AMAC Exclusive by: Tammy Bruce

Courtesy of iconically deep-blue San Francisco, we now have confirmation the Democrat’s woke agenda is a complete political fiasco for them. On Tuesday, San Franciscans voted to recall 3 members of the school board. This was no ordinary result—it was a landslide with all three suffering defeats reflecting a complete and utter rebuke of woke and progressive policies by over 70 percent of the voters.
Voters didn’t just fire these people—they threw them into the political volcano. It was a quiet, definitive riot sending an undeniable message that abandoning our children and schools to the disaster of woke policies is unacceptable.
For one of the bluest cities in the country, a city known for over half a century as being a haven for liberals, the unusual, hippies, and all that defined the 1960s, this recall must be seen as a harbinger of what is to come in the November midterm election.
Two single parents launched the recall after what was clearly the last straw: the school board became obsessed with renaming scores of schools in their mission to establish “equity” in the city. Buildings targeted included those named after George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and even Senator Dianne Feinstein. This idiotic social justice mission was ridiculed nationwide as they allowed public schools to remain closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic while private schools were open and operating with no problems.
This added to the outrage as the school board pursued other woke policies and social-justice measures many in the city felt were racist and targeting Asian-American students specifically.
In other words, it was wokeism on steroids, and exactly what happens when the Democrats have complete control. Keep in mind this wasn’t a one-off problem for that city. The defund the police disaster, woke justice policy, homelessness, and crime, among other catastrophes, are part and parcel of the same Marxist agenda. Holding children’s education and well-being hostage during COVID-19, subjecting them to constant masking, Critical Race Theory, and sexual identity politics became simply and absurdly too much.
For the teacher’s unions and the Democratic machine, it was about holding children hostage for more federal COVID funds while the utter disaster of ‘remote learning’ continued to destroy children’s lives.
A Wall Street Journal editorial noted this in February of 2021, less than one month after Joe Biden became president, “Congress last year appropriated $68 billion in Covid relief for K-12 schools, but they have spent only $4 billion. Although parochial schools enroll large numbers of low- and middle-income kids, they have been mostly excluded from federal relief funds. Now Democrats in Congress plan to send public schools another $130 billion—whether they open or not.”
Then came the Parent’s Revolt. As parents began to see the woke curriculum to which their children were being subjected, as school boards continued to keep classrooms closed, parents began showing up at school board meetings. It would have served the Democrats well to take them seriously instead of trying to get them categorized as terrorists.
Then there was the Virginia election when parents were outraged at Terry McAuliffe’s remarks that parents had no right to be involved with what their children are being taught. He said what Democrat and Leftist leadership discuss in private, but his mistake was that he said it in public. That remark alone was probably the key revelation leading to his loss to Glenn Youngkin, who made education and children the priority in his campaign.
The Virginia election, flipping that blue state red on the issue of parents and their children, was recognized by some in the Democratic Party as something serious. We saw their epiphany in San Francisco as the “Progressive” Mayor London Breed supported the school board members recall. She’s due for re-election next year. In June, San Franciscans have another opportunity to clean up their city and send an additional message with the recall of far-left district attorney Chesa Boudin whose policies are at the core of rising crime and little punishment.
These elections and recalls should make clear to the Democrats that culture wars, hostility toward parents and children, and smug superiority is not a winning strategy.
Politico reported this week on documents they “obtained” from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee warning about exactly this: “Democrats’ own research shows that some battleground voters think the party is ‘preachy,’ ‘judgmental’ and ‘focused on culture wars,’ according to documents obtained by POLITICO. And the party’s House campaign arm had a stark warning for Democrats: Unless they more forcefully confront the GOP’s ‘alarmingly potent’ culture war attacks, from critical race theory to defunding the police, they risk losing significant ground to Republicans in the midterms.”
Even now, they refuse to admit their policies are the problem, or take responsibility for the misery they cause. It’s time they take parents seriously about their disgust for and rejection of woke policies in schools and face the concern about the explosion of crime throughout this country due to woke ‘equity’ justice policies. Instead, they see it as a messaging problem.
Democratic leadership is in for a world of hurt if they believe they can once again con their way back into office. They did it in 2020, and the American people won’t be fooled again.
Excellent column, Tammy! Spot on!
