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The GOP Is Not Going Back

Posted on Tuesday, November 12, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

From the very first speech delivered by Kamala Harris in her short-lived presidential run, her campaign was defined by a simple catchphrase that regularly elicited thunderous applause from rallygoers, left-wing pundits, and the Democrat Party faithful: “We are not going back.”

The slogan, meant to assure her supporters that Donald Trump’s political movement was a thing of the past, has been reprinted on t-shirts and bumper stickers, and was repeatedly chanted by her supporters at campaign events.

In a sense Kamala Harris was right—just not in the way that she had hoped.

One of the most important conclusions that can be drawn from Trump’s overwhelming victory is that the Republican Party is “not going back” to the GOP of yesteryear. The America First agenda is now firmly the dominant ideological force in the party, and the old guard establishment is in what looks to be a terminal decline.

Prior to Trump’s arrival in the national political spotlight, most Republican candidates and officeholders had fallen into ignoring the needs and values of the Americans they claimed to represent. Inflexibly attached to a rigid free market platform (referred to by some as “consensus conservatism”) that dismissed social and cultural concerns as either too divisive or otherwise not worthy of their attention, the Republicans of the pre-Trump era were a movement without a base.

Even prior to his victory last week, the influence of President Donald Trump’s pro-worker, tough-on-crime, tough-on-immigration, culture war-oriented platform could hardly be overstated. His 2016 victory shook the foundations of the Republican Party establishment. His 2024 comeback just shattered it.

By delivering Donald Trump not only a whopping 312 electoral point victory, but also a win in the popular vote, the American people have loudly rejected both the old consensus of the Republican Party and the social, cultural, and political overreaches of the modern Democrat Party. In doing so, Trump and the voters that elected him have ushered in an era of political realignment that has reinvigorated the conservative movement and breathed new life into the GOP.

According to exit polls, Trump was backed by racial minorities by a historically unprecedented margin. He improved his standing with young, black, and Hispanic voters. He won the American Indian population with a stunning 64 percent of the vote. And he won Catholics by a 15 percent margin, evangelicals by a 25 percent margin, and gained significantly among Jewish voters.

Meanwhile, Trump became the first Republican to win Miami-Dade County in Florida and Bucks County in Pennsylvania since George H.W. Bush in 1988. He flipped African American-heavy counties in states like Georgia. He improved his percent of the vote in every state save two compared to 2020.

Additionally, throughout the campaign, Trump spearheaded voter outreach initiatives to groups and organizations that have not been traditionally affiliated with Republican politics or conservative policies. And he won the endorsements of former Democrats like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard, who said the Democrat Party had grown too extreme and out of touch with the needs of Americans.

In July, Trump spoke at a Bitcoin conference in Nashville, where he proposed the creation of a Strategic National Bitcoin Stockpile. He has also notably joined forces with Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who hosted Trump for an interview on his X platform, drawing in tens of millions of views and billions of impressions.

Trump has also appeared on a wide array of cultural and political podcasts—including on “The Joe Rogan Experience” and “This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von”—signaling his desire to reach new, younger audiences who had typically failed to turn out for Republicans.

Furthermore, in May, Trump made history by becoming the first president to ever speak at the Libertarian Party’s National Convention. He attended roundtables with business leaders, addressed San Francisco fundraisers with Silicon Valley donors, and held massive rallies in the Democrat strongholds of Philadelphia, New York City, Coachella, California, and Wildwood, New Jersey. Also this year, Trump hosted a community roundtable discussion at a black church in Detroit in a pitch to black voters.

Thanks to these historic campaign initiatives and breakthroughs with voters, Trump delivered not only a victory, but a mandate that will likely realign American electoral politics for the foreseeable future.

As a result, the “Never Trump” coalition of the old Republican Party – now represented by disgraced groups like the Lincoln Project and increasingly pathetic publications like The Bulwark – are now just as defeated and demoralized as the Democrat Party. As Scott Jennings observed on CNN on Election Night, “this ‘Never-Trump’ whole complex that grew over the last several years, nothing has ever failed as hard in politics as this.”

He continued: “The Lincoln Project, all these people that bilked millions upon millions upon millions of dollars from Democratic donors, and all the eggs that [were] put in this basket. The split was amazing. Trump got like 94 percent of Republicans. I don’t think they accomplished anything, except probably build a bunch of beach houses. That’s about what they did. Republicans being lectured to, condescended to, browbeaten by all these folks over the last—look, at some juncture, it’s okay if we have different opinions about the election. You don’t have to beat people to death over it. And the more you do that, the more it drives people away. Total failure.”

