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The GOP’s Infrastructure Fiasco

Posted on Monday, July 26, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive By Seamus Brennan


In the battle to pass the Affordable Care Act in 2010, Speaker Nancy Pelosi made the now infamous comment that Congress had to “pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it.” Despite the resulting disaster of Obamacare, Senate leadership is now taking that strategy a step further as it attempts to force a vote on an infrastructure bill that has not even been written yet. But this time, it’s not just Democrats at fault. A handful of Republican senators, ostensibly eager to reach a bipartisan agreement on Joe Biden’s so-called American Jobs Plan, are also at severe risk of falling into the Pelosi trap—and in doing so, making themselves complicit in Biden’s radical left agenda that they claim to oppose.

Following months of inter-party deliberation and attempts to reach a bipartisan consensus, the contents and provisions of the American Jobs Plan are still largely unknown, even as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) attempted to force a vote last week. The bill has hit several procedural roadblocks, undergone a series of changes, and faced various criticisms from members of both parties since the beginning of the new Congress, and the group of lawmakers working on the bill still have not produced anything approaching a final version for their colleagues – and the American people – to review.

Moreover, whether the Senate passes the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill or not, Democrats have indicated they will likely still try and ram through a $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill that would not only circumvent GOP votes, but would also include many of the controversial provisions that were left out of the so-called bipartisan “infrastructure” effort. In fact, President Biden almost blew up bipartisan negotiations last month when he openly stated that he wouldn’t sign a bipartisan infrastructure bill without the Senate first passing his highly partisan reconciliation bill. Although he later walked back his comments, many Republicans have warned that Democrats are likely only feigning bipartisanship as cover to pass a radical agenda they know most Americans do not support.

But even if Biden doesn’t condition his signing of the infrastructure bill on passage of the reconciliation bill, the few details that have emerged of the supposedly “bipartisan” infrastructure plan still contain numerous provisions that have nothing to do with traditional notions of infrastructure. Among these are $560 billion in climate change initiatives, a $165 billion extension of Obamacare benefits, and $120 billion in changes to state and local tax deductions that would primarily benefit blue states.

Many conservatives also fear Democrats may use their “infrastructure” initiatives to set in motion policies that would in effect abolish the suburbs. By proposing to create grants contingent upon counties allowing apartment buildings in any neighborhood—including in areas historically designated for single-family housing—Biden and congressional Democrats are advocating for policies that would in effect create crowded urban areas in suburban neighborhoods.

As USA Today reported in April, “Biden’s proposal would award grants and tax credits to cities that change zoning laws to bolster more equitable access to affordable housing. A house with a white picket fence and a big backyard for a Fourth of July barbecue may be a staple of the American dream, but experts and local politicians say multifamily zoning is key to combating climate change, racial injustice and the nation’s growing affordable housing crisis.”

Not only does the “bipartisan” plan fail to qualify as anything even resembling “infrastructure,” but it also threatens to replace white picket fences, Fourth of July barbecues, and the scenic seclusion of the suburbs with overcrowded apartment buildings, crammed parking lots, and endless construction projects.

Democrats have also threatened to sneak what they call “election infrastructure”—or radical voting left changes —into the bill. Several GOP senators have additionally claimed Democrats are pushing to include a provision offering amnesty to illegal aliens, further contradicting the Democrat talking points that the “infrastructure” package and reconciliation bill are bipartisan ventures—or even infrastructure-related at all. In fact, a June 24 “fact sheet” from the White House indicates that the “roads, bridges, major projects” component of the infrastructure bill would call for only $109 billion—less than 10 percent of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure proposal and less than 3 percent of the total $4.7 trillion that Biden is requesting.

Despite the plan’s inclusion of obvious left-wing agenda items and lack of attention to real infrastructure initiatives, some Republicans remain inexplicably enthusiastic to move forward with the legislation. Senators Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Susan Collins (R-ME), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Rob Portman (R-OH), and Mitt Romney (R-UT) have each been active in cross-party discussions to reach a “bipartisan compromise.” Yet, even after months of negotiation, mostly behind locked doors, they have produced no finished product and are asking their colleagues to vote to pass a bill that not only have they not read, but that does not yet exist.

