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Pro-Abortion, Anti-Church Violence is Chilling

Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Chilling. That seems the only word for the Democratic Party’s visceral reaction to a leaked Supreme Court decision that would restore abortion regulation to the States. Likely reversal of Roe v. Wade, restoring States’ rights to pre-1973, has triggered direct threats of mass violence. Chilling.

Democrat activists, knowing intimidation of or harm done to just one U.S. Supreme Court justice would change abortion calculus – and hundreds of decisions – threatened to confront justices at their homes. 

While this is illegal and should immediately have produced a warning from the U.S. Department of Justice, the White House, and anyone in the Democrat Party who cares about the rule of law, America experienced the opposite: The Biden White House implicitly gave the “go” to this illegality.

Next, on Mother’s Day – of all days, given abortion ending the miracle of motherhood – a group called
Ruth Sent Us” (a reference to the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg) threatened to overrun churches across the country, nominally Catholic Churches, but likely any church opposing abortion.

Ironically, the late justice was Jewish and a close friend of Catholic Justice Antonin Scalia. They would both be appalled. To threaten a house of faith is an abomination.

That offense then deepened, as the threat moved to doing violence within churches, including “burning the eucharist,” that is seeking to intentionally destroy the sacrament of Holy Communion. Where are the Democrats?

Where are Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Jewish, or Muslim Democrats – who know such threats of egregious violence are wrong? Where are those who believe – even atheists – in the First Amendment?

As history is our teacher, this turn of events is not just wrong and repulsive to democracy – but ominous. Not only did a Supreme Court opinion get stolen and released, impairing the Court’s integrity, judicial independence, and the rule of law, but that leak – like threatened violence – was not condemned.

As the draft opinion was objectionable to leading Democrats, the next step was to ramp up threats that began in late 2021. After the violent riots of 2020, which sought to disparage, demoralize, and defund law enforcement, Democrat Senators began threatening the Supreme Court over Roe.

Specifically, Democrat Senator from NH Jeanne Shaheen threatened Roe’s reversal would trigger a “revolution,” while Democrat Majority Leader Chuck Schumer threatened justices who voted to overturn Roe would “pay.” Exactly what kind of “revolution,” and how would they “pay?”

Now, we begin to see what was being planned, as violence is now a Democrat tool-of-choice. Intimidation by overt and insinuated threats, illegal protests at private residences (after Supreme Court families were doxed, White House silent on the illegality), elevated concerns over the safety of justices, deep concerns in US churches that they will be overrun (leading to ramped up security) are all real.

What does this remind you of? Perhaps the Soviet Union? Communist Chinese attacks on religion, churches, and those who oppose leftist violence? When one says “revolution,” that word has real meaning, even if not accompanied by modifiers like Bolshevik, Maoist, Marxist, or French.

French? Yes, how about we start there. What does a revolution – even a non-Communist one – look like? It is violent, intentionally, disruptively, and irreversibly violent. And what happens when churches – and those with strong moral beliefs, such as opposing abortion – are the object of the revolution?

Bad things. Examples are legion. While the American Revolution opposed the immorality of tyranny, concentrated government, over-taxation, and suppression of liberty – they drew strength from faith – even though it was violent. The atheistic Communist Revolutions in the Soviet Union and China killed tens of millions.

The French Revolution was like this pro-abortion, anti-state’s rights violence. It was directed at churches, and those of faith, anti-religious, like the communist Soviet Revolution also was – horrifically violent.

When churches are targeted by leftist violence, as in the French Revolution, things often go from bad to worse quickly – unless responsible, moral, rule-of-law leaders step up and firmly stop the violence. In the French Revolution, distant but instructive for venom toward churches and faith, things got dark.

By way of example, thousands of clergy members were killed, and hundreds of churches were defaced, destroyed, and left in ruins. Holy and valuable religious symbols taken, church holidays, and displays of the cross banned. Things moved fast; the September 1792 massacres killed hundreds of priests over two days.

Could such a thing happen here? Let us hope not, as that was two-and-a-quarter centuries ago, and America still has funded police, people who respect the First Amendment protections for religion and the rule of law. 

But make no mistake, those who boldly advance chaos, anarchy, and anti-religious leftism do not respect your faith, churches, or the conviction of many, including Supreme Court justices, that abortion is wrong and, for starters, not protected by the Constitution. Anti-faith violence is ominous and chilling.

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William Hodge
William Hodge
2 years ago

Why isn’t someone, preferably reporters, following the money behind these nut cases? How does anyone now just take off work, probably travel and stay somewhere while protesting and making idiots of themselves? Doesn’t anyone else think that this is the real story?

Tom Olszewski
Tom Olszewski
2 years ago

Why didn’t their mother abort them ? I would love to hear the answers.

2 years ago

At what point do we literally fight back? This “leaders” stepping up to stop will never work again, thx to Obama, Clinton, Comey, etc. And if a conservative leader steps up the violence gets worse. Until there are real consequences, years in jail, destruction by any means, etc, this will never end.

Marsha Clark
Marsha Clark
2 years ago

Communist China

2 years ago

violence against JESUS CHRIST began with satan; it has never stopped. more people are starting to pay attention to the longest battle in the history of everything.

Marsha Clark
Marsha Clark
2 years ago

Birthcontrol is available online drugstores. Abortions should not exsit today. Planned parenthood shouldsupply free birthcontrol abortios# They are a money making organization# they push women to abort no opptios

2 years ago

We have armed guards at my church, and I know several people who carry while at church. Woe betide any protesters who come to do harm. Maybe you should too.

