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The “Conspiracy Theorists” Were Right Again

Posted on Tuesday, December 17, 2024
by Shane Harris

It’s become the hottest new trend in American politics: today’s “right-wing conspiracy” is tomorrow’s breaking news.

In the latest entry into this genre, a Department of Justice Inspector General report last week revealed that the FBI had at least 26 informants in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021, the day of the Capitol riot. According to the report, at least four informants entered the Capitol itself, while another 13 entered the restricted area around the building. Despite the FBI claiming that it did not give any informants permission to break the law, none have been charged with a crime.

“For those keeping score at home, this was labeled a dangerous conspiracy theory months ago,” Vice President-elect JD Vance wrote on X in response to the story in a post that has now garnered 59 million views. Indeed, until this bombshell report, the Biden administration and the corporate media had derided anyone who suggested that there were FBI agents or assets at the riot as “conspiracy theorists.”

But this case is hardly the only recent instance of a “conspiracy theory” turning into verified fact. Here are just a few other prominent examples.

The Hunter Biden Laptop

In perhaps the most blatant election-year censorship campaign in American history, the Democrat Party, corporate media, and Deep State actors in the intelligence community conspired to discredit details about the infamous Hunter Biden laptop as “Russian disinformation.”

On October 14, 2020, just weeks before Election Day, the New York Post published a bombshell story about the laptop’s contents. The emails on the laptop detailed Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine and China and pointed to the involvement of Joe Biden in those dealings while he was vice president.

Twitter and Facebook quickly blocked users from sharing the story, with Twitter banning the Post’s entire account. With no evidence, 50 intelligence officials signed a letter claiming the story was planted by Russia as an election interference scheme, a claim parroted by the rest of the establishment media.

Anyone claiming that the laptop story was legitimate was quickly branded a “conspiracy theorist.”

Only after Joe Biden was securely in the White House did The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other major outlets admit the veracity of the laptop’s contents. In 2022, the release of “The Twitter Files” confirmed that federal bureaucrats had coordinated with Big Tech companies to censor the story – enshrining yet another “conspiracy theory” in the historical record.

Trump’s 2016 Campaign Was Spied On

Donald Trump himself earned the title of “conspiracy theorist” following the 2016 election for claiming that the Hillary Clinton campaign was working with Obama administration officials to spy on his campaign.

For years, the media openly mocked Trump and anyone who repeated this “conspiracy theory.”

Years later, however, we know that Trump was exactly correct. The Obama FBI used unverified and completely bogus claims from Clinton campaign operatives to obtain a FISA warrant to monitor Trump campaign officials.

In other words, as The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board put it in 2022, “Trump really was spied on.”

The COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory

In February 2020, The New York Times blasted Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton for repeating what the paper called a “fringe conspiracy theory” that the virus which caused COVID-19 may have escaped from a Chinese lab. The media similarly mocked Trump and any other conservative who defended the plausibility of the lab leak theory and demanded more transparency from China.

Democrats and the corporate media instead aligned with Beijing, focusing on discrediting Trump. Those who questioned the narrative that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan wet market faced backlash, were deplatformed, or even investigated by federal authorities. The Times suppressed a story by one of its own science writers that supported the lab leak theory, while other outlets dismissed the hypothesis as “debunked.”

Fast forward to February 2023, and the FBI concluded that a lab leak was not only possible, but the “probable” source of the pandemic, an assessment supported by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Democrats and the media have since been forced to change their tune on the lab leak theory, though apologies have been sparse to the so-called “conspiracy theorists” who called to investigate it in the first place.

Transgender Surgeries for Minors

One of the most pernicious left-wing lies to arise in recent years is the claim that doctors are not performing irreversible transgender surgeries on minor children. With rare exceptions, the corporate media has been happy to repeat transgender activists’ line that conservative outrage over transgender surgery on minors is nothing but right-wing fearmongering.

But according to a report out this October, at least 5,700 children underwent transgender surgeries between 2019 and 2023. Not only are transgender surgeries on minors happening, they are far more widespread than even many on the right previously believed. That shockingly high number also does not even include the thousands of other children as young as eight years old who have been placed on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

There are undoubtedly plenty of actual conspiracy theories out there with no basis in reality. But increasingly it seems as if “conspiracy theory” may have a new definition when it comes to American politics: an obvious truth that Democrats and their allies in the media don’t want the public to believe.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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Michael J
Michael J
2 months ago

The very term “Conspiracy Theorist” appears to be the government’s way to demonize or belittle anyone who questions their narrative. Unfortunately truth and facts tend to get in the way. Now when I hear that term bandied around, you kinda expect it’s what they’re hiding.

