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Pressure on Fauci Ramps Up With GOP House Takeover

Posted on Thursday, January 12, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

Following the selection of California Republican Kevin McCarthy as Speaker late last week, the House of Representatives on Monday officially commissioned a special investigative panel focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and the federal response to it. One top target of that investigation is expected to be former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, whom outgoing Speaker Nancy Pelosi tirelessly shielded from congressional inquiries for the past two years.

The panel will fall under the umbrella of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, now chaired by Republican James Comer of Kentucky. “There’s a lot of confusion out there, there’s a lot of uncertainty out there, and I believe every American regardless of their political ideology would like to know the truth,” Comer said of the forthcoming investigation.

The most significant questions the House GOP is expected to press Fauci on are in regard the origins of the COVID-19 virus. Early on in the pandemic, Fauci repeatedly dismissed the so-called “lab leak theory,” or the hypothesis that the virus, rather than originating naturally as the Chinese government and World Health Organization initially asserted, actually escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

But according to recently released emails, Fauci actually received confirmation from other scientists early on in the pandemic that the lab leak theory was not only possible, but likely. One email to Fauci in January 2020 from another top scientist stated that COVID had “unusual features,” and appeared as though it could have been “potentially… engineered.” Another email in March 2020 indicated that China had been lying about its COVID-related deaths and “misled the world into a false sense of security.”

In an op-ed last August, Rep. Comer further stated that, despite knowing about the possibility of a lab leak origin, Fauci never “relayed [that information] to President Donald Trump, the COVID-19 task force, or any other federal agency.” But despite that apparent shocking dereliction of duty, Pelosi and House Democrats continued to shield Fauci and his compatriots at the NIH from any accountability.

Fauci also repeatedly dismissed the lab leak hypothesis as a “conspiracy theory,” a line which the mainstream media dutifully picked up and wielded as a political weapon against any conservative – most notably Donald Trump – who demanded transparency from China. By October 2021, however, even the World Health Organization had finally admitted that the lab leak theory was possible, and President Joe Biden announced an “investigation” into the Wuhan lab.

Fauci has also been cagey when it comes to his ties to “gain of function research” at the Wuhan lab in question. Gain of function research refers to intentionally making a virus more deadly and transmissible, presumably to help fight the disease. In an appearance before Congress in May 2021, Fauci told lawmakers that the NIH “has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” But documents unsealed in December of that year made clear that Fauci’s statements were false, and the NIH had indeed used U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund gain of function research in Wuhan. Moreover, Fauci himself appears to have signed off on the grants approving the research.

Throughout the pandemic, Fauci also expressed, with absolute certainty, that masks “worked” in halting the spread of the disease, that the COVID-19 vaccine would prevent people from contracting the virus, and that the benefits of lockdowns outweighed the potential social harm. When all of these “facts” were called into question, he consistently reframed his previous stances as only “educated guesses.”

Thus far, Democratic control of both chambers of Congress has shielded Fauci from extensive questioning and investigations on these and other matters of critical importance regarding COVID-19. Although a few terse exchanges like those between Fauci and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul have revealed some important information, Americans have been denied transparency into potential conflicts of interest and outright lies from the man who more than anyone else became the face of the government’s response to COVID-19.

While Fauci has since retired from the NIH, he has continued to make the rounds on the media circuit, seemingly never turning down an interview request. Following Republicans’ victory in the November midterm elections and promises for COVID-19 investigations, Fauci promised to be an “open book” to GOP lawmakers – a surprising assertion from a man who has repeatedly dodged questions and tried to cover up what he knew about the virus and when.

But with subpoena and investigatory powers now firmly in hand, Republicans won’t have to ask – they can now demand all of Fauci’s records and correspondence from his time as a government employee. What they find will undoubtedly be worth paying attention to, both from the standpoint of learning the truth about the government’s pandemic response and preventing similar overreaches of government power in the future.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.  

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1 year ago

This is how any appearance of Dr. Fauci before the GOP led House is going to go: He will do exactly what he did the last time he answered questions in a legal deposition in 2022 under oath. Dr. Fauci will repeatedly say “I do not recall.” over and over again to almost every question asked of him. Aside from stating his name and reading a prepared statement at the opening of any such congressional hearing, that is what we will be treated to when he is finally “hauled before Congress” as they say.

Even though he has managed to escape any and all accountability for his actions and has successfully managed to retire from the federal government with not only his federal pension intact, but also the about $12 million dollars he has managed to pocket from various sources during his time in government, Dr. Fauci is highly unlikely to to risk damaging his future income stream from future TV appearances, maybe another book deal or maybe even a lucrative, ongoing media consulting deal by actually telling the whole truth to Congress. So he will simply obfuscate where possible and repeat “I do not recall” until the congressional hearing concludes. This will of course infuriate the GOP members of the committee interviewing Dr. Fauci and they may even refer him to the DOJ for potential perjury charges. That of course will go nowhere, as the DOJ will simply ignore any such referral request or say they looked into the matter and found nothing wrong. The standard Washington CYA for protecting a valued Democrat asset.

At the end of the day, the MSM will still treat Dr. Fauci as the embodiment of “science” (not real science, but the political manipulation of the public to agree to whatever edicts Democrats want to impose in states that they control). Democrats now know that a very large segment of the American public can and will obey whatever absurd set of lockdown criteria some Democrat can dream up, if it is framed as a medical emergency. Now Democrats have another tool at their disposal should the need ever arise in the future to manipulate the public for political gain.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Take Fauci, NAID NIH CDC FDA down

1 year ago

Fauci knew it was a lab leak all along. Who got richer during this fiasco? And the gain of function research still continues using American tax dollars. This has go to stop! And he and his co-conspirators need to be put in prison. But in the end, God will be the final judge.

