
President Biden is being played by Russia and Iran. Watching is painful. The game is not complicated, just deadly – like watching a gorgeous tarantula approach, a black tiger snake slither, or a taste-testing water hemlock. Deals with Iran are deadly. Putin knows it; Biden misses it.
What is happening? Within days, unless stopped by Congress, Biden is likely to announce negotiators in Vienna have a deal with Iran. Liberal outlets will glow, suggesting an end to Iran’s nuclear program (wrong) and peace in our time (wrong).
Biden will trumpet success, inking a worthless deal with Iran’s repressive, radical Islamic terror state. Can it get worse? Yes.
The deal’s four corners are simple. Biden wants to restore a one-sided accord Obama signed with Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei, which then converted from a “treaty” (Senate ratification) to a mere agreement. That deal lets Iran advance nuclear weapons but delayed the process in exchange for hundreds of millions of dollars and lifting economic sanctions.
Trump scotched the non-treaty, reimposed severe sanctions (“maximum pressure”), hobbling the Iranian economy, slowing nuclear weapons development, undercutting Iranian terror and military finance. So serious were sanctions that Iran’s oil was taboo, and Iran sank into recession.
Iran’s GDP was – after the Obama-Biden deal – was 12 percent (2015). After Trump’s reimposition of sanctions – it dropped to minus 9 percent (2019). Suddenly, Iran was in trouble.
The repressed Iranian people were motivated by US condemnation of Iran’s brutal regime. From 2017 through 2020, they protested. The Islamic regime – Biden’s deal partner – imprisoned, tortured, and slaughtered the protestors, killing 1,500 in 2019 alone. See, e.g., 2018–2019 Iranian general strikes and protests; 2019–2020 Iranian protests.
The prior deal was an unmitigated disaster, just as reimposed sanctions were to Iran. Now, Biden wants to re-up that deal. Why? Partly ego, another motivation – is cheap oil.
Biden clamped down on US oil and national gas production to mollify his anti-fossil fuel political base. Then Russia invaded Ukraine, and he was compelled to cut Russian oil imports. To top this, accelerating inflation from federal overspending has put US gas on a wild run.
Gas at the pump is six dollars a gallon in some states, headed higher. Heating fuel oil is up, drilling, fracking, refining, and transporting of oil and gas down. This is Biden’s doing.
How does that relate to a new Iran deal? First, Saudi Arabia and other OPEC members have little regard for Biden, so appeals for more oil from them went unanswered.
Caught out, Biden thinks a deal with Iran – lifting sanctions – could give him cheap oil. Reprehensible on its face, that deal would open the door to nukes for Iran, up-fund terror, diss longtime US allies like Saudi, stiff-arm US energy producers, and barely affect prices.
The kicker: What no one dares say, is this deal is Russia and Iran playing Biden. What now rivets the world? What united NATO, has the world aghast, a free nation at war, refugees pouring out of that nation by the millions?
Of course, Putin invaded Ukraine, killing civilians, threatening chem-bio and tactical nuclear weapons. Putin and his inner circle, many fleeing, getting arrested, or (in the military) killed, is increasingly isolated, politically and economically.
Russia is economically isolated by Western sanctions, specifically on Russia’s oil. Russia’s number one export is oil, at $142 billion dollars last year. They were the world’s top exporter. See, e.g., Here’s where Russian oil flows.
Now think. Why would Russia suddenly – two weeks ago – lift objections to the US-Iran deal, permitting sanctions to be lifted on Iran’s sale of oil to the West? What is Putin thinking?
Simple. If Iran is allowed back on global oil markets without sanctions, the US will buy Iranian oil. Iran then becomes a conduit for the resale of Russian oil, allowing Russia to skirt sanctions.
Bottom line: Russia wants the US-Iran deal, so they can skirt anti-oil sanctions reselling oil through Iran. Iran gets the mark-up, resells Russian oil to the West, including the US.
Is this not sick – but true? How can Americans let Biden claim moral high ground with economic sanctions on Russia while opening the door to the resale of Russian oil through Iran?
Biden’s hypocrisy crosses every bright line, should be halted. Americans should not help Iran build a nuclear weapon, finance terror, or resell Russian oil – thus financing Russian terror.
How do we stop the charade? First, talk about it. Second, pressure Congress to stop it, block the deal. Third, pressure Congress and Biden to reopen US energy production. Fourth, get real: If Russia is wrong – and they are – we should not be filling cars with Russian oil via Iran.
Biden is being played. He needs to snap out of it. Americans need to say, no deal.
His trips to Del for more Indoc & “programming”??
