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The Great Jew-Hatred Switcheroo

Posted on Thursday, October 26, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka
the israel/jewish flag amidst the jew hatred

The power of “narrative” over facts is undeniable. 

The Third Reich Minister for Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, is alleged to have said that “a lie told often enough becomes the truth.” This phenomena is undoubtedly verifiable. Recent history demonstrates this, sadly, to be the case. 

How often, for example, were we told that taking the COVID vaccine would prevent you from not only contracting the virus but also from even transmitting the disease to others. This was repeated ad nauseam by the likes of Rachel Maddow and even the man who called himself the embodiment of Science itself, Anthony Fauci. It became an article of faith. Everyone must get the shot lest someone’s grandma dies. It was the truth. Until it wasn’t.

The same happens everyday in politics. Lies repeated so many times that they are later treated as “fact.”

Perhaps the most obvious example in America in the modern age, is the infamous “Big Lie” that is the Southern Strategy. 

According to this fabrication, the Democrat Party, the party most responsible for heinous Jim Crow laws and the murderous KKK, magically “switched” to not being collectively bigoted, as the Southern states “turned Republican” in the latter half of 20th century as part of some diabolical plot orchestrated by the Machiavellian Richard Nixon. 

Of course, this is obviously absurd on the face of it, since the internal logic of this attempt to whitewash the racist history of the Democrats is self-contradictory. According to the Dixiecrat theory, you are supposed to believe that the states of the South turned Republican and therefore more racist in the aftermath of emancipation and the success of the Civil Rights movement, that they became more racist as they acquiesced to equality for all?  

For a full and devastating dismantling of the Southern Strategy  lie, which is nothing more than an attempt by the Left to bury its hatred of black America, see this masterpiece by Dinesh D’Souza and watch Dr. Carol Swain’s short PragerU video. But this isn’t the worst example of a racist switcheroo. 

The “racism of the Right” is now a trope, a canard that informs mainstream information flow, from CNN, the Washington Post, to late night “comedy” shows. 

I should know, since I served in an Administration that was labeled as riven by racism from the start. And worst of all, as being Anti-Semitic. 

The Trump White House was calumnied incessantly not only Anti-Semitic, but also as being full of White Supremacists and actual Nazis, myself included. This despite the fact that the President’s daughter is a convert to Judaism, his grandchildren are Jewish, and, in my case, I have been a staunch philo-Semite my whole career, and my father actually protecting the Jews of Budapest during its Nazi occupation. 

These facts do not matter. Nor did the fact that after 23 years of broken promises by President after President, it was Donald Trump who finally took the bold step to move the American embassy to Jerusalem and to recognize that city as the capital of the eternal Jewish state. 

But the lies stop now. 

Because there can be no doubt where Jew-hatred find its home in America today. It’s not at Mar a Lago, or amongst MAGA-hat wearing Trump rally attendees. It’s not on Newsmax, the pages of Breitbart, or carried in the Conservative radio shows that dominate the airwaves. After what happened to Israel on October 7th, no one can say Jew-hatred is a Conservative trait. 

Since more than 1,400 jews were murdered in Israel, babies, concert-goers and grandmothers, the dark Anti-Semitism of the Democrats is undeniable. 

Whether it’s on the streets of New York, with an open call for the globalization of slaughter of the Intifada, on the campus of NYU where Democrat activists rip down posters of the missing children kidnapped by Hamas terrorists, or on the walls of the most expensive college in America, named after our first President, with messages projected calling for the destruction of Israel.

Don’t make excuses that these are just “useful idiots” or ignorant kids. It is the Democrat party itself, with leading lights like Rashida Tlaib incapable of condemning the slaughter of jewish babes, or her squad-mate Ilan Omar, who refused to agree with the statement that Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorist slaughter. 

The Jew-haters live on the Left. 

They did a switcheroo and tried to make you believe they don’t. 

Now everyone knows the undeniable Truth. 

Stand with the Jewish People. 

I do. 

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.  

