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The “Its-Over-For-Trump” Crowd Strikes Again – And Fails

Posted on Thursday, June 30, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

The January 6th Committee has actually accomplished something. They’ve confirmed former president Donald Trump remains the most lied about man in this country. Why? Because his haters are drowning in rage and envy and have no other way to stop his influence. The latest iteration of the establishment’s Big Lie project against Trump was accomplished with committee witness Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows.

The 25-year-old who was reportedly passed over for a job in Florida with the Trump team after the election, offered up sworn testimony that was a mélange of gossip and opinion. For a committee supposedly trying to cast Trump as an evil genius trying to “undermine our Democracy” Hutchinson was relied on to provide gossip about a plate of food being thrown in a dining room, Trump getting mad at the Secret Service, trying to commandeer a vehicle, while then assaulting a Secret Service agent.

Trump’s UNFIT screamed the headlines. It’s OVER for Trump according to the It’s-Over-For-Trump crowd. The only thing missing from this cartoonish scenario was South Park’s Cartman jumping through the SUV’s window to punch an agent in the nose while yelling “Respect muh Authoritah!”

Hutchinson made it clear she was conveying things she was told by someone else making the issue less about her, but about the committee itself. They knew this was the sort of garbage she would be putting on the record, and they let it happen. For Hutchinson, she was willing to play that role. Shame on her.

Her remarks were absurd, but they fit the imagination of those who hate Trump and his supporters. Much like the Jussie Smollett hoax requiring his attackers to menacingly announce “This is Trump country!” Yeah, sure Chicago.

The compliant media delivered the headlines they were all waiting for. The Washington Examiner offered up an editorial with the headline “Trump proven unfit for power again.” After recounting Hutchinson’s gossip, their screed concluded “Trump is a disgrace. Republicans have far better options to lead the party in 2024. No one should think otherwise, much less support him, ever again.” Yikes! Many clutched pearls were likely crushed during and after that hearing.

The problem is a lot of what Hutchinson said seems to be untrue. After the hearing the Secret Service came out disputing Hutchinson’s maniac-Trump-in-an-SUV story and said agents would be available to testify to set the record straight. They said publicly and privately to reporters that her story about Trump never happened and noted that they weren’t contacted prior to her remarks in an effort to corroborate her remarkable allegations.

“It’s not clear why the select panel didn’t seek further corroboration from the Secret Service as it planned Hutchinson’s hearing,” Politico reported. Yes, I’m laughing out loud, and you should, too. This is what is known as “too good to check,” a strategy that may be useful for hacks but only negates the credibility of your political hitjob.

Moreover, during the hearing a note with a directive for Trump regarding the Capitol riot was referred to as written by Hutchinson and displayed by Cheney. The problem is a former counsel at the White House says he wrote the note, not her.

Hook, line, and sinker praise was the order of the night by journalists who immediately took her comments at face value. Because there was no reason to think that maybe the apparently ridiculous was actually ridiculous. After all, a  congressional committee led by the illustrious, non-partisan and totally not biased Liz Cheney with a singular, partisan goal of continuing to defame Trump would never offer up uncorroborated… gossip. Weird, right?

Why, after all the confirmed lies and collusion by the establishment, government law enforcement agencies, and media to smear Trump as a traitor and Russian spy throughout his candidacy and presidency, would any journalist be so uncritical as to take at face value her remarks is astounding. Even more concerning is that it fuels the distrust among the American people of both media and our government.

The media in general would have done themselves a favor by being more curious about the veracity of Hutchinson’s testimony. Noticing the hug the witness got from Cheney when she concluded would have been a journalisty thing to do. That confessional “thanks honey!” moment makes clear this is not about independent  fact-finding and all about the ugly and vile politics of personal destruction.

Donald Trump, no matter what you think of his style, by making the United States energy independent and a powerhouse economically made the world a safer place. Every day we are reminded that leadership matters, and we are reminded by the Democrats and a few of their useful idiots in the GOP, that the bureaucracy remains enraged by a man who made our lives better and more secure. Even in the face of their constant failures, they are desperate to continue burning this nation down. It’s one thing to be focused on elections, which is imperative, but we also must begin to ask, why are these people doing so much deliberate damage to the country and to us? It’s not normal or acceptable. Only when we get that answer will we be able to recognize and stop it from happening again.

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2 years ago

I have been complaining of that for 2 months now.

2 years ago

I DID NOT VOTE ON YOUR COMMENT BECAUSE AMAC SAID I ALREADY VOTED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! So, I want to tell you I agree with you

2 years ago

Arrest all these so-called June 6th prosecutors for treason and send them to GITMO for punishment!!!