2 months ago

Once again living proof that if Democrats are speaking, they are lying. I don’t know how anyone can belong to the Democrat Party and look at themselves in the mirror every morning. Their entire lives are nothing but a lie. I just cannot wrap my head around the fact that people identify with Democrats and vote for them. Their personal lives must be a shambles if they identify with lies as a way of governing. Obviously the Democrat Party intends to burn this nation to the ground just so they can rule over the ashes. The Democrat Party is the epitome of evil. Judgment will be Swift and eternal.

Judy Nugent
Judy Nugent
2 months ago

Jan 6th was a setup and that nonsense committee was like something in a Banana Republic. I’m hoping it will all be exposed very soon.

2 months ago

this is one reason to get rid of professional politicians no salaries no benefits no retirements your only pay is expenses you go home until needed again like when the nation was founded for the good of the country and the people

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
2 months ago

During the 2020 election five states administratively changed their voting procedures under the guise of making sure voters could vote during the covid pandemic. Why only five states when all the states had the same circumstances yet did not change their procedures? The Constitution requires that voting procedures be established by the state legislatures, yet courts where the procedures were contested ignored the Constitution and permitted those states to make the changes administratively. What states were they? They were Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Nevada. All of these states were won by Joe Biden! Is it still a conspiracy theory that the election was stolen? You can make up your own mind. I am just saying.

2 months ago

FBI is corrupt, Its a very SAD day for America.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
2 months ago

The Russia Hoax was another example of the Progressives calling we, who actually sought out the REAL news instead of ingesting the FAKE news. So far, it seems that every far-left lie against President Trump has been proven to be false. Of course, none of the perpetrators will ever come forth and apologize for their lying and some of the lies they still hold on to after they were proven false. I was so happy that Stephanopoulos and ABC were found guilty of lying and have to pay Trump!!

2 months ago

I do believe that the number of government assets on January 6th will get much higher as the truth slowly comes out.

2 months ago

I was looked upon as a crazy conspiracy theorist, a fascists and on and on. From family and friends. And all these things have been proven to be the truth. Do you hear any apologies from these people who ostracized me. No. A democrat admitting they made a mistake. It’s your fault for spreading the truth. They see it as lies. We have to accept their truth as gospel. It will be a long time before these democrats who were brainwashed under Obama, to think as an American and get empathy back. They almost got away with it, destroying this country. Biden is still working hard to undermine Trump. Only he is hurting the country and its people instead. Their lies are hurting this country with the 20 million illegals we, the taxpayers have to support while many citizens go hungry or even have their homes taken from them. People are complaining to their local leaders and not one word is uttered from them on how they are going to solve this problem. More and more will come out in the next 4 years. Especially about Jan 6. We have known the full truth for the past 4 years and the truth is going to come out, they won’t be able to get away with calling it a conspiracy. And those responsible will pay.

2 months ago

Is there any doubt now about why the Democrats are pushing for censorship?

2 months ago

I would love to see an article listing all (or at least many of the major) “conspiracy theories” that have since been proven true. I have so many friends that still watch mainstream media, and would like to be able to show them just how much their news source is lying to them.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
2 months ago

If there is anything everyone should have learned by now, it is that the louder and harder the Left and their media whores scream about something not being true, that it’s just “another right-wing conspiracy theory,” the more likely it’s absolutely true.

2 months ago

It is not so much the term “conspiracy theory” that offends, but the word conspiracy. It is a term that enables parts of our government to avoid prosecution under the correct term which is “insurrection” of which they are fully aware that any plotting by civil servants against the President, the People of the United States of America, or the Constitution constitutes just that. It is why the J6ers were charged with insurrection because it is the one term referring to rebellion that allows for the writ of habeas corpus and due process to be suspended under the constitution, for political prisoners to be held without charges brought, and for their rights to be “legally” violated. Ridicule that is then proven to be undeserved is not so much the issue, what is the issue is the malicious terminology used to intentionally hurt, and imprison political opponents by left wing partisan politically motivated civil servants. Civil servants, paid with our taxpayer dollars, who maliciously impacted innocent American individuals, and their families’ lives, liberty, and property based upon choice of terminology. DOGE will have to look into more than just efficiency, and redundancy, but overreach, and weaponization for the partisan left, global organizations, and corporations as well. When government uses the term “insurrection” against citizens then it should no longer be allowed to hide their own insurrection behind a convenient “wink wink” cloaking term such as “conspiracy”, of which we now know they were heavily engaged in against President Trump, conservatives, Christians, Jews, and those imprisoned under the title J6ers. Furthermore those who engaged in furthering CRT, and DEI practices which violate basic values and principles of equality under our law, and sought to embed this form of discrimination based upon ethnic identity into our federal government will have to be investigated and removed from government service permanently as well. What 8 years of Obama, and now another 4 years of Biden have created is not just a mess foreign and domestic, but an immense governmental cess pool as well that will need to be drained, detoxified, filled in, or entirely removed after evaluating what is absolutely necessary and constitutional for the federal government to function with minimal impact on the daily lives of American citizens. With $36 trillion in the whole we can no longer afford this government, and if on top it doesn’t work for us then it is time to cut back to bare bones, create term limits not just for politicians but civil service as well, and eliminate any, and all benefits associated with government service.