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11 months ago

Democrats perpetrated the Trail of Tears against Native Americans, they were the party of slavery before, during, and after the Civil War, they founded the KKK, and instituted Jim Crow laws, under Woodrow Wilson members of the KKK were invited into the White House to watch the premiere of the DeMille movie “Birth of a Nation”, FDR re-segregated the military and discriminated against blacks, LBJ was a racist to the core, as was Democrat Senator, KKK member and Hillary Clinton mentor Robert Byrd, the late Democrat Senator Robert Kennedy solicited help from the Soviets against then President Ronald Reagan . From Jimmy Carter to Ilhan Omar Democrats have been apologetics for “Palestinian terrorism”, and decried the state of Israel for merely existing in all its provinces. In the 1930s they applauded not just Mussolini, in his socialist approach, but lauded National Socialism and its eugenics approach gleaned from Planned Parenthood, not mentioning the anti-Semitic stance of the Nazis. anti-Semitism whether overt as in Tlaib, or hidden as with FDR is as endemic in the Democrat party as their love of welfare programs that can be exploited for personal gain. Their rhetoric is often grandiose but you shall recognize them by their fruits!

11 months ago

Great article Sebastian Gorka! I stand with the Jewish people and support Israel!

Pat R
Pat R
11 months ago

The Jews are hated because as God’s chosen people, He has BLESSED them, carried them through tough times of chastisement (dispersion) and brought them back to ‘their homeland’ that He gave them thousands of years ago.
It is hate born of jealousy.

Jeanne Wildes
Jeanne Wildes
11 months ago

Love the article all is so true of the left. I don’t understand why the left hate the Jews can someone explain?

11 months ago

In Genesis we read that Abraham and his wife were childless. Abraham had a son with Hagar, his wife’s handmade, and the child was named Ishmael. The Muslims are the decendents if Ishmael. Then Abraham and his wife Sarah had a son and named him Issac. The Jews are descendents of Issac. If Abraham had waited for God to fulfill God’s promise to him, Ishmael would not have been born. However, God declared, even before either child was born, that he would make a great nation of the son Abraham and Sarah. The Jews are Gods chosen people. The Palestinians believe that as the first born of Abraham they are the favorite nation, thus they want to destroy Israel. The land from the Mediterranean Sea and beyond the Jordan River was given by God to the Jews.

11 months ago

Can someone tell me why the majority of Jew’s are voting Democrat? Why don’t they know they are hated in that party? Something doesn’t add up with this forementioned narrative. Alan Dershowitz votes Dem..he wants politics out of the the bedroom, like for abortions and he says repubs hate the gays and he wants tougher gun laws..maybe many feel the same.

anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

Yes left is openly anti Semitic there are members of congress spewing hate and no one demands their removal No one questions the squalor Palestinians live in despite the gazillions of dollars sent in the name of a humanitarian aid used to buy arms As soon as arm dealers are stopped the fighting will stop maybe not Chaos in the life is created by the chaos in the head That would have to be sorted out first Not in our life time

heil biden
heil biden
11 months ago


11 months ago

I wish I knew the to dismantle the democratic party. This needs to be done before they create more havoc within our government. That party is a menace to our constitution and law enforcement.

David Millikan
David Millikan
11 months ago

Just like democrat run Chicago that had a Law against being Ugly for over 90 years until it was removed in 1974.
The Fascist liberals will do and say anything that goes against their self righteous narrative. That’s why they live in FANTASY WORLD.

11 months ago

Agree and stand with Israel ???????? ????????

11 months ago

I support Israel. How can we believe anything the democrat party and this administration has said? If nothing else, just look at the southern border. All they know is lying and pointing the finger. Obviously anyone that supports HAMAS and hates Israel doesn’t see the problem with innocent children, men, women, and the elderly being murdered in cold blood. I for one wouldn’t want these people as my neighbors.

11 months ago

The world is seeing the Holocaust all over again. I didn’t understand the hatred then, and I don’t today. Nothing distinguishes a Jew from anyone else, unless that person tells you they are Jewish, you wouldn’t know. Some protestants have converted to Judism but their appearance didn’t change! I am Christian and lived amongst Jews and Catholics as a child and never knew what anyone’s religion was, unless they mentioned it. So why is there so much hatred? Israel has been attacked many times before by the Hamas and others they fought before. So how can anyone say it’s wrong to eradicate Hamas or anyone else who promised to eliminate the nation of Israel where they lived more than 2000 years ago? The UN sanctioned Israel as a nation in 1948, so why is the current UN leader opposed to Israel? Communism/Socialism is Totalitarian and rejects all religions may be the reason.

