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The Biden Family Laptop Mess

Posted on Thursday, December 15, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The laptop computer, owned, used, and populated by the son of President Biden – seized by the FBI in 2019, its contents suppressed by the FBI and Twitter in 2020 – is not important because of crimes, for which there is ample evidence, committed by the President’s son. It is important because of evidence on the computer that implicates the current president, Joe Biden, in public corruption.

What public corruption? What evidence? What should happen? These are the key questions – not whether and for what crimes the son, who is in trouble, should be confronted with. 

Question one: Let’s start with “what public corruption” is. To knowingly facilitate violation of federal law, such as to knowingly transport, facilitate, or participate in procurement of illegitimate foreign contracts, or act as a foreign lobbyist while in public office, is a crime. 

To benefit directly or indirectly, including enrichment of a family member, from such activities is public corruption. To be part of a scheme to sell political influence or to know such a crime is occurring and thus be complicit, is a crime. 

To benefit directly from acts involved in the selling of political influence to a person, company, or country, is a crime. To act in a way consistent with expectations of someone who gave a bribe or gratuity to the officer-holder or family is a crime. To deny having knowledge or cover them up is a crime.

In truth, the definition of public corruption is broad and statutes supporting one or all of the foregoing definitions of privately indictable and publicly impeachable activity.

Question two: What evidence exists that Joe Biden knew of, participated or was complicit in, acted consistent with, or was a beneficiary of – or any relative was a beneficiary of – such sale of influence?

The answer is found in the public record and information on a computer belonging to President Biden’s son, much known in early 2020, suppressed by leading social media, apparently at the FBI’s suggestion.

While the record is dense, there is more information daily, some hard to ignore facts implicating President Biden. For example, President Biden was Obama’s Vice President (VP) from 2009 to 2017, during which time he sought and received permission to be “point man” for Ukraine. 

In 2013 and 2014, VP Biden flew his son on Air Force Two to Ukraine – and China. On these trips, the VP’s son secured lucrative private contracts, transparently at odds with his experience, suggesting that something other than expertise was being bought.

In both cases, the strong implication, confirmed by the son’s computer, is that the purchasing companies – in China’s case government-affiliated – sought and got access to the sitting VP. 

In the case of Ukraine, current events notwithstanding, the VP further travelled to Kiev in 2015 and delivered an ultimatum not to investigate a company from which his son was profiting and on whose board the son sat – or Ukraine would be denied a “billion dollars” in US aid.

Remarkably, the VP gave a speech thereafter in which his ability to get results was questioned. He responded: “I looked at them [Ukraine] and said ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money … Well, son of a b*tch, he got fired.”

The public record reveals, and incoming Congress will authenticate, this conversation occurred when the Ukrainian government had “specific plans” to investigate the VP’s son.

Evidence on the computer indicates Ukrainian officials not only wanted access to the VP, but the same party paying the VP’s son thanked the son for a meeting with the VP, which the VP later denied occurring. 

The VP also denied ever discussing these issues with the son who travelled with him and benefited from it, later pressuring Ukraine.

Before moving on, as evidence mounts implicating Joe Biden, the real question is: Given the foregoing criminal provisions and public facts, how does Joe Biden avoid a serious inquiry?

Look now to China. What the Biden family did fits the model used in Ukraine. The VP took his son to China in 2013, introduced him to top officials at companies who paid the son for what seems access or influence. The Biden family, and perhaps the VP himself, benefited.

The evidence of public corruption, direct and circumstantial, is considerable. So, the final question: What can be done? Why has all this been suppressed and not properly discussed by journalists, the Justice Department, FBI, Congress, even state prosecutors until now?

The answer: Republicans were boxed out, not given access to the computer’s contents in 2020, leaked contents questioned, denied, minimized, suppressed by social media and media outlets, both on their own and apparently at FBI direction as “misinformation.”

The implications are many. The computer’s contents appear – and did from the start – to be factual, authentic, hard to dismiss, and objectively damning. A grand jury empaneled to examine the president’s son has completed work – now, why is there no deep inquiry of Joe Biden?

The President’s AG, who himself might be asked in a major inquiry why he has both done and not done many things, appears indifferent at best, focused on Biden’s predecessor and scurrilous side issues like investigating parents and anti-abortion educators as terrorists.

