AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

Decades after baselessly smearing him as a sexual deviant and grotesquely disparaging him as an “Uncle Tom” and a “traitor,” leftists are once again targeting Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. This time, the smear campaign is somehow even less convincing than their previous lines of attack.
On April 6, ProPublica, a non-profit with a history of promoting far-left radicalism, published a report accusing Thomas of “secretly accept[ing] luxury trips from a major Republican donor,” a real estate developer named Harlan Crow. By accepting these gifts, the group alleges, Thomas “appears to have violated” Supreme Court disclosure obligations by not reporting his airline travel as “gifts” from Crow.
Yet, despite leftists’ eagerness to pounce on charges of corruption against Thomas, as legal analyst Ed Whelan notes, ProPublica’s entire case rests upon “cherry-picked little-known and unnamed ‘experts’” presenting “a false and damning clarity on the matter.”
Thomas is, by his own account, a longtime friend of Crow and had been advised not to list the trips as gifts. As the Wall Street Journal reported late last week, “it seems clear that the Court’s rules at the time all of this happened did not require that gifts of personal hospitality be disclosed.” Furthermore, “ProPublica fails to make clear to readers that the U.S. Judicial Conference recently changed its rules to require more disclosure. The new rules took effect last month.”
In other words, ProPublica has no case—and they almost certainly know it.
Shortly after the allegations first surfaced, Thomas defended his actions, confirming that he and Crow had been “dearest friends, and we have been friends for over twenty-five years.” Thomas continued: “As friends do, we have joined them on a number of family trips during the more than quarter century we have known them.”
“Early in my tenure at the Court, I sought guidance from my colleagues and others in the judiciary, and was advised that this sort of personal hospitality from close personal friends, who did not have business before the Court, was not reportable. I have endeavored to follow that counsel throughout my tenure, and have always sought to comply with the disclosure guidelines.”
Despite Thomas’s reasoned defense – as well as the acknowledgement from most serious legal figures that he has done nothing wrong – progressives have predictably doubled down on their calls for retribution.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to Twitter to call for Thomas’s impeachment, claiming that Thomas’s “degree of corruption is shocking – almost cartoonish.” Never mind the fact that Ocasio-Cortez herself has a long history of far more credible corruption charges, including paying thousands in campaign cash to a Chinese foreign agent and stiffing vendors for her infamous “tax the rich dress” that has earned her a congressional ethics review.
Apparently oblivious to this blatant hypocrisy, however, other members of the so-called “Squad” followed Ocasio-Cortez’s lead. “Thomas must be impeached and SCOTUS needs a binding code of ethics,” wrote Rashida Tlaib, who was also the subject of a congressional ethics investigation for improperly paying herself from a campaign fund while she was not a candidate.
Ilhan Omar agreed with both Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib, saying “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Clarence Thomas needs to be impeached.” Omar, it should be noted, has faced persistent allegations that she married her brother in order to skirt U.S. immigration law, and has faced other serious corruption charges.
In another particularly revealing tweet, Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu mused, “Is Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas corrupt? I don’t know” – but then promptly concluded that Thomas “should resign” anyway “for the good of the country.”
Of course, the left has been calling for Thomas’s impeachment and resignation for years—and ProPublica’s report, even in spite of its obvious flaws, is only the latest excuse for Democrats to slander the Court’s second-ever African American justice.
From the moment Thomas took his seat on the High Court more than 30 years ago, the basis for the left’s vitriol toward him and his family has been as clear as day: Thomas didn’t conform to their vision of how a black American ought to think—and for that reason alone, the left believes he must be discredited and destroyed by any means necessary.
This rationale can also help explain the left’s persecution of Donald Trump and other figures on the right. Trump, once perceived as an ally to the cultural left, was declared a public enemy from the moment he came down the golden escalator in 2015 to announce his candidacy as a Republican.
Because Thomas, Trump, and others like them have refused to bend the knee to progressive orthodoxy and toe the line of left-wing extremism, for the left, no effort can be spared in ensuring their defeat.