11 months ago

If the left cannot tolerate Jews we should exterminate the left.

11 months ago

The playing field is clear. Israel is a pack of suckers for believing that Hamas would “govern” Gaza. Their stupidity has led to Hamas and Iran barbarism. Hopefully Israel has now learned they can trust no one except the US.
The stupidity and worthlessness of the UN is once again revealed as they have voted for a cease-fire. There is no ceasefire when dealing with baboons. You kill them now. We need to eliminate Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and the UN. All in the next 30 days.

11 months ago

Let’s not forget the very-filmed fact that Joe Bidem is an undercover anti-semitic, and having been endorsed for re-election by smelly and vile neo-nazi groups says it all since they recognize their own. That he postures and shows off by ‘standing’ with Israel is another laughable Corn Pop lie he tells. KKK Joe Biden, as his history and rep exposes, is a hate group onto himself and is doing what all hate groups do. Not a wonder he aligns himself with the known ethnic-hating racist Zelensky.

Dee James
Dee James
11 months ago

Sabastian spot on!

11 months ago

The civil rights movement began in earnest about 60 years ago. Is the country, which is close to splintering, better off today than it was before the civil rights movement?

Trump was the US most Zionist president. Why did the Jewish-controlled media adamantly oppose him?

What most people seem to be unable to comprehend is that because one opposes Zionism, as do many Jews, does not mean that one hates Jews.

11 months ago

I have been frustrated by this slow (now fast) slip toward anti-semiticism. I have also been frustrated by the support of American Jews for socialist nonsense. Remember Hillary becoming the Carpetbagger senator from NY. Remember the role of the Orthodox Jews? The lost message is that elections have consequences!

11 months ago

In my opinion, those that choose not to condemn loudly and publicly the barbaric war crime atrocities that were committed on October 7th, 2023 in Israel by Hamas are by default condoning it.
According to this poll (, it appears that our work is cut out to educate is our young people (ages 18-24) today.
None have gone through much in their life that exposed them to the struggles of the world so how could they understand?. They are fed propaganda and indoctrinated at Universities. Some may be a lost cause, but for those that there is a chance, It is out duty as parents to educate them about the “bigger things of the world” they will be entering when we are gone. None of the narrowing social or economic issues both domestic or foreign will matter if we do not preserve world security.
As the only sliver of of Democracy in the region and for the sake of humanity, we must think differently than those that have in their charter to kill Jews and extinguish Israel from the map.
Make continue to make your voices heard and continue to stand in solidarity against worldwide antisemitism and the preservation and support of the people and the State of Israel.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

Israel is at war with animals whochise to start one. If they chose, Hamas could end the fighting right now by stopping the fighting and release their hostages. But they won’t. But just wait until Israel, since it is war, actually does hit a target it wasn’t aiming at… then you’ll see the Real Democrat Party rear it’s head.

11 months ago

Comrade, and just why does Mr. Gorka deserve to be in jail? . . . Is it because he doesn’t believe in Communism like you?

11 months ago

Just the type of comment I would expect from a leftist.

11 months ago

Unfortunately, the lies work. How else can you explain why Trump, (who is an arrogant ass), but ruled the country well, got thrown out of power by the lies and slander the Progressive socio fascist Democrats laid on him. Evil is winning because of the complacency of those who see past the lies, but choose to ignore it with a “live and let live ” attitude.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
11 months ago

You betcha! Stand by the Jewish people as they finally get to be on the other side of the concentration camp fence and instead of being eliminated as a people it is the residents of Gaza, whom were imprisoned there by the Israeli state who are now undergoing THEIR final solution.
Man I thought I would never live to see the day when Israel would manage to obtain enough power to mirror the German Nazis, but sure enough that time has come.
Stand with Israel indeed!

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