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Senator Marshall and Colleagues Sound Alarm After DHS Whistleblowers Exposes Biden-Harris Breaking the Law

Posted on Tuesday, October 8, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined a letter led by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) demanding President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris collect DNA samples from every immigrant the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) encounters, per the DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005.  

Legally protected whistleblowers have exposed how DHS’s failure to collect DNA hampers law enforcement efforts to stop violent crime. Notably, DHS missed three separate opportunities to gather DNA from the illegal immigrant who murdered Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother of five.  

“It is beyond heartbreaking to know that my daughter’s brutal death could have been prevented. This isn’t just a bureaucratic oversight; it’s a deadly failure that turned a protective measure into a hollow promise,” said Patty Morin, mother of Rachel Morin. “President Biden and Vice President Harris’ reckless disregard for border security puts every American family in imminent danger. How many more precious lives have to be lost before they decide to protect the people they were elected to serve?”  

“Following the law, protecting whistleblowers and ensuring the safety of American citizens like Rachel Morin shouldn’t be controversial,” Senators Marshall and Grassley wrote to President Biden and Vice President Harris. “The Biden-Harris administration’s DHS must follow the law—the consequences are stark when they don’t.” 

Read the full letter HERE.  


The DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005 requires federal law enforcement to collect DNA from every individual Customs and Border Protections (CBP) arrests, charges, convicts or detains. Yet, per whistleblower disclosures, DHS has collected DNA samples from less than than approximately 40 percent of the more than 10 million known illegal immigrants who have entered the country during the Biden-Harris administration.  Whistleblowers additionally revealed that a CBP official who recently visited major border facilities in Arizona and California did not observe any DNA collection taking place. As a result of disclosing DHS’s failures to Congress, whistleblowers have suffered long-term, severe retaliation.

Reprinted with permission from Doc Marshall.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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4 months ago

This is just another act that the Democrats mauver their way around which they have been doing for years. Manipulation is foremost in the entire platform of ruling Democrats. They blatantly skirt every law on the books in what have we seen in the last three years they have ruled?

  1. Manipulation of money involved in an attempt to foster whatever they have in mind-mostly for the new social order they have in mind.
  2. Bring the Republican “basket of deplores” under control in favor of unvetted illegal border crossers which the Dems have manipulated to secure votes.
  3. Use of taxpayers money foolishly to the point of undermining the safety, well being, and financial stability of all taxpaying citizens.
  4. Established an underground class who have no right to bypass established methods of control of procedures completely bypassing established methods of control.
  5. For instance, Obama, Movie Stars, American heads of vast companies. Foreign Influencers.

My point has been prompted by the US response to Hurricane Helene. Thousands of people have been left with next to no help from their government. While current ruling party has been busy supporting illegal immigrants which has decimated FEMA by our own government’s misuse. And, who is it that is coming to aid our fellow citizens. US charities, yes, but beyond that people, hundreds of people, who are referred to as deplorables (the democratic party’s label). Yes, that portion of the country who work for their income, pay taxes, and salute the American flag rather than involve it protests all the country. That stuff is for the true deplorables. I’m thinking, Joe Biden, who skirts honesty like it is something to play with. And play he has, making personal money from foreign governments, covering for a wayward son who uses his citizenship to wipe his feet on. I doubt that a single voter actually intended for our country to be headed by a barrel of clowns. Has there been one president or vice president who have done more damage to our country? I think not! I stand proud of my half of “deplorables” They are and always will be the rock, solid, source of where American citizens stand. for

4 months ago

Well, Shazzam! Since when have DemocRATS, or their ilk, been encumbered by any law?

