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Revulsion Derby: Media Coverage of Trump Attack

Posted on Sunday, July 14, 2024
by Shane Harris

Following the shocking assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump on Saturday, the biggest story aside from the incident itself has been the corporate media’s appallingly unprofessional reaction to it – ranging from downplaying the attack that left one innocent bystander dead and two more seriously injured to outright blaming Trump for the attack.

In the hectic moments after the shooting, liberal outlets did everything they could to distract from the gravity of the situation, incredibly still criticizing Trump as he was bleeding from the head and had come just fractions of an inch from certain death. Although many of the most nauseating headlines have since been altered or deleted entirely, screenshots captured and posted online confirm the media’s callousness and blinding hatred toward the former president.

NBC News in its initial report described the shooting as merely an “incident,” writing that Trump “could be seen clutching his ear after popping noises were heard.” The Washington Post reported, “Trump taken away after loud noises at rally.” The Associated Press ran with the narrative that Trump was “escorted off the stage” after “loud noises” rang out in the crowd, while The Hill preferred the slightly more specific “loud bangs.”

Local papers, notorious for their blatant political bias, also got in on the competition to muddy the waters. The Indianapolis Star reported that Trump was “removed from the stage” after “loud noises startle[d] former president, crowd.” The Detroit Free Press wrote only that Trump was “bloodied at Pennsylvania rally.”

But perhaps the most despicable performance came from CNN, which, in a move rivaled only by the network’s “fiery but mostly peaceful” debacle in 2020, chose this headline: “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally.”

Not to be outdone by the network’s digital reporting division, CNN reporter Jamie Gangel openly criticized Trump on air just minutes after he had been shot for pumping a fist in the air and appearing to say, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” to the crowd. “That’s not the message that we want to being sending right now. We want to tamp it down,” Gangel said – never mind the fact that CNN has spent years explicitly comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler.

As more details began to emerge, other networks also avoided any self-reflection and continued to lecture Trump and other Republicans about “turning down the temperature.”

On CBS, Margaret Brennan outrageously claimed that the “biggest threat” following the attack was from “retaliatory violence” by right-wingers – right before resorting to tired left-wing talking points about January 6. Brennan later lectured House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, who was shot by a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter in 2017, about instructing Republicans to “rein in some of the rhetoric,” and then went after Trump himself for supposedly not doing enough – after he had just been shot – to “lower the temperature.”

In a new twist on the old liberal habit of “Blame America First,” both Politico and Axios — sites providing  DC journalists their daily talking points – ran headlines – “Can America  turn the Temperature Down”  and  “America Plays With Fire” – that insinuated that the country and the American people were somehow at fault. Along with calling for “a national lowering of the rhetorical temperature,” and blasting supposedly “incendiary remarks” from Republican lawmakers, Politico lamented “rising violence that has become America’s political reality.” Axios, meanwhile, also admonished Republicans for demanding answers on security failures and declared “America plays with fire,” apparently washing its hands of any responsibility.

ABC’s Martha Raddatz – infamous for her near-hysterical election-night meltdown while covering Trump’s 2016 victory – appeared to implicitly blame Trump by referencing the now thoroughly debunked “bloodbath” hoax as a possible cause of the shooting, while also urging viewers to “remember January 6.”

Prominent Trump critic David Frum went a step further in a piece for The Atlantic, writing, “The bloodshed that Trump has done so much to incite against others has touched him as well… Trump remains himself a promoter of such violence, a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of everything decent and patriotic in American life.”

Even after more details emerged, confirming that a gunman had indeed tried to assassinate the former president and killed one bystander in the process, a firefighter who heroically used his body to shield his family from the bullets, most media outlets conspicuously continued to avoid the “a” word, lest they illicit some sympathy for Trump. For its Sunday morning print edition, The New York Times cropped out the American flag in the now famous photo of Trump with a defiant fist in the air, running with the headline “Trump Hurt, But Safe, After a Shooting.”

The Denver Post was even more obscure on the front page of its Sunday edition: “Gunman Dies in Attack,” the paper reported.

Perhaps more than any other single event since Trump entered the political scene, the assassination attempt against him has exposed the media’s utter inability to remain objective or even halfway decent in their coverage of him. Along with evincing a stunning lack of awareness about how their own efforts to demonize the former president may have encouraged violence against him, the corporate press has still reflexively insisted on spinning the shooting into a reason to criticize Trump.