In all events, the time is coming when “truth will out,” and as Twitter disgorges new information and Republican oversight committees prepare, expect a lot to come out. The White House, Justice Department, and FBI are in for some hard questioning.

Bottom line: What has happened is deeply disturbing and looks increasingly like serious public corruption. Late breaking revelations only confirm what many felt was already clear. This is not about the president’s son or that he is objectively a participant in depraved behaviors. The real issue is his father and the public corruption that the son’s computer – with public record – seem to confirm. This whole inquiry is serious – better called “Joe Biden’s Laptop Mess.”

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Roy ketcher
Roy ketcher
1 year ago

There’ll be the normal amount of posturing, saying, we’ve uncovered evidence, blah blah, blah, blah, and the end result, nobody will go to jail, be impeached, lose their job, or any other bullsh*t will happen to them. Try not to hold your breath, hoping that something will come of this, if you do, you’ll be long, dead and buried

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

In a perfect world the entire Biden family would be behind bars…but let’s face it, the world is not perfect and our government is corrupt. NOTHING is ever going to come from any of the laptop information. Except maybe, the dems will say the Republicans are doing and have been doing everything that’s been found on on it, and half the population will believe it.

End of story.

1 year ago

I wish it was required viewing for every American to watch the clip of Hunter naked, shaving his crotch in between snorting lines of coke and yelling at a prostitute. You know the smartest and most wonderful man Joe knows….

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

GEE, Joe would do that.??? Kyle L.

1 year ago

I’m surprised I’m the first to comment. The “Biden Crime Family” is not a secret. Unfortunately, the FBI, CIA and who knows what other agencies are aware and/or complaisant. As Mr. Charles stated, we have a DOJ only interested in MAGA types. Our Senate is filled with RINOs who would rather “go along to get along,” therefore they will hold their tongues. Hopefully the 2023 House will not blow all the opportunities that are there. They need to hold fast on controlling the purse strings. If they don’t receive requested information, hold back the requested funds for that department. Nunes and Kash Patel did this during the Russiagate investigation.The good news is we have corroboration from Tony Bobolinski (sp?), and it’s on video.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

Is no one concerned about holding the news media accountable? For example, anyone think they should lose their press exemption from Federal campaign laws? Calling them fake news does not hurt their feelings. Corporations have no feelings, but they are special interests and dependent on the advertising dollars of other special interests.

1 year ago

I’ll believe it when I see it. Look at what Hillary got away with in destroying all the evidence against her. The Biden’s have been busy the last 2 years doing the same thing. There is no accountability to anyone.

William C Smith
William C Smith
1 year ago

Most people just thought his stupidity was an act. Now, it is known it was never an act all along.

1 year ago


The FBI has had the Hunter Biden laptop in their possession since 2019. They effectively sat on it all the way through the 2020 election cycle. They even used their influence to suppress it in social media and the MSM. So they are NOT exactly operating with clean hands here.

Even from the portions of the laptop information made public, and the testimony of Tony Bobalinsky, it is clear evident Joe Biden was using his son as a go between, a glorified bag man, in order make money by selling access to his office for personal gain. Sophisticated and covert are not two adjectives I would use to describe how the Biden family ran this little criminal operation. This isn’t rocket science here. No one honestly cares about Hunter Biden or his personal issues. That is all noise to distract the public. This is about his father, Joe Biden, engaging in a coordinated criminal enterprise to personally enrich himself by selling the office of the Vice President to the highest bidder. This is purely a Joe Biden story, which is why everyone is slow-walking this whole thing. We’re now approaching 2023 and the DOJ and the FBI are still dragging their feet as hard as they can.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
1 year ago

The reason nothing will ever happen is most congressman , both Democrats and Republicans are receiving money from Ukraine ,Russia , and China. Anyone thinking Congress is helping the American people are very naive. Congressmen are only thinking of themselves and not our country!

Carl E Nell
Carl E Nell
1 year ago

The “Big Guy” is going down in 2023. So let it be written, so let it be done!

