This week, The New York Times released a long expose of the shortcomings of the United Kingdom’s National Health Service. Long cherished as a crown jewel of Left-wing governmental policy, the NHS has been plagued by massive resource shortcomings, requiring rationing of critical infrastructure and care. Now, citizens are waiting up to 12 hours for ambulances. “It’s a near-crisis situation that experts say reveals a breakdown of the compact between Britons and their revered National Health Service,” the Times reported, “that the government will provide responsible, efficient health care services, mostly free, across all income levels.”
There can be only one excuse for such signal failure to serve the prosperity of your citizenry: the chimera of equality. This, in fact, is the clarion call of the Left: that human beings sacrifice well-being and prosperity on behalf of the cult of equal distribution of resources. Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, says as much in his book, “The Great Narrative”: we should dispense with economic measures like gross domestic product (GDP) in favor of “what matters most: climate action, sustainability, inclusivity, global cooperation, health and well-being.” In fact, says Schwab, “We might even find we can live with such a scenario quite happily!” The end goal will be ending “inequality and the unfairness that underpins it” by enshrining “universal provision of social assistance,” which will require that governments “rewrite some of the rules of the game and permanently increase their roles.”
Closer to home, New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie says the same when he argues in favor of government nationalization of all wealth and then redistribution of that wealth on a per capita basis… every generation. This would amount to a complete rupture of property rights — and this in turn would mean the end of innovation, since societies that dispense with property rights and profit margins regress into stagnation and then economic collapse. But at least we will have achieved Bouie’s goal: equality!
Indeed, members of the political Left are constantly asking citizens to simply reframe their perspectives on prosperity entirely. Jerusalem Demsas, writing in The Atlantic, calls on Americans to rethink whether homeownership is worth pursuing, explaining, “pushing more and more people into homeownership actually undermines our ability to improve housing outcomes for all.” Indeed, rather than all aspiring to buy houses and some succeeding, Demsas calls for “public investment in rental-housing quality” as well as government “rent-stabilization policies.” None of this will make it easier for anyone to own a home, but it will make everyone more equal in their government-sponsored tenancy.
President Joe Biden’s entire economic agenda is built around the notion of economic mediocrity rooted in a self-proclaimed higher justice. Paul Waldman of The Washington Post posited this week that Biden had launched an “economic policy revolution” rooted in fighting “inequality.” This would require “more active government intervention in the economy.”
And we will all learn to love such intervention, because it will be done in the name of a higher value: equality. Not equality of rights, but equality of outcome; not equality of value, but equality of resources. The problem with this philosophy is that it removes the incentive for all that creates prosperity: work, creativity, thrift, responsibility. And removing that incentive means more misery for everyone.
Ben Shapiro, 38, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.” To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.
Translation: It won’t affect the ruling elites or the corporate fat cats. It will only destroy the middle class and we’ll all be equally miserable. (And you will like it)
Ben is one of the most brilliant minds in the public forum of thought. While his comments are always worth a listen or a read, his debate skills are even more impressive. He is so good that liberal colleges have protested and cancelled many of his speaking engagements because he can dismantle virtually every leftist talking point instantly. Conservative candidates preparing their campaigns for 2024 would be well served by studying Ben’s razor sharp skills!
Funded by George Soros.
Just follow the money.
Sure, you first. Oh wait, doesn’t really matter who’s in charge or what form of government, elites always treat themselves as royalty. The crumbs you get depends on how magnanimous they are.
The common thread connecting all the sources quoted in this article is the desire for a global socialist order. A worldview where people are “managed” , much like you would cattle or sheep, to be utilized for what is deemed best by those in power. This is nothing new. The idea goes back all the way to Karl Marx and his distorted view of society and his desired solution. It is just more openly expressed by all these sources and more today, because they know the people lack both the courage and will to actively oppose what is being systematically done to them now in the name of “equality”. Remember not too long ago, it was all about “equity”. Well now that can be disposed of and true nature of the objective can be openly discussed without fear of pushback.
Klaus Schwab of the WEF was quoted a few weeks ago as saying the CCP’s rule of China was a model example of how all world governments should be run. The New York Times has for decades been pro socialist and communist in terms of its political leanings. The Democrat Party, going all the way back to the early 20th century, has been enamoured of other socialist or communist regimes around the world. All these people and organizations would have never dared to so openly state their true leanings 40 or 50 years ago, because there would have been a major uproar from not only the American people, but most of the people of western Europe as well. Now, thanks to systematic conditioning of multiple generations of western populations around the world and the slow and steady pace of introducing one thinly veiled socialist policy after another into the fabric of everyday life, there is no longer a need to for these groups and others to hide their true intentions for humanity.
All in the name of equality and fairness? There will never be equality because someone(s) will have to be in charge. There will be no equality there. And fairness…..good for me and too bad for you. Right. I would rather think for myself and be responsible for me (and family).
John 10:10: “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Yep, democrats are right there in the Bible!
Yea sure. How about this attitude: ” I demand a better life style than I have now and will work hard to get it “. That’s mine.
All of the communists and socialists who contaminate our nation need to move to China or Russia.
Why don’t they ? Why do they refuse to live their commie life now instead of waiting for years for the US (which is not America) to become commie ? Why is important to convert the US to communism when they can live in a commie nation today ?
It is all working towards the one world government spoken of in the Holy Scriptures. Believers should take heart and know that these things must happen before our Lord and Savior returns.
Why is it that the politicians who are pushing wealth distribution have already prospered and made millions but don’t want us to have the same opportunities?
