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Socialism’s Fire Arc Must Be Stopped – Trump Sees It

Posted on Tuesday, September 1, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

fireFirefighters know the moment of a fire arc, or backdraft.  The fire consumes all oxygen, then heat and pressure rise, black smoke pours from openings, and an explosion ensues. All outside is pulled in.  Political revolutions are just like that.  They start hot, contained, then explode.  We are approaching a political fire arc right now – and Trump sees it.

As pressure rises, protests get violent, organizations are infiltrated, and cities shaken night after night by mobs, riots, and attacks on police, something unfamiliar but discernible is happening.

More than 200 cities have been affected and violence continues.  15 states and 25 cities have deployed National Guard.  In Washington DC alone, 522 arrests through August 29th.  Even network news cannot hide the continuing violence.  See. e.g.,

A Detroit News commentator put a fine point on it, referring to Portland, Oregon. They have “suffered through more than 80 consecutive nights of violent riots … Enough is enough.”  The commentator continued: “These endless riots are not saving Black lives. They are destroying lives. They are destroying businesses. They are rending the social fabric of the entire city.” And, one might add, of our country. See,

If initial unrest was about reviewing police tactics and correcting racial bias, that is no longer the case – has not been for months.  What we are facing – and most Americans know it – is anti-democratic violence, coordinated by covert organizations, aimed at fanning resentment, boosting the fire’s heat and reach, moving into suburbs, avoiding accountability, claiming protest rights.

Worse, this fire is fed by other political forces.  While voices of violent Marxism grow – key Democrats stay silent, mouthing the need to defund police, calling destruction peaceful, hoping mass chaos will be blamed on their national political nemesis, Donald Trump.

Americans are not stupid.  Moreover, they get smarter each day.  Most see this rolling violence is not occurring in a vacuum, no longer about racial justice.  Many perpetrators are white.  Marauders and socialist infiltrators have been given running room by left-leaning politicians.

Americans realize we need strong leaders – who will draw lines, separating peaceful protesters from violent rioters, earnest souls from anti-American socialists, lawbreakers from police.  They realize – after the conventions – that one party is letting this happen, the other resolved to stop it.

This is where truth begins to wash over people.  Like firefighters in a blaze, suddenly made aware of an impending “fire arc,” Americans are sitting up and taking notice.  They are right to do so.  Words of a columnist are not important – but listen to history.

Karl Marx laid it bare: “There is only one way to shorten …convulsions of the old society and bloody birth pangs of the new – revolutionary terror.”  If “terror” is too strong, try this. “My object is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.”  Too strong?  Try this: “Keep people from their history and they are easily controlled.”

Marx thought morality was irrelevant, and power everything.  So do modern Socialists. “Communists everywhere support revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order … They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.” Sounds a lot like … Portland, doesn’t it?

What we are seeing – to be honest – is an amalgam of disappointed protestors who wanted reform, irrational anti-Trump activists, and – most dangerously – a source of “fire arc,” Democratic socialists, avowed Marxists, and aspiring Communists willing to upend America.

This is what President Trump, Senate and House Republicans are fighting to stop.  Reelecting Trump gives America a chance to avoid “fire arc,” a leap of violence into suburbs and beyond.

While it may sound trite to say old line Democrats would not recognize their party, it is true.  They would have no time for this life-rupturing, indefensible violence.  So, one last quote.

Said Martin Luther King: “Violence, as a way of achieving racial justice, is both impractical and immoral.”  He explained: “It is impractical because it is a descending spiral, ending in destruction for all” and “it is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert.”

That is what socialism and communism do.  They annihilate because they cannot convert.  No informed population swaps freedom and prosperity for despotism and federal subjugation.  No one in their right mind chooses violence over law.  Said King: “Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love.” That is why we oppose it.  That is why Trump opposes it.  That is why we can give no quarter to an impending “fire arc.”