I watched an interview last night with a couple from San Fran and they voted to get rid of the 3 Board of Ed folks. This couple voted for Biden, still thinks he us doing a great job and approves of the rest of the woke agenda that exists in San Fran. For them, getting these 3 Board members replaced was a one off issue. They wanted the Board to focus on education, not renaming schools. They had no problem with the woke agenda being taught in their child’s school. So we should not necessarily take this one vote to dump 3 progressive Board members as some sort of mass awakening in San Francisco. It doesn’t seem to be that.
The mayor gets to pick the replacements. She’s a ultra-liberal herself. Will she actually appoint reasonable people to the board? I doubt it!
I would expect no less from the California liberals. California ranks #8 among the list of the most liberal states in the USA!
Kudos to San Francisco voters. FINALLY, sanity appears to be restored in at least one blue city who up to now appeared to be content with their communities being turned into deadly Marxist enclaves. The voters have sent the word to the likes of AOC and her gang. Your time is OVER!!!
I wish journalists like Tammy Bruce would stop writing articles highlighting how Democrats are loosing and suggesting what they need to do to stop the bleeding. I do not want them to stop their destructive policies. I hope they keep doing what they are doing. That is who they are and it should be clearly known by the people who support them what to expect if they keep voting for Democrats.
Start with some DAs and work their way south and somehow get that MORON in Philly. They all have committed acts that should get them disbarred if somebody files a complaint.
Biden is really getting bad marks on energy prices. The other day, he said if Russia invades Ukraine then US people will feel the pain. At no point , did he mention his war against fossil fuels in USA. And United States was energy dependent the year before Biden took office. Why will he not back the American oil & gas producers?? And especially at a time when inflation is on fire.
Waaay back in the 80s, when the dem Party was so furious we gave them Reagan, they made the deliberate decision to stop using their platform to help America.
They said so.
From the 80s on, the now-Communist Party has been pushing Stalinist ideology. They’ve been preparing what they call the “infrastructure” to take, and keep, power at all costs.
Bringing in millions of illegals and now the world’s riffraff has been a huge part of that.
Always fighting redistricting, so THEY come out ahead, is another big part of their power grab.
Unionizing everything they could and fighting ‘Right to Work’ laws are another huge part of their setup. Unions are Communist organizations. “Take from those who don’t and give to those who do work”.
Everything “Free” is another huge piece of their power ‘infrastructure’.
In fact, that is a platform item straight out of Communist ideology.
Their Communist power grab is throughout our society in so many ways and places. Just look, and you shall find.
It must be stopped. One way or another.
The fact that these degenerates got elected into office in the first place tells you all you need to know about the complete lack of morals and integrity these San Fran freako voters have. The corrupt Teachers Union is thriving under Demonrat rule and sucking up taxpayers hard-earned money in the process. And since Demonrats have ZERO respect for the tax-paying public the milking will continue until the cash cows dry up and then they will be sent to slaughter. Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money. In the meantime, our kids are being programmed into being lazy, stupid, obese little slobs with zero work ethic and an instant gratification mantra.
See this run through every Blue state alone Then Its Enough
I am glad people are starting to wake up to the fact you can not vote for liberals, progressives, democrat and expect to have anything but evil result.
The voter fraud that led to joe biden being president is an example of how evil the left is.
the durham investigation findings are proof of how evil the democrats are.
the leftist school boards aroudn the country who sneak CRT into the classrooms, tape masks to kids and even inject covid shots into kids are examples of the evil that is the left.
Now can anyone justify having a teacher choose to inject kids with drugs. how does that ever become ok in anyone’s mind without totaling accepting evil.
I am not talking religious evil I am talking human evil. murderer, beating, hate that enveloped every part of a person. that is what the left has become. These school board members are 100% that.
Years ago I worked for a airline and flew on pass quite a bit. I loved SFO and went there several times. No more! They can keep the “Woke City”.
Maybe the people in SF will get fed up enough with the way things are to vote Pelosi out of office.
Unfortunately, America’s problems go much, much deeper than what can be achieved in the mid-term elections. The anti-American cancer has not only been metastasizing throughout the elected offices inside the Beltway via career politicians, it has also become deeply embedded within the major entertainment, social and news medias, academia and the bloated federal and state bureaucratic quagmires. And these latter malignant sites are not only enormously resistant to any sort of scrutiny or examination, but are also virtual fortresses of self-preservation. They not only survive, but thrive regardless of which party is in control of elected office. Unlike the private sector, you never see obsolete or obstructive bureaucracies evaluated, modified or shutdown. Like the morass of outdated legislative and regulatory burdens upon economic and personal freedoms, they have eternal life and unlimited potential for resurrection in the hands of unscrupulous or greedy career politicians and bureaucrats.
