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Spotlighting Media Bias: Covering for Biden on the Border

Posted on Wednesday, April 12, 2023
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

Americans are increasingly attuned to the slanted media coverage on critical issues facing our nation. It’s one of the reasons why major newspapers and media outlets are declining in readership. It seems that the left-wing so-called mainstream media’s bias has penetrated nearly every issue we read about, from education to immigration, from healthcare to the economy. In fact, bias in the media has become so pervasive that we’ve begun tracking media bias in critical reporting over the last two decades.

Although we are only 90 days into the new year, there have already been several instances of media bias that have ranged from poor taste to journalistic malpractice. Here are some of the top flubs of 2023 so far.

One of the biggest gifts to Biden doled out by the press thus far has to be the slanted media coverage of President Biden’s immigration policies, from open borders to Title 42 and his long overdue visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in January 2023. Since President Biden assumed office in 2021, there have been over 4 million apprehensions by the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) along the Southern Border. These figures – over 2 million per year – are the highest ever recorded. The number of border crossings is obviously much higher than 4 million since these are only the crossings that we know about; many more got away. Despite the invasion brought on by the Biden White House’s failed open-border policies, the media has treated President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris with kid gloves.

In a stunning admission last week, Border Patrol Chief Rual Ortiz contradicted his boss, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, when he told a House panel that the U.S. does not have “operational control” of the southern border. House Homeland Security Chairman Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) had asked Secretary Mayorkas a few months prior the same question he asked Chief Ortiz, does the U.S. have operational control of the border. Mayorkas answered “Yes, we do,” the Washington Times reported. But you won’t hear too much about the men and women on the ground protecting our country telling the truth about what they are facing. Instead you probably saw Secretary Mayorkas making the rounds on the Sunday morning talk shows by the same outlets helping the White House by churning out positive stories hailing President Biden for visiting the border, despite Republican calls for him to go over the last two years.

When it comes to the media’s coverage of President Biden versus their coverage of President Trump, there is little comparison, and no issue garnered more attention and more slanted coverage than immigration. For example, a 2021 Pew Research study found that right-leaning outlets focused more on immigration in the early days of the Biden presidency, while left-leaning outlets focused less on immigration. The Pew study tries to cast the media coverage of Trump’s immigration policies in his early days as being “more evenly distributed across outlets” with left-leaning, mixed and right-leaning audiences. These studies were early on in both presidencies and the results of their policies had not yet been realized. However, a 2017 Harvard University study of President Trump’s immigration policies in his first 100 days found that the “overall tone of major media outlets (CNN, NBC, CBS, FOX, NYT, WaPo, BBC, etc) was 80 percent negative.”

In other words, under President Biden, we hear little truth in the mainstream media about realities on the border and little coverage on the historic humanitarian crisis – nor the fact that it was brought on by Washington’s elite Democratic class in the first place as there were record low border crossings at the end of the Trump presidency. But under President Trump, the media was foaming at the mouth to spit out anti-Republican immigration stories about conservative policies that were actually supported by a majority of Americans, that kept our border secure, and kept Americans safe.

Similarly, President Biden’s plans to shift $400 billion in student loan debt from borrowers to taxpayers is the latest example of the press failing the American people. A recent analysis conducted by Frederick M. Hess, American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Senior Fellow and Education Policy Studies Director and AEI Research Assistant Caitlyn Aversman examined a random sample of 100 news stories from five major newspapers (Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal) covering the controversy.

The authors found that out of the 100 stories, “there were a total of 459 quotes, with supportive quotes dramatically outnumbering skeptical ones, by 62% to 24% — a pattern far out of line with public sentiment.” Hess and Aversman write that “more than two-thirds of all quotes were provided by Democratic officials, progressive advocates, or borrowers, while less than one-fifth were offered by policy or legal experts (just 12% were provided by Republican officials or taxpayer advocates). When public officials were quoted on Biden’s proposal, Democrats accounted for 81% of quotes; Republicans just 19%.”

