AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Shirley

According to a new report, children raised by conservative parents are significantly more likely to have a stronger relationship with their parents and are at much lower risk of developing mental health disorders than children raised by liberal parents. While the study does not make the case that political ideology itself leads to better outcomes for children, it does find a strong correlation between conservative political views and successful parenting strategies.
The nonpartisan report, which was released late last month, is a joint project of the Brookings Institution, Gallup, and the Institute for Family Studies. As Jonathan Rothwell, the study’s principal author, notes, prior research on what factors influence adolescent mental health outcomes has “almost completely ignored” parenting styles and the parent-child relationship, which Rothwell argues is the most important influence on whether a child will have mental health challenges.
“Very conservative parents, on average, enjoy the strongest relationships with their adolescent children, and liberals experience the worst,” Rothwell writes. “Conservative parents are 8 percentage points more likely to be in a good relationship with their adolescent child than liberal parents, and the gap is 14 percentage points between very conservative and liberal parents.”
As a result, “Adolescents with very conservative parents are 16 to 17 percentage points more likely to be in good or excellent mental health compared to their peers with very liberal parents.”
Meanwhile, “Only 55 percent of adolescents of liberal parents reported good or excellent mental health compared to 77 percent of those with conservative or very conservative parents.”
The test methodology takes into account both the parent’s opinion of their relationship with their child and the child’s opinion of their relationship with their parents. Notably, “This relationship between conservativism and parenting remains significant even after controlling for an extensive list of parental demographic and socio-economic measures.”
As Rothwell explains, conservative parents are much more likely to employ more effective parenting strategies than liberal parents, including being able to “effectively discipline their children, while also displaying affection and responding to their needs.”
The study also found that conservative parents are more likely to value their own marriage, and that this leads to a better relationship with their children – in particular when they become teenagers. Unsurprisingly, children whose parents have a strong marriage are far less likely to experience mental health issues.
Overall, Rothwell argues, the best mental health results for kids come from an “authoritative” parenting style, defined as “warm, responsive, and rule-bound, disciplined parenting.” Conservative parents are far more likely to adopt this style as opposed to the two negative styles Rothwell outlines: “authoritarian,” which is characterized by being “cold or harsh,” and “permissive,” which lacks proper discipline.
This study is particularly important as the country continues to see an alarming rise in reported youth mental health issues and youth suicide rates continue to soar.
In 2021, the Children’s Hospital Association (CHA), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry declared “a national state of emergency in child and adolescent mental health.” According to the CHA, 42 percent of all high school students have experienced “persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness.” That figure includes a shocking 60 percent of teenage girls. Overall from 2007 to 2021, youth suicide skyrocketed 62 percent.
These problems became even more dire during the COVID-19 pandemic, when many children were shut off from society despite being at little to no risk from the virus. Between 2020 and 2023, 18 times more teenagers died deaths of despair than died from COVID-19.
Critically, as Rothwell notes, “Mental health problems in early adolescence predict mental health problems in adulthood, with wide-ranging implications for individuals, families, communities, and society. One’s capacity for developing and maintaining relationships and participating productively and competently in social affairs” is largely dependent on that individual’s mental state during adolescence.
Despite this, however, the nation’s public health institutions appear to be doing little to either acknowledge the devastating impact of COVID lockdowns or how parenting style influences mental health outcomes. As Rothwell notes, the CDC “almost completely ignores” parent-child relationships and parenting strategies in the agency’s recommendations and studies.
“Instead,” Rothwell writes, “the agency emphasizes diagnosis, access to mental health services, and the avoidance of racial/ethnic discrimination as among the most important issues in youth mental health.” It would seem that, once again, the federal government’s obsession with “equity” policies and identity politics is getting in the way of actually helping the American people and addressing the real crises the country faces.
More than a month after Rothwell released his write-up of the study, neither the CDC nor any other government agency (or, for that matter, any legacy news outlet) has acknowledged the survey’s important findings. Until they do, and until American society begins to treat the root cause of the youth mental health crisis rather than just its symptoms, kids will likely continue to suffer.
Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.
Excellent article Andrew. I’m not surprised there has been no comment from the alphabet soup of government agencies. They are not interested in solving problems only in using them to their advantage to destroy this nation and the traditions we hold dear.