As three distinguished professors and astute political observers have written in the wake of the tragedy, the media’s culpability in fomenting the violence is inescapable.

Victor Davis Hanson lamented the left-wing “assassination porn” that has proliferated in the media in recent months. “The left constantly makes Trump an exception,” he wrote. “Now, it is as if the imagined killing of Trump had been mainstreamed and become acceptable in a way inconceivable of other presidents.”

In another opinion piece for The Hill, law professor Jonathan Turley argues that the attempt on Trump’s life “was not nearly as surprising as it should have been.”

“Some of us have been saying for years that this rage rhetoric [against Trump] is a dangerous political pitch for the nation,” Turley continued “While most people reject the hyperbolic claims, others take them as true. They believe that homosexuals are going to be ‘disappeared’ as claimed on ABC’s ‘The View’ or that the Trump ‘death squads’ are now green lighted by a conservative Supreme Court, as claimed by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.”

Turley goes on to detail various other instances where media personalities and celebrities have fantasized on air about killing Trump, all while Democrat politicians applauded in the background – including Joe Biden, who just days ago insisted that it was time to put a “bullseye” on Trump.

“These days, almost every Democratic politician and media surrogate tells the American people regularly that Donald Trump and the Republicans are ‘an existential threat’ or a ‘threat to our democracy,’” David Deavel added on Sunday for AMAC Newsline, pointing to the recent cover of The New Republic depicting Trump as Hitler as a prime example of the media-created climate of hatred around him. “The claim that Donald Trump is a fascist, a Nazi, or a would-be Hitler might seem ridiculous and even funny,” he continues, were it not for the attempt on his life that left another man dead.

In the weeks and months ahead, there will surely be a long-overdue conversation about the media’s unprecedented and ultimately un-American treatment of the former president over the better part of the past decade.

But equally important should be a discussion about the further collapse in public trust in the media moving forward, particularly when it comes to learning more about how a shooter managed to come within a few centimeters of assassinating a presumptive presidential nominee.

After the reaction of corporate media outlets to the shooting itself, it’s fair to ask if the American people have any reason to trust them on any information related to the incident (or anything else for that matter) – including important questions about the ability of Biden’s Department of Justice to conduct an objective and transparent investigation.

At the very least, those few remaining souls who may have still believed in the honesty and the integrity of our media establishment no longer have any excuse for their naivete.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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20 hours ago

Believe the lying communist media at your own peril. These are devil worshiping amoral clowns who never saw anyone they disagree with having a right to be free to speak, or nowadays to even live. With a media like that, who needs one?

20 hours ago

Good read. Unbelievable? No! We’ve been seeing/hearing this false reporting since 2016

20 hours ago

Insighting violence: Yes, let’s take Mr. Biden back to his ‘ bullseye’ comment and rub his nose in it. He’s the best example of a hypocrite, a mascolato ( ?spelling), Italian for two- faced. Typical politician

George Burdell
George Burdell
15 hours ago

Rep Adam Kinzinger is STILL saying that Trump is an existential threat! Where are his constituents demanding that he act like an adult and at least keep the rhetoric in check for more than 24 hours?

David Block
David Block
20 hours ago

So very nice to have AMAC.

James Felter
James Felter
15 hours ago

José Calvo Sotelo’s assassination by leftists in 1936 triggered Spain’s civil war killing hundreds of thousands and leaving Spain an impoverished dictatorship for two generations.
President Trump by the mercy of God dodged a bullet to the head yesterday.
So did the rest of us.
This is how civil wars start.
We are much more fragile than Spain in 1936. Our traditions of government are stronger although badly frayed, but our economy is so heavily industrialized that we will starve it is broken by war here, and we are much more heavily armed here than was Spain in the 30’s.

19 hours ago

Absolutely nothing will change! The media will still lie, FBI and DOJ will never be transparent about the investigation and corporate america will continue Ty demolish our country. Every evil act of destruction can be traced back to the BS the democrats have been shoveling at us. The sad part is, this has been going on for decades. It’s just taken the pit this long to actually boil over. I have learned mir in the past 3-4 years than I have learned in the years leading up to this. Ass far as a United States of America, forget it. We have blue American and Red American.

