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Republicans Are the Cool Kids Now

Posted on Friday, December 6, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

In the wake of Donald Trump’s decisive electoral victory and his overwhelming political mandate from voters on Election Day, something profoundly strange is happening in American culture.

For the first time in recent history, Republicans have emerged as the “cool kids” on the American political scene—signaling not only a significant political realignment but also the beginnings of a cultural transformation that could shift the trajectory of American life in favor of conservatives for generations.

Virtually from the moment Trump was declared the winner of the presidential election last month, countless athletes have flooded the airwaves with the signature “Trump dance.” Celebrities and social media influencers, many of whom once went out of their way to avoid signaling affinity with the president-elect, have embraced him.

Throughout the nation, a new wave of Trump-era patriotism has taken hold—an early indicator that the progressive advance of cultural wokeism is at long last coming to a halt.

Among the most notable instances of this trend is the surge of the “Trump dance,” with NFL stars Brock Bowers, Calvin Ridley, Nick Bosa, and Za’Darius Smith all mimicking the signature shimmy that Trump was apt to break out at his rallies. The dance has since even been sanctioned by the NFL itself. Golfers, UFC champions, American soccer player Christian Pulisic, and even members of the English team Barnsley F.C. have all also gotten in on the fun, signaling their support for Trump.

In the aftermath of Election Day, revered actor and filmmaker Sylvester Stallone also hailed Trump as the “second George Washington” and a “mythical character” at a Mar-a-Lago event. In an even more surprising development, actress Rachel Zegler then publicly apologized for criticizing Trump and his supporters—an unprecedented move for the anti-Trump celebrity class.

Throughout the course of Trump’s 2024 campaign, high-profile names like Joe Rogan, Dana White, Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock, and Dr. Phil McGraw also threw their support behind Trump, with some even flanking him at rallies and other political events. Moreover, Trump’s innovative strategy of appearances on podcasts like “The Joe Rogan Experience” and “This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von” has been widely credited with helping cement his win, reinforcing his ability to reach new, younger audiences who had not been previously engaged in politics.

In another welcome development, as Newsweek recently reported, Trump’s victory seems to be “making patriotism cool again.” Trump’s gains with racial minorities, in particular, appear to be driving this sentiment, according to the outlet. “More people are on board, and you look silly if you aren’t patriotic about your country,” Black conservative influencer Amir Odom told Newsweek. “The same people touting a Ukraine flag in their bio won’t tout an American flag? Now they look like the crazy ones.”

Of course, none of these developments occurred in a vacuum. Through his victory, Trump has shattered every preexisting partisan political paradigm, upended decades’ worth of demographic trends favoring the Democrat Party and breathed new life into a political system desperate for healthy change.

In addition to winning a 312 electoral vote landslide and the popular vote, according to election exit polls, Trump made historic inroads with racial minorities, improved his standing with young, black, and Hispanic voters by notable margins, and won a stunning 64 percent of the American Indian vote. Trump also won Catholics by a 15 percent margin, evangelicals by a 25 percent margin, and gained significantly among Jewish voters.

Meanwhile, Trump became the first Republican to win Miami-Dade County in Florida and Bucks County in Pennsylvania since George H.W. Bush in 1988. He flipped African American-heavy counties in states like Georgia. He improved his percentage of the vote in virtually every state compared to 2020. Consequently, Kamala Harris became the first candidate since Herbert Hoover in 1932, who failed to flip a single county.

Notably, this seismic shift towards Trump comes despite years of left-wing efforts to ostracize his supporters, cast his movement as an existential threat to American democracy, and impeach, indict, convict, and even almost assassinate him. But in the end, the progressive movement’s charade of scare tactics did not scare voters away from Trump—it sent them sprinting to his side.

In other words, the silent Trump voter is no longer silent.

Ultimately, the left’s exhaustive efforts to exile Trump into political oblivion have backfired in spectacular fashion—not only delivering Trump a historic second term and allowing him to upend the American electoral system but also sending the Democrat Party to the brink of political irrelevance.

Throughout the course of the 2024 presidential campaign, one of Joe Biden’s signature lines was, “This is not your father’s Republican Party.” In the end, Biden was right—but not for the reasons he thought. To his party’s chagrin, MAGA is cool now—and Democrats can’t do a thing about it.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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Patriot Will
Patriot Will
3 months ago

President Trump is a bull of a man with the endurance of a lion. The left has unfairly gone after him for almost a decade, However, President Trump has the mental courage to keep on fighting for the USA and its citizens. Biden is a corrupt coward who regularly proclaims his love for the US, yet has opened our borders to chaos and misery. Biden has so compromised America’s future that many Americans suspect that he has seriously weakened our economy and security to line the pockets of himself and his family members. President Trump is a giant among world leaders, while Biden is a demented fool.

