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The 5 Stages of Biden Grief

Posted on Wednesday, July 10, 2024
by Outside Contributor

With the revelation over the past two weeks that President Joe Biden is mentally and physically diminished, Democrats have traveled through all five stages of grief; first, they experienced denial; then anger; then bargaining; next, depression; finally, acceptance. But what they’re accepting is not Joe Biden’s mental decline. What they’re accepting is the fundamental reality that they bet on the wrong horse.

And what comes next is likely to be even worse.

At first, Democrats engaged in full-scale denial that anything was wrong with Joe Biden. The White House maintained that he was hale and healthy; Democrats in Congress tried to maintain the brave front that his debate failure had been a one-off. This is a stance now relegated to Biden’s immediate family: Jill Biden insists that Joe is just fine; Hunter says that Joe hasn’t lost a step.

But the rest of the party quickly moved on to stage two: anger. Democrats in Congress and members of the legacy media were — and are — enraged at the Biden campaign. They knew, of course, that Biden is addled. But they had faith that the Biden campaign wouldn’t put that reality on full display. They believed that the Biden campaign, even with its ailing frontman, would somehow cobble together a winning campaign against Donald Trump. When their hopes were stripped away all at once, they responded with pure, unbridled fury. Congressmen called for Biden to step down; The New York Times editorial board fantasized about his ouster.

But as Joe Biden continued to hold on — as he continued to stonewall all the attempts by his erstwhile allies to dump him overboard — Democrats entered phase three: bargaining. Now they began to fantasize about an open convention. A shortened primary process. A Kamala Harris invocation of the 25th Amendment. Anything — anything! — to get rid of Biden. Perhaps it would tear the party apart and finally sink the Democrats’ 2024 hopes … but surely the Biden campaign couldn’t continue to maintain the charade.

And yet Joe Biden continued, stolidly, to deny any problems at all. He said that only elites within the Democratic Party wanted him gone. He explained that he had won the most votes in the primaries, and that he would not leave absent an act of God. He stated that he would be fully satisfied if he ran to the end of the race and lost, so long as he had done his “goodest.” And so Democrats descended into depression. Looking at the national and state polls, Congressional Democrats began to mutter behind closed doors about the prospect of losing both the House and the Senate. Donors began shifting their money away from the presidential race and toward down-ballot races.

Now Democrats seem finally to have shifted into acceptance. Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., who had earlier said that Biden should drop out of the race, now reversed himself. When asked whether he had done so for pragmatic reasons, he answered surlily, “Well, yeah. He said he’s gonna remain in, he’s our candidate, and we’re all going to support him.” Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., who had floated the idea of a shortened primary season, announced that Democrats would be “riding with Biden.”

Democrats know, of course, that Biden is in terrible shape in this presidential cycle. As Jake Sherman of Punchbowl News reported, “Very very few think he can win and that he is the right candidate for this moment post debate.” But it’s too little too late. No force on earth or in heaven can move Biden. Unless he is hit by lightning — or suffers an actual physical collapse — he’ll be the man on the ballot in November.

Good luck to the Democrats.

Ben Shapiro, 39, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.”


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Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
2 months ago

My “Biden grief” has existed since Election Day 2020. I think it’s been the same for many people.

Rod Noll
Rod Noll
2 months ago

Hope Biden stays in it. He will lose in a landslide! The momentum will extend into the Senate & House candidates as well . We need to end Democrat rule …..i mean socialist rules & regulation.

2 months ago

Why are the democrats so upset? They knew four years ago he was brainless, yet they saw a patsy they could manipulate and the American voters who voted this useless man in fell for it all! Just wish they would stop the woo is me and start acting like Americans who care about their country and not their greed and control! Sorry but I am so tired of their complaining. biden did not in anyway helped to make America better and they went along with him. So they have no reason to be upset!

2 months ago

During the last election they hid Joe in the basement. Put him in front of teleprompters to speak. He only repeats what is told to him via teleprompter. Many states changed their voting laws to allow unvetted voting…“The Dems can’t win on their policies, the only way they can win is to CHEAT. They do it at every level of government, and they do it well. That’s how they get an incapacitated moron like Joe Biden elected,” the former president said in his Truth Social post. “The Justice Department is CORRUPT and won’t do a thing to help. They have no shame!” All Americans who actually paid attention knew he was diminished 4 years ago! . Most Americans are struggling to get by and depend on the leftist media for any news. That is by far our biggest problem.