I hope no one had to spend a lot of time or resources figuring out the obvious. Would go one step further to add that if the family is with a ‘Mom’ and a ‘Dad’ who are also people of faith and grounded with that belief in God and practice their faith and beliefs, the conclusions and findings would be even stronger in the assertion that children would be at much lower risk for mental health issues.
Certainly nice to know that Conservatives are ” normal” and liberals may not be??
Honestly. NOT all that surprising!
As if this is a surprise? Of course liberal kids have mental problems when their parents can’t decide what “gender” to refer them to let alone knows what a woman is!
My mom and dad were conservative Democrats (they grew up on small farms during the Great Depression). We grew up on the poor side of town. We went to church and lived by the Golden Rule. Once as a lad I and my friend “raided” our neighbor’s raspberry patch. I got caught and was made to apologize and empty my piggy bank to settle the loss I caused. Such “Leave It to Beaver” episodes shaped me and my brothers into law-abiding conservatives (well, three of us vote Republican out of the four, but the exception is also a good citizen, too), We give and avoid taking from others. We also carry on our parents’ overall good cheer despite life’s travails. This article rings true.
Due to:
Children do better with solidly married parents and boundaries that parents set.
Faith in God may be another factor. Hopelessness and sadness are cured by faith in God. Identity is solved by identity in Christ and a purpose for living.
This is a very well written article on a very important issue Mr. Shirley , it should be appreciated by everyone who sees a responsibility to the youth of this Country . I agree with the example presented that distinguishes between authoritative and authoritarian ways of parenting – the authoritative being associated with conservative views and the authoritarian being associated with something other than conservative beliefs. It has to do with respect – and I believe the idea of genuine guidance as opposed to criticism. Young people need to feel that people older than them ,especially their parents are at least making an attempt to understand what is going on in their lives.And sincerity is something I do believe is often felt – it establishes a mutual respect between the son or daughter and the mother and father.That is something that is a very strong ideal to build on . It can help to make for a strong family where good character will develop or a lack of trust which will lead to negative feelings and a negative outlook on life .Conservative principles are far more trust building, far more geared to building a family that will be loyal to other members of the family, more respectful to each other . Fairness and respect are reciprocal , one can usually expect to receive as much as they show to others. And that is a way to determine if the family is headed on the right course , with a sense of purpose . In the spirit of Faith, Family and Freedom . This is a fine article you wrote Andrew . With respect .
The last 2 paragraphs says it all. The dems will never admit that conservatives are doing things better than them. They are creating a permissive society where everything is allowed, only we human beings are not programmed that way. Kids have to have boundaries. That is why the trans mutilation has grown by leaps and bounds. These children that are so easily brainwashed are looking to belong somewhere and the liberal teachers and beyond are providing it. That is why Hamas got so many supporters. These kids are so easily brainwashed for if they have to think different from the group they feel lost and that is why these demonstration are so prevalent. Liberal parents believed H when she said it takes a village to raise a child. Where did all this defunding the police, eliminating prisons in the name of equity get such a foothold. In the past there used to be a saying it is ten O’clock do you know where your children are? Now the 12-13 year olds are roaming the streets stealing robbing and killing and when they get caught they are let go to do it again. And they will. Till conservatism is in vogue again and tells these kids enough, nothing will change, anarchy is taking a foothold, just what the liberals want. This report will not be aired on Social media, or MSM without being redacted. Pass it on.
This is not surprising at all. I noticed when I was a teacher that lax discipline, at home and school, led to unruly behavior. But it seems, the last 20 years, there is no real discipline in schools, due to liberal policies that don’t work. The same is true of the criminal justice system, based on no bail and light, if any, sentencing. Most conservatives don’t need a study to confirm this, but will liberals ever figure it out? Doubtful.
I am moderate now, grown. Raised in a conservative household. I can safely safe if you asked my parents if I had any mental health issues – they would respond with a resounding “Never! Not my child” while I was actively waking up everyday trying not to end it all with pills. If you asked me for a questionnaire if my parents were kind to me – I would have given the easy answer to not drawn any attention to how badly I was doing. After all, my parents were rough, and strict and I was young and scared. Opposing them in anyway could mean I got my hide beat.
My parents did not believe in mental health issues. Therefore, I had none. I was just a quiet kid. I just liked to read by myself. They did not know I was crying myself to sleep every night over the fact that I might like girls – I’d be kicked out if I ever told them. Because I was what they wanted on paper, they never bothered to ask if I was really happy
Staying together, sure. My parents never divorced, and I can honestly say that did help. But they were miserable. They made sure I knew they were together for my sake, and my sake only. Take that as you will.