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4 years ago

Very well written piece, which hopefully a lot of folks will read and think about. You and I know full well what happens to countries where socialists or communists are allowed to either run unchecked or attempts are made by the political class to try and appease these dangerous elements in free societies. The movement always grows, gains more power, law and order and societal norms start breaking down and eventually, once the movement has achieved critical mass, the country is totally consumed and ceases to be free anymore. Which is why the people that live in these Democrat controlled states and cities, where their elected leaders have chosen the side of the anarchist mob over the people that elected them, for calculated political gain in the upcoming elections, need to take action to remove these leaders, who refuse to do their duty, from offices they hold as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, if left unchecked and the situation is not dealt with before it reaches critical mass, law and order will be replaced by a combination of mob rule and tyrannical dictates from the “new leader”. Then the country implodes in upon itself as the new order literally confiscates (sometimes called “nationalization of assets for the greater good” or “re-distribution of assets for the greater good” in various press reports) everything and anything of value. Private property and personal wealth become a thing of the past at this phase of power consolidation under socialism / communism. The economy and all means means of production are thrown into total chaos, as whole industries are handed over to loyal supporters of the new order as payback for their support. Since they have no skill at anything other than destroying things, the very predictable results ensue. The usual shortages of everything quickly becomes the norm as the downward spiral escalates across the country and we know what that ends up looking like. A country in shambles, while the new ruling class lives likes kings as their people struggle and starve.

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
4 years ago

Excellent article. TRUE. Will forward to all our ‘Democrat’ friends.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

ALL that the Dems, Marxists want is to Destroy America.
Sole reason.
LA CA has seen some protests but no heavy riots like Kenosha.
ID rioters funding, logistics, housing, pay alone
If they truck in riot supplies, they truck in rioters
apply nationwide
Lock & load time?
Will riots increase after 11-3?
Riots will increase if Biden win for sure X100.

Michael McCaffery
Michael McCaffery
4 years ago

One of the clearest expostulations of what is happening now, and what will continue to happen, unless a critical mass of thinking citizens take action to forestall the Marxist onslaught we experience more and more each day.

4 years ago

Democrats have dug themselves into a deep hole. Their solutions of a Marxist utopia just don’t pass the smell test. What’s the democrat response? Dig deeper!

Bill Allard
Bill Allard
4 years ago

God Bless AMAC and God Bless our Commander in Chief, Donald Trump. Together we WILL save Our country and our Freedom!

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

“Americans aren’t stupid”–needs a qualifier “some.” Certainly the idiots who parrot “Black lives matter’ and inject it into sports ARE stupid. ALL lives matter, including–but not exclusively–blacks. And burning down black-owned businesses and putting blacks out of work is not HELPING any blacks. Why don’t these pampered black athletes, with their multi-million dollar contracts, start a large scholarship fund to get poor blacks (latinos, whites) out of FAILING public schools!! NO, they like to TALK but not ACT!

Ruth Kidney
Ruth Kidney
4 years ago

Bernie Sanders needs to tell his ‘followers’ enough! See Project Veritus’ clip of his supporters talking about the tactic we’ve seen across the country. This terror has been hatched with very careful planning. We need to root out this weed of destruction and destroy it!

4 years ago

They must be stopped with what ever force it takes. Enough is enough! They are not protesting they are destroying this great nation in the name of socialism.

Joanne Bonifant
Joanne Bonifant
4 years ago

Why can’t we NOT tax people who earn less than $50,000 a year?

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
4 years ago

After hearing chants of Death To America on the news this morning, I want to know who is funding these riots. Is FBI looking into this? Where are rioters getting their funds to fight the police.
Someone needs to take over the police in these cities and tell the Chief, clean this mess up and I don’t care how you do it (within reason). People are SICK and tired of this crap.