God has truly blessed America, but her providential favor may be coming to an end due to the malfeasance, greed and arrogance of the ruling class elites…….
Any democrat I know all have a problem admitting their policies and lack of capable leadership.
They always choose to blame President Trump, blame Conservatives, they accept no responsibility just lie and blame others.
Rush Limbaugh was correct, the democrat party and their thoughts are truly an intellectual deficit due to repeated propaganda!
They have lost touch and can no longer think!
Well the WOKE are a joke; let’s hope the joke is on them. The left destroys everything it touches.
These far left Democrat/Socialists have allowed their arrogance to cloud common sense. The COVID fiasco was the worst thing for the Teachers Unions and School Boards. Once parents got a glimpse of their radical indoctrination of our kids the parents were up in arms! Now the majority of Americans are paying close attention to the disaster of their policies. The Democrat Party has lost the majority of it’s former base. They have become Independents or Republicans so the desperate Democrats are forced to import illegal immigrants as new voters. These policies and weak leadership are destroying this country. All of this can and will be overturned by 2024 and we will once again become energy independent, put America first and reestablish ourselves with a strong military and foreign policy. The economy will once again grow and inflation will disappear. The left can demonize Donald Trump all they want but they cannot hide the results of his policies. We need to keep them busy defending their pathetic policies as they have no one capable of rebuilding this country.
Teachers can not teach children to pray but they can teach them to be gay?
There is nothing “Woke” about not teaching our children to read and write and do basic math all while keeping them isolated from their peers. That seems more like “Comatose”.
Parents should absolutely have a say in what their children are being taught. When I was in 5th grade parents had to sign permission slips for female student to participate in a girls-only class about puberty and mensuration. Parents also had to sign permission slips for their high school students to participate in sex education during health class. Children are subjected to alternative lifestyles and forced to accept gender identities and sexual orientation in kindergarten. But Romeo and Juliet is no longer studied in Junior literature because of the the sexual component in the story. Huckleberry Fin is banned because of racial connotations that might offend people.
School teaches skills. Parents teach morals.
Excellent column, Tammy! Spot on!
I watched an interview last night with a couple from San Fran and they voted to get rid of the 3 Board of Ed folks. This couple voted for Biden, still thinks he us doing a great job and approves of the rest of the woke agenda that exists in San Fran. For them, getting these 3 Board members replaced was a one off issue. They wanted the Board to focus on education, not renaming schools. They had no problem with the woke agenda being taught in their child’s school. So we should not necessarily take this one vote to dump 3 progressive Board members as some sort of mass awakening in San Francisco. It doesn’t seem to be that.
The mayor gets to pick the replacements. She’s a ultra-liberal herself. Will she actually appoint reasonable people to the board? I doubt it!
I would expect no less from the California liberals. California ranks #8 among the list of the most liberal states in the USA!
Kudos to San Francisco voters. FINALLY, sanity appears to be restored in at least one blue city who up to now appeared to be content with their communities being turned into deadly Marxist enclaves. The voters have sent the word to the likes of AOC and her gang. Your time is OVER!!!
I wish journalists like Tammy Bruce would stop writing articles highlighting how Democrats are loosing and suggesting what they need to do to stop the bleeding. I do not want them to stop their destructive policies. I hope they keep doing what they are doing. That is who they are and it should be clearly known by the people who support them what to expect if they keep voting for Democrats.
Start with some DAs and work their way south and somehow get that MORON in Philly. They all have committed acts that should get them disbarred if somebody files a complaint.
Biden is really getting bad marks on energy prices. The other day, he said if Russia invades Ukraine then US people will feel the pain. At no point , did he mention his war against fossil fuels in USA. And United States was energy dependent the year before Biden took office. Why will he not back the American oil & gas producers?? And especially at a time when inflation is on fire.
Waaay back in the 80s, when the dem Party was so furious we gave them Reagan, they made the deliberate decision to stop using their platform to help America.
They said so.
From the 80s on, the now-Communist Party has been pushing Stalinist ideology. They’ve been preparing what they call the “infrastructure” to take, and keep, power at all costs.
Bringing in millions of illegals and now the world’s riffraff has been a huge part of that.
Always fighting redistricting, so THEY come out ahead, is another big part of their power grab.
Unionizing everything they could and fighting ‘Right to Work’ laws are another huge part of their setup. Unions are Communist organizations. “Take from those who don’t and give to those who do work”.
