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The Five Biggest Takeaways from Biden’s First State of the Union Address

Posted on Wednesday, March 2, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan


Facing record-low poll numbers, skyrocketing inflation and gas prices, and an escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Joe Biden traveled to the United States Capitol Tuesday evening to deliver his first State of the Union Address. Although many Americans expected Biden to use the occasion to try to turn the page on the first 13 months of his troubled presidency, Biden instead used the opportunity to double down on his far-left policy platform without accepting any responsibility for the historic failures that have unfolded during his administration.

Here are five of the biggest takeaways from Biden’s State of the Union Address:

  1. Biden Has Proven He Is Completely Disconnected from Reality on a Wide Slate of Issues

Remarkably, Biden found a way to make it through his entire hour-long speech without even mentioning some of the major crises that have dominated the headlines throughout the first year of his presidency.

For instance, despite misleadingly calling his administration’s botched withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan an “extraordinary success” last summer, he failed to even mention the event or honor the 13 American servicemembers who tragically lost their lives as a result of the withdrawal. Given that many Americans perceive the Afghanistan disaster to have been the moment the Biden presidency collapsed (his poll numbers have failed to recover since last August), the President’s failure to acknowledge the crisis was jarring.

Perhaps even more shocking was Biden’s blatant dishonesty about his handling of the border crisis, soaring crime rates, and state-level attempts to pass election integrity measures. Despite refusing to do so much as visit the southern border during the worst year for illegal immigration on record (during which millions of illegal aliens crossed the southern border), Biden amazingly insisted the U.S. needed to “secure the border and fix the immigration system”—as if his administration had not directly caused the crisis in the first place.

Moreover, even though Biden has presided over substantial increases in violent crime in Democrat-run cities—including a 24 percent increase in murders and all-time homicide records in several cities—he called for “investing in crime prevention” and contended that “the answer is not to defund the police.” There has perhaps never been a greater public reversal by a president speaking in that chamber: Biden has spent years allied with the radical “Defund the Police” movement while his Justice Department pushes weak-on-crime policies like abolishing cash bail and ending qualified immunity. Just as concerningly, moments after advocating for “crime prevention,” and “keeping Americans safe,” Biden called for major Second Amendment restrictions, which would directly impede on Americans’ ability to protect themselves.

Biden also amplified his dishonesty campaign against state-level election integrity measures by claiming such laws are enacted to “suppress the vote” and “subvert entire elections”—even though such laws do nothing beyond requiring valid photo identification and other commonsense measures to keep elections fair and free.

As Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, correctly observed following Biden’s remarks, “On the critical issues facing our country, Biden was either unsurprisingly silent or knowingly dishonest.”

2. Biden Thinks Even More Massive Spending Is a Solution to Soaring Inflation

Almost immediately after vowing to find ways to lower the nation’s 40-year-high rates of inflation, Biden proceeded to aggressively push for high-cost components of his domestic spending agenda, which, if passed, would succeed in only worsening the already dire inflation crisis. As Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) noted, “Biden’s plan to reduce inflation and the national debt is for government to borrow and spend $2 trillion.” If Joe Biden is serious about cutting costs and easing inflation, the obvious first step is to stop advocating for spending bills that would put the American economy into a tailspin.

3. Democrats Are Cynically Playing Politics With COVID

For a full two years, Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats did everything in their power to keep businesses closed, schools shut down, and schoolchildren in masks without any regard for science or medical data. Now that their poll numbers have tanked, Democrats suddenly shifted their COVID messaging on the eve of the State of the Union. “We are moving forward safely, back to more normal routines,” Biden said. “We’ve reached a new moment in the fight against COVID-19, with severe cases down to a level not seen since last July.” Biden’s address was also delivered on the same day that Washington, D.C., and other major cities ended their mask mandates. Many pundits pointed out that such decisions appeared to be made not according to “the science,” but as a political effort to salvage Biden’s image as he faces growing political vulnerabilities.

Despite Joe Biden’s wishes, he can be assured that the American people will not soon forget the past two years of politically motivated mandates and lockdowns.

4. Without Accomplishments to Stand on, Biden Resorted to Plagiarizing Notable Lines from Trump’s State of the Union Addresses

In another desperate attempt to improve his administration’s faltering image, Biden cynically appealed to the American manufacturing industry in a way that closely echoes lines from former President Donald Trump’s speeches.