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Why do these hacks bother raising their right hand? No one will hold them accountable for lying.

2 years ago

I’d vote fir Donald Trump again in a minute! Cheney is one of the Republican Party’s turncoat members as well as several others. We’d better get our act together very fast..It may seem incidental but this is very serious…

Melissa Martin
Melissa Martin
2 years ago

The bombshell bombed!

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
2 years ago

TRUMP/DeSantis 2024!

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

The progressive democrats didn’t fix and change our political landscape forever, creepy JOE BIDEN is a disaster. They literally HATE TRUMP AND ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS HIM, yes all of the deplorable’s . Do I personally believe that these socialist liberals would actually rig and steal our country. If you don’t, I have a bridge in Brooklyn at a bargain price.

2 years ago

It’s been over for Trump for some time now – the supporters are just too stupid to realize that. I have been advocating for some time that the Republicans need to pivot away from Trump to a more rational actor such as DeSantis to win over the Independents like myself. Nowadays, however, since the Republicans repealed RoeVsWade, I see no point in supporting the Republicans any more. No matter who runs, RoeVsWade is going to haunt the Republicans much more than the stupid stuff that Trump did. I see more and more moderate women turning away from entertaining the idea that the Republicans can be trusted. They were upset with the inflation and other blunders that the Democrats were making, but despite all of that they will be voting Democrat come November. And even though I voted for the Republicans and Trump in 2020 (something I am ashamed to admit these days), and as much as I dislike the Democrats right now, I may actually end up voting for Democrats in November. I know I will never vote Republican again – if for no other reason because they are stupid. So, you all can go ahead, and stupidly dislike my post but remember, it will not change my vote. I live in a swing state too. I leave you with this as a parting thought. I was trying to reason with the Republicans but I see them as stupid. As I said before, I don’t like Democrats either and I will probably regret voting Democrat as much as I regret voting Republican, so maybe I vote this one time to balance my voting record and then quit voting after that. But I must say that I really dislike both parties and the rank-and-file party members and average voters on both left and right. When I communicate and try to reason with people on both sides, I am met with hostility and animosity. Indeed like packs of animals y’all attack reason and individuality and remain dedicated to the cherished, entrenched ideas – unwilling to consider the alternatives and change y’all’s minds. This is, as I mentioned, true for both left and the right. I just hope that during my lifetime, y’all will not engage in a civil war and let me live a peaceful and prosperous life. I don’t have kids so I don’t mind y’all tearing each other apart after I am gone. Please remain peaceful animals, my dear fellow Americans, for the next 50 or so years. Let’s celebrate the American Tricentennial together and after that do whatever you want. Peace.

Martha P Hurd
Martha P Hurd
2 years ago

Let’s suppose that everything Trump is being accused of by the January 6th committee is true. Until and unless the same vigor is used to prosecute all the illegal, unprofessional and immoral acts perpetrated by the left, the January 6th waste of taxpayer dollars will be just that, a waste of time and money. We all know that Washington is a mess across the board, but to use one man as a scape goat is the easy and cowardly way out.

2 years ago

They can’t get my great President Trump on his results so they continue to make up fake stuff. All it does is make him stronger and make me stronger in my support for him. Vote in 2022. KAG

2 years ago

DOJ stated today that even though they know Hutchinson PURGERED HERSELF, DOJ WILL NOT PROCECUTE HER.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

We will never know why Americans would intentionally try to destroy but we can guess. Destroying as many ordinary citizens as possible reduces competition. The barbarians will hold the top jobs.
The use of the strategic petroleum reserve as part of their election campaign war chest shows us who they are defending–not the whole nation–just top democrats.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Been failing since Russia Hoax day 1

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

The Death of President Trump might be greatly exaggerated. There have been many a slip between the cup and the lip.

2 years ago


2 years ago

This is really disturbing: Brian Deese the director of the White House National Economic Council. This is his statement responding to a Biden statement: “What you heard from the President today was a clear articulation of the stakes, this is about the future of the Liberal World Order, and we have to stay firm.” LIBERAL WORLD ORDER! Wow. Anybody concerned about this President and what he is doing to our FREEDOMS! This is outrages. Work hard for the November elections people. I am! And Many Thanks to President Trump.