The left’s latest assault on Thomas is nothing more than the latest proof that, when leftists know they can’t win on the actual facts, they will concoct their own set of “alternative facts” and abuse their positions of power to persecute their political opponents.
“This is a circus. It’s a national disgrace. And from my standpoint as a black American, as far as I’m concerned, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks, who in any way deign to think for themselves,” Thomas said during his Senate confirmation in 1991. “And it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured, by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree.”
Although it appears as though not much has changed in three decades, fortunately for us Thomas, Trump, and other conservative icons don’t appear ready to back down anytime soon.
Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.
Leave him alone U had your chance in 1991
Screw U Dems
The Left attacked Judge Thomas’ wife, but that didn’t go well. Now they have moved on to the Judge himself.
AIC and her cronies are the cartoonish ones.
Why are the squalid squad members still in Congress? They should have been brought up on those legitimate charges against them, indicted, and served time, much less thrown out of Congress immediately. Nervy banshees.
Is AOC the barmaid worried about the millions Senile Joe got from Ukraine, Russia, and China? Or how a lifelong “public servant” like Joey can have THREE million dollar plus mansions: one of them the former mansion of the billionaire DuPont family? How about Bill and Hillary and their money-laundering “foundation” or the supposedly middle-class Obamas who are multimillionaires? How about the slush fund which Congress has to pay off victims of THEIR sexual escapades?
Justice Thomas has ALWAYS BEEN an “Uncle Tom” to these Communists because “No Black man in his right mind would EVER be a Republican!” YET, it was ALWAYS DEMOCRATS that were the greater majority of Slave Owners!
The only cartoon character here is AOC herself
Omar was implicated in a video- of $ballot harvesting scheme in 2020 by Project Veritas. Did it then, and most likely 2022 since she got away with it the first time. Nothing- no one willing to stand up, look into this to stop her from doing again in 2024. How many others took her lead?
The Democrats simply want to try and create another opening on the Supreme Court, so Team Biden can place another solid socialist on the Court while Biden is in office. If they can’t pack the Court, the next best thing is to flip control of the Court back to Democrat control by any means necessary. This whole nonsense concerning Judge Thomas is just the Democrats being Democrats. They lie and then rely on the MSM to repeat the lie endlessly to the useful idiot Democrat voter base.
Each reader of this must decide if they feel this is right or wrong, keeping in mind that there are no laws saying this is wrong. ALL politicians do this, which doesn’t make it right or wrong. The point, he is doing as others around him have done for decades. Pray for him, that he can weather this storm. Keep in mind that it is old white rich men who are screaming the loudest…what does that say? ?defacto plantation owners?
I am sick of the demonic left. They are out to destroy everything America stands for.
This man was nearly destroyed by the false witness of a dem operative. I still shudder when i think of those disgraceful hearings. The demon party worked hard to establish a new tradition in this country, one where a single accuser, without a shred of evidence or a single other corroborating witness, could smear a public official. Its high time they drink from their own cup. The left never ever moderates on its own. Rather it always becomes more vile. The Kavanaugh hearings proved that.
This is a colossal waste of time.
Do lavish vacations pass the ‘Avoid the Appearance of Impropriety’ test ? Not really, but until specific ethical rules are in place, there is no ethical violation.
To hold it against Justice Thomas that he has a good friend that pays for Justice Thomas having some very nice vacations is sheer hypocrisy and stupidity. We have the Biden family syndicate receiving millions of very questionable funds, yet the FBI and the Justice Department refuse to investigate any wrong doings, while rabid Marxist Democrats insist that Justice Thomas has received favors that are beneath the dignity of the court. Biden is very likely up to his neck in corruption and/or traitorous activity with China — yet he is treated as if he is squeaky clean. What a horrible clown show!
Cortez and her squad should be arrested for being traitor’s to this country. They should all be placed in concentration camps for life. WHY WHY are any Americans voting for this type of trash, but of course people like them lie, cheat, and steal elections.
I hope and believe neither will give in and give up.
Notice every time aoc comes under fire and ethics complaints filled on her she is the first to attack Justice Thomas.