As Trump said during his 2019 State of the Union, “I hope you can pass the USMCA into law so that we can bring back our manufacturing jobs in even greater numbers, expand American agriculture, protect intellectual property, and ensure that more cars are proudly stamped with our four beautiful words, made in the U.S.A”—a signature Trump line.

Even though Biden did not campaign on “Made in America” and has done little to bring jobs and factories back to American shores, he oddly resorted to taking a page out of Trump’s songsheet. “The rebirth of the pride that comes from stamping products ‘Made in America.’ The revitalization of American manufacturing,” Biden said.

Biden’s claim that “the State of the Union is strong because you, the American people, are strong” also echoes Trump’s 2018 line that “the State of our Union is strong because our people are strong.” Clearly, the Biden team has run short on ideas.

5. Verbal Miscues and Forced Applauses Made for Several Awkward Moments

On several occasions throughout his remarks, Biden made embarrassing verbal miscues. Most notably, Biden mistakenly referred to the “Iranian people” instead of the Ukrainian people—a significant word fumble that elicited little notice from the mainstream media.

Further, applause from Congressional Democrats in the audience often seemed unnatural and over-the-top—as though to give the impression that support for Biden’s policies—as well as his support among the Democrat Party—is more fervent than it actually is. Though consistent applause from members of the president’s party at the State of the Union is far from unusual, as conservative commentator Mollie Hemmingway noted, “Even by the standard of an audience full of politicians, something feels so fake and forced in their ‘enthusiastic’ response.”

If Biden truly sought to change the narratives of crisis and incompetence surrounding his presidency at last night’s State of the Union, by all indications, he came up short. The speech was not one of confidence, of accountability, or of strength; rather, it was a speech full of excuses, lies, and finger-pointing.

Should Joe Biden’s poll numbers and support from the American people manage to fall even lower than they already are—a possibility that does not seem unlikely— the President will have no one to blame but himself.

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Scott Davis
Scott Davis
3 years ago

Biden is a lying puppet. He is hallucinating everything he said. He should be impeached for falsification of facts!

3 years ago

Watched “Midsomer Murder” on Brit Box, oops, I mean the SOTU and saw the reward this morning at the gas pump for good behavior for defeating inflation — FIFTY cents price increase. Five dollars per gallon on the way for summer to help curb inflation and demand. WHOOPEE !!!

Dennis M Struk
Dennis M Struk
3 years ago

“GO GET ‘EM..?” What in Hell was THAT?!?

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
3 years ago

The best example of over applause is when the camera focused on Chuck Schumer and he stood up to applaud before Joey had completed his sentence. Then he sat down as the rest of the Democrat puppets started to stand up and stood up again. How much Ben Gay did Nancy have to use after the speech?

Gregg H Lambert
Gregg H Lambert
3 years ago

God F*** Damn It – biden is a moron but none of this is unplanned – #obamaricejarret are running the show, and the sooner America is destroyed the happier his minstrel act of apes will be

3 years ago

He didn’t announce his impending resignation, so I missed nothing by not watching it.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

It should have been called “The False State of the Union” address. The entire hour plus of lies was an effort to try to make the Democrats and Biden Administration look good, but it failed miserably.

F.A. Spencer
F.A. Spencer
3 years ago

Thank you for this analysis, It was all I could do to keep listening to ALL the LIES and FALSE Statements from this SAD, corrupt party. America is the laughingstock of the world.Intelligent people around the world see how totally dishonest and evil this Democratic Party has become. I’am sincerly concerned about the mindset of democrats in America to condone this total disregard for our constitution, mostly based on a demented hatred for Trump. Concerned what will America will look like at the END of this PUPPETS term.

3 years ago

Geez, that’s easy: “LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, & MORE LIES!”

3 years ago

After his state of destruction of America debacle, this boy should impeach himself!
Pathetic clown show by joebama and marxist democrats ,SO SO BAD

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 years ago

The ‘RUBBER CHICKEN AWARD’ goes to DICTATOR Beijing biden for his State of Communist Address.

Impeachment proceedings follow.