The disparity and Democratic slant in the media is no longer debatable. Sadly, more and more writers are doing a disservice to the American people and those that do their job objectively don’t get elevated or don’t get the byline at all. We’ve come to the point that even Op-Eds and Letters to the Editor that challenge “woke” thinking are being censored. As long as that continues, those legacy subscribers will continue to jump ship, and we will be here continuing to shine a light on the truth.

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action

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1 year ago

… the Obamas (via the FBI) control our courts, the Clintons (via the CIA) control America’s mainstream media –

1 year ago

We have become a country of sheep and our MSM are the sheep herders. They have managed to control our hearts and minds and are slowly leading us to slaughter. To find the truth, you must look for it.

1 year ago

The lying medial covers up everything for Joe Biden not just the border. We have a useless president who in every way harms the American taxpayer. A supercilious, foolish man!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Been biased day 1

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Nothing new there

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

He who controls the press controls the world.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

El Rushbo used to say that the MSM (“sewer”) led the DIMM party around; not the other way around! DIMMs want fawning words from the media and will literally do ANYTHING to get it!

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
1 year ago

The main stream media is nothing more than the public relations arm of the Democrat Party. They will censor any negative stories about the failed Biden Administration on the economy, the border, foreign policy, social issues and especially anything about the corruption of the Biden family. We all know that Biden is just the face of this administration being run by Obama. Maybe that’s why we’re exactly like we were in 2008.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
The STATE media will always lie and cover for DICTATOR Beijing biden.
Their FCC license should be revoked immediately for constant Disinformation and Misinformation to the public.
As long as people keep WASTING money and time watching FAKE news they will continue to lie to the public covering up lies from
DICTATOR Beijing biden.
Only FOOLS believe the STATE media.

1 year ago

What is Hannity & FOX thinking or trying to say, regarding video shown on Hannity yesterday of a man with Assault Rifle shooting at bunch of Bud Light cans. This is very bad timing following Louisville assault & also is this a message from FOX on transgender? This country has a lot bigger problems than what FOX thinks of Bud Light beer.

1 year ago

Carlos Slim owns 17.4 percent of The New York Times (does business with China),
In 2013, Amazon CEO and billionaire Jeff Bezos purchased the Washington Post for $250 million cash. Bezos has direct ties to the Chinese business market, which is regulated by the CCP.(Communist Chinese Party), CNN is owned and operated by Warner Media, which has significant financial and institutional ties to the CCP. Warner Media announced it had forged a partnership with a Chinese investment fund to the tune of $50 million.(to push Chinese propaganda).(clip shows CNN singing praise for China) and Kylee Zempel writes that CNN is “parroting Chinese media’s duplicitous claims that the country sufficiently control of the virus, while downplaying the CCP’s role in spreading COVID-19 to the rest of the world.”) Both MSNBC and NBC News are operated by NBC Universal, a company with extensive financial ties to the CCP. In November 2010, NBC signed an agreement with China’s state-run media organization, Xinhua, to establish a business cooperation in international broadcast news. This was the latest market expansion by the CCP into American media. Finally, CMC Capital Partners—a Beijing investment group with financial and technological oversight from the CCP—acquired full ownership of NBC Universal’s Oriental DreamWorks, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Every American with a brain and a sense of compassion for those less fortunate should be shocked and very upset with Biden and his supporters. Our Southern Border is a wasteland of human suffering and death. President Trump, an honorable and compassionate man, did his very best to control the chaos, crime, and death. He cared for the security of our country, and he cared for the tens of thousands of illegal intruders that were casually breaking our immigration laws. Biden, on the other hand, destroyed President Trump’s policies. Biden does not have any empathy for Americans and illegals. He is purposely ignoring his duties to protect our country and its citizens. He purposely lies and makes up stories to push his destructive agenda. Biden and his cohorts are allowing millions of illegals to overrun our Sothern Border. In a little over 2 years, the Biden administration has allowed between 5 and 6 million undocumented interlopers to enter the US — placing our entire country in jeopardy of not being able to survive as a nation of laws and opportunities. President Trump had set up a system of checks and balances — a system which was not perfect, but much more manageable than the chaotic circus that we now have. In addition, tens of thousands of Americans are being poisoned to death by illegal drugs that are flooding our country. But Biden just keeps on lying and joking — acting as if our biggest threats to our freedoms are white supremacy and MAGA patriots.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

I gave up my major newspaper 30 years ago. Only thing true in it was the obits.m n Kyle L.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

What time is it. ??? It’s Howdie Doodie time. Starring Joe Biden as Doodie and Barack O’Bama asn Buffalo Bob. Kyle L.