Maybe?? See his handlers
Bodeen I’d aturnop
This nation is being played by our politicians to join the “new world order” and this needs to stop. We have fought for our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Rule of Law, our Sovereignty, and our Freedoms and we will fight again in a Civil War if necessary to stop this nonsense. We are not prepared to be governed by globalists, elites, deep state operatives, etc. They will all be treated as tyrants and held accountable for their actions.
Biden should be placed in the nearest mental hospital—forcibly if necessary. Our system of justice needs to include a law that prevents a crazy person to ruin the country merely because he or she is in high office. Where the hell is Congress on this?
Biden is doing exactly what his father Obama want him to do
biden is no more than a cover-up for obama to totally destroy the United States as it was once known. It began with biden’s 1st day in office with signing all those EO’s that he knew nothing about. Taking away was the energy independence was one of the biggest. The rest fell in place like dominos. Watching all this is sickening.
We are in a mess. I pray that in November, the Republicans will take back Congress, vote out the RINOs, if they’re up for re-election and start climbing out of the mess Biden has gotten us into.
So it seems to be a concensus that our leader is a puppet with several peoples hands pulling the strings….is this only a talking point or can something really be done…or are we doomed to watch our existence crumble ???
No question, the democrats are STUPID and ANTI AMERICA. WE MUST VOTE THEM OUT. The problem is they and the media are one and the same, they ate twins.
Biden is no more than an actor playing out the pantomime. So those that don’t do research and know the truth, will see what could of happened. Biden is only linked to Castle rock Studios, not the WH!!!
The Permian Basin is in Washington now. They are really hitting the people hard there now…showing them how we are using “green energy” to get our oil out of the ground. It’s called Midland over Moscow. Have no idea if it will make a difference, but with the war on and people in America in distress, it certainly can’t hurt. We have the cleanest oil and gas anyway. That is what they are showing to them and it’s obvious.
If our military was able to extinguish Bin Laden Why has there not been an attempt on Putin? Biden just needs a strong sedative to put him down so he cannot cause any more problems.
I’m hopeful the World is not judging Americans by the decisions made from
Biden. 1) Americans, generally, did not vote for him and (2) his standings are not those of the rest of America! It’s obvious Russia & Iran are using Biden but he’s too out of it to realize the reality of whatever is happening.
Wonderful…we’re being ask to contact our Representatives to stop this madness, but our Representatives are not listening to any of us the way it is. As far as I’m concerned none of them are doing their job, if fact I think most of them are complicit with everything that’s going on. If only half of them would do their jobs I don’t think we would be in the mess we’re in now. Biffy wouldn’t have stolen the election, one third of Congress would be in prison, including Hillary, and Trump would still be in power never allowing the destruction of this country or the bold moves our adversaries are making today. I believe it’s all by design, and since the American people have all become sheep, we’re just going to have to live with it. Oh that’s right, the next election is going to fix everything…correct?
God help the USA
This situation, though monumentally critical, isn’t the only “biden’s being played” situation by a long, long shot!
Sent to Senator Sinema: Open ANWR, the Keystone Pipeline and support The EastMed pipeline that has been in the works for more than a decade. The Israel-Greece-Cyprus project — joined by Bulgaria, Hungary, North Macedonia, Romania and Serbia — has long been seen as a way to diversify natural gas supplies to Europe.
On January 9, 2022, in a sharp reversal of previous U.S. policy, the Biden administration announced that it no longer supports EastMed.
Also Sent to Senator Sinema: State Department is considering letting Russia purchase Irans’s excess enriched Uranium under the new agreement. Enriched Uranium is the core ingredient to make nuclear weapons! Nationally security experts say allowing Russia to increase their stockpile is dangerous and reckless. Russia has the world’s largest stockpile of nuclear weapons with between 6,000 and 7,000 warheads! DIDN’T PUTIN JUST THREATEN TO USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS. THAT SHOULD DISQUALIFY THIS IMMEDIATELY! How about if the U.S. buys the excess enriched uranium! Better idea I think.
Sent to Senator Sinema: PUTIN is on the March, Xi is on the march and now we are kowtowing to Venezuela and the Iranian regime who we are about to flush with CASH to support terrorist Groups in Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon as they March towards a nuclear weapon.
America seems to be more of a problem than a solution. PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH. WHERE IS THE STRENGTH? Stop reacting and LEAD, please.
1 year ago there were 37,000 leases why is it down to 9,000?
Biden IS being played. It hard to estimate how bad the damage will be after he goes on and on for the rest of his administration. I think he either doesn’t KNOW or doesn’t CARE. Either way it is so obvious why President Trump was upset enough to make an effort to stop the transfer of power long enough to make sure the vote was correct. Now he is being vilified for that. He was in the best position to know how corrupt and inept the Obama/Biden administration was and would be.
