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Socialism Creating a New Pandemic of Government-Sponsored Unemployment

Posted on Friday, May 7, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

unemploymentThere is a new virus in America. This time, it didn’t come from China. It’s a deadly disease that originated in the swamp – Washington D.C.

It’s a government-created virus of unemployment. And it has infected every corner of the country.

Healthy, working-age adults are turning down open jobs and sitting on the sidelines in staggering numbers. Why? Maybe because their government is paying them to stay home.

Congressional Democrats and Joe Biden have doubled down on socialism and given an extra $300 per week on top of state unemployment benefits.

Paired with expansions in Medicaid and food stamps, someone can earn more sitting at home and watching Netflix than by going to work.

Just as vaccines were injected into tens of millions of arms and the American economy was growing healthier and needed more workers, the government has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into making unemployment more lucrative. It was a cure in search of an illness. And it’s made us all worse off.

The whole unemployment program has been flipped on its head. It isn’t just helping the unemployed. It’s actually creating unemployment—and by the millions.

No doubt you have seen the “now hiring” signs up and down business storefronts all across town.

You may have even seen long lines or closed restaurants that just didn’t have enough workers to open like this Dunkin Donuts in North Carolina.

Have you needed a fridge repaired or HVAC servicing in the last few months? Good luck!  Short-staffed industries are still trying to hire the needed staff.

Further up the supply chain, factories are struggling to keep up with the demand for parts and equipment, creating new jobs by the tens of thousands. Who’s filling them? Nobody.

Companies like McDonald’s and Wal-Mart are offering nearly double the minimum wage and paying people just to show up for job interviews.

This isn’t happening because Americans are lazy. It’s happening because Democrats are crazy. Lockdowns aren’t closing businesses anymore. Unemployment checks are. This isn’t just a new phase in the pandemic. This is a new phase in the government’s mission to dominate our economy and society.

We know that if Congress stops this madness, people will go back to work. Under President Trump, Congress allowed the $600 per week unemployment bonus to expire last year, and new unemployment claims fell 35 percent when it expired.

In the meantime, serious concerns are growing among economists, business owners, and citizens alike.

Unemployed people are less happy and have 30 percent more negative emotions. The country set another new record for drug overdose deaths, with another 87,000 lives lost last year. There is an entire body of research that ties substance abuse deaths to unemployment. “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop”, as the saying goes.

We are substituting federal checks for the well-being of a nation and paying a sick patient to get sicker.

Thankfully for the country, at least a few states are showing real leadership and doing what they can to end these no-work bonuses themselves. South Dakota governor Kristie Noem led the way by keeping her state from ever implementing the program when it first started in 2020. Now her state leads America with the lowest unemployment rate.

South Carolina governor Henry McMaster also just announced that his state will end its participation in federal pandemic-related unemployment programs. He is doing so specifically to address “workforce shortages.” Montana Governor Greg Gianforte has made a similar move. But more needs to be done.

American businesses are ready to ride in and save the day by hiring millions of unemployed Americans.

If President Biden and Congress really want to unify and heal the nation, they should cancel the unemployment bonuses.

And if they continue to provide failed leadership, even more states need to join South Dakota, South Carolina, and Montana in rejecting this calamitous policy, get people back to work and let the real American rescue plan begin.

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3 years ago

No-one should be on unemployment. There are jobs available everywhere. People are just being lazy!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

No business=no taxes, = No Govt?
Dems finally achieved their Dream & OUR Nightmare
Heading to Great Depression 2 ahead

3 years ago

The demoncrats don’t want to unify America, they don’t want the economy growing. If they have money, (which I know they don’t), to give welfare people an extra $300/month, then they should be putting it back into social security to replace what they stolen from us for the last 50 years. Then give us a raise.
They just want to destroy this great Country.

3 years ago


Dave Willis
Dave Willis
3 years ago

This article contains this statement: “If President Biden and Congress really want to unify and heal the nation, they should cancel the unemployment bonuses.” That is the whole point of this unruly unemployment ploy on the part of the biden administration and the democrats in congress. They don’t want to heal the nation, they want to destroy it so everyone will be forced to live on governmental largess. Absolute control is their goal, not healing or reenergizing.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago


3 years ago

Our so called President and his bunch of Democratic/Communist/Socialist Party Members want to Destroy America and be at their Beckon Call . Look at what happened to Venezuela is what they want to be done here in America. The True American People will not Stand by & let this happen. The Democrats Literally Rigged, Cheated and Stole the Election. The American People need to get Together and Stop This. I Pray that God will Punish The Democrats for the wrong that they have done.

3 years ago

And now they will cry for more foreign workers !