1 year ago


Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

This country will be over run with people from other countries Dummy Biden and the other Dems do not know what is coming into this country Taxes will go up thanks to Washington, what makes it worse Biden will run for another term time to stop him vote him out before it is to late.

andrew Barri
andrew Barri
1 year ago

I live on the boarder. When Bozo was here the media saw a clean and organized El Paso, but the truth is there are homeless illegals strew all over the downtown streets.

1 year ago

I haven’t watched or listened to MSM in 40 or more years. It’s fake news. I knew it then and I know it now along with CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the alphabet soup American Pravda.

1 year ago

Dropped my hometown local newspaper years ago because of their bias .This “Biden Kakistocracy ” is appalling!

1 year ago

Well, thank you. I think the collusion between this presidency and the certain parts of the media to give slanted reports to the public is a shame, a sham and ought to be made known and written and spoken out against. The virtues of our media acting to support and strengthen truthful reporting is being thwarted. It appears that rampant news reporting which covers up the truth is advancing. We do not want to be a country where citizens no longer care about our government because it is corrupt. The Constitution was written to support and strengthen citizen interest and control of government operations and must be enlivened and promoted so that the truth is timely and fully reported. Do not buy into or allow fake news to prosper. Let us all be alert and out spoken in support of accurate and introspective reporting. Thank you.

1 year ago

This is what Marxist’s publications do 24/7 365 days a year. Same can be said for social media and cable TV too. One can only hope that enough “think for yourself people” are going to vote accordingly, to defeat the radical left in upcoming elections! This is an all out war not fought with guns and bullets, but with the ideologies that made the Republic what it is for well over 200 years. But the far left has an agenda as well. You see it in the streets of our cities run by the Marxist Democrats. New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and Oregon to name just a few. They use dark money coming from George Soros and his ilk. If, “We the People “ fail to make the difference for all out victory in this war, you can kiss your freedoms goodbye! The warning signs are there and we the people ignore them at our peril!

1 year ago

As quite a few of us have said since the EARLY DAYS of obozo, the lying media is responsible for 99.9% of the dimocraps success in carrying out their communist agenda!! The MSM audience of useful idiots (sheep) are still mostly in the dark by remaining voluntarily ignorant! Gonna be very difficult for conservative Republicans to come out ahead as long as the MSM are allowed to spew their USA hating lies!! Doesn’t look like the majority of citizens will ever catch on to this fact!

1 year ago

As long as Donald Trump is alive the woke media will always avoid real issues. Their default
daily ritual is to discuss all things Trump for 2 reasons. It provides an excuse to avoid real news and they are terrified of Trump. CNN allowed Trump paranoia to ruin its posit. All data shows that since 2016 CNN is no longer a major news outlet which has encouraged other left media outlets to enter. The question now is whether or not any of the lefty tv news outlets will survive. Trump has taken them down.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
1 year ago

It seems, other than AMAC, most so called journalist have forgotten being objective.

“It was not until the 1920s that you really get the notion of professional journalists, the way we think about them today,” says Michael Delli Carpini, dean of the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. “A lot of different schools of journalism started, codes of ethics were developed, the whole notion of the journalist as objective came into play …. of standing outside the story, telling both sides, of being factual rather than opinionated.”

Edward Willis Scripps published the first issue of the Cleveland Penny Press. In 1894, Scripps and his half-brother, George H. Scripps, organized their various papers into the first modern newspaper chain.

E.W. said the following about newspapers in 1878:  
A newspaper must at all times antagonize the selfish interests of that very class which furnishes the larger part of a newspaper’s income… The press in this country is dominated by the wealthy few…that it cannot be depended upon to give the great mass of the people that correct information concerning political, economical and social subjects which it is necessary that the mass of people Shall have in order that they vote…in the best way to protect themselves from the brutal force and chicanery of the ruling and employing classes.

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