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The AARP-UnitedHealth Alliance Is Putting Seniors Last

Posted on Wednesday, October 25, 2023
by Outside Contributor
AARP American Association of Retired Persons website displayed on smartphone hidden in jeans pocket

AARP, once known as the American Association of Retired Persons, is still mistakenly perceived by many as a senior’s group, despite its significant transformation in recent years. In fact, the organization no longer represents anything substantial, as its original purpose and commitment to advancing the interests of seniors have seemingly vanished.

Originally Posted by Townhall – By Senator Rand Paul

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1 year ago

A little over 30 years ago I joined AARP. I soon realized that they often acted contrary to what their membership seemed to want per their own polls.
I never renewed my membership.
I now belong to AMAC and am much happier about it.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

No surprise since AARP supported Obamacare putting Americans medical care last.

1 year ago

Everybody knows what AARP, stands for – A$$holes Against Republican People

beverly welch
beverly welch
1 year ago

When they took up the ObamaCare flag, I decided they were a Wolf in Sheep clothing, if you know what I mean.

1 year ago

Yes. AARP in my opinion has always been left leaning and communist in creed and in deed. So where does that leave United Health I wonder??

1 year ago

Anyone who has a membership with AARP has earned everything that comes your way.

Elizabeth S Misa
Elizabeth S Misa
1 year ago

That is why in 2017 I changed to AMAC! Yes, AARP supported Obamacare and it needs to be repealed with a new plan. Our health care for seniors is in a shambles! My friend has a relative who has been in the hospital for about a month. Two weeks ago, his wife had a heart attack and had surgery to have a stent put in. Now they want to release her husband on November 6th. He can’t walk or barely sit up. She is still recovering from her surgery. How will she be able to take care of him? He is twice her size. This makes no sense to me. Something needs to happen. We must let our representatives in office know that this needs to change! People who are making these decisions are not qualified! And heaven forbid if you go into a nursing home! It now costs $10,000.00 a month! No one can afford that. Only the rich!

1 year ago

AARP is run by the Hartford Insurance Company!!! A far left-wing nut company!!!

1 year ago

A number of years ago I had AARP- recommended United Health Care. When I needed it, they ran a 3-card Monte scam on me and didn’t pay/provide what I needed. The group that had my coverage on their records (computers) said I had the coverage. The group that was to provide turned it down. They were in separate locations and would not contact each other. I dropped them and wholeheartedly tell all my contacts NOT to sign up with either.
Vern Westgate

1 year ago

This was well known. Only the sheep won’t accept it. AARP is sacred. They were supporters of O CARE which is the worst debacle put on the American people since the deregulation of the airlines. Insurance companies go together now and become a monopoly. Cost of premiums rise. Medicine and copays rise for the hospitals and drs together with the insurance companies are setting the price and setting the procedures they will or will not pay for.
They meddled in part D of Medicare. They supported the dems not the seniors. I see it as a front for the dems and cancelled my subscription over 17 years ago and switched to AMAC three years ago. At least I can let my voice be heard.

Pauline W
Pauline W
1 year ago

I joined for a year a long time ago. Quickly realized it was a lobbying group and not on my political beliefs. Selling insurance to seniors was thier real business. Amac was formed about that time and I joined it.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

AARP = A$$holes Against Republican People

beverly welch
beverly welch
1 year ago

AMAC needs to drop any association with AARP just another socialist group with democrat support.

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
1 year ago

UnitedHealthcareMedicare Advantage has just about been banned in the State of New Mexico. Because they don’t want to pay for the things Patients need or Copays are to high, and they don’t want to pay for medications Patients need or are requested by doctors. And I know this from experience.

1 year ago

I stopped being a member a few years ago I could already see they were leaning left I joined AMAC and very happy with them so I hope they dont change and star leaning left

Ralph Layman
Ralph Layman
1 year ago

Ask your friends and relatives who are not dems if they belong to AARP. Ask them to check out Amac. AARP is CCP.