Instead of using this study to pat yourself on the back, perhaps take a closer look at who paid for the study and how and who the data was collected from. You can put anything in a chart and make it look nice if you try hard enough.
One has to be completely braindead not to understand by now, after the events of the last four years, that a substantial portion, if not the majority, of those on the political Left are mentally ill/disturbed.
yeah you know why bc we are common sense people and know the difference between stupidity of today and normalcy.
When you can’t decide what gender your child is and your child is upset because you didn’t use they/them. Surprise…
Being raised by the Left Low Lifes would make anyone Looney, you can go nuts just living next to a Liberal or having a family member in another state. I can’t imagine, living in the same house, that would be cruel and unusual punishment,
I guess the orthodox Christian teaching about marriage and family has been right all along because it is faithful to what Christ taught.
When truths are denied and set aside for “feel good” lies. it is easy to see where confusion sets in and ultimately causes mental problems. Liberals are a sick twisted lot that are first and foremost corrupting their own children. How disgusting is that?
IT is reasonable that parents who are aware of how the world actually is would be able to raise chidden with out confusing them.
Liberals kids minds are screwd up a day after birth. Kyle L.
They are parents not buddies
Of the 55% liberal parents with mentally healthy kids, its a good bet that while politically liberal, they enforce practical discipline at home. There’re many such people who espouse insane policies for government that they would never use at home.
good I hope the leftists die out.
I know that most conservative families also have better work ethics, so companies tend to want to hire conservatives more. But, what is most unfortunate is companies usually get stuck in needing special financing and with that the financial institutions are requiring good ESG scores, which then translates to hiring non-conservative workers, so we are witnessing how quality has diminished over social status to get higher ESG scores.
I feel sorry for children born into democratic households. They are disadvantaged from the start. They will have parents who don’t understand the world as normal folks.
Since we know that liberals lean authoritarian it would be no surprise that they would be more harsh and dictatorial with their kids…while authoritarian is described as a positive here the game changer is love. Having consistent rules and enforcing them fairly with a big dose of love is the magic that makes kids thrive. Liberals only know how to be harsh and dictatorial…that love thing; not so much.
What a load of crap. I grew up in a conservative family, and I had/have more mental health issues and attempts at my own life than the average person. As well as all of my siblings and all of my friends who grew up conservative at well.
You are never going to do good in the world with biases like this. Maybe actually go out into the real world and talk to real people about their childhoods instead of spewing fake and harmful political propaganda like this.
Also, the people saying that this is a very well written article, are severely deluded and misguided as to what an actually well written article looks like. I didn’t see a single source linked, and it was much shorter than most college papers I’ve written.
Is this not indicating that parents can nurture a child or drive them crazy? Children grow up to be adults & kids still don’t come with operation manuals. All that being said, government is not capable of doing the job of parenting any better than any mother or father.
Self evident. When someone asks a child who was raised by LBGwhatever parents, “What does your mom do?”…well, you get it right?
no surprise there!
Of course they do, parents have too, a generational more than likely.
Maybe when truth is told, the children feel healthy. They aren’t told things that would be false, and turn into caring and thoughtful adults.
Not a surprise. Liberals are likely to embrace immorality and behaviors that produce negative consequences for society, so it is easy to know the downstream impact on influential minds.
Nice photo at the head of this article……….and it shows an unfortunate truth. What do you see in the photo? A mother, her two kids and another lady sitting behind them. Now, on any Sunday pick a church of any flavor and peek in during the service. What do you see? All to often you will find, despite the size of the church, a couple of women, couple of kids (rarely), and the preacher/minister. Thats it.
Church attendance is shockingly low. It was low before the pseudo pandemic but even lower now. And the results? The results are seen each evening on the news and on the crime stats of the year that start getting published around this time of year.
How to fix this? Not sure you can. Personally I think our social order has been destroyed well beyond repair. When its all said and done, you cannot polish a turd.
The Institute for Family Studies is “a think tank which promotes right-of-center policies intended to improve family formation and child care. The institute also supports conservative perspectives towards marriage and family structure.” Apparently I was raised by wolves who suggested that I think for myself thus leading to the downfall of our society. I must now hurry off to read about why I should go smoke more cigarettes that was funded by the tobacco industry.