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The January 6 Committee Travesty

Posted on Wednesday, November 16, 2022
by Outside Contributor

The Jan. 6 House committee just revealed how nakedly political it is. Forget protecting the nation. The committee’s safeguarding the Democratic Party.

After conducting hundreds of depositions and closed-door hearings, committee staff were notified last week that most of their findings — about domestic extremist groups and about law enforcement’s failure to protect the Capitol — will be excluded from the final report. All those investigations, paid for by taxpayers, are destined for the circular file. The committee’s final report, due before the end of the year, will be about Donald Trump and nothing but Donald Trump.

A sensible decision, if the committee’s only purpose is to cripple a possible future Republican presidential candidate. Trump’s conduct that day was damning. But the committee’s mandate was broader — to ensure that the process of electing a president, and the Capitol itself, would be inviolate no matter who runs.

The committee’s decision unmasks the big lie that tilted the election. In the months before the midterms, President Joe Biden and his media allies pummeled Americans with warnings that the nation is threatened by soaring right-wing extremism. The New York Times called it the country’s “top domestic terrorism threat,” citing the Department of Homeland Security. Biden warned that the survival of democracy is on the ballot in the midterms.

Some 44% of voters bought into the hysteria, according to an Associated Press survey, and hesitated to vote Republican, despite concerns about record-high inflation, crime and an overall conviction that the nation is headed in the wrong direction.

How serious could the threat have been if, once the election is over, the Jan. 6 committee puts aside concerns about right-wing domestic extremism? It was a lie all along.

The FBI manipulated data to make it look like right-wing extremists threatened America, according to whistleblowers cited by a House Judiciary Committee minority report.

FBI data keepers, pressured by their bosses, reclassified incidents as domestic terrorism. They also took each one of the many hundreds of Capitol rioters arrested and made separate case files located in the local FBI offices near the rioters’ residences, even though the cases were being handled by the Washington, D.C., bureau. According to whistleblowers, that created the illusion of a vast nationwide threat, instead of a single incident in D.C.

Democratic pols and the media ran with these FBI-inflated statistics.

The New York Times editorial board ginned up fear on Nov. 3, claiming “incidents of political violence in the United States by right-wing extremists have soared.”

The Times struggled to incriminate right-wing Republicans for the despicable hammer attack on Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The Times said the man accused in the crime “echoed their hatred of Nancy Pelosi,” while at the same time conceding “it’s not clear whether the man had links to any of them.”

On Nov. 7, the Times warned that “the embrace of violent extremism by a small but growing faction of the Republican Party” puts democracy at stake.

Biden’s FBI and other law enforcement agencies also heightened the fear, issuing alerts about election-related violence. They could cite no specifics. In fact, there were no incidents. Zero. The vaunted threat to democracy didn’t materialize.

The nation has suffered from political violence. But it’s inaccurate to claim it’s a major threat or to blame only the Right. The bipartisan Center for Strategic and International Studies says that U.S. fatalities due to domestic political violence average 31 per year, a “relatively small” number. Nineteen deaths were linked to the two weeks of rioting following George Floyd’s murder.

These death tolls pale beside the 25,000 homicides yearly in this country. Crime, and pro-crime policies favored by Democrats, are the real threats to our safety.

The Jan. 6 committee should do its job, providing undoctored data and an accurate perspective on how much of a threat political extremism is in this country.

Instead, the committee’s putting aside two years of costly investigations, before the public sees the results, to spend the final weeks of Congress on a sideshow over whether Trump will testify.

What a travesty.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.


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2 years ago

The Democrats never hid their goal of the committee from the very beginning. As soon as Pelosi barred any Republicans but those she personally selected from participating, it was quite clear what the real agenda was. That’s the one thing Democrats don’t do very well. They are generally terrible at masking their true motivations on so many things. At least for Americans that can think that is. For the folks glued to MSM all day and just endlessly parrot the talking points they hear, I’m sure the theater surrounding the January 6th committee was fascinating. So I’m sure the concluding report from the committee will be as completely biased and one-sided as everything else done to date surrounding this committee. More taxpayer money wasted for political theater.

2 years ago


2 years ago

The real threat to democracy is the pathetic behavior of the Democrat Party. Don’t believe it is pathetic? Why does the media almost to an outlet, feel it has to prop the Dems up? Their reporting is so obviously biased for Dems; I have friends who knew nothing of Biden family corruption before this last election. America needs at least two strong political parties to prevail in freedom.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

The January 6th committee are a pascal of dimwits that I am tired of hearing from and about, for what it’s worth they can go Piss Up a Rope, Sorry folks I think we need to move on!

2 years ago

Its time for war period!!!

2 years ago

“Some 44% of voters bought into the hysteria…”

Those people are to stupid to be voters and should not be allowed to vote.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

The only threat to democracy and to this country is the Democrat Party. As Rush Limbaugh said we don’t need to just beat them we need to absolutely destroy them. Our representative Republic hangs in the balance. And no it is not a democracy

2 years ago

The last of the witch hunt hoaxes to take DJT down to where he will be incapable of running and winning another presidential election . At least that’s what their plan is . He’s a puncher, so I see him in the running in 24..