IMHO: It’s all a magnificent worldwide chess game. The wealthiest of the world bankers are playing it. The citizens of the many countries of the world are the pawns. To them, it is entertainment. To us, like lobsters, it is the pot of wine with the fire underneath to get us drunk and happy before we reach cooking temperature to make us more tender when we are consumed. It would be funny if it weren’t so serious. Mass Formation Psychosis (brainwashing) keeps most of us fat, dumb and happy. Wake up and follow the money!
Some people just do not understand kumbaya has no effect on dictators and other tyrants. I guess Hitler wasn’t enough of a lesson. Nor Stalin, who wouldn’t permit Eastern European countries to participate in the Marshall plan.
We told you this from the very beginning. This is why the 2020 election had to be rigged and because things are unraveling and backfiring on them, they are going to have to rig this Novembers election also.
The title line for this article is: “Snap out of it! Biden being played” The author of this article, Robert B. Charles, suggests that Joe Biden needs to realize that he is being played for a fool by, ……..well, pretty much all of the leaders of every other country.
The problem cannot be solved by trying to educate Joe Biden. Biden’s level of cognizance is deteriorating each and every day. He seems to be unable to remember where he is, or what/who he is talking about. He probably wears “Depends” because he undoubtedly forgets where the restroom is.
This is what happens when a major political party, (the Democrats), nominate a befuddled person to run for the Presidency, a person that was obviously already compromised by dementia.
Now for the rest of the story. The Democrats were just smart enough to maneuver hapless Joe Biden into the White House. On Joe’s first full day in the Oval Office, multiple Executive Order documents were set before him for his signature. One order was to cancel a big pipeline project which immediately prompted the Wall Street types to start increasing the crude oil prices. Biden is now asking, hat in hand , for the Middle East oil producers to sell more oil to America. Naturally oil goes to the highest bidders. The price of a barrel of crude has climbed above one hundred dollars and shows no sign of leveling off.
One of the games that the Democrat Party is playing involves decreasing America’s dependance upon fossil fuels. Pricing the gasoline and natural gas products ever higher, delights the green movement people.
Joe Biden is oblivious to just about everything, but his puppeteers are forcing us to consider other alternatives to fossil fuels. In plain words, the Democrats are compelling the American people into
a situation that is guaranteed to cripple our economy in order to facilitate the imposition of socialism.
And that is the name of the game, i.e. due anything, and everything to force socialism down the throats of the American people. If you understand this salient motivation, you will understand why the Democrats seem to be “dumb”, but are actually being crafty in bringing about their new world order.
The sure-fire way to play Biden is keep his personal and family wealth well supplied. Delunaware voters have been doing it for many years and it seems to have worked well for them … and especially well for the crooked Biden family.
If Biden is being played,
Then Biden is being paid!
In my opinion I knew Biden was/is a puppet for the Democrats. He talks a lot but, in reality, says nothing! I knew this years ago when I heard him on MEET THE PRESS. I don’t know who is pulling his strings but I believe Biden’s entire administration is dangerous to America. I went to a gas station an hour or so ago. I put $10 worth of gas in my tank. When I started up the car, the needle barely moved. A week or so ago I put $15 in my gas tank and the needle did not move much. I thought my gas gauge needed a new fuse or something. After reading this article I realize that my gas gauge is fine; it’s Biden’s fault, not my car’s. BIDEN (and his “cronies) HAS TO GO, whether by impeachment or other means!!!
RBC, I hate to comment on this but everything you have stated has been said and commented on before. You have stated nothing new. Pres. Biden will not change but continue to follow the carrot dangling before him as his stumbles around, situation after situation, as he continues to embarrass this nation.
I think Biden went into the whole game with his eyes wide open was told what is expected and agreed to the terms now he is delivering the goods I would question why were we ever dependent on Arabs for oil who was and is benefiting. why was there no push to be self sufficient rather then to kowtow to OPEC and be told to to put on the sweater and turn down the heat the time to act was then
It is even more difficult to take when you realize that he and others in our government are in on it,
According to Kamala this is the United States wants. After all, 81 million United States citizens voted for it.
Biden besides being senile is an outright Communist.
Biden is full of $htt.
Joey is not being played!!!! He has volunteered or invited the abuse that will come and all it does is create news for the talking heads on both sides. WE ARE PUNISHED EITHER WAY. WHO THE HXXX IS REALLY RUNNING THIS CIRCLE JERK IN THE WHITE HOUSE??????