2 years ago

There is nothing in the Constitution of the United States or the Declaration of Independence that guarantees women (birthing persons) the RIGHT to an abortion. That is what is being judged – whether Roe v. Wade is guaranteed in the Constitution. It is not. Aside from all the emotions being displayed, this is the basic point. Grow up.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

I wonder what moslem community has to say about all this their religion of course is untouchable for now but somehow I don'[t think they are pro abortion which it being a central issue today is lunacy maybe it’s a diverting tactic to obscure the real issues and problems

2 years ago

The pro life people are not kicking back. If they were out in gigantic groups and not allow the baby killers to get away with anything, this would stop. People like them, Antifa and BLM, cannot handle pushback.

2 years ago

These are the same loonies that call the NRA a terrorist organization! This is another great example of why the Founders gave us The Second Amendment.

2 years ago

Where are the tough irish, polish and italian catholics ? If this was happening in 1950, or even 1960, these scum would be beaten severely were they to try desecrating a church. Remember’act up’, the radical homosexual group marching into masses and screaming? This is what happens when hyenas arent met by lions.

I. Marie Eggers
I. Marie Eggers
2 years ago

Are these people aware that someday they will meet their Creator? He does not approve of wickedness.

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

Will the January 6th investigation also look into the May 11th insurrection?

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

Contraception is a CHOICE! Abortion is MURDER! Since when is MURDER a RIGHT?

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
2 years ago

The question we should ask the prochoice groups and the extreme element in that group is “If your mother had an abortion, you would not be here to protest”, and in numbers of aborted babies that number is equilant to the population of the UK. So, to think of that if that were to happen would not there be an uproar of so many lives lost.

Paula Shane
Paula Shane
2 years ago

(Hickenlooper 05.11.2022) “Hey folks, As you probably heard, the Supreme Court is slated to overturn Roe v. Wade, undoing nearly 50 years of precedent.  This is simply unacceptable.
No politician or judge should make decisions over a woman’s body. That’s why today, I’m voting for the Women’s Health Protection Act, a bill that would make Roe v. Wade law and protect it from being overturned by the Supreme Court. 

(My response on Hickenlooper’s email form 05.11.22)
I received an email from your office regarding the Roe vs. Wade recent “”leaked”” decision.  

It was the Supreme Court action that ALLOWED this TRAVESTY for the last 50 years. 
“”Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction.””

Now YOU say in an email: “””No politician or judge should make decisions over a woman’s body. That’s why today, I’m voting for the Women’s Health Protection Act, a bill that would make Roe v. Wade law and protect it from being overturned by the Supreme Court.”””

You are a POLITICIAN and have declared your intent to make decisions over a woman’s body by voting for the women’s health protection act.

I DO NOT support your view and/or decision. My prayer is that this “”leaked”” supreme court decision will stand without further political interference.

2 years ago

There is Federal Law against this type of protests at judges homes. The WH & AG need to step up to the plate & tell the protestors they have 12-hours to leave or they will be arrested & taken to jail & will face fed charges. Why doesn’t Biden stop this dangerous protest & protect the justices & families before somebody gets hurt. The mental damage to the justice families has already happened because AG will not enforce Federal Law.

2 years ago

These nuts! That’s Because they have no minds about anything, but to kill ,still and destroy!
Who’s work are they doing?

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

This goes back to “Maxie” Waters and her telling her terrorists to confront any Trump team member or Trump supporter back in 2016. They attacked Sen. Paul and everyday citizens all the time. They even assaulted teenagers wearing MAGA hats. DIMMs are the party of HATE and we all know who is the author of hate.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Those that think that the Constitution protects a woman’s right to have abortion on demand are living in an alternative universe. They have no understanding of our forefathers. Even though women had abortions during the colonial times, the process was not a government sanctioned right.
Americans were not encouraged to kill babies, even within the womb. Our forefathers would be outraged to see that their precious Constitution is so shredded by Democrats, socialists, communists, etc. on a daily basis.

2 years ago

Democrat (DemonRat) Party = Devil Party

Darius Medina
Darius Medina
2 years ago

Typical for the democratic party when they are defeated in elections, blame the Conservatives and riot.

2 years ago

The current controversy concerning abortion seems to center on two questions: When does human life begin? And is aborting a pregnancy the equivalent of murder?

For those who acknowledge that Almighty God is the author of life, we might look to the first five books of the Bible, Torah, the only books having legitimate claim to being the word of God. In Genesis 2:7 “The LORD God formed man from the dust of the earth. He blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.” This establishes that breath is essential to be a living being. 

The other question bandied about is whether it is a crime to abort a pregnancy. That is settled at Exodus 21:22 – 25, the only place in the entire Bible which mentions an aborted pregnancy. In this case a man has pushed a pregnant woman and caused her to miscarry. The penalty is described as a fine paid to the woman’s husband, the amount reckoned as a property crime. Noteworthy is the fact that this follows the institution of the death penalty for murder at Exodus 21:12 “He who fatally strikes a man shall be put to death.” So clearly, aborting a pregnancy is not murder, there is no breath of life in the aborted fetus. The Roman Catholic Pope says otherwise, that abortion is murder; but you may recall that it was the first pope, Constantine, who presumed to overrule God by establishing Sunday as the Sabbath Day. 

You follow the pope’s pronouncements in contravention of God’s word to your peril.

In light of this Biblical guidance, it would seem only reasonable to abort an unwanted pregnancy in its early stages, long before the possibility of producing a breathing baby.

Jake the snake
Jake the snake
2 years ago

Liberals, democrats, Progressives are all violent mindless asses and we should be allow to shoot first and ask questions later becuase of their history of violence.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

Just goes to show that nothing is off limits to the socialist democrats. They are calling good evil and evil good, a violent protest a peaceful protest, etc., etc, etc.

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