20 hours ago

I’m amazed people waste their time being entertained by ‘propaganda organs’. Read a good book instead… might learn something.

18 hours ago

After I saw your excellent article on here, I went to the commie traitor version of Amac to see how they informed the millions of their bamboozled members. No worries on slandering of America First DJT, there was not one word. Their big “news” event was Shannon Daugherty dying from cancer. Another day/another obfuscation…and their members remain clueless, and loyal to what has become an evil organization backing the likes of traitors JoeBama as the horror that’s running the country (into the ground) lie their evil faces off while destroying our constitutional republic they despise.

7 hours ago

The Democratic Media has been doing this for years, Trump is the clearest target. Supreme Court and Elon Musk up there too. Remember all of the times he said ‘fake news’ – Trump was right, the Media lies with unified strength, when everyone says it, it must be true. They are softening the assassination issue right now. Watch for a short pause, then the fake news machine starts up again…let us elect Trump, Senate and House. Let economics smash the fake news industry, Mark Thompson will do a number on CNN, let’s hope all others follow. MSNBC should be sent to the gallows – they lie with impunity, and are the biggest source of fake news.

Paul W
Paul W
3 hours ago

This comes as no surprise…at all. The left, of which the “msm” is undeniably a part, aren’t bad or misguided. They’re flat-out evil. Doubt it? They support the unvetted invasion of this sovereign nation at the expense of its legal citizens including the loss of said citizens lives. They support the murder of unborn babies up to and even after birth. They support the horrendous “transgender” mutilation of children. They support criminals over victims, They support denying citizens their constitutionally protected rights. They support pedophilia. They support segregation. They support flagrant, anti-white discriminatory policies and selective hate speech. They support the deep state. And…they support the credo, “The ends justify the means.” A more evil philosophy has never existed! Not misguided…SATANICALLY EVIL.

3 hours ago

Even AMAC said Trump fell. He actually ducked to escape possible additional gun fire.
The Democrats have take a page of the Muslim play book by blaming Trump and everyone else except their own rhetoric.
This is a terrible day when one political party attack the candidate of another party. What are we now a third world country that kills our political opposition.
The democrats have complained out the the suppose violence of the republicans but it seems that they are the ones given to violence. They cannot win legitimately so they have to resort to illegal voting practices and assassinating the opposition. This bears witness to their fear that they cannot win legitimately. The will try to win by any means subversion of the voting process and even importing illegal aliens and allowing them to vote. Only citizens with proof of citizenship should be allowed to vote.
The Democrats attempts to subvert the elections highlights their inability not being able to win an election legitimately.
We ought to vote for some one who actually cares about winning an election legitimately and cares for the future of American and Americas people. Vote Trump!!!!

4 hours ago

Heads need to roll within the democrat party and weaponized government services like the FBI and SS (trust us, we’ll investigate ourselves honestly and dispassionately.) It’s nauseating that the coming investigations may go nowhere and no one one will be held accountable for this purposefully crafted assassination attempt from which Trump emerged miraculously and triumphantly.FJB, America and Americans first!

Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
3 hours ago

SOBidrn’s inflammatory demand on 8 July to put President Trump “…in the bullseye…” would have been regarded as a death threat had President Trump made the comment about ANYONE! My comments about SOBiden, his puppetmaster SOBama, and all Damnocraps are unprintable in polite society.

Brenda G
Brenda G
13 hours ago

Most of these reactions don’t surprise me. Although it shouldn’t, most are true to form – No honest emotions, no concern for another person, but plain old vitriol, hatred, and dishonesty.Calls out from those who can still feel normal human emotions and concern?I wish this for our world, country, and our citizens.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
3 hours ago

ABC, NBC, PBS, NPR, CBS, CNN et al and their parent companies need to have their broadcast licenses revoked immediately. They are the primary source of the spread of hatred and bigotry in this country.

3 hours ago

I trust no one in the govt right now. Supposedly Biden is going to tamp it down and Trump had already decided to tamp it down based on his speech revision made before his attempted assassination. But the main stream media will continue and they are totally responsible for the division in this country.

David Hardy
David Hardy
4 hours ago

Not only do they think we are stupid, they think we are blind!