3 years ago

I can only speak for my state, Ohio. Back when Obama took office, the economy was so bad, the requirement to apply for work in order to continue receiving unemployment was waived. Nobody was hiring. I don’t know whether there are other states that had this requirement, but now, my state needs to reinstate that requirement, as well as all the other states. There is absolutely no reason why anyone needs to receive state unemployment. If the feds want to continue the $300/week, do so. But if state benefits are halted due to folks not looking for work, that $300 won’t be going very far, and those folks will have to get off their dead butts and go to work. “Let them eat cake” died back in the French Revolution. No need to think it should be resurrected!!

3 years ago

What is “your” Communist “Chamber of (non) Commerce” doing about this? They are flooding con gre$$ with alligator tears to allow even more massive amounts of FOREIGN WORKER PERMITS. FACT !

3 years ago

Socicoolisim is a temporary form of government intended to destroy capitalism. Once capitalism is eliminated, A Communist police state will take over. At that point, the liberals will get their wish, free everything. Of course, everyone will be slaves, no longer owning anything.  File this under Stupidity.

Elwin Valberg
Elwin Valberg
3 years ago

They are paying unemployment and then they expect us to pay for it through taxes. What a crock. They are not thinking about what they are doing, obviously they don’t care.

3 years ago

Republican Leadership and Lawmakers ARE TO BLAME as much as the Progressively Communist Democratic Party! … NOT 1 REPUBLICAN PARTY LEADER Ever CALLS THEM OUT AS COMMUNISTS!!!

The average Democrat is stupid but they know enough to FEAR COMMUNISM, so Republicans NEED TO REFER TO the DEMOCRATIC STALINISTAS AS SUCH! … You Have To Fight Fire With Fire!

3 years ago

I’m 74 years old and have never collected unemployment, and stupid me, I always thought that in order to get an unemployment check you would have to go to the unemployment office to get your check with proof that you could not work because the employers that the unemployment office sent you to apply for work did not hire you. I guess that would not make sense, so much easier for the government to just do direct deposit to your bank account.

3 years ago

In no way is this to be considered a pandemic! It is a PLANDEMIC! Another ploy to lead the sheep to slaughter!

Hector S
Hector S
3 years ago

Socialism is nothing but the one short step below Communism, they are both dictatorships, where in Communism there is only one strong man “Dictating” to the whole nation, in Socialism there is an Elite that does it. I lived it in my country of origin, Cuba, where an over ambitious and charismatic individual, took advantage of the existing dictatorship as an excuse to topple it to turn a flourishing and growing economy into a enslaving-totalitarian-communist-dictatorship that has so far lasted 62 years and counting. Let no American be confused, President Biden “handlers” are diligently and quickly taking the steps necessary to make the American youth swallow their lies of “Equality”, not realizing that the reality of “Communist Equality” is THE SAME LEVEL OF MISERY FOR ALL, EXCEPT THE RULING ELITE!
Nothing is free in this life, the Government produces nothing! The money they easily squander, comes from the taxes paid by those who do work; think about it, why should you have to work if there is nothing that you would need to buy, being that everything is free?

Hector S
Hector S
3 years ago

How could I forward your letter and/or invite friends to join AMAC?

Brenda Bluntdespi
Brenda Bluntdespi
3 years ago

Time to stop the unemployment benefits! Shouldn’t raise the debt ceiling as many are NOT paying into the coffers. Need an incentive to return to work. Not receiving any free money is one way. Stopping all other free benefits is another way.

3 years ago

Marxist ideology are now pervasive in American society and culture—from our schools, the press, and corporations, to Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the Biden presidency—and how it is often cloaked in deceptive labels like “progressivism,” “democratic socialism,” “social activism,” We are in a fight for our freedom

3 years ago

Is it time for a balanced budget amendment? NO …. it is well PAST the time for it. This issue of high out-of-work subsidies is one direct step towards socialism/communism ………. where the government has 90+ percent of every citizens welfare, status, wealth, etc. In other words, there will be an upper class of governmental rulers that run everyone’s lives the way they require it. I’m beginning to wonder if the average American is wising up to what is happening.

3 years ago

“This time, it didn’t come from China. ”

I wouldn’t be so sure of that. I suspect that if you could follow back to the roots of every leftist policy being pushed on us these days, you would find a communist.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Yes, PLANDEMIC seems to be the appropriate label to embody what is happening as the Demsheviks continue their attempts to “buy” future votes from the electorate by providing more “free lunch” goodies to large segments of the population.
They continue to beat the drums for their same old worn-out mantra, “We will snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory!” Unfortunately, this is the normal result of almost everything they perpetrate against the American people and our nation.
The Demsheviks, their toadies, sycophants, and other idolizing mindless minions are all Charter Members of the “180º Club” (i.e., whatever position they espouse or embrace, the exact opposite is usually true or an eminently more optimal solution).