It is easy to manipulate a MORON!
And, as a PS. Thanks for REstating the obvious!!
Lol!!!! I hate to tell you RBC, but Biden and his entire administration are being played by just about everyone. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, the Taliban, ISIS, you name it. Team Biden is being played by everyone they come in contact with. I’m dead serious. If you wanted to do a better job of undermining the interests of the American people and the country itself, you couldn’t honestly do a better job of it than Biden and his administration. They’re destroying decades of alliances and emboldening our enemies more with each passing day.
I loved your second to last paragraph. The odds of any of that happening are zero. You were around Washington long enough to realize that is NOT how the place works. Washington is built on maintaining the status quo in terms of no one stands up to forcibly take a position on anything. Yeah, you’ll get lots of talk sometimes, but rarely does that ever translate in positive action. The only two Presidents that ever made any real positive changes and pushed back hard against the status quo of “Go along to get along” were Presidents Reagan and Trump. Both men were hated and despised by “the establishment” (the administrative state to most people).
At this point, we are stuck with this buffoon in the White House and his equally incompetent V.P. it’s a long, long time to 2024 and Team Biden can inflict a lot more damage to the country between now and then. I have serious doubts there will much left of America to be saved by the time the next presidential election rolls around. The American people, for the most part, seem content to tolerate this ever-escalating number of problems being caused by Team Biden. Until that radically changes, I can’t see anything significantly improving. The best we can do is manage the damages as they occur and try to work around the fall-out form all these man-made problems Biden is creating.
IMPEACH Biden, Harris and Pelosi…get some new blood in there that actually knows what the hell they’re doing.
What is happening here is distraction of American Public and world that are trying to destroy the economy to booster the New World Order!
Russia and Iran aren’t playing Biden……..Biden is playing his own citizens. We have ultra high gas prices for two main reasons…..Biden killed new American sourced oil and gas and secondly by idiotically virtue signalling by boycotting Russian oil
Don’t give Biden any credit at all…..he is an evil miscreant who hates the people in his own country.
and the shiz gets deeper and deeper….we are up to our waist now….and soon will be up to our necks. Thanks you Mr. Pres and thank you to your handlers. It won’t take long for this Republic to be “on the ropes…..”
Have to wonder how much is Biden and how much is from an astonishing cabal of incompetents
Isn’t this exactly what would be expected if Brandon was being paid millions by the commie Chinese and the Russians, using his son as bagman? I don’t think he’s being played, I think he’s being incentivised. And he pretty much has to keep doing it, as there is so much stuff he could be blackmailed with, treasonous behavior. I agree with Paul E. that, if somehow a complete traitor somehow found himself as president, he couldn’t do more damage than Brandon is doing. And it doesn’t help that the Clintons and Obama provided all his staffing choices.
What is the Obama/Biden attraction to Iran? Why would the U.S. want to deal with a terrorist country that is aiding and abetting terrorism all over the world? Why would we accept their having nuclear arms since we know THEY want control of the entire Middle East? John Kerry has family ties through his daughter and Valerie Jarrett, one of Barrack’s chief handlers, is Iranian. Is that enough to plunge the U.S. into collaboration with such people?
There must be a large payoff to the Biden family – the Big Guy, Hunter, Joe’s relatives, etc. or this “agreement” would make no sense at all since it doesn’t benefit America, Israel, Saudi Arabia or any countries except Iran and Russia.
Biden was elected exactly 60 years after the election of JFK, the administration with the worst confrontation with the Russians. The question is whether he will make it past November, 2023?
Sloppy joey and his cult can’t be trusted.China,iran,russia,north korea cannot be trusted.They are few of many.Iran is governed by evil,lying,dishonest bottom feeders,kind of reminds me of the biden cult.
biden your whole life has been a joke.. fjb.. and your collusion with the Communist Chinese
I think I see signs of the Democrat establishment trying to edge old Joe out of office. Then we can have Kamala in charge. Tee hee.
I would like to SLAP our lying president Biden, AOC, Omar, Pelosi and a few others. Sooo
sweet to slap these creeps. They do NOTHING for the American tax payer. Takers all of them!
They say history will repeat itself, it’s obvious that none of the Biden admin have studied the effect that Chamberlin had on Hitler in the 1930, s the more Chamberlin gave in the more Hitler became embolden to pursue his agenda.
Why don’t you impeachment Biden you are spending a lot of money with other countries protecting their borders
What about out border
Who is going to protected and finish USA ???????? border??????
Jim Carry has this deal in the crock Pot forever because his daughter married an elite in the Iran ???????? government
This was coming
Just do it not just talk about it