2 months ago

Here’s the reality: democrats LIE AND CHEAT. So, if they say something that’s somewhat in line with conservative thinking, they’re lying to either wag the dog, get independent votes, or protect their political careers. Sadly, there are many RINO republicans who march to the same drum beat.

2 months ago

Two problems: 1) Hunter is pushing his father to stay and trying to help him out during meetings for one reason: they need the old man to pardon the family crimes…. and 2) they know the democrats can begin to use many strategies to win at the final hour by cheating. People forget President Trump was ahead until things halted and all of a sudden Biden began inexplicably, pulling ahead just a bit. It defied explanation. People forget.

2 months ago

I think some knew. Certainly Jill knew before anyone. I think they pushed him in because ‘they’ planned on running things and needed a compliant body. He was for the most part, but with dementia sometimes you get the stubborn back end of the horse.
That’s why I think they trotted him out in all his dementia signs to show its time for him to be pulled off the stage.
His family isn’t budging so I think what the dems thought was easy has now come back to bite them.

2 months ago

The plan was to have Biden retire after two years and then Harris could assume the presidency and run twice as an incumbent, but they failed to realize their DEI candidate is too f…… stupid to even be a puppet and follow simple instructions.

2 months ago

I love this it is so true! The sad part is they don’t care about the country they’re worried about losing the house and the Senate all the down ballot races. The thing that people don’t realize that nobody is hammering home is that the same media that told us Donald Trump was defective in flawed is the same media that told us there was nothing wrong with Joe Biden. Let me think about that

William Hodge
William Hodge
2 months ago

Unfortunately it doesn’t matter if Obiden stays in the race or not. We must vote against Obama, Rice and the rest of the democratic criminal cabal that runs the Democrat Communist Party.

Nola Wood
Nola Wood
2 months ago

Thanks for the good quick summary!

2 months ago

Obama is the puppet master.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

“Discovered” what? The emperor has no clothes? They knew already and it wasn’t “denial” but LYING… The only “discovery” Democrats and the press made was the very real possibility (dare I say PROBABILITY?) that Biden could/can/will lose! Spare me the “we’re saving Democracy!” BS or how they’re “doing it for the People”… they’re “in it” to preserve their power aka $$$ and keeping Trump out! Even their fallback: the courts has failed and they’re all panicking.

2 months ago

Why wish them luck? I have nothing but contempt for any PDFEP with ‘D’ after its name, or for the mental midgets that support them.

2 months ago

I’ve had 5 different symptoms of Biden grief.
1) Amazement that a guy who could barely get out of his basement was elected
2) Anger at the election manipulation and the courts who didn’t want to “touch” any election tampering case
3) Disbelief of all the treasonous actions (human trafficking, money laundering, assisting with drug trafficking) and hate America policies enacted by the “Commander in Chief”
4) Contempt for Biden’s weaponization of government agencies against US citizens
and finally
5) Hope, that the US public’s eyes have finally been opened to see the communist, globalist, hate America agenda that IS the “Democrat” party. The hope that everyone now sees that Democrats believe they are above the law and openly ignore SCOTUS rulings. That they now see Democrats will say anything and do anything to stay in power. The hope that Americans eye’s have been opened to how corrupt the mainstream news media actually IS, basically acting as the Pravda wing of the Democrat party.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 months ago

They’re either in denial, lying or both. Either way this is an absolute disgrace. How is this not some form of elder abuse?

2 months ago

The sinister being, known as the father of lies, is mainly concerned with the “revolution” toward a worldwide system of government. He is crafty, but not wise. The left leaning political machine didn’t hide President Biden away for all that time and then set him on center stage by accident. First, the destruction of a God honoring nation is critical to their ultimate goal. Two, cheating is easy for those who have no one to whom they believe they are accountable. Without the help of Almighty God our work is futile. Encourage ALL of your conservative people to vote! Pray like you believe it all depends on God! We clearly need help.

Laura Bentz
Laura Bentz
2 months ago

It’s in the Lord’s hands now. Let’s hope he loses BEFORE the act of God hits…

Andre Bixby
Andre Bixby
2 months ago

OK, so we can all agree that the current president is mentally incompetent, therefore not capable to hold and execute the office of president. Now the question is, barring his removal and replacement by the ding-a-ling prior to Jan 6th, anything he does should be legally questionable and disputable. Such as, wholesale pardons of his family, right?