2 months ago

EVERY AGENCY, EVERY DEPARTMENT (and almost all of the Damnocrap Party, and the Fake News medias) in the Biden Crime administration (and his Crime family), gives NEW definitions and literal meanings to the words CORRRUPT, LIARS, DECEITFUL, and EVIL just to name four. These are there are the true AMERICA-HATING ENEMIES WITHIN.
This is the reason why the words “… and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…” The above paragraph precisely identifies the ‘DOMESTIC’ ENEMIES WITHIN.

2 months ago

Conspiracy “Theorist” is a term coined by the left and MSM to cancel or shut down the argument from the conservative voice, and to a large extent they’ve been successful. In FACT, the conspiracy has never been a theory and now it has metastasized to what America has become. My reaction now when someone calls me a conspiracy theorist is to metaphorically shove the words back down their gullet because reality ain’t some Marxist’s utopian dream, no matter how educated they think they are.
Yeah, you could say I’m angry and I’m not alone.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

See Roy Epps for J6 issues alone

2 months ago

Federal government are enemies of truth, and enemies of the people. So sad.

2 months ago

What is truly sad is that myself and others like me with common sense figured all of this out way back in 2016.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Conspiacies? Only Democrat ones! Oops, sorry…. love to continue my comment but I have to log onto the Ritchies auction site to bid pennies on the dollar for allocated border wall materials being sold off in Tucson before Trump can use it!

2 months ago

Anyone that performs transgender surgery on ANY minor should be jailed. It should not be allowed until the child is 21…or at least 18.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 months ago

Well,I see our dear old whiny adam shiffless is complaining about President Trump probably pardoning Jan 6 protestors.Someone should tell this being that what goes around,comes around.It’s alright for biden,but not Trump.They should not have been jailed anyway,they were protesting an election that was rigged by the democ rats and now look at the mess they made in AMERICA.

Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
2 months ago

Why should the voting public, or any American citizen, believe anything the government has to say, or obey any of their promulgations?

George Ruben Rivera Jr
George Ruben Rivera Jr
2 months ago

LOL, even suggesting that the conspiracy fact phenomenon is real is labeled as a Conspiracy Theory! Sheesh . . .

2 months ago

THANK YOU, Shane, for Publishing that!!! EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ IT! Everyone needs to KNOW those Facts – and MORE!!! so many MORE! I believe they’re ALL going to come out – and they SHOULD. America NEEDS TO KNOW how MUCH they were LIED TO by the ones they ‘trust’ – the MSM and their Govt.!!! because we HAVE to KNOW to be ‘informed’ and to do something ABOUT ALL THIS LYING and DECEIT and CORRUPTION!!! And I believe DJT fully intends to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! And I, for one, am in Full Support of Whatever this Admin. DOES to REMOVE all the puss!

2 months ago

I would like a detailed list of the crimes and acts of treason committed by crooked joe, his crime family, the justice department of the biden/harris administration, the liberal driven fbi, and alejandro mayorkas illegal running of the border, secret service, homeland security, PLUS all his LIES to Congress. Did you know that anthony blinken wrote then distruibuted the false story and lie that the hidden “hunter laptop” was from russian interference in our election? And that his and bidens LIE altered the results of the 2020 election?? The emails on the laptop detailed Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine and China and pointed to the involvement of Joe Biden in those dealings while he was vice president. This IS treason, acts of sabotage against a sitting U.S. President that involved all our own security departments and the whole obama/biden administration??

2 months ago

Senator Joe McCarthy asserted in 1952 that communists had infiltrated our government. He was hounded to death for his “communist conspiracy”. This theme was picked up by the John Birch Society since its formation in 1958 unto this day. Another conspiracy proven to be “communist fact”.

2 months ago

Can you say Conspiracy Factist?

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
2 months ago

I strongly felt that J-6 was a set-up from the start. To many bad actors planted in the crowd dressed as President Trump supporters. Many were seen on video tape committing acts of violence. They were all let out the back door and never arrested or charged for their part in the planned breach set up by Nancy Pelosi. She green lighted her planned breach when she refused the request from the Sergeant of Arms to call up the National Guard on the morning of January sixth.