Mokihana Maui Love
Mokihana Maui Love
3 hours ago

Anything that the fake news media reports, should be dismissed.They are nothing but toxic. Pray for our country while we still have one. Please continue to pray for President Trump and his family. God bless the U S.A!

Franklin Werkheiser
Franklin Werkheiser
3 hours ago

What is pissing me off is the Censoring of the Media by shutting down their comment apps on every article pertaining to the Assassination attempt. I’m sure it’s because they do not want to hear the truth that they INCITED THIS. Had this been Biden I’m sure that all their comment apps would have been Up and Running on Every news article printed. As far as I’m concerned, the democrats had Absolutely no chance of winning squat in the November election and this incident sealed the election for Trump and all Republicans. Anything other than a Republican sweep will definitely be an election rig that can never be JUSTIFIED. As for Romney, Cheney and all the Rhino republicans continuing to publicly support Obama’s Puppet Biden and their band of Communist-Socialist democrats, and their agendas will solidify their place in republican history as COMPLETE TRAITORS that should finally trigger a revolt to REMOVE ALL FROM THE PARTY. As far as I’m concerned, the Anti-Trump democrats and Rhinos are responsible for this Assassination Attempt.

Judith Gregory
Judith Gregory
3 hours ago

We can always expect mainstream, leftist media to depict patriots as anything but, and minimize the real/true news! We all know how they are, so we shouldn’t get our “panties in a knot”. Just keep seeking and speaking the truth and praying, that’s all we can do so as not to stoop to the left’s level, agenda and low thinking, or the way they depict things. They are ‘common’ low-life’s who think more highly of themselves than others. It’s just like the Bible says,
Isaiah 5:
20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
21  Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!
22  Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine, and valiant men in mixing strong drink,
23  who acquit the guilty for a bribe, and deprive the innocent of his right!
24  Therefore, as the tongue of fire devours the stubble, and as dry grass sinks down in the flame, so their root will be as rottenness, and their blossom go up like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts, and have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.” or, in other words,
and from the NLT:
20 What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.
21 What sorrow for those who are wise in their own eyes and think themselves so clever.
22 What sorrow for those who are heroes at drinking wine and boast about all the alcohol they can hold.
23 They take bribes to let the wicked go free, and they punish the innocent.
24 Therefore, just as fire licks up stubble and dry grass shrivels in the flame, so their roots will rot and their flowers wither. For they have rejected the law of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies; they have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
Ya just can’t put things more clearly than God says in His holy word! Again, I reiterate, we must remain calm, lucid, unwavering, true and leave the consequences to God!

3 hours ago

The FBI is leading the investigation into the assassination attempt , now the secret service has announced they will investigate , the question is can we believe anything that either of these agencies report ????

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 hours ago

We already know this: with a few exceptions, we don’t have a media; we have liberal activists who carry a message for the DNC. Are we supposed to be surprised by this? Look at the reaction of the attendees flipping the bird at the media. They knew who ferments the real hate.

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
3 hours ago

Anyone that does not see this assassination attempt as a CIA/FBI/DOJ planned operation is nuts. This mentally ill anti republican anti trump nut job did not think this up on his own. They had to kill him so he would not talk.
This assassination attempt was the first of the democrats / Deep state last ditch effort to keep from losing their power.
they know that if trump is elected and the house and senate go to republicans there are a lot of dmeocrats and deep state people going to prison for life. Garland, Majorkas, and obama being on the list. 

Sheryl P
Sheryl P
3 hours ago

The evil Lefty Commies (to include politicians—both parties, main stream media news presenters, actors and comedians) have been spewing hate speech from the beginning of his political career… and it has been a steady diet (in all main stream media) for at least 10 years—this coupled with the legal or illegal drugs and/or mental illness equals TRAGEDY. 
I have been praying for God’s protection (life, spirit, limb and mind) over President Trump and his family. 

Molly T
Molly T
3 hours ago

I propose we stop watching those channels completely! If all supporters stopped watching those channels, the advertisers would dry up!

3 hours ago

Subversive ideology!!! Americans, especially the left leaning voters, need to wake up and recognize the influence from Russia and China to tear this Country down from within. Liberal politicians are feeding this ideology in full form along with the mainstream media with their agenda. There won’t be any way of stopping this train wreck if the Democrats continue with their corrupt and vile agenda.

