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Real Choice – Civil Society or None

Posted on Wednesday, May 22, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

What in God’s name is wrong with these people? Democrats in the US Congress seem to love high taxes, spending, hobbling energy production, driving inflation and interest to unsustainable highs, killing seniors’ lifetime savings, making housing unaffordable for the working young – and now this: Attacking law enforcement on behalf of illegal aliens. Really? In two bills?

On top of other inexcusable abuses of authority, US House Democrats have adopted the mindset of being anti-law enforcement and pro-illegal behavior – utterly disregarding the primacy of laws.

Last week, as if we needed to relive 2020’s miserable summer, those violent (organized) riots that occurred in 200 cities, from Portland Oregon to Portland Maine, Democrats did it again. They hammered police – and during police week of all things, when fallen officers are recognized. Does it get worse?

As Newsweek reported, “a majority of House Democrats voted against a bill put forth by GOP lawmakers that would require federal law enforcement to detain migrants who have entered the US illegally and face charges for assaulting a police officer.”  Democrats voted against that bill.

So, notching up the craziness – illegality versus rule of law – a majority of Democrats voted for illegal aliens, who are illegally in the US in the first place, who assault a police officer? How in the world?

Democrats are more out of touch with regular people than I imagined. On top of this bill, they just – on Friday – voted, or 61 of them did, against a House resolution “condemning violence against police.” Seriously?  While that resolution passed, fully 61 Democrats – radical left “Squad” members to people Maine’s arrogant, unapologetic Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Me). Are you kidding?

What, may I ask, is the point of laws, our Constitution, statutes, courts, and law enforcement to enforce them, view that people should respect them for civil order – if legislators disrespect them?

The word is shock. Even George Orwell, in his multiple books on how government might one day redefine words to enable oppression did not dream of this new twist – total disrespect for the rule of law, period – promotion of disrespect, inversion of right and wrong, anarchy advocacy.

The Democrats, every one of those who voted for those two bills, from the radicals in the House Marxist caucus, content with street violence defacing campuses and America, to the pretend respecters of law, like Chellie Pingree of Maine, should be ashamed and tossed out.

Net-net, this is a sign of where Democrat-controlled, left-lurching societies end up – at least in the modern iteration of “representative (really unrepresentative) democracy.” This is where – forgive my saying the obvious one more time – one-party government, federal or state, takes a people: Down.

So, what are the implications? This election cycle – at the federal and state levels – is becoming one for the ages. This is no longer about the economy, drugs, border, Afghanistan, Iran, China, Gaza, or the next moon mission. It is about reestablishing respect for law, citizens, and the nation, or losing fidelity to all three.

This is an election now about those who respect laws and law enforcement, order premised on morality and civility, versus those who brazenly, boldly, with indifference to regular people trash it for their private or ideological agenda. That is fundamentally un-American, not what most Americans want – or should tolerate in public office. The real choice? Civil society or none.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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9 months ago

No one knows what’s normal any more. Wrong is right.

Thugs can set police cars on fire, shatter store windows, and steal goods with impunity until their carts overflow; then, the cops are called. By then, of course, the criminals have gotten away.

While I am pro choice up to a point, aborting babies at full term or when they clearly can survive outside the womb is unconscionable. I’ve heard, but don’t know if it has happened, that babies that survived an abortion procedure can be left on the table to die a slow and unattended death. Inhumane.

When in the world did students start thinking it’s okay for other people to pay their college costs? These spoiled babies should get over it and face the real world. When you don’t pay your bills, you get into trouble. A fact of life; get used to it, you delicate little snowflakes. Some day, a decade or two in the future, these people will be running the country and will find a way to take your money and your property. Irresponsible.

And then there’s biden, telling Israel what to do in this war that was started by Iran-backed Hamas. Hamas, the Palestinians’ choice to be the governing body of Gaza, thought nothing of baking little children to death in ovens or raping girls repeatedly and so viciously that their bones broke. Any aid that makes it into Gaza is abruptly stolen by Hamas, and yet, idiot biden wants to build a port in Gaza on the Mediterranean. Egads, talk about misappropriation of funds!