Jim D.
Jim D.
1 year ago

I remember seeing the video in Kiev in 2015 of Biden committing a MAJOR quid-pro-quo by making billions of US Foreign military aid contingent upon the firing of the prosecutor investigating the company which his son worked for. I thought to myself at the time; how could he be so stupid as to do this on video for the world to see? Not only that, but he seemed to take pride in, and brag about it as well! At a time when the Democrats were accusing Trump of things like quid-pro-quo, how the hell can people not see this??? Well, I guess we’ll have to wait until January 3rd, 2023, to get the answer to that one! Biden is so obviously and totally corrupted at this point; he is simply a Jenga-tower waiting for the next piece to be removed! I can’t wait to see him topple along with all of his enablers. 50 years of corruption -time for term limits!

1 year ago

re corruption: enriching a family member, where is an indictment of the clintons who made Chelsea a millionaire. and how about obamas who made their daughters millionaires. sheesh!

1 year ago

My question is, How many treasonous acts does this man ( in the white house ) have to do to wake people UP enough to stop him from putting this country in a situation that either will take decades or heaven forbid even worse, War, to get us out of what this Evil, Ignorant, Incompetent FOOL got us into.

1 year ago

“The White House, Justice Department, and FBI are in for some hard questioning.” So what?! The MSM and social media will ignore it and bury it and nothing will come of it!
The only way to “fix” all of this is to cut off the head of the snake. That would be the WEF and everyone associated with same.

1 year ago

There needs to be a cleansing in the White House and the FBI. From the President , thru the Democratic Party and the FBI. They all need to be jailed if found corrupt. The head of the FBI and all involved in the hiding of information about the Hunter Biden laptop need to be prosecuted. They are there to protect the nation and the people. I served for 30 years in the military and we took an oath to ” Support and Defend the Constitution Of the United States ” and if I am not incorrect that applies to the President, VP, Congressman, Senators , FBI and the CIA. So why has no-one filed Federal Charges against those that are obviously breaking the law is my question. Is it not a felony to knowingly with hold evidence when a crime has been committed? If this were a Republican President and his family the FBI would be raiding his house to try to find evidence against him as they have done President Trump. No Man or Woman should be above the law no matter what position of power, wealth or position in the Government. All Government Officials should be held to a higher standard of the law for they were elected to support and defend the people , nation , and Constitution of the United States.

1 year ago

Why isn’t anything being done about this corruption?

1 year ago

Both Hunter and daddy Biden should be in GITMO.

1 year ago

Hey we just re-installed a democratic Senate and with embarrassingly few votes put the Repubs in charge of the House. So why are we complaining ? If we really had a problem with this Hunter -to -Joe “alleged” scheme we would have wiped out the dims in Nov. We, as a nation of voters, are a lot of talk and no action.

1 year ago

And nothing will happen, nothing will be done.

1 year ago

Even people on this site are going after President Trump, demanding apologies, and that he drop out, without any mention of Real Corruption! January 6 was a demonstration, Not an insurrection! The Biden, Obama, and Clinton Crime Syndicates are Real Corruption!

1 year ago

Great ! So what do we do about it ?

GOP Establishment
GOP Establishment
1 year ago

I’m way more concerned about what I pay for gas and food.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

There’s so much documentation supporting corruption by Biden in his promoting Hunter Biden that it is scary how little is being done about it. It seems the main reason the U.S. supports Ukraine is because of deals made with the Bidens.

1 year ago

This should be totally unacceptable to the American people, younger generations are without moral disgust at such personal enrichment…how does one get so rich on a public servant pay? Until we clean this mess up, both sides of the aisle are enticed to do what’s best for them and not the people they represent!!!

1 year ago

I will nominate Trump for sainthood and use the current administration as the justification. I

1 year ago

There’ll be a hearing but every response is going to be, “I can’t comment on any possible or ongoing discussions”.

Ben Ray
Ben Ray
1 year ago

We have seen FB CEO on Joe Rogan tell us the FBI had a role in suppressing and covering up the Biden laptop scandal. Elon Musk has now provided a tremendous amount of information proving the same and even some evidence that not only the FBI but the White House influenced the free speech, Laptop investigation and therefore our elections.
Why should we not think this was (and is) also being done with many other news and Social Media companies? Why not Google, NYT, MSNBC, CNN, Washington Post, AOL…?

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