Lilli Muldoon
Lilli Muldoon
2 years ago

Thank you Amac, your journalists do a great job and makes for great honest reading. Its well researched and never over the top. Out of all the other news sites, yours is the best (in my opinion)

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

Please also recognize that President Trump brokered peace between Israel and four Muslim nations. We must not be surprised that the lying Democrats and their useful idiot RINO’s brought in a liar to testify before this sham committee that is nothing more than political grandstanding. Inflation, baby formula shortage, supply chain bottlenecks, Afghanistan debacle, open borders, and multiplied failures and ineptitudes are the signature of the Democratic Party. Does Trump have his faults? Is he bombastic and caustic? Yes, he is but I will take him any day over the clown show we now have.

2 years ago

I voted for Trump and was a big supporter. I have a Tshirt and a stupid COVID mask with his name. However, the rush for the COVID vaccine and how he still thinks it was great has made me sour towards him. There’s been many injuries. If he hadn’t rushed the FDA, people might not be suffering with vaccine injuries. He also has done nothing to help the innocent people that are in jail over January 6th. Look up Ryan Nichols and see how he’s suffering. Trump could hire the best lawyers for these people. Where is the American Center for Law and Justice? Trump has a big ego and too much pride. Pride is his downfall. I will not vote for him in the primaries. Because I said all this, I am sure I will be accused of being a liberal. I’m a conservative Christian who trusts God before princes.

barbara rogan
barbara rogan
2 years ago

Trump 2024 . Need republicans to stand up for his freedoms, as he stands for the American freedoms.

Ron Berti
Ron Berti
2 years ago

I respect Tammy Bruce but Mr. Trump’s childish antics post-election loss disqualifies him from a second term. I get that Democrats are the Lousy Bastard Party, lusting after a “permanent majority” and that they have pop culture, MSM, academia and the federal administrative state on their side.
So with the stakes that high, does Ms. Bruce assert that Donald Trump is the BEST candidate we could put forward in 2024? With all the baggage, and nonsense that comes with Mr. Trump’s volatile personality?
Personally I believe Mr. Trump cannot win in 2024, that he has a ceiling of about 40%. We need to attract folks who are on the fence (us V Democrats). That includes suburban women (Mr. Trump is said to “remind most suburban women of their first husbands”) and people who have not historically been with us in being grateful for this magnificent if flawed nation. I don’t think Mr. Trump can do it, and we have a wonderful bench: Messrs. DeSantis, Pompeo, Scott, Cotton, Ms. Haley.
The next American president needs to consolidate the work started by Mr. Trump, who did have a successful 4 years in spite of enormous, sometimes illegal opposition and his own shortcomings. The next American president needs to have a deeper understanding of the “why” of American federalism than Mr. Trump displayed. He has accomplished his mission in 2016-2020. It’s time for Mr. Trump to go play with the grandkids and retire gracefully, so that a younger, more energetic, more competent in explaining conservatism individual can remove the 21st century from 8 years of Obama and 4 years of Biden. IMHO

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
2 years ago

This is why the democrats have become so completely unbelievable. Their credibility is zero. They have done this same thing so many times they just look stupid. Liz Cheney announced several times she had a witness that was goign to be a block buster, breakthrough, and put a nail in trumps coffin. they bring out Cassidy Hutchinson. Cassidy Hutchinson tells a hearsay story that is both incredible and meaningless. The fact is that even if her story had been true it would not have meant anything. the fact that both the secret service and actual physical reality prove Cassidy Hutchinson story a lie is almost secondary to the fact it does not matter.

We saw this same pattern with Schiff and his whistle blower. Biden’s blaming others for his gas prices, inflation, shortages, border crises, Afghanistan disaster, and all his other crappy decisions. Pelosi has pulled this same BS. even the Russian hoax was one of these things.

The democrats simply have zero credibility. They lie to cover for all of their criminal activities.

2 years ago

Once you’ve been away from direct exposure to the poison media, talking with those still immersed in it makes them seem like robots repeating lines implanted by others. The answer to most of this country’s trouble is the rotten lying media. Many of our friends and extended family have never separated themselves from the communist media. Until that happens deprogramming is almost impossible.

2 years ago

when you don’t have one issue of importance to a free country the result is crash and burn. the only thing you can do is to wait for the garbage dump plow to bury you.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

For decades Washington denizens looked into mirror mirror on the wall until Donald Trump held up the real article thus the rage

2 years ago

Who ever this// insanity squared// person is ,,, should be using a lot of good drugs to cure the sickness that he,,,she or it has acquired from the DEMORATS ,, the MSM has filled your head with CRAP,,nice word,,, lol , which is much cheaper than the food you eat or the fuel you put in your should really go crawl back under your rock and fade away,,, Trump was and always will be know as one of the greatest presidents this country has ever seen ,,,