Everything “Free” is another huge piece of their power ‘infrastructure’.
In fact, that is a platform item straight out of Communist ideology.
Their Communist power grab is throughout our society in so many ways and places. Just look, and you shall find.
It must be stopped. One way or another.
The fact that these degenerates got elected into office in the first place tells you all you need to know about the complete lack of morals and integrity these San Fran freako voters have. The corrupt Teachers Union is thriving under Demonrat rule and sucking up taxpayers hard-earned money in the process. And since Demonrats have ZERO respect for the tax-paying public the milking will continue until the cash cows dry up and then they will be sent to slaughter. Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money. In the meantime, our kids are being programmed into being lazy, stupid, obese little slobs with zero work ethic and an instant gratification mantra.
See this run through every Blue state alone Then Its Enough
I am glad people are starting to wake up to the fact you can not vote for liberals, progressives, democrat and expect to have anything but evil result.
The voter fraud that led to joe biden being president is an example of how evil the left is.
the durham investigation findings are proof of how evil the democrats are.
the leftist school boards aroudn the country who sneak CRT into the classrooms, tape masks to kids and even inject covid shots into kids are examples of the evil that is the left.
Now can anyone justify having a teacher choose to inject kids with drugs. how does that ever become ok in anyone’s mind without totaling accepting evil.
I am not talking religious evil I am talking human evil. murderer, beating, hate that enveloped every part of a person. that is what the left has become. These school board members are 100% that.
Years ago I worked for a airline and flew on pass quite a bit. I loved SFO and went there several times. No more! They can keep the “Woke City”.
Maybe the people in SF will get fed up enough with the way things are to vote Pelosi out of office.
Unfortunately, America’s problems go much, much deeper than what can be achieved in the mid-term elections. The anti-American cancer has not only been metastasizing throughout the elected offices inside the Beltway via career politicians, it has also become deeply embedded within the major entertainment, social and news medias, academia and the bloated federal and state bureaucratic quagmires. And these latter malignant sites are not only enormously resistant to any sort of scrutiny or examination, but are also virtual fortresses of self-preservation. They not only survive, but thrive regardless of which party is in control of elected office. Unlike the private sector, you never see obsolete or obstructive bureaucracies evaluated, modified or shutdown. Like the morass of outdated legislative and regulatory burdens upon economic and personal freedoms, they have eternal life and unlimited potential for resurrection in the hands of unscrupulous or greedy career politicians and bureaucrats.
God has truly blessed America, but her providential favor may be coming to an end due to the malfeasance, greed and arrogance of the ruling class elites…….
Any democrat I know all have a problem admitting their policies and lack of capable leadership.
They always choose to blame President Trump, blame Conservatives, they accept no responsibility just lie and blame others.
Rush Limbaugh was correct, the democrat party and their thoughts are truly an intellectual deficit due to repeated propaganda!
They have lost touch and can no longer think!
Well the WOKE are a joke; let’s hope the joke is on them. The left destroys everything it touches.
These far left Democrat/Socialists have allowed their arrogance to cloud common sense. The COVID fiasco was the worst thing for the Teachers Unions and School Boards. Once parents got a glimpse of their radical indoctrination of our kids the parents were up in arms! Now the majority of Americans are paying close attention to the disaster of their policies. The Democrat Party has lost the majority of it’s former base. They have become Independents or Republicans so the desperate Democrats are forced to import illegal immigrants as new voters. These policies and weak leadership are destroying this country. All of this can and will be overturned by 2024 and we will once again become energy independent, put America first and reestablish ourselves with a strong military and foreign policy. The economy will once again grow and inflation will disappear. The left can demonize Donald Trump all they want but they cannot hide the results of his policies. We need to keep them busy defending their pathetic policies as they have no one capable of rebuilding this country.
Teachers can not teach children to pray but they can teach them to be gay?
There is nothing “Woke” about not teaching our children to read and write and do basic math all while keeping them isolated from their peers. That seems more like “Comatose”.
Parents should absolutely have a say in what their children are being taught. When I was in 5th grade parents had to sign permission slips for female student to participate in a girls-only class about puberty and mensuration. Parents also had to sign permission slips for their high school students to participate in sex education during health class. Children are subjected to alternative lifestyles and forced to accept gender identities and sexual orientation in kindergarten. But Romeo and Juliet is no longer studied in Junior literature because of the the sexual component in the story. Huckleberry Fin is banned because of racial connotations that might offend people.
School teaches skills. Parents teach morals.