3 months ago

No not the republicans, but MAGA Patriots!

Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
3 months ago

A wonderful article. Now, the left wingers are going to smear Trumps cabinet positions. The Dems. Are not going to learn there lesson. So weather you like him or not, let’s support Trump, and take our country back.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Republican obstruction to cabinet picks are at THEIR peril. Get on the bus or get left behind.

3 months ago

I hope the author is correct about the country being more conservative for generations. What a boon that would be!

3 months ago

They will keep on bullying though. To have Trump fail to get his policies through the congress. They are going to obstruct his cabinet picks to the max. Destroying good people and leave the country to be seen as in turmoil to the rest of the world. Their hatred for Trump and the need for total power overshadows everything on the dems side. We can dance till a dem state decides to ban it. They ban and obstruct everything Trump does. We the people have to be ever vigilant. Speak up organize to call them out when they are getting to be ridiculous. The first one we have already is their opposition to deportation of criminals who are roaming the country illegally and destroying the fabric of our country by killing raping and intimidation of our citizens. And we the taxpayer are paying for all of this by supporting these invaders. Be aware, speak up when you see the left bullying from the governors office on down. Illinois, California, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Colorado citizens and anywhere else. They are not going quiet into that dark night like the reps did in 2020.

3 months ago

Trump loves America he is not afraid and has the guts to stand up and fight for us and a lot of our people see that. I think he is our modern day King Jeroboam 2nd of ancient Israel 2 Kings 14. God is using Trump to save the USA a little longer.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
3 months ago

By the way, let’s stop saying Biden’s presidency was a failure. It was not. He accomplished everything he came into office to do! Unfortunately, his accomplishments nearly ruined the country. All that he did was done on purpose and America has suffered for it!

3 months ago

Some Democrats have now doubled down on stupid, however. California’s Governor Newsom has declared that he will “Trump Proof” California. A number of Democrat governors and mayors have stated they will not cooperate with ICE even to help the nation repatriate convicted criminals to their native bastion of third-worldness. Many Democrat voters have woken up to this foolishness, so one has to wonder how these Democrat mayors and governors will be dealt with in future elections.

Vilas Gamble
Vilas Gamble
3 months ago

Though President Trump’s victory was huge, his coattails were not big enough this election to bring in more Republicans into the House of Representatives. That means that the first two years of his term must accomplish a lot to show voters that his word is his bond and thus increase their majority to accomplish even more over the President’s final two years. Also, the majority in the Senate needs to be increased so that the new President, J.D. Vance will have a working majority when he takes office. Let’s keep MAGA going!

3 months ago

Nice to positive feed to show other Countries how to win back your pride and freedom!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

Never was, nor wanted to be, “cool.” I just wanted to do the right thing and support MY country and family. “Coolness” can wear off. Hope these “converts” stay the course even after Trump leaves office!

Pat R
Pat R
3 months ago

I hope and pray what Aaron Flanigan writes here is true. BUT, it is not time to ‘rest on your laurels’ as the phrase goes. We must persevere to make this stronger and lasting. The Dems/leftists/elites will look for any weakness to assault individual freedom and our Constitution again to grab and run with what they refuse to acknowledge they lost.
Remain aware, diligent, and steadfast patriots. We can do this if we push forward together.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
3 months ago

Trump exhibits a faculty so rare these days, bravery. Reminiscent of our founding fathers who laid everything on the line to create the most magnificent example of a free country on the planet. Beyond the dishonest felony charges and endless stream of lies, and even getting shot in the head, Trump continues. Already, before even taking office, the positives have begun. If we can get around the WWIII situation created by Biden (or whoever actually runs the demonicrat establishment, life will be cool indeed!

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

MAGA is cool because it is the people’s sentiment that Pres. Trump brought back to life…..coined in one word, PATRIOTISM.

3 months ago

The elite and privileged democrat games are over, done, stale and stupid. I left that party during the corrupt Hillary Clinton days. It must reform or implode. Looks like implode is their future.

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
3 months ago

And Biden is reinforcing President Trump’s win by continuing to do stupid, dangerous, and illegal things, showing the people of the U.S.A. that Trump is the best decision they could have made. “I’m Proud to be an American…….”

3 months ago

I don’t know about “Cool Kids” but we are the ones who know piss from rain. The democrats have been blowing smoke for the last 20 years.