These people are little more than gargantuan festering boils on the body politic of America! The only vaccine to eliminate this Plandemic is for the Republicans to take back control of both the Senate and House in 2022 and the White House in 2024.

3 years ago

Because The Great Reset is here. What a bunch of shit.

3 years ago

Paying people to NOT work helped bring down the Soviet Union! What makes the left think it won’t do the same here? If there are no workers, who does the left think will continue to provide their elitist needs? Pretty soon, everything collapses and when the masses can’t get what they want, they will come for those in power! I hope Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and company are ready! Venezuela II here we come!

3 years ago

This does not specifically have to do with unemployment but in a way it does, as it concerns national funds.
I was a victim of a very serious accident (hit by a truck). I had Multiple injuries but my healing was miraculous. I could have immediately started receiving social security disability. I did not. I started to work and I went back to school, obtaining a couple degrees and a professional license. And I worked. It was hard. I needed multiple surgeries (45), but I needed those surgeries so that I could keep working. I continued to works, get fixed, work, get fixed, until I literally could not even walk.
At that point, Thirty-Five (35) Years post accident, I applied for and received Disability. I did not just “fall down and get broke” and take the money. I worked and kept trying to get better (physically) so that I could continue working. I personally felt ashamed during the height of the Covid pandemic that I could not step-up and help (by degrees were medicine and nursing). But I truly, physically, could nor.
There are two reasons that I wrote this: I need my social security disability, it is all that I have and I truly worked hard for it. Second, I DID work hard until I really had to rely upon disability, and I do want to work more but can’t. For those that are laying back watching Netflix and using my share of government funds handed to them to buy drugs: for the sake of God, grow up! Use the “think process.” Respect yourself, respect your family, respect your country which has provided you with more freedom than any nation in the world. Because if the voluntarily unemployed do not stop squandering funds, if our puppet dictator does not stop paying citizens (and even illegal aliens) to not work… when you get hit by a truck and need the help of your government the money will be gone.

3 years ago

I lost my job almost one year ago. I am an single, older worker who cannot afford to retire but I feel I’m being forced into it. I have had maybe 4 phone interviews and 2 in person interviews. Not everyone is staying home by choice. Not only is there vaccine shaming but unemployment shaming as well. Also, many of the jobs I am seeing are only paying minimum wage which is impossible to live on. Things are not always what they seem.

Kathy Larzelere
Kathy Larzelere
3 years ago

There is a HUGE problem of AGE DISCRIMINATION in this country and rhe biggest problem is how hard it is to prove. I would bet even now, people over 55 are being passed over in the hope that recent college graduates and “20 somethings” will come in to apply. So, jobs are not being filled. My husband was a victim of this but he feels that it is no use going to court about it. We need to find attorneys who are interested AND willing to litigate. Maybe a lot of jobs could be filled quickly.

Kevin Haynie
Kevin Haynie
3 years ago

Last night , on my way to work , they were talking about this topic on the ” Stacy on the Right ” guest host was Cam Edwards from ” Cam and Company ” . A lady Restaurant owner called in and said people are taking jobs just long enough to qualify for unemployment and then they disappear with notice ! Her staffing agency told her they had ONE applicant for two hundred prospective employers. If this many people are in on this dead end con game , we have to work hard to take back the House and Senate in 2022 or this garbage will destroy the Country !

3 years ago

Remember when you go out to dinner for the first time in a year – they are short staffed. Be thoughtful of the staff who are there. Tip generously.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
3 years ago

Pure and very simple,AMERICA has to remain AMERICA.These entities that are determined to destroy our country,have at it.Giorrgio sorryars you will not win,we are still AMERICA with more AMERICANS than you think.

3 years ago

I have heard many times and I think it is true: The left destroys everything it touches.

3 years ago

This is an easy way to make people dependent on the government then put the country far enough in debt that are money is nearly worthless and socalisim will look better to people, which is one step away from communism, and dictatorial rule, the open border policy is a great diversion as to what the Democrats are doing if FREEDOM loving religious believing patriots don’t soon show some SERIOUS resistance to present policy’s are future looks DIM..

Lorraine Reid
Lorraine Reid
3 years ago

. When people no longer have something to be proud of, their career, their ethics to help, the ability to take care of themenselves, the chance to meet and interact with people, it only gets worse. Working and being able to take care of one self is a positive force in our nature. so sad that this is where we are headed

3 years ago

I have given up listen and reading anything about Biden. He is beyond clueless and useless.

