headed to Spokane. They need you to believe the sky is falling and they can land the plane.
But the real power of the three emergencies—their force in shaping the moral universe of our politics—comes from their comprehensive and self-perpetuating dogma.
Each is its own religion. And the power to deliver salvation and excommunicate heretics along the way belongs to the church of the federal government.
Conservatives recognize this danger. In fact, the strongest tie which binds conservatives of all stripes and for different reasons is the belief that Government cannot and should not be our God.
Submitting to a total authority demands submitting to total power. In private worship, that’s one thing. In a voting booth, it’s another.
But that’s why ideologies acting as religions are so appealing to the left. More power is the goal.
They believe that government is an always sufficient and often necessary replacement for God. And they want to be the high priests.
Of course, we’ve seen all these forces at work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Overcoming our ongoing “emergency” takes priority over important individual rights and decisions. And when fully vaccinated Americans walk outside alone with masks on, it’s hard to see it as anything but a statement on morality.
Time will tell if the pandemic becomes a permanent emergency used to justify, years from now, everything from affirmative action to bigger pensions for government workers.
But one thing is already clear about this proposed fourth emergency. It proves the danger of the first three.
Cal Palmer is the pen name of an analyst and fellow at a national think tank. He is an attorney and officer in the US Army Reserve.
In Socialism the government is God. Religion or any other form of organized social or governing ideology is viewed as competition to Socialism and thus must be crushed to ensure only Socialism exists. In Socialism government grants benefits to those that submit to the will of government and punishes those that resist or disobey the will of government. Under Socialism, you exist to serve the State and when you cease to be of value to the State, you are disposable. Much like sheep or cattle. That is Socialism in a nut shell.
Socialists using a manufactured crisis and panic inducing rhetoric to expand their power is as old as the ideology of socialism itself. None of this should be a revelation to those that know the history of socialism and how it has been implemented in virtually every country where it has taken hold. What, if anything, the People choose to do concerning our steady march towards fully adopting Socialism here in the United States is the real question.
The author writes “Overcoming our ongoing “emergency” takes priority over important individual rights and decisions. And when fully vaccinated Americans walk outside alone with masks on, it’s hard to see it as anything but a statement on morality.” I disagree. It is NOT a statement on morality, but rather a statement of surrender of the People to the will of government. The sheep are simply complying with the latest edict from an increasingly dictatorial government.
Biden and his cohorts only care about themselves! Our federal government has been ruined by allowing Socialists, Muslims and Elitists to govern us! TRUMP 2024 MAGA
i WOULD LIKE TO KNOW HOW systemic racism was “physically built into some of our highways.”
amen barb! the deep state controls all the levers of power in the us they put these politians and people like miley to destroy this country. i hope they have somewhere else to go idont watch your backs stick close to your families and friends. one more thing socialism is communism straight up they murder people
I say Pandemic tops all for “emergency” day 1
Use for any other issue
I sniffed it out in March of 2020 – the phony pandemic confounds the typical apathetic citizen. We all watched fellow Americans bend over like actors in mayor pete’s porn collection…
libs = NAZIS
Socialism is just Communist-Light! . . . Buying anything today is a nightmare!
Everything one buys is costing more, food, gasoline, utilities, rentals of any kind, etc, etc. . . . If it costs money it’s costs are increasing. . . . I AM so tired of Jackass Joe
Biden’s OBVIOUS LIES and yet other than Fox, the lamestream media NEVER CALLS THEM OUT FOR IT! . . . It just goes to show how stupid the average American is that they don’t question but maybe there is still hope as the Indoctrination of public School Education is exposed and Mama Bear has been aroused! . . . About time!
Covid will never end, there will always be a variant and Socialist Party will be more than happy to keep us in mandates or fear.
Our media is scum. They wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them on the butt .
Build Back Better? That bafoon has not a clue as to what he is doing. I am utterly disgusted that the American people are so ignorant of their history and what this great nation stands for. God Help Us!!
Question for all here: are you contacting your “representatives” and governors of state. If they’re demorats it probably won’t do any good but at least these traitors will know they’re being monitored and not fooling anyone.