Following Donald Trump’s blowout victory on November 5th, the Republican Party is not going back. The party—and the country—will be better off for it.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

Democrats lost because they had nothing to offer but hate, lies & deceptions, on top of their rhetoric of insulting the intelligence of the American people. They also did nothing for the people but attack all conservatives, throw them in jail and most of all their relentless attacks on Pres. Trump….that really turned off a lot of Democrats to trash the party forever. They have lost all credibility and it’ll get worse as their complicit , lying media disgust al of us. MAGA & MAHA AMERICA.

3 months ago

This is just my observation: Taking the 30,000 ft view, during the Biden administration, God allowed Satan to cause his mischief in the world to show mankind, who was given the freedom to individually choose, the evil and destruction that Satan and his demons wreak in our lives. It’s been a horrific four years, we all see what devastation has been wrought by the devil through his minions. Now President Trump has been reelected, and this time he KNOWS who is who, regardless of the R, D or I behind their name. His action in undoing the Obama/Biden/Harris catastrophe, will be swift and impactful and the evil worms of the left and in academia and media will writhe and wail. By God’s guidance and grace, the damage will be largely undone, and justice and healing can begin.
Until the return of the King there will always be evil and strife in the world, but by the Providence of Almighty God, we’ve been given yet another chance to turn to Him.
It’s our choice.
God bless America and President Trump.

3 months ago

Going back would have been Harris policies. She said no but her policies didn’t reflect that. She had no vision for the country. She is a politician. Trump is a business man. He thinks forward not keeping the status quo. He will make the country better. He doesn’t need to have control like the dems to govern. Trump gives the power back to the people. Only the dems haven’t learned that yet. Excellent article. Every dem should read it. It explains the landslide by Trump last Tuesday. Had nothing to do with racism, sexism, abortion, trans, just where America is going in the future and the people saw that and voted and took the power back.

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
3 months ago

TO ALL REPUBLICANS!: Don’t screw this thing up! … if you execute his agenda over the next 2 years… you will lock in Vance in 2028 and America will be great again!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

GOP is now MAGA

3 months ago

Republicans better get on board or get out, as for the rinos, if they don’t come around put them in the trash! IMO

3 months ago

Calling your opponent Hitler, saying he is a tyrannical dictator that will destroy, “democracy,” and then escalating to calling his supporters garbage, etc. did not help the Democrats in the least.

Gerald Hallman
Gerald Hallman
3 months ago

Years ago I turned from a Southern Democrat to a Reagan Conservative. After years of being disappointed by the GOP not living up to founding principles of democracy and caving in to the Democratic Party, This capitulation became more evident during the Obama years, where the actual hatred of the American way of life was so openly expressed. Hillary was the voice of that hatred but thankfully Trump became a beacon of hope. However, the socialist rage weaponized the very laws that were supposed to protect an individual and used the full force of the government to crucify Trump and destroy the American dream. Luckily they did not succeed, between the socialist democrats and the GOP “Never Trumpers”, the people voiced their opinion strongly. We have to not just drain the swamp, we must fill it with the fertile soil of faith in American hope and the roots of the tree of liberty that has been nourished by the blood of the hero’s of our past.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

Very good article Aaron , as you wrote “… the Republicans of the pre-Trump era were a movement without a base.”. So, if the Grand Old Party isn’t t going back to what it was that is very good . I reckon that things that lack a base are going to be subject to the laws of nature and are going to experience instability eventually..That is not something that promotes success in the political sense. Giving the matter some thought, everything moves forward, there really are no exceptions , sometimes there ways of doing things that do not need improvement and like the old saying goes ” If it isn’t broke don’t fix it.” Recognizing what needs to be adjusted periodically is good, sound reasoning. Mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry all are based on fundamentals as well as the ability to use new discoveries intelligently.

3 months ago

Trump “is never going back”. The GOP? They’ve been so weak, fractured, and populated by RINOs, I still have my doubts about their commitment to too long-ignored, hard-working, tax-paying American citizens. For too long this two party political system has failed America, I want more and better choices. Perhaps Trump should establish another party, a third party, the Patriot Party to keep democrats and Republicans in check and be a constant reminder Americans are never going back.

