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San Francisco Put a Noncitizen in Office. This Is Part of the Left’s Plan to Demolish Our Republic.

Posted on Friday, February 23, 2024
by Outside Contributor

California is once again leading the way, showing us the dark, dystopian post-America future that awaits us if the Left remains in power.

The latest absurdity is that a noncitizen was appointed to office in San Francisco, the first time such a thing has happened in this country.

According to the New York Post, Kelly Wong—reportedly an “immigrant rights” activist from Hong Kong—was “unanimously appointed by San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors to the city’s Elections Commission on Feb. 14.”

Think about that for a moment. Somebody who isn’t a citizen and isn’t even legally allowed to vote—for now—is now supervising elections in an American city.

This came to pass, according to the Post, because San Francisco voters passed a measure in 2020 eliminating the citizenship requirement to sit on San Francisco boards.

Here’s Wong’s victory speech, posted by Citizen Free Press.

She reportedly knows English, but why make any attempt to demonstrate any attachment to American norms and customs when you can get celebrated for flaunting them?

Wong came to the United States in 2019. Nothing seems to bind her to this country in any way besides the fact that she now holds office. 

That raises several questions. If China and the United States went to war, to which country would Wong be loyal?

This development seems particularly concerning given that Chinese nationals are now the fastest-growing group attempting to illegally cross the U.S. southern border.

Chinese nationals have been caught flying drones over the Pearl Harbor military base. Hundreds of other incidents involving Chinese nationals at U.S. military bases have occurred in recent years, too.

It isn’t a stretch to think that the Chinese Communist Party is trying to harm or disrupt the country, or to steal information from the United States.

Is Wong a literal Manchurian candidate? Is San Francisco simply becoming a province of China?

When Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited San Francisco in November, the streets were lined with Chinese flags. Perhaps that was a glimpse into the future.

The potential for spies to infiltrate the American system is only one part—perhaps the smaller part—of why allowing noncitizens to vote or to hold office in our country is so problematic.

The modern Left is insistent on making the concept of citizenship irrelevant. But this isn’t about China or any other country. It’s about our country essentially abandoning its republican, constitutional system based on the consent of the governed and the rule of law.

To take it a step further in the warped political and moral framework through which the modern Left views the world, citizenship may even be a negative. After all, a noncitizen is likely higher on the hierarchy of oppression and more worthy of rights and rewards granted by the state.

It must tickle the hindbrain of a certain kind of Western leftist to think of the “oppressed” peoples of the world not only voting in American elections, but ruling over the United States to make it pay for its “sins.”

There may have been a time when the Left feigned some opposition to illegal immigration, but that time has passed.

The Biden administration, aided by an army of relentless and fantastically well-funded open-borders nongovernmental organizations, has done everything in its power to ensure that this country is beset with an endless flow of nearly unimpeded illegal immigrants. 

According to a Fox News analysis of U.S. Customs and Border Protection data, 7.3 million illegal immigrants have come into the country since Joe Biden became president in January 2021. If you gathered all these people into one state, it would be the 15th-largest in the union in terms of population.

While this is happening, blue cities and states are in the process of demolishing citizenship requirements for the basic functions and privileges of citizenship. Soon, the only thing left for the citizens of this country will be their obligation to pay taxes to support all the newcomers.

Already, cities are reallocating their budgets to cover the enormous costs created by all the illegal immigrants.

What we are left with, when all is said and done, is a country that’s hardly a country at all.

I’ve had difficulty coming up with a name for this sort of political system, but it certainly isn’t a republic, nor is it really a “democracy.”

In the old days, when federalism was stronger, people used to say the United States “are” this or that. More recently, as the country became more centralized and nationalized, people would say the United States “is” this or that. That distinction is now sliding away, too.

If the Left’s anti-American project continues, people will have to say the United States “was” a country, but is now an economic zone—worthy of neither respect nor devotion—in which they happen to live. It will be a wealthy, but decaying remnant of what was once the mightiest and freest nation on earth, a carcass to be devoured by warring ethnic tribes and hostile foreign powers.

