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Shrouded in Secrecy, Facing Litigation, ‘Bidenbucks’ Celebrated in Democrats’ Platform

Posted on Tuesday, August 20, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The Democratic Party platform praises President Joe Biden’s controversial “all-of government” executive order to get out the vote, which some critics call “Bidenbucks.”

As The Daily Signal has reported, Executive Order 14019—signed by Biden in March 2021—puts the power of federal agencies behind registering and turning out voters. Federal agencies partnered with numerous left-leaning nonprofits to implement the executive order.  

“Within the first 100 days of his presidency, President Biden signed an executive order directing an all-of-government effort to promote access to voting,” says the party platform agreed to by delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, which opens Monday. “Agencies have taken historic action to help veterans, college students, Native Americans, and other underserved communities register to vote.”

The Democratic Party’s 2024 platform would undermine election security, said former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, who chairs the Election Transparency Initiative, which works for honest elections. 

“Given the great lengths the Biden-Harris administration is going to to avoid any view of how the federal government is turning out Dem voters under EO 14019, perhaps the folks who wrote that platform know a lot more about EO 14019 than all of the rest of us unworthy peasants,” Cuccinelli told The Daily Signal in a written statement.

The Left often uses the term “underserved communities” as code for what they perceive as Democratic constituencies, noted Cleta Mitchell, an election lawyer who chairs the Election Integrity Network. 

“It is not the proper role of the executive branch of the federal government to specify what group of voters they want to ensure turn out to vote,” Mitchell told The Daily Signal. “This is a way of using the federal government to retain power for the Democrats.”

Based on records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, The Daily Signal has reported that the Biden-Harris administration partnered to implement the order with left-leaning organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union, Demos, the League of Women Voters, the Brennan Center for Justice, and Fair Fight Action.

As noted in my book “The Myth of Voter Suppression,” the liberal think tank Demos helped to draft Biden’s executive order turning federal agencies into voter registration agencies.

Last week, nine Republican state attorneys general sued to challenge the constitutionality and legality of Biden’s electioneering order. The move followed a lawsuit by Pennsylvania state legislators challenging the legality of the order.

The Justice Department invoked presidential privilege to shield release of agencies’ individual strategic plans on implementing the executive order in a lawsuit brought by the Foundation for Government Accountability. Meanwhile, 15 Biden-Harris administration Cabinet officials have not responded to related subpoenas from the House Administration Committee. 

“If they are so proud of it, why haven’t they released every strategic plan?” Mitchell added. 

The Democratic platform also calls for passing the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act, two bills that failed to pass Congress in 2021. The Democrat-backed legislation aims to nullify state laws requiring voter ID and removal of ineligible names from voter registration lists. 

“All of these proposals are in lockstep with left-wing advocacy groups with the goal of federalizing elections,” Mitchell said. 

Fred Lucas is chief news correspondent and manager of the Investigative Reporting Project for The Daily Signal. He is the author of “The Myth of Voter Suppression: The Left’s Assault on Clean Elections.”

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Fred Lucas

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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6 months ago


6 months ago

Until there is a fair and honest election, cancel the mail in votes, the early voting, and make all states clear their rolls of dead people, illegals and duplicate entries. Make all states require positive ID to vote and make sure all precincts have unbiased watchers on recounts. Make is a felony to stuff the ballot box, to make secret recounts and transport ballots in private vehicles, Make the sheriff deputies pick up the ballots in sealed containers which are the same containers used in every state, NO PAPER BAGS,

Pat R
Pat R
6 months ago

Either gov’t workers who’ve been assigned to fulfill that EO don’t have enough regular work to justify their job in the first place or each dept hired people to do the work. Gov’t job descriptions end with “an other duties as assigned.” So such assignment isn’t illegal. Wonder if they’re first being asked their political preference. What happens if it’s Republican; they dismissed and sent back to their jobs? Likely..

Ed Kozoy
Ed Kozoy
6 months ago

Biden is inept and corrupt. Harris is an inept communist as is Walz! They are obviously ignorant of history and economics.

6 months ago

History tells us that the only way democrats can win an election is by cheating…here we go again!!

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
6 months ago

The Democrats in the Federal Government have created a way to funnel taxpayer dollars into the Democrat coffers at the state levels. After all, what Democrat, or liberal acolyte would complain about receiving Federal dollars to help promote voter fraud for the Democrat candidates?
The clever thing about these “Bidenbucks” is that any attempt by the Republicans to derail that program meant to help the “underserved communities”, a.k.a illegal aliens, would take at least six months to reach the Supreme Court of the United States. November 5th is only 2 1/2 months away.
The Republicans also need to learn how to pervert the judicial system to fight the Marxists, ….. er, .. I mean the Democrats.

6 months ago

I have NEVER had any problem whatsoever registering to vote, finding a voting place, or voting. So….people are basically stupid and need a prod? Do govt officials come to these people’s houses and pick them up on voting day? Bring them a couple filled in, mail-in ballots to sign?

Michael Baloun
Michael Baloun
6 months ago

This is scary. How can we stop this train? Trump can’t be the only solution. The law says that states must clean their voter roles. How can an executive order nullify that?

6 months ago

Illegal aliens registered in many states to vote? Meanwhile, RINO-ridden DC Cesspool idiocy turns out to be too weak knee to pull the plug for crap like this.
Biden bucks for paying student loans deemed illegal by SCOTUS, but he keeps doing it. RINO-ridden DC Cesspool idiocy does what?
Power of the purse means when government is not right, overburdened, debts up beyond sanity, and actual illegal activities being done by various inside parts of the executive branch, you don’t fully fund it!! Especially by Continuing Resolution after CR…

6 months ago

Biden may have been forced out but it won’t be long before we see him in his $50 million dollar mansion in the Hamptons or his $100 million dollar deal with Netflix or Amazon.

6 months ago

We are headed to Venezuela style of government. To both party’s you could end up on the wrong side. To the Democrats this could come back to haunt you in the future.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
6 months ago

Personally, I think people should have to put out some EFFORT to vote. Maybe they will think about what they ate doing. DIMMs want to CODDLE all the miscreants they can!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

Joe did this? I thought he died last month. Call Rick Grimes… the dead walk… and apparently act like dictators, too.

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