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Regular, America-Loving Folks Are the New Radicals

Posted on Thursday, November 9, 2023
by Outside Contributor
american flag and bald eagle, america family

In the late 1960’s, my oldest brother brought our entire family to the attention of the FBI. He ran an underground newspaper in Flint Michigan that questioned authority and advocated for legalizing Marijuana and ending the Vietnam War.

Unlike some radicals of the time, my brother was a veteran who loved America and shunned communism. But exercising free speech and questioning authority can bring trouble. As a little girl, I was aware that my big brother was under scrutiny for criticism of government officials. My parents may not have agreed with all of his views, but they didn’t shield me from them.

In 1979, my parents received a letter from the FBI with a notification that our family had been under surveillance during those tumultuous years. It offered a bureaucratic backhanded apology. I remember the moment my dad read the letter at our dining room table. I’m not sure what shocked him more—my brother’s political views or the FBI’s apology. My dad was a Navy Corpsman in WWII–a patriotic breed of Union Democrat that is hard to find these days.

Many years later, a greasy-haired goofball from my hometown told me that my brother was his role model as he started his own underground newspaper. That guy’s name was Michael Moore.

The making of a present-day radical can take a different course.

“This is my sister. She’s the white sheep of the family.” With that simple introduction by my brother back in 1987, the way I perceived myself was altered.

I had never really given much thought to the fact that I was different than anyone in my blue-collar family, despite the fact that I was the first to attend college. When I brought it up to my dad, his humorous take on it was, “We don’t know where we went wrong. We raised you to be a union Democrat and you turned out to be a management Republican.” My brother was even more helpful by elaborating on the fact that since I didn’t drink, smoke, or swear, I was a complete disgrace to the family. Funny, but partly true. My dad used to joke that he was bilingual; he spoke English and Profane.

But as I got older, I noticed something surprising. I really wasn’t all that different. Like my parents, I’m “regular folk.” Most of my beliefs are grounded in the common-sense notions that were passed on in my family—the very same notions that are passed on by most “regular folks.”

I believe in personal responsibility, hard work, and charity. I don’t think you should ask others to do what you can do for yourself.

I love liberty, my country, the outdoors, and my family.

I have a healthy skepticism of government and its tendency to be overbearing. I think we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I don’t think that anyone is owed happiness, but that the government should mostly leave us alone so that we can pursue it ourselves.

I have a faith that inspires me to live honestly, help others, and treat each life with dignity. In short, you could call me a conservative. I might seem different, but I learned everything that was important in Flint, Michigan. I may have left my parents’ Democrat Party, but I never left my Democrat parents’ values.

But I never thought that we would come to a point in this country when fighting for those values would make me the radical.

Lori Roman is President of the American Constitutional Rights Union and ACRU Action Fund.

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10 months ago

We are not radicals. The federal government, under the Team Biden regime, has us already labeled as “domestic terrorists” for wanting to adhere to the constitutional values this country was founded on. I would have thought someone writing for an organization called American Constitutional Rights Union would be aware of this.

10 months ago

This is what happens when we fall asleep at the wheel. Now we’ll have fight to re-take what is ours from this marxist regime.

10 months ago

I am the most radical SOB on the planet, I love America, I love the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, I love the Flag, and the Pledge of Allegiance, and our Founding Fathers, and I love God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
What I don’t like, is leaders that will sell us out, I don’t like leaders who will destroy our sovereignty, and I don’t like Woke Colleges and Professors, I don’t like those who will work to destroy our Constitution and Civil liberties, I don’t like Perverts, child molesters, and dope heads.
The WOKE can go do the physically impossible, but they can do it in private, nobody wants to watch!
God Bless America, may we overcome the idiots!

10 months ago

Time for the pendulum to swing back to the right…our Republic will not survive if it doesn’t.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
10 months ago

We are the Radicals to BringAmerica Back

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

Next time they decide to rush the DC capitol, wear Arab headgear and carry Palestinuan flags while screaming “Achoo snackbar” so nothing will happen to you!

Steve Greenwell
Steve Greenwell
10 months ago

Even back in the 1960’s, Ayn Rand wrote in “Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal” that those who want to defend the rights of man must become radicals for capitalism. When conservatives do such a piddly poor job of conserving anything of value, Ayn Rand appears plausible today.

10 months ago

The way I see it is that the Democratic Party has better messaging. The Democratic Party uses euphemism that sounds “wonderful”, but, in fact are devious once you parse the message. The aim of the Democratic Party is to control every aspect of our lives from cradle to grave. The term MAGA is threatening to them so they twist it to say it is destructive to our way of life and the constitution. When in fact it is the Democratic Party that wants to jettison the current constitution and rewrite it under their communistic/socialistic ideology.

R. E.
R. E.
10 months ago

Hate group, extremest, radicals. If that’s what they want to call us, so be it. Now, if the left-wingers pin these labels on us, then flip this around, and see, they wear the same names. They hate what is right, patriotic, the constitution. Wake up. You are going to reap what you sew.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
10 months ago

I love being a radical. I wanted to be a radical, but the 1960’s/70’s radicals always seemed to have stupid ideas. by the 1980’s it was obvious the radicals had jumped the shark.
So now I get to be a radical. I need a chant and a song to use n protests. I think “stop being leftist morons” is a good chant.

10 months ago

Can I join deplorable and irredeemable?

anna hubert
anna hubert
10 months ago

Well of course just as peace loving “palestinians” are victims of Israeli aggression

10 months ago

You are not deplorable or irredeemable, Lieutenant Beale. Do however, agree that HRC can pound sand.

A Voter
A Voter
10 months ago


Don Wong
Don Wong
10 months ago

Misdirection. The criminal now becomes the accuser of the innocent. If said long enough and loud enough it becomes believable to an indoctrinated public.The criminal now continues the same activity he accused the innocent of, unharmed and unchallenged while the innocent is persecuted,

10 months ago

Your story is not unique. There are a lot of us out there with the same story. Our mistake has been keeping it private and keeping quiet. That’s what conservatives do. Conservatives, by nature, don’t want to be “squeaky wheels” and our Country has changed dramatically as a result. It isn’t too late to “get the grease” . . .I hope.

10 months ago

I agree wholeheartedly with every word. My parents were also Union Democrats. Where I did receive my values but I am a Republican Conservative

10 months ago

Great Story, there are millions of American families just like this!

10 months ago

Bravo Lori

10 months ago

I love this country. All veterans past and present have been my heroes since I was a kid. So yes I’m a deplorable some say. Yes I am an a…… some say. So here’s what I say. Take your woke socialist butt to another country and try what you are trying to do. Not gonna work out so well for you guys. American born and raised. Proud of it. No brag,just fact.

10 months ago

Manufactured Anger? . . . Jackass Joe Biden LIES EVERYTIME HE SPEAKS and the Mainstream Media NEVER calls him out for it! . . . So Yes, I get ANGRY over the lack of truth but what really aggravates me is how STUPID the average Democrat is to just go along like it’s right and truthful! You NEVER get positive reactions to ANY of your comments here but like most Democrats you’re TOO STUPID to realize it! . . . AARP is calling you!

10 months ago

Amazing how you get to pick your friends but not your family !

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