7 hours ago

Darn liberals clinging to their guns. We should have known they were secretly all armed to the teeth lol

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 hours ago

Dems seeded the shooting since 2017 by media talk

3 hours ago

These media outlets are part of the estimated 2 million elites who are trying to separate the classes: elite and plain people. We (plain people) are afraid but there are more of us and we can vote (at least one more time.)

3 hours ago

When the event was filmed live and it took them how long to actually admit Trump had been shot in an assassination attempt? Just this morning they claimed the shooter was a registered republican, Like I am supposed to believe republicans are lining up to take shots at Trump? In the next sentence they said that the shooter had donated to a democratic campaign. They can’t even keep their lies straight. “News” my behind.

3 hours ago

The media and the Democrat the media and the Democrat Party are solely responsible for this assassination attempt. This was a total Inside Job. Now that the documents case has been dismissed the liberal Marxist House of Cards is collapsing. I fully expect another assassination attempt Donald Trump will be the next president if he’s still alive

3 hours ago

While those in political office and the media on the left call for violence and pushback on Republican officials, the viewing of conservatives as not human is at the local level as week. Go to your local farmers markets and see how conservatives are treated. There is always at least one leftist person who feels their language and rhetoric directed at fellow residents is acceptable. Should the left with again, these are the people who will allow arrests for re-education

Kim McCrum
Kim McCrum
3 hours ago

Just proves the MSM continuing hatred of Trump. Nothing will change until the MSM changes their “reporting” to honest journalism. Their lies and denials and outright hateful comments are the problem. Don’t see that happening any time soon.,

2 hours ago

Just unbelievable. If you watch how they allowed the shooter to climb up on a building that should have been locked down way before the event, to set up his weapon, to shoot and THEN they shoot him? The SS snipers had him in the cross hairs minutes before the shooting and could not get the go ahead to fire? Hummmmm. Why would that have happened also? This was an inside job from the get go, not a terrible performance of the ss. The powers that be were calling and directing the shots apparently. This ended one man’s life, put two others in the hospital and they really don’t care. Their target didn’t get hit and that is all they are concerned about. Biden’s “bullseye” comment says it all. They tried to take our their threat permanently and it didn’t work. Open your eyes America. If you can’t see this was a preplanned attack, you aren’t listening and looking for yourself.

Joanne4 justice
Joanne4 justice
3 hours ago

This situation is normal for complicit media sources. Unfortunately more OPINIONS than FACTS are published I do not enjoy reading the new@@!


2 hours ago

The media has blood on their hands. It was obvious from the tapes that the Secret Service agents were nowhere near Trump when he was shot. People on the bleachers behind him could have gotten to him sooner than the SS did! AND, there were people before the rally trying to tell the police and other guards about the man/shooter on the roof with a rifle. They were ignored. SO: this was all obviously a set-up with the purpose to kill Trump. They’ve been trying for a long time- the fake charges and all the trials were nothing but an attempt to put him in prison. What have WE allowed our nation to become? It’s time for us to step up and take our country back. Starting with voting for the RIGHT candidates in And to also fight this war on our knees. Only Almighty God can get us out the mess we’re in now. My prayers continue for President Trump and his family. He IS under God’s protection, and I declare that “no weapon formed against him will succeed!” (isaiah 54:17)

James DeBona
James DeBona
1 minute ago

Typical and expected, of Biden talking out of both sides of his face!
It’s time to “put a bullseye on Trump”
Now he calls for us to tone down the rhetoric??!
The 30% in this country that listen to this guy need to pull their heads out and WAKE UP!

Dave O'Neil
Dave O'Neil
13 minutes ago

The LEFT MEDIA should and will be blamed for this countries next Civil War. They are NOT following their leader who did ask for a tone down on the rhetoric, I hope I live long enough to see ALL news papers no longer printing news papers and they are OUT OF BUSINESS. Thank GOD for AMAC.

Kay Hillery
Kay Hillery
19 minutes ago

When you have a media that has gas lighted the American people for the past 3 years you can expect little when it comes to respect. I was watching the rally at the moment this incident happened and I can only thank GOD for protecting President Trump. The sad and most reliving hate from the media is when the spectator was killed and they have no respect for him or his family.
We are destroying our country within so don’t worry about China or Russia. The extremist democrat party is doing it all alone.