California is giving us an early preview of this future. The rest of the country now must decide whether this is the kind of “progress” we want for ourselves and our posterity or whether we hold on to our once enormously successful system of ordered liberty.

Jarrett Stepman is a columnist for The Daily Signal. He is also the author of the book “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.” 

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Jarrett Stepman

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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7 months ago

Hey, at least President Xi is laughing his head off in China watching the United States demolish itself from within with one ludicrous decision after another on almost a daily basis. China doesn’t have to fire a shot to take down the United States and replace us on the world stage. Still there doesn’t seem to be any sort of groundswell in California to correct the situation, so that tells you something about how soon we’re likely to see this policy spread elsewhere in the country. Just like everything else California has introduced in the last 30 years.

7 months ago

Im Old. I hope old enough to die before this country collapses from Communism.

The next election will tell us!

7 months ago

Our country was making great strides under Trump. China was being held in check until the CCP saw an opportunity to rig our elections with the help of the liberal scum in the US, and they unleashed the Wuhan virus. Subsequently the election got stolen and Chinese sympathizer Traitor Joe put his America-last plan into action. Now we have a non-citizen Chinese immigrant who will impact elections in San Francisco. It’s not surprising because, well, it’s San Francisco and it’s California. But beware! What starts in California metastasizes across the country.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
7 months ago

If Wong is a possible Manchurian candidate, then what does that make Biden. Most of his policies have weakened the US. Our true economy is doing much worse than under President Trump. Our border is in chaos with tens of thousands of illegal Chinese coming into this country. Many of these Chinese are young men who can act as first rate soldiers.
The question is soldiers for whom — America or China? It appears that Biden is a better leader for China than the United States of America.

Laurie Nelson
Laurie Nelson
7 months ago

We need to take a STAND NOW for ALMIGHTY GOD , who gave us our REPUBLIC and he will Give it back ONLY if we stand before him and call on his name ! To destroy the strongholds that bind us and cast them into the sea of FIRE!!

7 months ago

What happened to the rule/law where only citizens can vote and to be a citizen you had to learn to read and write English???

7 months ago

Once again we have Jojo bending over and spreading those cheeks for anybody that’s not an American to penetrate. Just furthering sore -ass and O’bummers leftist liberal anti-American agenda.. you might as well say we should lay down and let them roll over us. But most of the left would agree with that and clap their hands and sing kume what yah. Be afraid, be very afraid and never ask oh what can they do next because they’re going to show you and it’s not going to be pretty and we are not going to like it. They did away with most psychiatric facilities in the’70s and ’80s I guess that was their attempt to keep from going there babe because they are crazy as hell and most of them are craziness they need to be institutionalized and medicated. And JoJo looks like he’s already been medicated. It’s a sad State of Affairs in our country when we just give it away too many people have died protecting this country for them to do what they do

7 months ago

Gov. Newscum must have played a part in this illegal act. Non citizens should not be in any governmental position, state or federal. This is absurd as is her making a speech in any language other than English, which should have been made our national and only recognized language many years ago. With the millions China gave Joe and Hunter Biden, America will be fortunate if we are not all speaking Chinese and taking orders from them. Joe and Hunter both should be tried as traitors!

Pat R
Pat R
7 months ago

California (gov’t anyway) needs to fall off the west coast into the Pacific.
The disgusting part is her giving her “acceptance speech” in Chinese and not being called out for it.. The reporter holding the mike should have at least asked her to speak English.

Keith Ancar
Keith Ancar
7 months ago

Y’all need to fix this platform and actually allow articles to be shared. If you want people to join let them read ypur articles to make up their minds. Giving a link to download the app isn’t informing people of the issues!