Richard Kosack
Richard Kosack
3 years ago

The socialist government pays people more than they can earn if they work fir it. Similar to abusive welfare system.

Robin McCord
Robin McCord
3 years ago

I disagree on only one point; Americans ARE lazy. Sadly, there are millions of able-bodied persons that would rather be supported by the taxpayer than to work for a living; even when decent paying jobs are available.

3 years ago

These Democrats are in bed with the CCP so they’re both entangled in destroying America!!! Pray and contact your Republican governors to step up and stop this nonsense!!! Or tell your state reps and state senators to put forth legislation to stop Biden/Obama/Harris from destroying America!!!

Peter Dawson
Peter Dawson
3 years ago

Obviously, if you pay people more in government grants to stay at home rather than for working at jobs, they will stay home and collect their benefits. After all, many people have jobs they don’t like so their only real motivation is to support themselves and their families. The progressive people who make current government policy are not stupid, they understand this very well. So why are they continuing this self defeating policy?
They want the masses to get used to living off of government controlled income. Then the majority of people will follow other dictates without question and the socialist utopia will become a reality. Of course, it will fail but by the time the masses realize what happened it will be like previous socialist experiments like Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, and more recently, Cuba and Venezuela.
When the wall fell in Germany, scores of workers who had been under communist rule in East Germany went to West Germany looking for jobs. They were welcomed back by their countrymen. Their brothers in the west were appalled to find that the workers from the east had lost most of the work ethic that the Germans had long been famous for. It shows that it does not take long for people to seek the easy way out rather than work hard to make a good living.

3 years ago

It’s frightening that the left are more determined than ever to take over our country by any and every means at their disposal. I’m concerned that if we can’t stop them in 2022 our country will be finished. For one, we should have done away with the Department of Education when we knew that they were teaching our children that socialism and communism are a good thing. We were too complacent, including not fighting harder for voter I.D. which might be our downfall.

3 years ago

I’m so sick of the Democrat’s socialistic communistic propaganda/agenda infiltrating everything in America. It’s in our tv shows, commercials, movies and actors, music and musicians, tv media, online social media, sports, schools, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, businesses, magazines, children’s books, etc … I can’t even read a ‘supposed to be a normal story’ book without some of their politics shoved in there. Not to mention their pushing riots, defunding the police, bringing in massive illegals, and pushing for communistic laws. It’s not the Republicans doing this. It’s the Dems. Trump said, “Make America great again.” And I agree. But at this point, “I (just) Want America Back.” I want football to, well, just be good ole’ American football. And schools to teach true education. And to live life in a free America. Why can’t people see what the Dems are doing? (I know some do … like y’all). But many choose to be so very blind and ignorant.

Steve Crowley
Steve Crowley
3 years ago

In order to keep drawing unemployment and not going to work involves blatant fraud.
The weekly claim form asks if you refused offers for work. In order to continue you have to say no. Unless the communists have ensured this is not being checked on they will be out of the system forthwith. The only way this can continue is for the system to tolerate this blatant fraud

3 years ago

As far as the drug abuse issue, I say we should poison all the illegal drugs we can intercept, and put them back into circulation. Make it a fast-acting poison, so there is no doubt as to what happened to the victims.
Those with half a brain will STOP using drugs, and those with NO brain will be eliminated from society. It’s a WIN-WIN solution.

3 years ago

It is amazing that we do not learn from history, this situation was the major cause of the fall of the Roman Empire. The USA is following this same path/format to the tee.

3 years ago

All part of the Plan; to destroy the economy and enslave more Americans to government handouts, thus gaining CONTROL over them. Also a back-door way of forcing $15 minimum wage they know won’t pass Congress. Don’t be fooled by bumbling Slow Joe, a temporary figurehead, there’s evil calling the shots behind the scene, led by BHO.

3 years ago

Fortunately, many governors throughout the country are calling an end to this ‘stay home and make more money’ scheme!

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

This website is monitored by socialists—————————otherwise comments placed here would be printed !!!!!!!!

Cheryl Brown
Cheryl Brown
3 years ago

Always remember that what the Socialistic government gives you they can always take it away.

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

Those who want to ———————will work. Those who do not want to work and have no pride———- will continue to freeload! The same ones who voted for jobama the dumb@$$ !!!

Soldiers silhouette saluting the USA flag for memorial day or veterans day.
Wooden gavel on constitution document. Wooden court gavel on United States Constitution document and American flag
National Assessment of Educational Progress logo with image of report card
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) poses for photographs before sitting down to lunch with Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-SD) (3rd R) and other senators, including (L-R) Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), at the U.S. Capitol on February 06, 2025 in Washington, DC.

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