Write, e-mail, call…bug the snot out of them! If you live close, sit in front of their office doors, until they either give you a hearing or have their gestapo drag you off. Indeed, we might wind up in a metal box somewhere the way our nation is being dragged…but we have to fight back. Ben Franklin was once asked what the best form of government is…”A republic...IF you can keep it.” To say our Republic is bleeding to death is an understatement….and this American has not sit back to wait for the head shot.
joebama and the democrats are a clown show!
America knows they are all corrupt,anti American failures who have destroyed everything Citizens love.
The people will not forget or forgive their traitorous attack on Freedom!
Can not even comment anymore.
The DemocRats make up BS (basic stupidity) and try to sell it to American citizens as justification to spend money the government does not have presently and put Americans in hock for the future.
Remember: DemocRats want to RULE the Nation by cherry picking the Constitutional precepts. The Republicans want to GOVERN the Nation according to Constitutional laws and regulation derived therefrom. The Democrats might well and more accurately rename their party “Communist Party.” (with a speck of Nazism to insure absolute control of the citizenry stays under control of the party.)
Maybe a fourth re Boston Tea party.
Jesus said “You can not serve God and mammon, a word that is often translated “money”. Mammon is actually Satan, so Jesus said you can not serve God and Satan at the same time! The current administration is serving Satan, while trying to be God. It will fail, just as Lucifer did in days long ago and instead of being EXALTED above God, was cast down, which will result in he and his followers being sent to eternal torment. We have ears to hear, and eyes to see, but fail to hear or see the warning signs. God wins–Satan loses!
I am of the mind it is time to stop talking and start making our damn, criminally corrupt Congress baboons DO THEIR JOBS.
Or..Recall and fire their useless derrieres.
I just wish people would hurry up and get as tired of their constant “Oh my God, we’re all going to DIE!” BS as I’ve been for a couple of decades!
Why does it take everyone so long to see what the lying frauds are doing? It’s so simple….they want us all under their thumbs, or boots.
I can recall as early at the early 80’s telling those around me that the removal of history from schools in favor of a steady diet of such subjects as social studies and the mass adoption of Howard Zinn’s revisionist,” A People’s History of America” would come to no good for the country as a whole. In conversations with my grandchildren, I pick up a lot of forced indoctrination into untruths, twisted logic, and outright lies. Here’s a whopper by my 6 year old grandson, “those presidents who wore those white wigs are bad presidents.” I asked him to tell me why. His answer was that he didn’t know but that was what he was told. That is the laying down of false structure in preparation for future lies as he gets older and can process them.
Actually, the liberal leftist bias goes way back, nearly 60 years with the onset of a rejection of the source-authority of the rule of law, the purposes for traditional values and the logic of cause and effect.
All contemporary issues of political division and dispute derive from this fact. The costs and consequences of the wrongness of personal choice are those of the individual to bear. Government has become intolerably abusive of legal discretion to disregard, relative to political bias, the violations of law by members of the majority and to abuse discretion and entrapment for the purpose of, “legally” disqualifying individuals by publicity and the power of public opinion, often based in falsehoods.
An excellent reminder. When I attended freshman biology classes in 1973-74, the textbook stated that we would run out of oil by 2000. The left always agitates. Saul Alinsky laid out his rules for radicals many years ago. Obama followed his rules to the letter. Leftists plagued FDR so thoroughly that he remarked to an aide that he had to fight the Germans, Japanese, and his State Department. The devil never sleeps and neither does the left. They are his agents and desire to bring us to hell while we are still alive.
Looks like the DemocRats want to implement the controls (laws) that squelch free speech … if it doesn’t fit their Communistic agenda. Anyone who can’t see the trimmings of Communism in the policies popular with the DemocRats are just not paying honest attention.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was no such animal as a democrat ??
in order to fix something it has to be broke first……thats what we are seeing right now. So I see more people becoming involved in this struggle and fixing the decay of this American ideal called liberty and justice for all. All we can do right now is ride it out. Come next November we will see how it all shakes out.
Utterly idiotic preferences.
Very good read and Spot-on. Have shared with many others – Will continue to do so. As for solving this… The voting booth is where we rid our society of this rot… But we need to do so before they alter our election process as their means to ensure we never get them rooted out.