That makes her a Racist.
I see Troll of Many Names is feeling froggy this morning. (Must be nice weather in Chicago) Today he is mmmm.
1. Crawl out from under rock.
2., speak with forked tongue and spew venom
3. Crawl back under rock until next day.
4. Repeat..
He needs to get a job, be productive and contribute to society and pay his “fair share” taxes.
The Squad needs charges brought up on their many sins in public life. Might keep them out of trouble for awhile.
We all know Brandon lies, his whole administration lies. Why would this be any different.
Have you see Newsom’s ad on tv where he spouts everything the democrats have done and puts it in the reps column. Alvin Bragg has to indict him since putting things in the wrong column is the crime of the century, quoting Alvin.
Let us laugh over this one. The last judge nominated to the Supreme Court couldn’t even define what a woman is. She pushed all the buttons to qualify for the Supreme Court except one. Knowledge of the law.
If you are smart you don’t belong in Brandon’s government and judge Thomas is too smart for all of them.
And also creating a distraction from Brandon when something goes wrong again. Like the Pentagon paper leak. It was no big deal to the White House now intelligence says it is a big deal. Where was intelligence while the papers disappeared and showed up on social media. No more spies at Twitter? Had to do their own leg work? Totally absent just like with the balloon. Let if fly let it fly.
Since you think that the United States is such a horrible country then why are you still here?
It’s too bad you know not of what you speak. Of course, you wouldn’t know fact from fiction living inside your media approved bubble.
As long as the populace believes that screaming online, posting on Facebook, Ticky-Tocky, Instagram, etc. instead of actually speaking out in the public spaces, this is going to continue. Hate to tell you all this, folks, but they see you all as nothing but flies to be simply swatted. They aren’t afraid of you, they aren’t listening to you, and they frankly do not care about you or what you think. It’s really a sad situation that these types of people have such a loud voice and such influence, but until they are told directly to shut up and that we all aren’t going to listen to them or obey them, they will continue.
Language unfit for public consumption.
and the communists continue to move forward now that they know they can throw any election they want because they have plenty of “useful idiots” buying their crap. 6 months into the “soviet experiment” the people realized they had been LIED to and wanted to go back. trotski sent in the red army and they murdered millions who dared to defy communism. This was after the free elections lenin allowed and then revoked since bolsheviks were shellacked, ie THE PEOPLE DID NOT WANT BOLSHEVISM! remember to remind all your friends, neighbors, etc when they start complaining once we lose our freedoms to these a–holes that they voted for it, AND DO NOT LET FORGET IT!!!!
This is really ho-hum. The left will denigrate Thomas and his wife non-stop. The woke are shaken by a dominate conservative Supreme Court and are frightened of more Dobbs-type rulings. Thus the interest in “expanding” (more bs) the court. Thomas is the conservative court figurehead since the untimely, unfortunate death of Justice Scalia. A frightened woke-person is a very dangerous
animal. Lets be cautious.
I use no social media. The more I move away from the “net” the more enlightened I become.
The more I resist tv “news” the more I think for myself. The less published media I read the
greater is my intellect. I wish for a world with no interchange other than face to face.
Sounds to me like more elitist rules for the elites of the country. It was frowned upon for we engineers to accept anything other than cheap pens, notions, or a lunch. Yet this kind of thing can go on?
What about giving “gifts” to our children to help them get through college, or not lose their house, or even feed themsselves? The government wants us to report all of those on our taxes.
The Elites of this world want all of the rules to be doled out on anyone but them!
“What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.” Judge not lest ye be judged. Treat people the way you wanted to be treated. Anyway you look at it those that point fingers better look at the hand that is doing the pointing (How many fingers are pointing back at you?)
I do not believe this is good use of the taxpayers money. We need protection from our elected officials, the representatives and senators of the Untied States. I didn’t sign on for the tattle tales and cry babies that are in office. I guess they are as pure as the driven snow. (am I allowed to say that?) But then snow is white except after the traffic drives through it turns it gray and dirty.