4 years ago

Excellent article. It is amazing that we are all trying to understand what is going on in DEMOCRAT cities. We don’t understand because we don’t think that way. And, most of us just can’t believe that any Americans could think that way. Today’s DEMOCRATs are extremely frustrated. They have tried every thing possible to stop Mr. Trump from winning the office , from taking the office, and from presiding . They are frustrated because every time they try to stop him , they are beaten back. They cannot beat Trump on ideas . The DEMOCRAT party is out of ideas. They are flat . Their MO is simply “capturing” as many people ( immigrants , Afro-Americans, and others) and keeping them on their “plantation”. They string these people along with a mere pittance of subsidy to keep them in perpetual need so that the DEMOCRATs can come back to them every so often to “promise” them something else. But, those targeted groups are getting wise to the DEMOCRATs MO. And they don’t want to be perpetually on the DEMOCRATs puppet strings . They too want to be free .
And, that’s why many Latinos and Afro-Americans are changing their minds. This , BTW , is what has the DEMOCRATs in a state of frustration . And why they are doing the only thing left to them which is rioting . Rioting is back-firing. It’s obvious that the marauding gangs of DEMOCRATs are looting and burning down businesses with the enabling of “Leaders” of the affected cities / states . DEMOCRAT mayors and governors are permitting these riots.

4 years ago

Vicky Osterweil (author of ‘In Defense of Looting’) is so steeped in postmodern thinking that she does not know UP! Everything should be free? Free market economy is built on slavery? If she had ever actually BUILT something through the REAL SWEAT of her brow, there is no way she could not understand the concept of true VALUE and ACCOMPLISHMENT. But as a postmodern deconstructionist, she can make it through ad hominem rhetoric against the producers appealing to the destroyers who are too ignorant to get it that they’re being played like a cajun fiddle!!!

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
4 years ago

This article was obviously written before the weekend when CNN actually said on air that the violence has to stop. They ignored the violence and even told their unenlightened viewers it was all just “peaceful demonstrations” until their dangerous hoax showed Biden’s numbers going down! So now their m.o. is telling everyone that it is all Trump’s fault. He incited the riots and now is not stopping them. Preposterous of course, but some of the fake news watchers will believe these lies. In all of my days I have never seen a more vile, lying bunch of rats like this leftist media and the Democratic party. My Dad was a life-long Democrat but I think today he would be voting for Trump!

Alicia Leaving Liberals
Alicia Leaving Liberals
4 years ago

President Trump is doing his best to end the violence being perpetrated by the Communists. He is doing the right thing whilst the ‘Democratic Communists’ are aligning themselves with traitors. Never would have thought that the Democrats would stoop so low; as to ‘hitch a ride’ with the Communists. The only thing the ‘Democrats’ have to say about the whole thing is: “People will do what they do.” Pelosi (Perhaps, the most imbecilic quote of all time!)

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

I prefer capitalism thank you! I want to be able to think, feel, and do what I want, when I want! If you feel the need for the other, then find another country!!

4 years ago

I did not know that 15 states & 25 cities have deployed National Guard, do not read about this & did violence stop & is NG still there? Trump yesterday said “Governor or Mayors just need to call me & I will send in NG & stop the violence in hour or maybe less”. What does he intend to do and why is violence still out there?

4 years ago

What happened to Trump Executive Order deferring the payroll taxes? Is this stopped or started ?

4 years ago

I am so grateful for AMAC and the writers who contribute to this organization. Thank you.

Peter K
Peter K
4 years ago

Hello AMAC members. Listen to my Podcast. The Resting Pendulum”. On all devices and stations. Believe me when I say, WE need more voices. There are too many ignorant Americans that are looking for a handout from the government, aka US!

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
4 years ago

Socialism = Forced Wealth Redistribution

Wealth Redistribution: Steal the assets of some people and give those assets to others (often while keeping some for yourself).

Morally taxes (as compared to voluntary contributions) are simply legalized stealing, but that’s still stealing which is immoral.

Politically the socialists depend on wealth redistribution to achieve political power and once in power after the economic damage is done, they retain power by the force of the police state/military.