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

Obvious is hardly a revelation His mental capacity put him in the WH So much easier to manipulate when there is not a one independent idea

2 months ago

The fact that the Democrats won’t use the 25th amendment against this brain. Dead POS shows they don’t actually care about the country. All they care about is their party in power and getting rich in that order. Democrats are evil.

2 months ago

Don’t underestimate the democrat’s ability to spin a plan from this. Watch those ballot boxes, and the mailing. They may believe they have enough votes from ILLEGAL ALIENS coupled with a scheme to allow them to vote in a way that we haven’t seen before. We must not let our guard down. They believe they can win. His approval rating is in the 30’s? How in the world is there that many people who are fooled?

Pat R
Pat R
2 months ago

We can only hope. If he stays in it and wins again, there cannot be any doubt it was because of fraudulent votes. There wouldn’t/couldn’t be any other explanation.

2 months ago

please Jesus help us

2 months ago

The American people have been gas lighted since the election . What the socialist democrats have done to our country is beyond disgraceful . It is time to replace these professional politicians and start over . We are destroying ourselves within .

2 months ago

Also, I watched some of the hearings about possiblle impeachment, Joe and Hunter are completely guilty. What came out of that?

2 months ago

I will NOT be shocked if JB wins. Wih all the “Democrat, No Matter What” voters out there

2 months ago

I agree – leave Biden on the ballot. Whoever democrats replace him with – be it Mickey Mouse, the Great Whale or Kamela – is who the Trump haters will vote for. Give them exactly who they want – Biden and exactly who we want – Trump, then if/when the democrats realize what they have they can stew in their own juice while deciding what to do. We will have a massive cheating problem – as we did in 2020 – from the democrats and that is our biggest problem now. We must garner enough votes to put Trump back in the White House and neutralize the work of the biggest liars and cheaters on earth. PLEASE VOTE! But first study the issues and carefully consider who and what you are voting for.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
2 months ago

Karma. This is what happens when you cheat.

Les Tarlton
Les Tarlton
2 months ago

Republican 5 stages of Biden grief:
1. Anger over stolen election.
2. Tears over what they did to January 6 Patriots.
3. Arms build up over lawfare on all Patriots.
4. Return of American’s hearts to former established ways over woke push.
5. You do not want to know the 5th stage.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 months ago

What a num nut. Kyle L.

Bobby G
Bobby G
2 months ago

Anyone else think God will turn this nut job president off before November?

2 months ago

And coming up we have the election. Another four years of Dems. vs. Reps. Horrible!

2 months ago

Biden staying in is the best thing that could happen for conservatives. He can’t win, and conservs have the chance to ‘run the table’–pray it happens.

2 months ago

they have made their bed and now they have literally s*** in it. isn’t it glorious.

Wayne D Schmitt
Wayne D Schmitt
2 months ago

Crocodile tears?

2 months ago

Accurate article…Ben also purportedly axed Candace Owens for stating her religious beliefs and not against any praticular group. I guess Ben and his buddy on the DW took offense. So, we have dems in percecutory mode agains conservatives and free speeh and we have Ben, well, you draw your own conclusions.

John Shipway
John Shipway
2 months ago

“Revelation over the past two weeks that President Biden is mentally and physically diminshed”? Grow up little Ben, everyone that hasn’t been constantly masturbating while watching “Gods Chosen People”, push Palestinian corpses into freshly dug pits has known since before the desiccated thieving pervert stole the 2020 election campaigning from some dark basement, that “President Mumbles” had only stale air between his ears.
If the past two weeks actually surprised you Herr Shapiro then perhaps you should sell your infantile AIPAC centered network, purchase an M4 and a camo outfit and join in on the “filthy animal” killings your beloved Zionist dreamland so loves.

The doctor injects a shot into the uzi pregnancy, an abortion, a syringe, a glove, a black background, medical
Damaged Ambulance from October 7 Israel-Gaza War. A wrecked ambulance from the October 7 Israel-Gaza war, highlighting the destruction caused during the conflict.
Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry participates in a briefing Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2021, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Chandler West)

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