23 minutes ago

How ironic! During the administration of one of the most racist Presidents we have ever had [Thomas Woodrow Wilson] a DEMOCRAT, we chose as one of our national symbols, the fasces. Prominently displayed on the reverse of the Winged Liberty Head dime [commonly known as the “Mercury” Dime]. This fascist symbol reigned on our coinage from 1916 through 1945. Who are the “real” fascists?

34 minutes ago

Great article. Their brainwashing to concentrate on one man has had the result they were looking for. Someone to kill him. Indicting him didn’t get them anywhere because we all saw the sham trial held by sham judges and sham DA’s with sham evidence. Everyone was paid big bucks to perpetrate this on Trump. Today a judge, who could not be bought, threw out the confidential documents case. Of course Obiden will appeal but will he have much luck? After what happened Saturday? The picture of Trump bloodied and fist raised showed a statesman who cared more for America than for his wound. Obiden called for a bullseye on Trump just last Friday and he is calling for lowering the rhetoric and vitriol? Let us start with you Joe. And you should have said so. The MSM are trying to put the blame where they have put the blame always, by Trump. Sorry to disappoint you Joe but we saw with our own eyes how you almost killed a president of America. In my lifetime I have seen Kennedy assassinated, MLK, RFK, Reagan being shot, Ford almost shot, and 2 attempts on Trump. Turn down your rhetoric Joe. It starts with you. And the investigation has to be open and progress told to the people daily. Not 60 years from now and no Jan 6 investigation behind closed doors or withhold any videos or taped testimony. All open and above board. For we don’t trust you nor the DOJ or the FBI.

Matteo Silvaggio
Matteo Silvaggio
38 minutes ago

Exactly what you would expect from the joke “mainstream media”. The failure of the SS to secure the perimeter is inexcusable. God help this country if things don’t change in November.

mike dallas
mike dallas
44 minutes ago

The Dems and fake news are the real threats to Democracy! Look at EVERYTHING they have done to take him out from being able to run. This was so surprise. It is why my wife and I pray daily for his safety and God’s protection for him and his family and our country.

Donald King
Donald King
45 minutes ago

The lonely fragments of the public’s trust in the mainstream have, as a result of their coverage of the assassination attempt, now been totally removed. And, for any mainstream media personnel who might want change locations and do some foreign reporting, I might suggest Rossiskaya Gazeta, Russia 24, RT, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, or Global Times as prospective employers. Our mainstream media formatting and content objectives are very closely aligned with what they require for employment.

48 minutes ago

To get MORE unbiased news, Americans need to ask Puten to bring back Pravda. (The old Communist newspaper). No vulgaritys, no threats, etc. Lets see how long it takes the American censors to censor this reply. CHRIS

48 minutes ago

Outstanding expose’. These main stream democrat mouthpieces have gone on for too long

Neil Gipson
Neil Gipson
1 hour ago

The malevolent satanic maligners “MSM” are all as guilty as buyden$ over this assassination! They can’t kill President Trump, but they killed their democracy on Saturday July 13, 2024!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 hour ago

Nine years on nonstop hate speech from the America LAST crowd yielded its poisonous fruit in PA! I heard that The Daily Show and Morning Joke both cancelled shows–guess they figured their hate-filled lies might FINALLY be called out! I wouldn’t waste even one minutes with the dogs on The View; wonder how happy (or sad) they were this morning? Of course, Bennie (J6) Thompson’s aide hoped the shooter had better aim. Typical DIMM!

2 hours ago

As with any indoctrination or as some have called it “radicalization”, the reality is at some point, the radicalized WILL act to attack what they’ve been radicalized to hate. The radical academia, the radical social media, the radical mainstream media, the radical actors, actresses and politicians have BRED this DEEP (NAZI) STATE of Leftists and engineered this near assassination. THEY are to blame, no others. (This rhetoric confirms it!!!)

President Joe Biden and NATO leaders pose for a family photo, Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at the NATO Summit at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)
Former President Donald Trump (L); U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon (C); Special counsel Jack Smith.
Former President Trump escorted off the stage of this campaign rally in Butler, PA after an assassination attempt
Gold compass looking the north. Beautiful compass looking the north in the highlands of Scotland

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