Example: If I steal; $1,000 from some individual and then give $100 to nine different people (keeping $100 for myself) I just lost one vote from the person I stole from and bought nine votes. The left has been using this example to gain political power for years while immoral, dishonest, and/or uneducated people expecting to receive some benefit they did not earn buy the snake-oil. It’s snake-oil because the promise of permanent ongoing benefits can never last.

Socialism requires a massive, all-powerful state to force the wealth redistribution and it’s built on the false assumption of people willingly working hard to benefit the state and others more than themselves. That is contrary to human nature and thus is destined to failure. People work hard and produce over time to benefit themselves and their families. If others reap the benefit of their labor instead, it isn’t long before the one producing gives up and slows or stops that production because the effort is not worth it any longer.

Marxism will always fail because it violates human nature. Free Enterprise succeeds because it harnesses human nature. It’s really very simple. 

4 years ago

Well written, draws a clear distinction between Trump and democrats.
Wake up America, this MUST be a landslide victory for the sake of Our Country.
God bless the USA

Rick J.
Rick J.
4 years ago

THERE IS A LESSON HERE. Pray for peace, prepare for war. Yes that’s right, the democrats are going to cheat
and try to steal the 2020 election. We will be at a cross roads, let them take the country over, or fight for our nation.
Personally I would rather fight for our freedom then let these leftist heathens dominate us and our children and grand children. Choice is yours, as the saying goes better dead than red. REMEMBER don’t feel bad about shooting
these leftists, because they won’t feel bad about killing you to achieve there goals.

4 years ago


Heinz G Park
Heinz G Park
4 years ago

there must be some group that’s paying these people to terroris the neighbor hoods for black lives. Just a bunch of losers. I do hope that Trump from now on sends out the National Guards as soon as possible.
Another four for Trump!!!!!!

4 years ago

I agree. I hope and Pray you are right. I feel the same kind of wake up and hope I’m not deluding myself. No one in their right mind would want socialism as we have seen the results. The problem is just they don’t know the reality of socialism and think of it as a solution to some of the problems we have. You can’t reason with the unreasonable so we have to keep praying that enough real Americans have woken up to what the Democrats are up to. Thanks for your common sense approach.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Our number one priority should be a complete overhaul of our educational system, K-12 and beyond, our children are no longer being taught they are being indoctrinated in socialist LIES AND PROPAGANDA, stupid uneducated people are easier to “convert” , and well educated inteligent people would NOT tolerate what is happening to our country.RED MAGA VOTE REPUBLICAN!

4 years ago

Trump winning will not be enough to destroy the left. We will need to take back the house, senate, and many attorney general positions in many states. We must take it all from the dems.

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

Of course, President Trump sees it. Let’s hope enough Americans come around to see it too before it is too late. We can either stop them with our votes on November 3 or we will have to stop them in the streets with our guns later on. I prefer the former, but am prepared for the latter, if need be.
I was commissioned as an officer in the military in March, 1967. Part of the oath I swore was to protect and defend the Constitution and our nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. At the time I never envisioned “domestic enemies” ever being in the picture, but I do now.

M. Beaumont
M. Beaumont
4 years ago

Unfortunately Progressivism has been entrenced into our public schools and universities since the 1920’s.This cancer has been growing before our own eyes and now has become the Democrat Socialist party. If Americans allow these people to prevail it will be the end of our constitutional republic. As you see there leaders doing now, calling for violence, getting in opponents’ faces and threatening to kill anyone who disagrees with their socialist dogma. If you don’t tow their line, you will be dealt with, probably violently. We must re-elect President Trump and then deal with the hate and backlash that will come with their demise. I pray it will be their dying breath and America will continue to be the greatest nation on earth with, “freedom, liberty and justice for all”.

4 years ago

If the Democrats want violence and socialism, they should go to a country that has that and leave us God fearing, God loving Americans alone with our beloved country.

4 years ago

It’s time to arrest these violent protestors and ship them to Gitmo.

Phil C
Phil C
4 years ago

Right on the mark!!!