3 months ago

The outcome of the leadership in the Senate will demonstrate whether this is true or not. I also have reservations concerning the “silence” after Lake’s loss in Arizona.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

“We’re Not Going Back!” but could you at least send the same minions who put them there to go out and pick up all the weakly constructed, collapsed, and blown away plastic “Kamala/Walz” campaign signs littering the Nevada landscape? There’s a metaphor in there somewhere when California outlawed plastic shopping bags to “save the planet” but didn’t stop them from making their campaign signs from the same material. Guess “We’re Not Going Back” means going back to pick up their GARBAGE…

3 months ago

Most of the Republicans I know still have a strong preference for fairness to our citizens. That’s the mentality we need moving forward, and I believe (and hope) that this will prevail. This would help restore the stability that we need, in order to heal after the hideous 4 years we just came through.

3 months ago

It was Obama-Biden/Harris WHO TOOK US BACK AGAIN TO THE OBAMA ECONOMY NIGHTMARE that STARTED the UPWARD OUT-OF-CONTROL STUPID SPENDING – Remember? a $Trillion! spending bill for ‘shovel-ready jobs’ that DIDN’T EXIST!!! but the $$$$ went somewhere – WHERE we never knew! and the Debt just kept GROWING! to NEW HEIGHTS while the STOCK MARKET bottomed out – and so did WE!

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
3 months ago

it’s a good article, the GOP of yesterday had no spine an gave into what ever the Democrats wanted. and Democrat have never done what the people because they think were stupid and its been that way for the past 20 years!!!!!

Frank P, Mintz
Frank P, Mintz
3 months ago

Let’s not be too hasty about the great news. What happened after Reagan? The Bushes took over! Also, Trump needs a loyal House majority. Otherwise, this weak spot will be a base for the so-called “Resistance.”

Randy M
Randy M
3 months ago

Well said!

Susan Webster
Susan Webster
3 months ago

Kamala’s memorable motto – “I can’t think of a thing. Nothing comes to mind”. No kidding

3 months ago

dems dropped their panties for all to see they ARE commies.

3 months ago

I am thrilled at Trump’s victory and the Senate races, holding out hope for the House! Republicans need to PAY ATTENTION to the voters. Don’t just assume that they can sit back and move along with power-hungry moves like Mitch McConnell is already trying. STOP IT!! You work for us and we want an end to all this power broker, time wasting crap. Just start acting like you actually work for US, we the people and don’t make us sorry. We cannot afford to waste this momentum. Its time to get to work, even if it means being, gasp, bipartisan. Get the work done or go home. We are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore, not even from our own party.

3 months ago

It’s good to see the Republicans start fighting for the people who elected them. I hope this trend continues for a long time because we have a lot mending to do to get back to the good old American tradition, pride and patriotism.
The democrats need to stop hating every one who disagrees with them. Hatred causes division and we do not need any more division than they have already caused.
Obama needs to go back to Kenya, the illegals need to go back to where ever they came from and come back through legal channels to become citizens if that’s what they want.
NO more free stuff and stop giving them our Social Security. I worked from age 17 to 73 for that money and it should be there for me now that I need it.

3 months ago

I’m having a hard time with a numbers issue. If so many votes were gained by these otherwise left demographics, why did Trump get 74 million votes in 2020 and 74 million votes in 2024? Also, if there was no fraud in 2020, why were there 20 million less votes in the 2024 election?

3 months ago

Enjoyed your article!
We are all glad that Donald Trump won by a sweeping election.
The Democrats and alot of the younger generation want get rid of the Electoral College.
I don’t want it removed.
Trump won the Election by 312 Electoral votes and the popular vote by almost 75 million votes.
God Bless America!

3 months ago

Not going back? Is that why they are going to hold a secret vote to install Cornyn or thune to replace McTurtle? I’ll believe the repubelican party has changed when the rinos are gone.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
3 months ago

As long as Trump surrounds himself with true Republicans and not RINO’s we will be in good shape. Already there is contention between Cronyn, Thune and Scott for the Speaker’s position. In my opinion, the reason Kari Lake lost is because O’Connell would not give her any funds for re-election. We CANNOT let something like that happen again because we need as large a majority as we can get. Already, Trump has named some House members for cabinet positions which takes 2 from our majority. Looks like Rick Scott would be the best choice for Speaker and I hope everyone in the Senate votes for him. I am still elated that President Trump won and what a victory it was!!

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
3 months ago

I like these “hindsight” articles. I didn’t watch TV for the last 5 months before this election because I was sick of the attacks on President Trump.

He won. I am relieved.