Diesel Dave Galloway
Diesel Dave Galloway
1 year ago

There are millions of seniors out there who join AARP for their discount offers and have no idea how the organization supports so many liberal causes. I used to be one of them but was fortnately educated by a friend who was an AMAC member. It’s up to all of us to educate our senior friends who, unfortunately, don’t know any better.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Run 2 many TV ads for United Health etc

1 year ago

AARP is NOT a senior’s friend! A few years ago, when Obama was running for President, it was obvious to me that AARP was endorsing him and the radical Democratic ideals. At that time, I considered stopping my membership with AARP, but I continue it to the present day. Why? The old adage of “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” came to mind. I wanted to know what this organization was doing and what they were planning. They still carry “positive” articles about Martha Stewart (A convicted felon) and Jane Fonda, a proven traitor, shown astride a North Vietnamese anti aircraft gun during the Viet Nam war. As a Veteran, I don’t forget!

Donald Christian
Donald Christian
1 year ago

I am retired now and aarp keeps sending their mag to my barber shop then forwards to me . I toss them. Not a member of aarp they just send mags,

1 year ago

Everyone knows that AARP is a very liberal organization who works under the guise that they are working for the elderly, the senior citizen!!! In many instances, that simply isn’t true!!!

1 year ago

While I fully agree with the article and am a solid conservative, in fairness doesn’t AMAC engage in the same activity in promoting conservative causes as aarp does in liberal causes? Just saying.

Richard Kern
Richard Kern
1 year ago

AARP has been against seniors for decades. When President George W. Bush tried to improve the sustainability of Social Security and introduce individual taxpayer owned retirement funds within Social Security, AARP complained about everything in the plan. They offered no alternatives, and skewered the President and his plan. They do not care about seniors.

1 year ago

Most people think AARP is for seniors, it is not! It is just another leftist political group and most of what it does and contributes money to are liberal democrap causes. I too was once a member until I saw what and who they were supporting and contributing money to. AMAC is conservative and supports all seniors, they believe in spending money you have. Not creating endless more debt requiring more money to be printed, which lowers it’s value (inflation). Nothing is free, you have to work for what you get.

Ralph Layman
Ralph Layman
1 year ago

I agree whole heartedly with J. Farley

1 year ago

What? Are you saying that movie stars and Dimocrats aren’t the only ones with the answers this country needs? When I retired I joined AARP to get the United Healthcare insurance – didn’t take long to find that I could get better coverage for about 2/3 of what I was paying UH for, guess that extra 1/3 is what is being given to AARP for their “support”.

1 year ago

I also have a UHC Medicare Advantage Plan that has the AARP logo in the name. However, I am not a member of AARP, and only briefly joined years ago until I learned they were endorsing Al Gore for President. I use a Medicare broker who shops the market for me and makes yearly recommendations on which plan best meets my needs. Consistently, my broker has recommended that I remain on the UHC plan. Her broker’s commission is the same regardless of which plans she recommends. It is set at a fixed rate by Medicare. The commission is paid by the provider. So, there is no incentive for her to push UHC over other plans. In the years I have been on the UHC plan, I have had no problems with covered medical bills.

1 year ago

I belong to both , as I prefer to hear both sides of story. My opinion, both AARP and AMAC have a right to exist and should promote what is best for all Americans.

1 year ago

I believe it. All they are is a lobbying group.

Paul Davis
Paul Davis
1 year ago

I have had United Health Medicare advantage for a few years. I did drop my AARP membership since ot is not a requirement for United. I think I’m OK where I’m at, AMAC membership, with United Healthcare

1 year ago

I have the United Health Care Medicare Advantage PPO plan thru my retiree plan with the federal government. It is the absolute greatest plan around. Nobody has a better plan. Most all our drugs cost $1, the wifes Breztri is $25. Any covered drug is topped out at $100 max. We have $125 each put back into our SS checks. We have dental and vision coverage. The list goes on and on.
I do not belong to AARP! I knew early on they were a liberal group that hated republicans. They loved Obamacare, But they got themselves a Waiver!! Hypocrites typical democrats!

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