2 years ago

This dog and pony circus with Liz Cheney at the point, they need a “Republican” there after all, is so off the charts BS, I don’t even have words except to draw light to the sheeple in this country drinking this toxic kool-aid.
Pay attention to how the radical left uses the Constitution to destroy the Constitution, laws to distort and rewrite “their laws,” the media, radical left groups, Hollywood to keep Americans divided and at each others’ throats, lies to enforce their immoral and corrupt narratives, academia/teachers’ unions to falsely indoctrinate our kids, and even the Pope to …. it makes me wonder if he is complicit with the Dems.
Pay attention from where and who finances this garbage: big tech, Soros, “too big to fail” banks, globalists. Follow the money. These Godless heathens who have elevated themselves to a “deity” clearly deny the shortness of time on earth vs eternity. In the end, none of us will escape Judgement; even Soros can’t buy his way out.
My observations.

2 years ago

I have “Republican” “friends” who ask if I will support Donald Trump if he chooses to run again.

My answer: “He’s earned my support. It would be un-American not to support his shot at a second (= gloves-off) term.”

Be ungrateful if you want. I and others owe our support to the man who did, and not merely said. Factor that promise into the chances of whomever you decide to support…

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
2 years ago

Presidents are, properly, judged on the basis of the their policies, the constitutionality, effect and consequences and costs on the American-citizen taxpayer and, then, on the rest of the world. Anyone who does not see the stark contrast between the benefits of the policies of the Trump administration and the detriments of the Biden administration has not looked at the recent approval ratings of the Biden administration and what the effect of its policies will be on the elections of 2022 and 2024, barring congressional, criminal, or divine intervention to change factors which will be considerations during those elections. We are facing far greater liabilities and incompetence with respect to the policies of the Biden administration than we, ever, did with the Trump administration. Our concern is for the sovereignty, independence and survival of the United States, not the political popularity of a partisan leader. Democrats need to learn that the rule of law is not their partisan-majority, personal choice to use discretion malevolently.

2 years ago

What a Moronic Clown show. History will someday look back on these events and those who bought into the lies, as the Dumbest generation of Americans. Hopefully history will also record the total destruction of those who tried and failed to overthrow these United States.

2 years ago

This has been going on since 2015, that is 7 years with nothing. For the Love of God, give it up.

Steve M Weidert
Steve M Weidert
2 years ago

I have always had an urge to break President Trump’s phone and stop the childish tweeting. However, having said that, Donald Trump has been and will be good for the US. He has that inherent love for Country that today’s losers cannot grasp. If he gets tough and steps on be it. We need strength and guidance, not mush-mouthed (alcohol induced), excuses for incompetence. Biden has always pointed fingers and always will. The current Administration is the absolute worst Administration ever running with Obama and Clinton running 2nd and third. This has to be stopped before this Country falls. Everyone wants to wait until the election. Biden and his cronies need to be impeached now!!!! “You snooze… lose”

Cheryl Pokorny
Cheryl Pokorny
2 years ago

At the end of this article you mentioned what the Democrats are doing to us is neither normal or acceptable. I agree, we need to understand why. I think for so long I didn’t believe there could be EVIL in the US Government. I think this is what we are seeing. Heck, when I start to type in the word “Democrats” it trys to automatically write demons. There you go.????

2 years ago

this so called witness is another chaney, hater and certainly if all “what I was told” is not worthy to repeat. If you want a trial that holds water have equal number of communist democrats and conservative republicans who can answer question, not a bunch who only want to destroy President Trump

Mary Robinson
Mary Robinson
2 years ago

She was under oath. She should be arrested for perjury.

Robert Belcastro
Robert Belcastro
2 years ago

I’m responding to the line in the article above, “why are these people doing so much deliberate damage to the country and to us?” Do a YouTube search for George Soros and listen to several of his interviews in which he STATED that his purpose is to use the influence of his billions of dollars to bring down the United States. HOW MUCH CLEARER DOES A PERSON HAVE TO MAKE HIS INTENTIONS FOR PEOPLE TO GET THAT WHAT HE JUST SAID IS HIS INTENTION? In furtherance of that intention he has created OVER 200 anti-American organizations in our country! Look at just a couple of them and you will see it clearly – BLM, ANTIFA just to name a couple for you. I encourage you to search out this horrible man for yourself. Read it for your self. Listen to him for yourself. Then ask why hasn’t the FBI arrested him yet? Next ask who should have done the arresting or authorizing it and you find there the connection with Soros shining brightly in the form of copious financial support!

Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
2 years ago

Yes, the ends always justify the means with the “progressives.” The progressives are actually regressive in the sense that they are destroying the structure of our government that was built to protect individual rights…the Leftists are progressing towards an authoritarian administrative state. They seek to deconstruct our structure of government. They will do anything to achieve that end.