Dino Deplorable
Dino Deplorable
4 years ago

Some so called AMERICANS are akin to sheep where the entity that tends this flock makes promises of free this and free that,but to get this so called free stuff you have to abandon your soul and current way of thinking and rebel and if you do this,PRESTO,now you have become communist sheeple.

4 years ago

The fact, I believe, is that there are a maximum of 5 million communists in the US who have been waiting for years for their “chance”.
This ain’t it. Communism must be sold in a nadir economy. We now have a super economy despite Covid and the BLM terriorists.
BLM equals ISIS. Same stuff. After the dems (communists) are clobbered in this election, the dems will fake a move to the “center”.
They will hope to be accepted as a “centrist” party for a while until they can mount another “lets destroy the US” movement as they have done
over the past 3 1/2 years. They have finally revealed themselves and all decent people see it. They have lost the advantage of lies
and deception . Biden is a master at this but we all now know he is another Nakita Kruschev. This election is a certain Trump landslide.
Thousands of lawyers will file suits of voter ” suppression” but it won’t work. This thing is OVER.

4 years ago

This is one awful mess. Democrats have pulled every rotten stunt in the book to unseat Trump. Now, they are saying the election results will be delayed until we are forced to accept Pelosi as our president. As for the mail in votes that supposedly will cause the delay……..set a deadline for mailing and make it mandatory that they ALL ARE COUNTED BEFORE THE ELECTION. That will fix that. The democrats are the lowest life-form I’ve seen in years. Their behavior is disgraceful. Can you imagine Pelosi as our acting President? Guess that’s why she had her hair done in a beauty shop closed to everyone else for six months. Just like Chicagos’ Lightfoot, “ getting a haircut, “executive privilege “. Their hair still looks like hell.

Nel Johnson
Nel Johnson
4 years ago

Agree with article, we need to retake education system.

John Hunt
John Hunt
4 years ago

Why aren’t we going after the ones who are financing these anti-American local terrorists? Surely we can call this insurrection, and it is being financed by a cabal of wealthy liberals, who are attempting to cause complete chaos in order to take over the election process. Why are we standing by while these fools pay for these anarchists to destroy whet we have built over the years?

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

To Republican Leaders, we have voted for you for decades because “Tax and Spend” is essentially Communism and unconstitutional!  Today, President Donald J. Trump has more than tripled your BASE!!  For decades, you have had NO VIABLE candidates for President!!  “W” only won to keep-out the Communists!! But most of your “leaders” are just Communists with a different suit!!!  It is time to JOIN the TRUMP rebirth of the American Revolution!!!! Lead, Follow, or GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!  Today, your BASE are Anti-Communists and Counter-Revolutionaries!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Out-of the ashes of the remnants of the once great Republican Party, it is time to use the TRUMP MOVEMENT to forge a New Party based on FREEDOM!!!  A Party that stands for FREEDOM FOR ALL!!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

In debate, Lincoln stated that everyone should be able to “eat from the work of their own hands”!!  This phrase is an excellent summation of what America Means!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

4 years ago

Have to agree with Phil H., below. Some Americans are stupid. Many are just plain ignorant because they get their daily news ration from the lame stream media’s barnyard trough. Too lazy to get the facts on their own. Antifa, BLM both are Marxist and socialist organizations, hell bent on tearing our Country down. Joe Biden is just an old guy, posing as a leader for the far left. Kamala Harris is the one to watch out for.

4 years ago

Should have sent troops to quell these riots. Should have arrested city and/or state officials that obliged these uprisings and prosecute them for abetting insurrection!

Man places bullets on the counter in gun store. Weapon shop interior, ammo and ammunition assortment, firearms choice, shooting hobby and lifestyle, self protection
Close up shot of a judge gavel over USA flag
Virginia Republican candidate for lieutenant governor Winsome Sears takes the stage with her family during an election night rally at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles on November 02, 2021 in Chantilly, Virginia.

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