3 years ago

It has been evidently clear, from the beginning, that Mr. Biden suffers from dementia. He gets lost walking from the helicopter to the entrance of the White House. I circle back to the 2020 election question: Who or whom is running this country?

3 years ago

Biden is only puppet who is being controlled

DC Haize
DC Haize
3 years ago

Looking at his smug face and hearing his granny voice (not to mention the hags behind him) made it utterly impossible for me to watch that spectacle. I tried – I really tried but just couldn’t hang in there. I click away screaming!

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

He’s, A Liar, a Cheat, a Fraud, Incompetent, and just a plain Weasel!
Those are my 5 biggest takeaways!

3 years ago

i didn’t watch; nothing changes. i won’t watch or listen to fed or state gov liars or media liars any longer. what passes for news reporting a 5 year old can do. these people couldn’t pin down a story with a list of follow-up questions to ask. it’s all only whining complaints to string us along and try to make us feel like they’re trying to change our lost republic that they all have destroyed.

3 years ago

Thankfully, I didn’t waste my time watching the so called SUTU Address with the lying puppet who, one would think his family would care enough about him to make him step down. It’s obvious he has declined since he was “elected” to occupy the Whitehouse. All the Biden Crime Family care about is money and fame. I refuse to watch him or listen to a word he or headboard Harris have to say, because it’s all lies. He has to read from a monitor, he has no clue what he is saying. I get my news from AMAC and other conservative sites, where at least there is some fact-checking. It’s obvious Biden is a puppet, and in agreement with MarkR, not sure WHO is running this country (into the ground).

3 years ago

Demented replica of a man aimlessly wondering in the forest, lying about anything and everything coming to his miniature mind.

Dave Hamilton
Dave Hamilton
3 years ago

We decided not to watch because Biden and Company have nothing to offer us but division, Lies, higher prices and destroying the American way of life! If his bumbling mouth is open, he`s lying and just following orders from his boss, Obummer.

Jake the snake
Jake the snake
3 years ago

Biden is completely disconnected from reality on all issues. Not becuase he is a demented old worn old white guy, but rather becuase he is a democrat.

All democrats are detached from reality along with liberals. They a think it is 1910, but all white people are rich and all minorities are poor, under privileged, oppressed people.

That is why biden is detached from reality.

3 years ago

I got the distinct impression that Slow Joe’s teleprompter said…”speak forcefully with authority here”…for the lsat few paragraphs of that debacle.

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
3 years ago

I didn’t need to listen to Joe Biden’s state of the union speech. I knew exactly what “inaccuracies” the writers would type into his teleprompter. Biden is simply a sock puppet for whoever pulls his strings at the White House. The alarming thing is that none of these handlers have a clue about how to administer the Executive Branch of the Government.

The Democrat Party is becoming more and more like Joe Stalin’s regime during the time of the former U.S.S.R. All that’s lacking is the forced internment of political dissidents, ……….so far.

The efforts of the Marxists, …………I mean Democrats, are also becoming ludicrous as the Midterm Elections draw near. It’s almost as though the human gene defect, that all liberals have, prevents them from seeing a viable plan to keep political power in November.

Their time is limited, and not a moment too soon. The world is too dangerous for the incompetent liberal elite to hold power.

Sadly, the Republicans are also corrupt, and they focus on being re elected instead of working for the good of the people. Of the two major political parties, I prefer the Republicans who only want to steal the taxpayer’s money. The autocratic Democrats also want to take our individual rights as well as our money.

Bill Meyers
Bill Meyers
3 years ago

He has told SO many LIES over the years of his elected career, there is NO WAY he could possibly
even know what the TRUTH is. He.wouldn’t know the TRUTH if it bit him in the A__!!! The ONLY
way he could have said less was to talk longer. I have absolutely NO respect for him. He must be
VERY proud of his world class CROOK son. I have to stop, my blood pressure is going up.

3 years ago

I find it hard to watch President Biden; I keep thinking he looks just like Walter, Jeff Dunham’s cranky old guy puppet.

3 years ago

An excellent outline of the speech……five points of blah, blah, blah.

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
3 years ago

Must admit to NOT having wasted my valuable and limited time and TV to the clown show.
However, with clueless, kamaltoe and the crypt keeper in such close proximity, seems someone missed an opportunity.
fjb etc. etc.

3 years ago

Biden stole from Trump!