Bobby T. Hood
Bobby T. Hood
2 years ago

This is one of the greatest travesties perpetrated upon the American people. I personally watched police officers pulling back barricades and motioning people to enter the capitol. Sure, there were some crazies there. I even saw one Antifa reporting to someone that they had accomplished their mission. They got the crazies going! Shame on us for allowing what has happened to these poor people who were arrested, especially in light of the lawlessness that has been accepted by those in charge, including burning down businesses and assaulting people–all with no charges. Only Almighty God can help us!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Been travasity since formation to date

2 years ago

Is it safe to comment or will we be getting visits from the Federal Government… just asking for a friend.

Timothy Funderburk
Timothy Funderburk
2 years ago

A complete waste of taxpayer dollars, but that’s what the leftist extremists on that sham committee do best.

Joyce slingerland
Joyce slingerland
2 years ago

Judgment day is coming.

Dave Willis
Dave Willis
2 years ago

While I agree with the essence of this piece, a sentence in this article reads, “Trump’s conduct that day was damning.” All he did at the end of his speech was to invite the attendees to visit the capital for a peaceful demonstration. He never incited any illegal behavior, and from what I have learned, the Republicans there avoided that for the most part. Trump encouraged piglousy to insert numerous National Guard troops, but she refused. Antifa, a renegade gang of hoodlums sponsored by the dumbocrats were the ring leaders in the break-in. How does any of this make Trump’s conduct damning?

robert E broderick
robert E broderick
2 years ago

we knew right from the beginning this was all B—s–t

robert E broderick
robert E broderick
2 years ago

The most outrageous thing that happened that day was a PATRIOT was shot and killed by a rogue cop who has never been prosecuted for killing her.

2 years ago

I am very disappointed in AMAC that they would print such a slanted side of Jan 6th attack on Capitol. I suggest waiting until the final reports come out & not not feed any more conspiracy theories. Tell the injured Capitol police that this day was peaceful people.

2 years ago

Absolute bullcr*p! The only one that should have been imprisoned on Jan. 6th was the Capitol policeman that murdered Ashli Babbit! I talked to a guy who was there and he says there were people encouraging and trying to usher them into the Capitol. Most did not want to go. There were inciters purposely trying to get peaceful protesters riled up.

Mike Btown
Mike Btown
2 years ago

how Do I cancel my subscription to AMAC

Ronald D Shaffer
Ronald D Shaffer
2 years ago

this report needs to be turned into a documentary and shown on all non liberal tv stations in the country for everyone to see

2 years ago

It has been 6 years now, that Dems have brought charges and lied about former President Trump.
And in all that time they could not produce any evidence or prove any charges of wrongdoing, although they sure tried, even though, as we now know, they had the FBI & DOJ in their pocket.
Remember Adam Schift saying they had the evidence? All BS.
Then came the Jan 6th Clown Show but of course nothing criminal there either.
But during all that time, those on these committees didn’t do the jobs they were elected to do by the citizens, while they spent millions of taxpayers money on these charades against Pres. Trump.
Never before has there been such amateurish and vindictive treatment of any president.
This is criminal behavior by the Democrat party to stop Pres. Trump and they should be punished.
I hope he has the last laugh in 2024, because Biden’s foreign invasion of America is another progressive left tactic meant to destroy our nation and we cannot allow that to happen.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Justlce communist style

2 years ago

I say EVERY member of this January 6th Committee should be brought up on CHARGES OF TREASON!

Deplorable Lanie
Deplorable Lanie
2 years ago

The Democrats have failed to produce one piece of actual EVIDENCE that January 6, 2021 was indeed an insurrection. They have failed to produce one bit of evidence that President Trump had any part in what happened. Before, during or after!!!

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

Details aside, this “investigation” was always about Trump, evident from the first statement by the chairman and always designed to “reveal” its findings as the October Surprise for 2022. What financial and time-wasting bore.

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
2 years ago

jan 6th ha! it’s a waste of tax money, a lack of common sense, a silly conviction, from a party who hates the truth and fairness. the party of blame – the dumos

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

You can say just about anything these days and get away with it. The American public has become so dumbed down that no one bothers to check for FACTS. Before Trump took office plans were being made to destroy him. With the dems fabricated investigations and biased media coverage it worked.

William Hodge
William Hodge
2 years ago

Free the hostages being held in the DC jails and allow them to sue the government for mistreatment.

2 years ago

The costly investigation into the Russia hoax purported by none other than #44 and the FBI has never held anyone accountable for lying to the American people and trying to overthrow a presidential candidate and then actually the POTUS. Shame on us!

2 years ago

 Time to investigate the January 6th Committee for crimes

heil biden
heil biden
2 years ago
Corrina Williams
Corrina Williams
2 years ago

When are those that perpetuate these lies and false stories going to be held accountable? Innocent people are being put in jail and I’m tired of my tax money being used to investigte their garbage. Maybe I should just stop paying taxes. How can Americans see the real truth?