The 1.7 billion giveaway is just another DC enima that we all must have once or twice a year.
The only thing missing is another cute name like ” The Make American Better” act or “Restore
Prosperity ” act instead of what it should be named which is the “Lets Spend More Faster” act.
I myself, subscribe to my Father’s ideology, If you don’t work, You don’t eat
Whether people comprehend it or not socialism in the usa started in 1913 with the creation of federal income tax and federal reserve / central banking. This is the foundation that has led to more and more socialism in the usa. Today people are finally waking up because the beast has gotten huge, but it maybe to late.
The ultimate goal of the welfare state is to make everyone equally destitute.
I will when you, Joe, Nancy, Chuckie, Bernie, Barack, Hillary, etc, lead by example. When you live in a 3 bedroom house on SS, Medicare and retirement like I do then I will buy into your plan. But not until…
It is not equality they are after. The term is “equity”, primarily heard in the world of finance; however, it is a reimagining of their term “fairness”.
The current great political divide in our society has been caused by the effort of some to bring about full scale socialism in America.
Socialism is a false political theory that the elite of some countries try to impose on their people in order to enslave them into the condition of common misery while the elite enjoy privilege and wealth.
The result of the imposed socialism on the masses is always the same, i.e. the people experience a common misery no matter how hard they might labor to earn their own way. Taxes are used as a tool to make sure that everyone’s compensation is “equal”. Only the temptations of envy, greed and sloth lure the laggards and sluggards to vote for political candidates who promise something for nothing.
Socialism has been beguiling human beings since the dawn of mankind. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels popularized it in 1848 when they introduced their work: “The Communist Manifesto”.
This theory has always failed whenever large societies try to use it as a guide for governance.
The true shame? That the majority of the people never learn from the sad history of socialism.
“You’ll get nothing and LIKE it!”
Tc parkinson
The Left always makes things “equal” by lowering the achievers instead of trying to ELEVATE those falling behind I saw where schools will not announce winners of National Merit Scholarships because it might “hurt the feelings” of those who don’t excel! What are we, a banana republic? (I know the answer!)
Animal Farm, Brave New World, 1984, etc… Science Fiction becomes reality! All humanity, except the elite who run everything, will live in poverty while those same elite live like kings and make excuses as to why they should be allowed to be above everyone else! Lords and serfs? Masters and slaves? It’s all coming if these clowns get their way!!! All for the lust of power! Evil is alive and well in America!
Equity is the American progressive’s word for COMMUNISM. The only way to enforce “equity” is by force. Equity doesn’t exist anyway. If I can read a newspaper faster than the next guy there is no equity. And if he can’t read to what level do we go.? Those schools that didn’t reveal national merit scholarship results to students in time for college applications should be jailed on GP. I took that as a junior and wondered why the school told me to take it because I suck at math. Even with that, I was still in the 90th percentile. Carol down below is using a big hammer.
Klaus Schwab doesn’t give a rats-ass about people being equal, he really couldn’t care any less if he tried! All he cares about is power and money, period!
His current quest, the great reset and climate change is nothing more than a vehicle to get him there! Power and money…It’s that simple! In his eyes, we’re just insects that are in the way.
As happens, each and every single time it’s tried; when something is free or greatly discounted, you get much more consumption and eventually rationing! The left hasn’t figured this basic economic principle out yet!
Or they have and just don’t give a sh*t!
The Democratic Party gives a Rat’s Keister about Equal Rights. It’s a tool they use to convince their Minions to help them gain more power, and control over our lives.
“The problem with this philosophy is that it removes the incentive for all that creates prosperity: work, creativity, thrift, responsibility. And removing that incentive means more misery for everyone.“
Enough said!!
What a crock! I remember stories about Russian leaders had dachas on both sides while most lived in unheated concrete block flats. Or, as George Orwell said: “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”
Hey Leftists, you embrace it first! But do it without taking the money we worked harder for than you would ever know!
That’s why we are called Conservatives!
When the elites give up their homes on Martha’s Vineyard, then I will be willing to listen. Since that will never happen, the elites may feel free to go jump in the lake.
Socialism is a way to take away what the common people have & then have a government that takes about 90% of all the money so they can live in luxury & tell all the people that fell into this trap what to do with their life & maybe get a loaf of bread per month. The USA was built with a system that if you work hard, you can raise a family & have a good life & not be controlled by the top govt. fatcats.
Bidens justice is not justice at all. It’s not justice to intentionally introduce policies that cause people to lose their jobs, lose their health, lose their wealth. Taking money from the hard working middle class to pay for social experiments and give away programs is not charity, it’s thievery.
You can love or hate Trump, but thank heaven he built a conservative Supreme Court. We can hope the Constitution will hold until we beat back the communists trying to destroy this country, Biden? He is at the end of his life and could care less. He’s relishing in being Pres and what he leaves behind isn’t a concern. I try hard not to give up, but it is hard.
No … No….. and No Thank you. Impeach …. Impeach … and Impeach… send the idiot to a nursing home and take America back.
Why do so many people support Joe Biden and his vigorous attempts to destroy our freedom and our nation? I don’t understand why people want this.
Biden, who has more money that most, has never worked a day in his life and has no concept of what it means to work hard, own a business and provide income for your workers so they can work hard and be successful up to their level of comfort. He has no concept of America and is the last person who should be President of the United States – he hasn’t earned it and he’s done nothing in his life that he brings to the table in the form of leadership and creating a better America. The saddest thing I see are the people who admire Joe Biden. He is the worst image imaginable to represent the American people.