Gary Kitzmann
Gary Kitzmann
3 years ago

This regime has to go!

I had to listen just to see what kind of lies his handlers were going to come up with. Being an ex military guy I live by the rule ‘know your enemy’ if you want to defeat him. So as much as I dislike this guy and his handlers, I have to try and get into their reasoning, their thoughts, try to think like them. Some times it’s unnerving what you find by putting the pieces together.

I think by now most clear thinking, freedom loving people can see for themselves what is happening. We just need to carry those thoughts to the voting booth (after showing your ID that you are an American Citizen) and overwhelmingly throw them out so we can get on with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Pray for minimum damage before November and God Bless America.

Barbara Tansey
Barbara Tansey
3 years ago

I can always depend on Amac to give excellent analysis!

James Thompson
James Thompson
3 years ago

Sorry , I just couldn’t watch. I didn’t want to pull an Elvis on my TV.

Jimmy Leon Lang
Jimmy Leon Lang
3 years ago

Didn’t see it, not because my TV doesn’t work, I just can’t stomach the sound of his lieing tongue, same when Obama Ben Obama was in, not that Obama isn’t pulling strings behind it all anyway, We, as a nation can’t take much more of This CRAP, it’s our own fault by not recognizing The Evil The party puts out on so many fronts, I can see The USA falling, but this fast, is really happening, Trump stopped it for a time, if something doesn’t change soon, we will be just like: Humpty Dumpty, remember All The Kings horses and All The King men couldn’t put Humpty together AGAIN!!

Jerry Auger
Jerry Auger
3 years ago

So very embarrassing, so sad to have this man as the so called leaded of the USA.

Willy E
Willy E
3 years ago

Pretty much what one would expect from an old man in his dotage with a laughing hyena for a vp. Maybe I should smoke some of the BS (Biden Sh*t) these people are smoking so I could visualize what they have in their pipe dream; nah. We really need an upper level change and a real president if the true USA is to survive and overcome US Corporation and its CEO – SloJoe. Anyone know who’s going to pay for all his crap?

Bill T
Bill T
3 years ago

Every time I see this fraud pretending to be a legitimate president of our great USA , I just feel so sorry for all the hard working and good American citizens (90 percent anyway, used to be 99 percent until November 2020 ) Now just steal Anything you want and simply walk out in broad daylight. The newly appointed WOKE DA progressive socialists will simply let them walk without any consequences. We were energy independent and our economy was robust and healthy, now 110 dollar a barrel oil that we’re buying millions of barrels a week from opec and yes RUSSIA? Even today and BIDEN is still buying this oil from PUTIN. This is allowing Russia to keep there economy strong, even with political sanctions that Putin couldn’t right now even care about. We’re now a circus show to the entire world and guess who is maneuvering with stealth and making sure they gain the economic and military power over everyone else? Guess who? Wuhan is a place where the Covid bio weapon was unleashed on western civilization and destroyed countries in its wake. Yes , this was a strategy that was well planned out for many years. There’s no stopping there thirst for total control . The global great reset is as real as it gets , we’re watching it happen right now , If we do nothing to stop these evil tyrannical haters of everyone we’ll be extremely sorry and all our freedoms and rights will be gone. It will happen, just look at the horrible policies we’re being forced to abide by everyday. And look at what Trudeau did to his innocent and hard working citizens that peacefully protested with real concerns, Had them ran over arrested and killed. That’s coming here sooner than later.

3 years ago

There came a point in last night’s so called State of the Union speech that I could not stomach the lies…so Joe is going to make better everything he destroyed?? What a joke!

Ken H
Ken H
3 years ago

Pitiful speech. This loser has. I accountability. A complete disgrace to our once great nation.

3 years ago

It’s a good thing I didn’t watch and played my usual drinking game when a lie, misstatement and incompetent verbal miscue was made , I would be drunk as hell halve way through his fumbling .And what’s with the weird ass speaker of the house?

I was getting/now have PTSD, thx Joey! AH
I was getting/now have PTSD, thx Joey! AH
3 years ago

WHY ??????????????????
IS IT this DICTATOR who swore to uphold the Constitution, And HAS NOT – PERIOD.
WHO has not been removed from office with Scumalla etc. ?????????????
We have pretty much nothing but (HIS) that is, gutless Leftist I AM in power who cares men/women who sit by and listen to this (anything said is too nice) dictator spell out whats good for his regime and NOT the country and just let this go ON, ON, and ONNNNNNNN.
Makes no sense, what so ever!! Thanks Comrade Brandon and (YOUR) Brown shirts for caring.