4 months ago

There is such negativity in requiring and helping individuals acquire legal documentation that proves their identity which is so ridiculous when citizens have to provide ID to travel in the USA, get a driver’s license and are required to carry their ID with them. Forget the excuse of not having the ability to write their name or read the documents because that is a solvable problem. But I have very much for ID protection and if it takes DNA technology to stop fraud, I am all for it. I have had to freeze my credit access for years because of hackers stealing my information, Don’t give them access to creating fake ID’s for those entering the USA. It should be a requirement to entering the country with the goal of becoming a permanent citizen, We have enough poor that is not getting proper aid, don’t make it easier for the scammers, make it harder.

4 months ago

“President” Biden effectively killed those people himself, with his reckless, abysmal stupidity in allowing all of that immigration with no legal information “filter”.
He is a self-centered, tragically immature non-leader, who, with the mind of a child, has done a shocking amount damage to this nation and the relatives of all of his victims. He cannot be put out to pasture and blissfully forgotten soon enough.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

We don’t need a whistleblower to tell us they are breaking the law Evidence is all rtound us. Law does not apply to them so all the whistle blowing is useless.

Linda J Nelson
Linda J Nelson
4 months ago

It’s as simple as this: Democrats ALWAYS cheat. Why else would they allow MILLIONS of unvetted murderers, terrorists, and anyone else who can get across the border into our country, and then ship these people into “swing states” so they can interfere with our election! Heck, this administration even fights against the swing states who are trying to verify citizenship before the election! Why would anyone vote for these power-hungry cheaters? I don’t get it.

4 months ago

I have never heard of this. Blatant law breaking then. They’ll just say they don’t have the funds or the personnel. If there is a budget line item for this task which no one is actually performing then where did the money go?

John Shipway
John Shipway
4 months ago

Whether Trump returns or not folks its time to face the facts. This nation as it currently exists is rapidly dying. President Trump may act as a sort of national hospice care but NO ONE can save this nation from the damage wrought by our esteemed leaders since the end of WW2.
Find a cave and gather wood.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

DILLTGAF? All they care about is currently and future retention of permanent power.

4 months ago

Add one more crime to the Biden – Harris regime. They are already committing treason thru

  • human trafficking illegals throughout the country,
  • creating open borders that are allowing massive amounts of drugs into the country, killing thousands
  • paying NGO’s to illegally fly illegals directly into the country
  • directing social media companies to remove opinions they don’t like, in direct opposition to free speech
  • politicizing the government departments to wage war on their political opponents (lets not forget the J6 political prisoners still rotting in Biden’s gulags
  • ordering department personnel to ignore the laws and not do their jobs

And the list goes on. And this is not even mentioning what the Biden crime family is doing, selling access to Joe to foreign enemies.

4 months ago

until the federal legislators enclose in EVERY legislative act, personal fiscal punitive measures or incarceration or both, not a darn thing is gonna change. all they are gonna do is give lip-service! people have to have skin in the game (a personal loss of some ilk). our legislators are afraid at some point it will effect them. i for one am not confidant that the legislators are truly out for the average u.s. citizen.nw

Richard Adams
Richard Adams
4 months ago

It’s not surprising at all! Democrats NEVER follow the Constitution. They continue to do want they please and continue a TREASONOUS path until they are all HANGED! They will get what they deserve along the all the Media.

4 months ago

But, it’s a democrat thing. So it’s OK!

4 months ago

How much effort is involved to get a cheek swab? There are people that would be willing to assist in keeping our country safe. The extra money the IRS obtained should have gone to protecting our country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

Do so Govt wide then OK

4 months ago

Okay – lets see how far this goes…

4 months ago

At the very least, DNA should be collected from ALL illegal aliens.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
4 months ago

With Democrats, there is ALWAYS a “work-around”. Not my words, THEIR words!!!

4 months ago

But, it’s a democrat thing, so it’s really OK!

Lakeview Terrace, USA - June 18, 2016: U. S. Customs and Border Protetion Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk helicopter during Los Angeles American Heroes Air Show, event designed to educate the public about rotary-wing aviation.
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Trump signed an executive order on price transparency requirements for the health care industry.
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