Whoa, what’s this? Another “secret” Biden “planning memo” found? One setting out “Big Ideas” for Biden’s last two years. The White House offered “no comment,” but the 10-point memo gives a sense of how the president is being advised for 2023.
Here are some key points:
1. Forget defunding police, reinterpreting border laws, and scrubbing phrases like “illegal alien,” “illegal drugs,” and “illegal abortion” from laws. Let’s make the word “illegal” illegal.
2. Forget toppling statues of historic white men behind the Revolution, Bill of Rights, and Constitution. This is messy and complicated. Let’s confiscate all statues of men. Hillary, Nancy, AOC, and CNN love the idea, so it must be good.
3. Stop playing into the White narrative, and rename the White House – Black House. This whole “White House” thing is racist. If people point out the house is white, paint it black or cover the roof, walls, and lawn with solar tiles. This will really irk Republicans, “enemies of the planet.”
4. Produce and distribute blue hats with MADA on them, setting up a subliminal campaign to “Make America Dumb Again.” This is really clever. We can say “Dumb is the New Smart,” quote George Orwell, call him a “Founding Father.” People won’t know. He sounds familiar, and Republicans always use his name.
5. Ban the term “Founding Father.” That phrase is so yesterday. Coin a new term, “Founding They.” If anyone objects, call them a racist, bigots, insensitive, patriots, or Republicans. Those insults always work with our base. Get Merriam Webster on the phone – for backup.
6. Call “Right to Life” supporters “Abortion Deniers,” “New Birthers,” or “Unfortunately Born.” No one will understand what you mean, but who cares, we do not have to make sense, it sounds offensive, will pump the base. If anyone asks, use one of our stock phrases, like “no regrets,” “follow the science,” “come on man,” “I love Brandon,” “we take classified stuff seriously,” or “next question.”
7. Keep throwing off the folks that don’t think you know what you are doing. You got ‘em where you want ‘em. Pretend you cannot find your way off stage more, shake hands with the air, do the bicycle thing again, mix up at least three or four basic words a day, and – a new one – tell people your dad was the “first man on the moon,” then lean over and ask Jill in a loud voice…if she is with the Secret Service. Tell her not to laugh. You got ‘em all thinking you don’t know your name. In case you forget, it’s an old Italian, Irish, Puerto Rican, Iranian name, Joe…Armstrong.
8. Keep calling Kamy the president. Totally throws off the GOP, apparently has Putin, Xi , and Little Rocket Man confused. And she loves it. We think Iran knows you are doing it on purpose, but we can keep them guessing. Maybe call Jill president once or twice. The idea has strategic ambiguity, like with Taiwan, where Nancy goes to get her nails done or something.
9. Do an executive order declaring “National Inflation Does Not Exist Day.” Let’s put it on Tax Day, April 15th, so we stomp taxes out of the news cycle. Also, let’s forgive some loans that day. Maybe China’s to Hunter, America’s to China, or just abolish the debt ceiling? If reporters squawk, say inflation and debt are false narratives by Republicans, or Trump’s fault.
10. From now on, have Xi buy monthly, since the weekly thing is raising questions. We know he likes Hunter’s brush strokes, colors, the hidden sickles, and hammers, but let’s be careful, okay?
That’s it. Hoping you found this amusing. I put it in the closet with the other Top Secret stuff, cause no one ever looks there. Happy New Year!
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
LOL!!! A nice morning chuckle. Sadly, not that far from what most Biden White House staffers actually think would be good ideas. Now stamp CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET on the memo and hand it to Hunter Biden to pass along to the CCP.
Love it! Very clever – and probably spot on
Nothing can make me chuckle about this administration’s bent to fascism anymore. I cringe every time I hear Brandon use WEF (World Economic Felons) Klaus Schwab’s “build back better” phrase for “create a global concentration camp”.
Sounds like an issue of Not The Bee!
How about: Forget trying to explain classified documents found in your underwear drawer. You know that Trump operatives infiltrated your U of Penn office and planted the stuff, likewise your home. You are suspicious that the operatives took your Corvette out for a spin. Make this out to be harassment by Trump because the press will love it.
This is sick what corruption in this country they should all be fired up there in Washington and take back this country let’s get someone in the WH that can make this country back to what it was years ago the voters need a better government that cares for voters not just take there money and do nothing for us.
Mr. Charles, nicely done. However, my worries about the future of our great country, at the hands of a corrupt and dysfunctional Biden, are so deep that my sense of humor is severely lacking when it comes to Biden and his destructive agenda.
Secret memo found What of it? Are we supposed to be shocked? What happened to all the Clinton documents and Russian collusion? All is quiet in DC Do we expect anything of consequence to happen or is this only a make believe , costly protracted game I am waiting for a special commission to be appointed to milk it for years and then just quietly die and all will be well again
LOL. Thanks for the laugh…
I think it was the 4th item that made me, MADA, that tipped me off that this is an absurdity. But then again…they might go ahead and do it. The media won’t report it anyway.
#4 Dumb again? When were they ever smart on had common sense?
This needs to be labeled as sarcastic comedy. People will accuse AMAC of actually taking this as facts. You know how the sheep are.
FJB! I hope he’s convicted, sent to prison and falls and breaks his hip when he shows up to serve his life term.
RBC, overall enjoyable. LOL.
Well put article showing DICTATOR Beijing biden’s true intentions of his plan to DESTROY the UNITED STATES with TREASONOUS ACTS.
I truly laughed out loud…!????
Hilarious! Thank you for brightening my day!
There’s so much to add to this list too ! Thank you for the humor on a Tuesday morning .
That was hilarious Bobby! You always say it like it is????
Oops, !!!! was supposed to end my sentence , not ????
re #4 replace Founding Father with Founding Racist. All the wokemaniacs will love that.
In fact I think I will start selling caps with this.
Re #5, its impossible. The US is already dumb. All we can say is Make America Dumber
or Aspire for Stupidity. Or bumper stickers which state “my kid is dumber than yours” .There’s a lot of good ones. Anything other than Make America Great Again which is utterly obscene.
The REAL joke is….THIS ALL may be TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And remember…Americans VOTED FOR THIS CRAP!!!! Our IGNORANCE will destroy us!!
Funny, but the reality is the Left are masters at spin and Republicans suck at messaging! Personally I am tired of being cast as racist, white supremacist, anti-immigrant, misogynist, etc… these things do not represent my values!