You have done an absolutely wonderful amazing job of screwing over the people who didnt vote for you – and even those that SADLY did. We thank you. Heil Brandon.

Bob Albury
Bob Albury
3 years ago

Did you vote? What positive steps did you take to influence your congressman/woman? Are you up to date on the issues?
These are how we can change our country.

Mike B.
Mike B.
3 years ago

Yes, the burn pits remark by Biden, and to see Pelosi stand up, smile, and rub her fists together. What was that about ? Schumer stands up like a seal to clap, only to be embarrassed by his scripted timing. It’s so fake it makes me want to vomit . These people running this country are weird, & fake . It’s humiliating to say the least . I pray that this will pass come November .

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

It looked like Kamala had a serious case of constipation. And what was with Pelosi’s wringing her hands while half-way standing? Was she putting a curse on someone?

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
3 years ago

The reactions of Biden supporters did seem awkward and unsure.

John K
John K
3 years ago

Lets face reality. Many of these career nincompoops, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden stay in this game because they have Bentley Benefits, inside info, pals that will eat You know what for them and the big issue- NO ACCOUNTABILITY!!
Until all Americans hold somebody accountable- HEAR THAT John Roberts!!

Beth Elliott
Beth Elliott
3 years ago

This State of the Union address by Biden was nothing but lies, polagarizing from Trumps several State of the Union address. He wants to borrow $2 trillion to bring inflation down and the US debt. He made a fool of himself by saying Iranians instead of Ukraineians. Never mentioned what happened in Afghanistan and the 13 people that were killed or the Americans that are still being held there. Never mentioned the illegals immigrants that are now probably over the 2 million mark, which should be put on buses and planes and sent back to their own countries. There are legal ways to become an American citizen. I think American citizens are getting tired of paying for these people and then getting everything free, while American families are struggling to make ends meet.Biden said that taxes would not go up, but how is all that money he has spent going to be paid back.Biden, Harris, Pelosi and Schumer need to be impeached and now.I am worried about the future for my family and grandkids.We American citizens have to make sure that the upcoming election is fair and there is no fraud of any kind in any upcoming elections.I think that there should be 2 forms of ID or maybe 3 forms of ID for all elections coming up. We cannot let what happened in 2020 happen ever again.

3 years ago

Invoking fear and rewriting history is a typical tactic of any dictator.

3 years ago


Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
3 years ago

How about doing something positive a very easy fix now to revoke his Executive Order cancelling the XL pipeline. Then open up leases to drill on Federal land again an easy fix. Let’s see if Biden and his Democratic Marxist party will do something to drop the promised $6.00 a gallon gas forecasted to happen if he ignores it. Unbelievable that he seems so intent on hurting the American people and helping Russia and China’s push to reclaim Ukraine and Taiwan.

Thomas Dornbrook
Thomas Dornbrook
3 years ago

Put the Entire Biden Administration in Guantanamo Bay NOW! Never let them out!

3 years ago

It has been said before and ended up in incumbent President defeat. ‘It is the economy, stupid!’.
The attack on energy will do exactly that to Biden. People seem to forget that this is the Liberal Democrat agenda. Obama told us a long time ago that energy prices would go up, necessarily.

Energy prices have nearly doubled this year. It seems that everyone you talk to has a $500 utility bill this month. I have bills in both Illinois and Indiana that have shown significant increase from last year. And this is all because they know that solar and wind are not viable alternatives. They are trying to make them more affordable by making normal energy un-affordable!

We need to open our eyes and minds!

2 years ago

“…it was a speech full of excuses, lies, and finger-pointing.”

Plagiarizing’ should have been added to that phrase.

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Drug and medical costs - healthcare. Pills spilling out of a medicine cup onto hundred dollar bills, with a hundred dollar bill rolled up in a pill bottle, a concept showing the cost of healthcare.
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 28: U.S. President Donald Trump takes a question from a reporter before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump spoke about his contentious Oval Office meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.

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