Most conservatives understand that Joe Biden’s banner campaign promises to work across the aisle, pass legislation in bipartisan fashion, and govern as a moderate served only as a means to masquerade his far-left legislative agenda. So, why is a group of Republicans granting undue credibility to this false narrative and obstructing their own party’s—and their country’s—interests in the process?

In a July statement, former President Trump warned against this very predicament: “RINO Republicans should stop negotiating the infrastructure deal,” he wrote. “You are just being played by the Radical Left Democrats—they will give you nothing!” For the good of the conservative movement, the United States, and perhaps these senators’ future reelection bids, let’s hope they can see the truth before it’s too late.

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3 years ago

Just look at the RINOs that are part of this so-called bi-partisan infrastructure bill. The same cast of Democrat-lite characters on the Republican side, that are usually willing to run across the aisle to work with the Democrats over and over again. The end result is ALWAYS the same. So is it any wonder that this bi-partisan infrastructure bill is loaded with as much progressive wish list garbage, that will saddle the American taxpayer with added costs for decades to come? It shouldn’t be. This is how the Democrats and the RINOs have played the game for decades. The only thing that has changed is that the size of the spending bills have grown substantially over time. From millions to billions and now trillions of dollars. The losers in all this are the American people that end up footing the bill and getting precious little for any of it.

Trump was absolutely correct in his assessment of how the Republicans should proceed. That would be the smart thing to do. However, Washington works on the principle of “Just get something done”. Meaning at the end of the day, no matter how bad the deal is, no matter how many principles you have to toss aside in the name of political expediency, no matter the cost to the taxpayers and country, the career politicians think being able to say “See we got something done” is good enough to get them re-elected yet again. Sadly, for most of the apathetic sheep out there it is.

3 years ago

The answer is to throw out everything that is not for INFRASTRUCTURE & make all of Pork-Barrel projects go over as stand alone bills & not hidden in a huge bill like this.

Dr. Thomas L. Lawson, Jr.
Dr. Thomas L. Lawson, Jr.
3 years ago


3 years ago

Those five are not Republicans, they are RHINO’s and care nothing for the republican party or their constituents. They apparently are part of the far left agenda to further destroy our country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Fix our Hwys, RR tracks, sewars,Telecomm, energy, roads, Internet, alone

3 years ago

Polosi’s “We have to pass it to see what’s in it” comment has to be the most exposing one I ever heard lated to DemocRat strategy of governance. It is tantamount to saying “We are going to make laws but we will not tell you what they are or what they contain until after they are passed.” That is so Communistic in its import, I would have thought even the Liberal News Propaganda Media would have shirked at commending it. The DemocRat Party is becoming a severe enemy to our Nation’s Constitutional Democracy.

3 years ago

President Bush the younger also got snookered by Democrats on a bill that they said they’d compromise on but DID NOT. Sorry I can’t remember the exact bill but I do remember being angry that he got lulled by their lies. Sort of like the sirens luring Odysseus during his journey.

3 years ago

You need to name those RINOS

Ralph S
Ralph S
3 years ago

Let’s check the scoreboard…
The Dumbocrats [the Founding Fathers of the KKK] now believe in CRT.
Their version of the 3 R’s is Rioting, Ransacking, and Regression [aka RUBBISH]
MS 13 MONSTERS ARE WELCOME, but Cuban refugees can go pound sand.
Babies can be killed either before or after they are born… or they can wait until they are euthanized in an old folks home by Democrat governors.
Instead of spending money like there’s no tomorrow… they’re spending like there’s no tomorrow for our great-great-great grand-children!
The GOP [aka RINO’S] are not merely sheep… they are lemmings following the DemoRATS to the cliff.
Simple solution… vote out all incumbents!

3 years ago

I seriously doubt if there are 10 people in DC who shouldn’t be charged with Sedition or Treason.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Stall it until after the 2022 midterms, by then we will have gotten rid of the Mitt Romneys & Liz Cheney’s of the world along with the other ( 8 ) RINO’s that vote Democrat…
It hasn’t even been written yet, the true patriots, i.e. republicans need to keep it this way, don’t even bother putting it to paper, it is a NO GO scam to nowhere…
It is nothing more than ” pork barrel ” Green New Deal pig manure that does NOT address real infrastructure work needed across the nation…
Until further notice the ” Infrastructure Fiasco ” is DOA…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

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