3 months ago

Great and truthful article.
Unfortunately, there are many ignorantly arrogant TDS Left-wing, Socialist/Communist, America-hating ‘Democraps’ that continue to double down on their FAILED IDEOLOGY and AMERICA-DESTROYING POLICIES with their criminal sanctuary cities and threats to defy deportation everything else Trump has promised to do.
If this EVIL stands in the way, drag them off in cuffs and throw their pathetic asses in jail. Or depot them with the rest of the scum.

3 months ago

Obama wanted to see himself as “transformational”, but, was simply pretentious in his superior, self-laudatory manner. On the other hand, President Trump IS, very much, the “transformational” President, as his positive actions demonstrate how much he cares about us, our national defense, our job security, and our standard of living. There are many reasons for Obama “seeming” to look upstaged by President Trump.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

Maybe if they all read Kama Sutra instead of Das Capital they would be much happier and smiling instead of frothing at the mouth fists flailing

3 months ago

“shift…in favor of the republicans for generations”….oh my. Republicans barely won the two houses. The National Review reports that this totally inept and embarrassing candidate (my words) “won more votes than Obama and Hillary and 10 million more votes than Trump in 2016. If a combined total of 241,000 votes in PA, MI, and WI had gone the other way, then she would have been president.” There were about 70 million devout pro-communist platform voters out there that gleefully voted for a pro-communist candidate. And our educational system is producing millions more of them every year. It took a very energetic and dynamic Pres. Trump to pull this one off. It may take another “Trump” on steroids to do it again in 2028. I wish the author was right but I think I will save this article and review it again in four years.

3 months ago

Did you catch Rep Raskin on tv… He thinks certain politicians should get blanket pardons from Biden that haven’t even been convicted of a crime. WOW !!!!! BRILLANT !!!!!!!!!

Dave Saucier
Dave Saucier
3 months ago

Those of with long memories must vividly remember the way candidate Barry Goldwater was attacked in 1964. Democrat leftists, academics, newspaper editorialists, elected members of Congress, etc., all chipped in to label him a warmonger, a racist, a fascist, a nuclear Strangelove, etc. Had he been a stronger candidate he’d have been smeared in a fashion not unlike Trump ’16, ’20, and ’24.

3 months ago

The rise of patriotism reminds me of the feelings Americans had during the Reagan administration.

3 months ago

Love the bottom line: “The silent Trump voter is no longer silent!”

3 months ago

Two things . . . one, I hope the Republicans don’t squander their victory by bickering among themselves for the next four years. And two, the Republicans need to be prepared for and counter some of the most vicious attacks from the democrats and their friends in the media.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Back to One Party Rule MAGA style OK

3 months ago

Republicans have always been cool.
Democrats in my lifetime have almost always been lying, cheating, criminals. Not all, but most of them in higher offices.
We just got tired of all the lying, cheating criminals selling our country out to the Chinese and trying to get rid of the Constitution which showed just how anti-American they really are.
Just watch and see how much they start harassing President Trump and all his choices for heads of departments. They lost the election but they are not going make it easy for a smooth transition for President Trump. And that is the character of die hard democrats.
I so hope that the more reasonable democrats will realize that life will be so much easier for everyone under Trump and help us get our country back to normal.

3 months ago

Victory is sweet no doubt about it
But let’s not deceive ourselves the cancer is still alive and well. If really want to defeat it we must remain vigilant and expect to be attacked over!!!again and never let them know your coming

3 months ago

Thank you for this article!! It makes my heart sing after so long being ridiculed for supporting what is right and Trump

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
3 months ago

Trump made pretty extravagant promises during his campaign. All on the record. Now the motto is “Promises made, promises kept!” I hope he really can do that

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
3 months ago

It’s fine to pat ourselves on the back … but it really means nothing. The left still despises Donald Trump, and Maga followers. They would gladly …. no gleefully incarcerate, imprison each and every one of us, if they had the chance, and they still think we are satan incarnate. Until the left gets a brain, or we lose ours … there will be a divide … that can maybe never be repaired. In the past divides like we see were repaired with a national tragedy … 9/11 … or war … but now both sides would likely resort merely to the blame game … blame the other side for our woes … and continue the hate. I wish that being the cool kids, would fix the fracture between us.

3 months ago

That’s my bud Dan Bongino right behind Don. That’s my boy!

3 months ago

They always were the cool kids. Democrats are so gullible it’s sad!

3 months ago

I watched parts of the recent opening ceremony for the rebuilt Notre Dame in Paris. On April 15, 2019, a fire destroyed much of this cathedral. What a magnificent icon of cultural heritage! And to think some officials wanted to turn it into an entertainment and shopping center!

Sitting right beside President Macron was President Trump, representing (along with Jill Biden a couple of seats away) the United States. How cool is that?!

3 months ago

I don’t want kids or cool. I want steady conservative leadership and I’m not getting that at all.

3 months ago


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