Tracey Branham
Tracey Branham
2 months ago

I want to know what parent in their right mind would agree to this mutilation of a child???They need prosecuted for child endangerment/ child abuse and the doctors who agreed to do the procedures should be disbarred. Mental illness runs rampant in the US
I do not care that this was legal. parents who did this are a waste of space, taking up needed resources like water, air, food, etc

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
2 months ago

They are trying to get in front of their lies before Trump exposes them.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
2 months ago

Why not put them in prison, and make them work to pay for their crimes, instead of letting them live in luxury the rest of their wicked life.

Roy Bean
Roy Bean
2 months ago

Recently Adam Schiff condemned those “conspiracy theorists on the right.” Mr. Russian Collusion himself. I kid you not.

Jay H.
Jay H.
2 months ago

I’m waiting for the report that the 2020 presidential election was indeed rampant with election fraud and stolen from President Trump. Dinesh De Sousa’s “2000 Mules” documentary provided ample evidence of the fraud and to date, I have yet to see one libtard “so called” journalist try to disprove De Sousa’s documentary.

Jane C Dewberry
Jane C Dewberry
2 months ago

So, what all sane people can gather from this is: If the progressive socialist Democrats are in charge, then we should take everything they claim is the truth as the exact opposite. And when they claim that what the conservatives say is false, full of lies and nothing but “conspiracy theories”, we should know, instinctively, that it is the truth.

Donald King
Donald King
2 months ago

I can hardly wait on the actual information regarding the drones.

2 months ago

Another reason to not believe what the mass media prints, says or leaks to the general public. You must use your God given common sense to form an opinion on some of these “bombshells” that are actually duds that the left wing media throws at you.

2 months ago

Yes, Michael J, Conspiracy Theorist was devised by the CIA to make anyone who challenged the Warren Report look like a loon. 60 years later about 75% of the population does not believe LHO was a lone gunman who shot JFK. But, back in the day, you were considered a nut case aka a conspiracy theorist,

2 months ago

The swamp dwellers of the US government are the personification of the Bible’s admonition to beware of those who love to spread the lie.

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
2 months ago

Little of this surprises me as those of us with a brain and the ability to observe knew about most of this years ago. What surprised me was how many kids have undergone transgender surgery or are being medicated to suppress their hormones. I knew about it but had no idea how widespread it is. This has to stop. NOW!

2 months ago

Let us add the current drone mystery. Either a rail car of radioactive material, possibly available for a terrorist “dirty” bomb, has gone missing, or, one of the dozens of Soviet nukes missing after the collapse and reported by the IAEA as inventory short, has made its way into the U.S.
Possibly the drones, too many to not be controlled by a govt, are equipped to locate high radioactive release.

OR, is it just another conspiracy? Maybe to force a martial law like they did in So Korea? Before Jan 20? Or just another conspiracy????

Allen A.
Allen A.
2 months ago

The Democrat Party has rooted itself firmly in the cesspool of Socialist thought. The entire Party is guided by the principles of Karl Marx’s Das Kapital, Mao’s Little Red Book and Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Every time the Democrats, including the highly partisan corporate “news” media, accuse conservatives, including Trump, of some terrible crime or ugly idea, it is because they, the Democrats, are doing exactly what they say the conservative side did. If they had to speak the truth or be silent, they would cease to talk.

R Lerch
R Lerch
2 months ago

When will the democrats apologize to Robert Hur for telling the truth about Biden?

2 months ago

Current circumstances are such that no one should really need to be reminded to never vote “democrat” again. This is straightforward.

Hans Felderbrest
Hans Felderbrest
1 month ago

“According to a report”… about a reference? Kind of a bad look.

2 months ago

Don’t ya just love it when people wake up, and the liberal left is falling all over themselves to back track and try to cover their garbage. The liberal Marxist/democrat party will cease to exist in it’s present form. I’m sure they are trying to figure out right now how to re-invent their party.

2 months ago

I am sure Biden will pardon Fauci thus confirming that he had a major hand in the development of the virus

Channon Phipps
Channon Phipps
2 months ago

Current Score Totals:
Conspiracy Theorists: 225
Swamp: 000

2 months ago

This is the worst AMAC article yet. According to history, both Hitler & Mussolini thought that if you told people something a zillion times then they will start believing it. Is this what the USA has come to? What happened to people that have INTEGRITY & are accountable for their own actions & not blaming everything on someone else.

2 months ago

AMAC needs to quit posting articles on Conspiracy Theories. They are not helping Americans to unite, but only to disagree on what is truth or not. Tucker Carlson did the worst job with Jan 6th and claims this was the truth. Will never believe another thing that man says & that started when he said any parent that made child wear a face mask should be arrested for child abuse!

Trump meets with Zelensky of Ukraine in the oval office
trump and the drug and opioid epidemic

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