David Millikan
David Millikan
7 months ago

This Illegal Alien Terrorist will be in charge of elections, mail-in ballots, counting votes, voting, making election policy rules but cannot legally vote.
It is Illegal and Unconstitutional to put this Communist Chinese Terrorist into an American State Government position or any other American government position of office.
There WILL BE INSTANT VOTER FRAUD. NOT a Single vote will be legitimate under the law and U.S. Constitution.
By doing this intentional act of espionage and treason those who put this Illegal Alien Terrorist into a government position must be prosecuted for such acts.
This is NOT Communist China.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

San Vichy Francisco more like it… Pretty soon the CCP will be running this country thanks to the Marxist sympathizers running it already.

Lover of God and America!
Lover of God and America!
7 months ago


7 months ago

Newsom, Pelosi, and so many more of the radical left represent California. I know there are a lot of good people with a brain in beautiful California. This however just shows there are a majority of democrat/communists that rule the state. What happens in California should stay in California. Unfortunately the “cancer” continues to spread to the rest of America.

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
7 months ago

If we have no borders then we have no use for a federal government! Each state shall now be sovereign unto itself with Texas leading the way.

7 months ago

Soon passports will not be necessary. Anyone will be able to go anywhere whenever they please.

Carol Green
Carol Green
7 months ago

This is so WRONG – and, in my mind, against American/US laws!

Carol Green
Carol Green
7 months ago

This is so WRONG.

Gallagher 's
Gallagher 's
7 months ago

These are the values we represent.and AMAC Won’t stand for what Stepman is saying? Maybe we shouldn’t Renew.

David Millikan
David Millikan
7 months ago

Don’t forget the 94 Executive Orders that Dictator Beijing biden signed from his first day to Open and Destroy our Borders for his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion (We have been and being INVADED since) for them to get in but also to change Demographics.

7 months ago

This is just plain STUPID! Not only stupid but illegal. Oh wait, it’s San Francisco they don’t have any laws there. They’re their own country. Too bad used to be a nice city. Now it needs to sink and see if those folks know how to swim. No federal dollars going their way. No tourists. No companies. Yup my crystal ball helps me see it clearly. Going going gone.

7 months ago

Biden should not only be impeached, but go to jail for what he has done to this country. It’s not that he has all this money, it’s how he got it. He sold this country out big time and no more gave a damn as to what it did to its people. His example of lawlessness has spread like a disease, now everyone knows, if you do the crime, there is no time. He should have been removed from office the moment they knew what he was up to, but they were too afraid of the ding dong next in line. The whole Biden family is corrupt. Joe should be impeached and banned from holding any kind of office again.

7 months ago

Wake up American citizen’s. This is no laughing matter. We are at war in our own country. Just saw where there is another ballon floating around our country again. Going to watch it float around again. It needs to be shot down immediately with no questions asked.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
7 months ago

sounds illegal.

oh well california is a total phuced up place. 35% retail space vacancy and growing fast. California is shutting down.

John Beach
John Beach
7 months ago

These liberal idiots talk about ruining “our democracy,” yet, they do some thing like this that negates the concept of logical, informed representation of the law-abiding citizens of the area. It is absurd!

7 months ago

Projecting much?

7 months ago

I’ve maintained we’re in a cold “civil war” for these post WW2 years, it’s warmed much sine Willie Jeff the Rapist.

7 months ago

After a lot of thought, if communism is necessary to provide law and order, I’m for it.

7 months ago

California leads the way to the destruction of the America I knew while growing up. Why do we let California continue to lead us into anything? I’ll grant you, back in the 60s and 70s they were the forefront of new ideals. Now they are the forefront of weirdos, lost gender identities, and manipulators. Just look at the old California hippies that conned their way into a congressional seat years ago, They stay forever and continue to abuse, rape, and ignore our society needs and wants until they finally either wither away or die rich. I can’t understand why but unfortunately, California citizens let this happen. The really scary thing is that California is sharing their crazy people. Here in Texas Californians have flocked by the thousands to Austin, Houston, and Dallas areas, slowly changing the dynamics of those cities. I’ve got friends living in Colorado that claim that state is a lost cause because of Californians moving in and taking over the local bureaucracy. I suspect there’s lots of people living California that are not progressive and try to live by the golden rule but folks y’all are being quickly pushed out and overlooked. I’m afraid you’ve already been taken over….

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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