If other countries look up to the United States as the model of freedom and stability, I wonder what they’re thinking now. Our society is fraying at the edges; the pattern is no longer recognizable. Anyone can see that. It’s up to us, the normal people, to keep pointing out that the liberals, progressives, socialist democrats–whatever you want to call them–are intent on ruining this country’s traditions and installing some sort of Marxist collectivist system or dictatorship that is so far outside the realm of freedom, what the Constitution represents, and what we grew up with that I hope I won’t be around to see it.

9 months ago

RBC, the bottom line is “EVIL is GOOD while GOOD is EVIL. The bible clearly states this fact that this situation would happen in the end times. The nation needs to repent but with the current administration and lawmakers, this is not going to happen.

John Bass
John Bass
9 months ago

What’s wrong with the Democrats? I believe it’s very simple. They’ve shown their hand a little too soon. We now know who they really are, they thought we were on the ropes and going down for the count.
Now it’s up to the American people to put them in their place…with prejudice.

9 months ago

The mere fact that there’s anyone AT ALL who would support the “Democrats” after their unabashed displays of ignorance and destructive culture, should scare everyone.

9 months ago

“Democrats cater to uninformed people who don’t quite know how much skin they really have in the political “game”. If they ever do come to know, they’ll be voting Republican.

Debbie Boggs
Debbie Boggs
9 months ago

Another excellent article…Robert, you never disappoint 🙂

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
9 months ago

Great article Robert – written in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence – that is how I truly interpret it . The Declaration identified the things that were unjust at that time – you did the same here. I would like to add something I do believe should be either reformed or abolished in the medical profession.It is something that is a violation of personal freedom and is disrespectful – I am referring to a policy at some hospitals known as a Fall Risk policy. What it can be if not done properly is something that enables a hospital to assume that a patient is going to fall (and sue the hospital ) so the patient is not able to get out of bed for any sort of exercise ,with the exception of going to the rest room. With an intravenous tube ( saline solution) on one arm and a heart monitor attached to the patients chest along with one of those inherently difficult to wear hospital gowns it makes using a rest room a very difficult experience and increases the possibility of a fall. It amounts to suffering and it compromises the ability to heal. Medicine, health care, hospitals are supposed to be all about healing – not taking control of how someone thinks , which is what the policy includes with what I just mentioned.There are many ways to go about minimizing risk of falls in sensible , intelligent and respectful ways that do not compromise healing . Civil society, respect for law , respect for law enforcement officers as you mentioned in the last paragraph are what is needed. And those who disrespect morality and civility need to go .They need to be reminded this is the United States of America and this Nation stands for what is good and right. The enemies of freedom need to be reminded how the U S A. contributed to victory of good over evil in World War Two and how America has been a beacon of hope for Liberty for the world for a long time. Well done with this article Robert . Courage, Truth,Honor, Integrity.

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
9 months ago

Democrats are horrible people. is there any democrats who is not a habitual lair?

9 months ago

Biden is working over time to throw the country into
a civil war

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Wait until Trump gets (re)elected… you think these ppl will not resist, resist, resist?

9 months ago

Our world has been turned upside down by liberals and environmentalists!! They are ruining everything and don’t seem to care!! We know who they are and how they behave now, they are terrible people who shouldn’t be in charge of anything!!

9 months ago

Let’s get ‘Joe and the Ho’ out of the whitehouse.

John Shipway
John Shipway
9 months ago

Mr. Charles, I have a feeling you are a good guy that believes that with just a little effort, by paying a bit more attention that the ills that plague this country can be defeated. I am sorry to be the one to ruin your day but the real signs point to this nation arriving at its “time for hospice”, moment. Like a shattered incandescent light bulb, their isn’t any fixing of what has been allowed to happen to this country. We hate “us”, the vast majority of the world hates “us”. And with good cause. Nobody wants to be around the equivalent of a leper state.

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