3 months ago

The last time the Republicans had control they spent like drunkun sailors on shore leave. Since they have done nothing but rubber stamp the Dems. They now have a chance to lead and they had better do something for this country other than to talk a good line and spend like the Dems. The Reps word has meant nothing since Reagan, thats why they kept losing, that and that they didn’t want to lead. I know many will depute this but look at the voting records. Reps you now have a chance, please, make us proud to be a Rep. If you don’t this will be the end of the Reps and the country.

3 months ago

I’m tired of seeing Hillary Clinton on T V , she’s a hasbend and it’s time to get her out of the picture. She doesn’t have anything to offer except lying. The name Clinton I’m tired of hearing, I’ts time to see her leave and go back home.
it’s an answer to prayer she’s not going to be President,maybe she’ll quit being a politician of her choice, she is a politician of the liberal left and she’s a socialist who believes in a country with a socialist agenda. The
left has a problem Hillary Clinton and she’s finished,it’s time she go home and start a political movement of looseers, she’s a socialist who needs to go home and stay . As I said before I’ll be glad to not see her again.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

Trump will speak before ANY group; unlike Kackler! She was scared to go anywhere conservative and had to use teleprompters and notes even with “friendlies.” Still waiting to see how many House seats we have–on that front, we hardly had a “red wave.” Watch for the TWO female GOP RINOs to try to screw up Trump’s agenda! We HAVE to get Murkowski out of that seat!

3 months ago

You people need to stop saying African American. These are black people born in America. It’s racist man.

3 months ago

Someone needs to communicate this, with meaning, to the establishment Republicans. From what I have read, Sen. Thune is not onboard. Will this be another instance of the electorate, conservatives in particular, delivering power to the Republican party only to have the GOP play games. If that is the case, look for big losses in 2026.

3 months ago

Republicans best get on board or look forward to being replaced down the road. IMO

3 months ago

Until the media and Tech giants are held accountable for skewed reporting and search results, our nation will continue to be divided. Most of those I know who voted Democratic are severely misinformed because they rely on sources that are lying to them.

3 months ago

I’m so glad Trump won! It was time for the shakeup of the system. Perhaps both parties will reform and regroup and become better.

3 months ago

With support from not only congress but ‘we the people’ this man may be able to do most of what he hopes to do. Security at the border will top the list. Our country cannot sustain the numbers entering the country illegally. It will seem cruel to many, but they have to go back and go through the process legally. Particularly, deport the criminals, gang members, drug pushers, etc., first…then perhaps by then congress will have an immigration policy which will help. Dissolve the Department of Education should be high on the list too. Each state has it’s own education department, we don’t need a Federal bureaucracy which does NOTHING. We need to get smart again and it won’t happen from D.C. God Blessed America – now we need to thank Him and work hard to see that this decline is the last decline the United States will see in a very long time.

3 months ago

it’s good to know that we’re still in the same boat with the thinking that we will have a future with the proper care of our AMERICA to be able to make it BETTER FOR ALL OF US . thoughts and prayers for AMERICA ???????? will prevail for the future.

3 months ago

I hope states like Utah wake up and stop electing RINO into office. They are part of the establishment politicians who really only care about themselves and do not put America first. Terrible.

Donald King
Donald King
3 months ago

There hasn’t been an actual Democrat Party for some time now. It’s been taken over by the progressive party, which is socialist/communist in their leanings and mandates. But they retained the Democrat logo in order to be better accepted by Americans, especially old line Democrats. To keep things in context, John F Kennedy would be considered a conservative Republican by the current Democrat Party members. The biggest challenge to Trump and Vance is to rebuild America to its former strength and beyond in order to open the eyes of those remaining old line Democrats to the extent that they can no longer support what was once their party.

John Shipway
John Shipway
3 months ago

We have to remember the old saying about not counting chickens until they are hatched. Trump is brave to a foolish degree and a few days back when he called for an inteligence agency deep cleansing and the opening of the books of those fascistic Gestapo like organizations, well we cannot blithely accept the fact Trump will actually live until inaguration day. If one studies their history it will be seen that JFK was assasinated for MUCH less in the way of such promises and only mouth breathing idiots buy the narrative of a young, dim witted former Marine radio operator getting off a series of shots that to this day some 61 years later, no expert marksman has ever been able to duplicate,
We need to pray for Trump and perhaps suggest that he keep his plans a bit closer to the vest until actually enacting such plans. It sure would make his life insurance broker much happier.

3 months ago

There is now a restoration of hope for the American people. Those that continue to hate America and Trump can just leave now, bye-Bye!

3 months ago

The left ain’t right so the right gotta fight ????

3 months ago

sheeza doap(sp)

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