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

What else would you expect from a Illegal and Unconstitutional committee that ABUSES those falsely accused.

Douglas Craig
Douglas Craig
2 years ago

Anyone who thought there was any goal other than discrediting GOP and Trump has not been AWAKE the last 6 yrs

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
2 years ago

So let me get this straight anything that was supposed to be done by law is overlooked and anything that we can make Trump’s fault we’re going to zoom in on that way to go guys waste the text Tax paid dollars

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

This shows exactly what the true intentions were from the second this so called insurrection occurred, the reality is this was a tragedy and these American citizens made a terrible and unfortunate decision ( and Ashley Babbit paid the ultimate price for her poor decision to enter our capital building) did she deserve to be shot dead unarmed and defenseless? And all the other unarmed citizens who are now in jail, losing everything because of an extremely poor decision. There paying dearly for the Jan 6th insurrection. I have my suspicions about the democrats decision to have only a few capital police enforcing our capital building especially when tensions were at a fever pitch that day. And why we’re the police allowing them to enter freely into the building with no interference? This in my opinion is an extremely sad event but what is worse than all of this combined is the fact that these Marxist progressive democrats are using this as a weapon to assault our democracy and as a political advantage the democrats will use to advance there agenda. Knowing how the left strategizes everything it is only for there political gains and power over our constitution and our American citizens.As is everything else that these leftist democrats plan out on a daily basis.

2 years ago

Take a look at what happened in the Wisconsin capitol building after Scott Walker won the “recall” election in 2012. If you can find the articles and pictures(which are being well hidden by Pravda) you will note THOUSANDS of “protestors” (soros paid agitators) inside the capitol, ALL OVER THE PLACE! Hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage was done to the capitol (that’s taxpayer expense) and grounds, feces was found on floors in various room in the capitol, etc. Unlike the 2020 election to “anoint” the democrat/communist party with biden as their figure head in which MASSIVE cheating was committed; the Walker recall election was fair and square and Walker fended off the recall yet the protest took place and I dont remember republicans having all these “useful idiots” arrested and jailed at all!
WHY ISNT THIS POINTED OUT AND MADE AN ISSUE OF? Because the republican party has become a useless bunch of milquetoasts!! Like the whigs of yesteryear, they need to be replaced!!!!

David Capps
David Capps
2 years ago

Trump’s behavior was not damning on Jan.6th,that’s RINO speak.

mike morton
mike morton
2 years ago

Liars lie.

Donald Trump did not facilitate the Capital incursion…the liars did it.

More importantly, the liars used the same statistical manipulation strategy to control the results of the 2022 election.

There are Repubocrats …and there are those who they manipulate.

We The People…are THE manipulated. Somnambulance is costing “we the people” our freedom.

There is no cavalry coming to save us. We are the calvary and we are ignoring the demise of our rights. When liars steal votes…they take them from the people.

Senators represent every American citizen. When we allow the Repubocrats to manipulate senatorial elections anywhere, they impact every member of “the people” everywhere in our country.

Fetterman represents EVERY ONE OF US.

2 years ago

Anyone in their right mind knew that committee was a sham from the beginning.We had four good years with a real leader even though the house and senate tried for four years to take him down because he set their master plan back for four years then put in a puppet for OBuma and Clumpton!!????????????

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
2 years ago

It is time to start holding media responsible for the lies they spread. the republicans need to sue the media for the defamation and claim it led to the midterm vote not being more in favor of republicans.

2 years ago

Personally I think your take on Trump’s behavior is incorrect. Damning is too harsh a term. He had every right to protest the results of that election.

Walter L. Graham
Walter L. Graham
2 years ago

Can you point to just what conduct you are referring to when you write  “Trump’s conduct that day was damning.” I have not seen One thing that Trump did that the other side had not done worse many times over in the years since Trump Announced his run for the Presidential office!

Dale Single
Dale Single
2 years ago

Maybe it is time to take Biden up on his rhetoric?

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
2 years ago

I just finished watching a documentary about the forming of the United States and the events that triggered the colonists to decide they wanted independence from Britain. It seemed that the center of their discontent, after King George kept piling more and more requirements on them, was eerily close to what we are seeing Democrats do to our country today. When 70% of the people believe the nation is headed in the wrong direction, and leading us down a road to socialism, is it any wonder there is unrest that to some on the left call extremism. The “extremists” who participated in the Boston Tea Party and all the other events that led to full blown revolution were called patriots and their fight was against tyranny. Much of what we see going on in our Constitutional Republic today, (not democracy) is not much different. Who is say they are not are not modern-day patriots? Surely the socialist Democrat Party is not in this category as they lead us further and further away from the ideals of why the American Revolution was fought.

2 years ago

January 6 Committee need to be investigated for hiding the truth while pointing at anyone. That planned “event” was for nothing more than to block a Constitutional procedure..polling of the States to certify an election. The “Swamp” at work.

2 years ago

Trump’s conduct was damning? That’s even worse than when you named Lis Cheney as an outstanding Republican woman. Makes me question who really is as the helm here, and your real intentions

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