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
2 years ago

Democrats creating divisiveness amongst our nation once again. We are on a downward spiral. Cold is becoming hot. We need to be ready, the democrats will not stop.

John F Edwards
John F Edwards
2 years ago

Cassidy Hutchinson is nothing but a self serving POS just like most all Demon-O-Crats. This entire hearing has been nothing but a farce and heads need to roll for this.

2 years ago

Loved this more than TRUTHFUL article! The Democrats are slowly but surely sealing their own fate to where there will no longer be a democratic party, and rightfully so. They are so unhinged and out of touch with reality that they can’t see straight. I pray they continue on this self-destructive path they’ve chosen…they will be doing us all a big favor.

Never in my life have I witnessed such pure evil and hatred of one Good and Decent Man, President Donald J Trump. I pray he runs in 2024. WE NEED PRESIDENT TRUMP as POTUS to KEEP AMERICA GREAT , and we need more men with gonads like Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida governing these United States or we will not remain united long. Am I the only one whom can see a potential Civil War on the horizon? Or is that what the dems really want?

sick of the stupid
sick of the stupid
2 years ago

The Democrats have been tearing at the fabric of our nation since Watergate. Lets not forget who’s helping them do this our Elite colleges and now our state colleges as brainwashing our kids with leftists Professors and teachers, Hollywood and the Lame Stream Media networks. These people should be the ones on trial for Treason. Traitor number 1 Is John Kerry who should have been put down back in the 70’s doing the same thing then as he is now with the Iranians. He thinks he’s above the law and he can undermine presidential authority when he is out of power. A disgrace. Soros needs to be done away with by any means possible. He is an enemy to the USA and has said so , so that makes him an enemy combatant and should be dealt with in those terms. Trial and then Hung along with Kerry and the rest of the democratic leadership for continuing to destroy our nation with stupid policies and restrictions on business.

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
2 years ago

ha ha it’s over for these morons – President Trump is a terrific leader, a good man, and a great patriot. you haters can take it and put them where the sun don’t shine

2 years ago

There were moments when the January 6th committee had some good drama. But their selective indignation, their selective cutting of the videos made even my non political daughter understand that anyone with half a brain can see their prejudices and worthlessness as a probe and they will have to be irrelevant..

But the biggest error for me was when Cheney is seen hugging all of those witnesses.

When did you ever see a prosecutor hugging a witness for the prosecution because she helped the case? Those hugging phots are so damning and immature. Liz Cheney was a beautiful woman, a, good conservative. Look at her now. She is just another washed out looking person who seems angry and lost at the same time.

I do believe she must see she made a big mistake.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

The left hates Trump because he ran the country effectively and, by contrast, exposed the left’s ineptitude.

David L
David L
2 years ago

You know the country is in trouble when people lie, especially those in power positions. I wonder who paid this woman off. The formula seems to be to have an attractive woman lie and then protect her. The Democrats are afraid of Donald Trump. Could it be that he wants to do the right thing? So many politicians need to ask God for forgiveness and atone for their actions. Donald Trump needs to be punished for something he did not do while Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton can recommend riots and violence with immunity. Over 2,000 years ago an innocent man was tried for a crime he did not commit and sentenced to die in one of the most barbaric and painful means of punishment. His name was Jesus. Some things haven’t changed. Politicians and bureaucrats are still lying and still focused on convicting an innocent man for something he did not do.

Steve G
Steve G
2 years ago

I live in Wyoming and I’m ashamed of the lying Cheney who betrayed the state she “so calls” represents. Most of Wyoming voted for Trump & I know he is not perfect but he gave us oil independence, strong military, a great economy, secure borders, and many other positive things for small businesses & the real American common folks of all colors!!!!
I tell everyone I know and speak with that we must vote out Liz Cheney & tell her & their relatives to pack up & get out of our conservative state of Wyoming

2 years ago

It’s heartening to see the calumnies the left loves to exchange at their get togethers vaporize, one by one like spittle on an old potbellied stove. I lost my stomach for watching the bread and circuses show when I heard the musical soundtrack they dubbed onto the “evidentiary” tape footage. Of course anything that mud puppy adam schiff has to do with is poison anyway.

GMC Auletta
GMC Auletta
2 years ago

The Hutchinson presentation was nothing more the BS..she was paid to say it..and Secret Service men disagree with what she said..TRUTH is what is needed and MUST be presented.

robert E broderick
robert E broderick
2 years ago

DJT lives in their heads all day everyday.

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