1 year ago

Pressure should include criminal charges for crimes against humanity, conviction and a 30 to life prison term. He needs to be held accountable for his lies, discrimination and falsifying the truth about the vaccines. He’s evil and should never be allowed to get away with his crimes.

1 year ago

It’s about time this little rat is investigated. He’s probably committed hundreds of crimes for which he should be imprisoned including treason. However, he will not spend one second in prison because he is protected by our globalist/socialist government. They will protect their own. We’re past the point of justice winning.

1 year ago

History teaches that the ONLY thing that stops a tyrants reign of terror is death. Tyrants can not be reasoned with, saved, changed, forgiven, all the things that bleeding hearts advocate. Sorry, just dealing in reality.

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

This Republican held House of Representatives needs to go after every one of this Biden Administration, on everything that is wrong, the Border, Inflation, Illegal activate with the Biden family crime syndicate, Energy, 87,000 IRS Agents, on and on to let them know what it’s like when their OX gets Gored, don’t let them know a minute of peace for the next 2 years
Stick it to them, stick it to them, stick it to them!

1 year ago

Hey Republicans how about some real investigations. We all know it came engineered out of Wuhan and masks don’t work. Let’s expose to Americans formally that the shots don’t work and are actually dangerous. Let’s save lives instead of playing political games.

1 year ago

Fauci is a Chinese puppet, who made $5m in vaccine royalty payments–my fellow Americans. We had 1m Americans die from Covid——–investigate and prosecute this lying p-o-s!

Virginia-Kay Massara
Virginia-Kay Massara
1 year ago

One might do some research and discover the Gain of Function experimentation was being done in the US until one of our Presidents said to stop because it was too dangerous. It was then moved to China and financially supported by the Dr. who had been working on it in the US (I think at Chapel Hill, NC). One has to know that the patent for the shots was approved before the virus was released. Sounds very fishy to me. Wet market, my foot!

Bobby B
Bobby B
1 year ago

Absolutely nothing is going to happen to any of them. They will have their phony congressional hearings and nothing will come out of it. They are all in it together and we are not.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

While waiting on a car repair, I saw an internet “news” show called Verify (sic) which interviewed Dr. Falsie. They were talking about “misinformation” with the key man dispensing actual misinformation (for profit).

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

I DEMAND to see Fauci’s Tax Records.

Concerned Human
Concerned Human
1 year ago

Recently RELEASED FOIA documents indicate and SHOW that this entire “plandemic” was EARLY ON driven by and under the control of the DoD ( Trump was grossly lied to when this GOF virus was released by CHY-NA (and the cabal), to which Trump properly then entitled it as an “Act of War.” Under this categorization (per OBAMA EO), secrets and lies are permissible and the public is entitled to NADA — hence NO LATER INVESTIGATION warranted (Nuremberg 2.0)! This is why there are no inserts in the boxes of vials to show the ingredients and/or potential side effects; no prior consent is required to inject; ZERO accountability will EVER fall upon the pharmaceutical industry, FDA, CDC, NIH, NIHAD, Fauci, hospitals, and/or the entire medical field. LIES, DECEPTION and SECRECY under the sole guidance of the DoD. Do your research and then ask WHY were there already patents developed for COVID long before early 2020 (go to and type in COVID)? When have we EVER had a medical procedure (injection) that was preceded by BRIBERY (free sports tickets, free beer, free hamburger & fries, etc.)? And when that did not work in getting the massive numbers they were seeking, then masking, 1A stripped, lockdowns, school closures, small business failures in vast amounts, vaccine passports being heavily pushed, false narratives to instill FEAR in the public, mass confusion as to who to believe so much so that adults rushed out to inject with an unknown, followed by later allowing their own children to be injected with an unknown, because they wanted to PROTECT them and themselves. They claimed it was a “vaccine,” but in reality we now know it was only a “counter proto-type” in response to an “Act of War” that did not require pre-testing or trials, nor any accountability for the aftermath! This, IMHO, was an “Act of War” against the human population…PERIOD!

1 year ago

McCarthy is as corrupt or compromised as any of the swamp creatures so a lot of noise will come of this with no substantial results.

1 year ago

Each day I see the parallels between America in 2023 and Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. The corporations in Germany was Hitler’s supporter and we see the Corporations in America colluding with the Democrat fascists s.
The “mandate” to be Vaccinated was concocted by the Pharmaseudal companies and the depraved government. No one’s body is the property of either, and a violation of the thirteenth amendment which prohibits slavery or involuntary servitude.
How is Fauci different from Dr Josef Mengele?
Fauci came from the United Nations World health organization known as WHO started in 1949. As we can see, WHO has cared for everyone’s health for seventy years.
Vaccines do not prevent sickness, they are a money-making operation that will damage one’s health to the point of death.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
1 year ago

Lock him up!

Viet Vet 6769
Viet Vet 6769
1 year ago

Would love to see out come! I feel there is something shady going on!

1 year ago

Lock the POS up and throw away the key…..he has killed too many people.

1 year ago

He needs to be held accountable. To many people died unnecessarily.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
1 year ago

He’s not the only one that should be hung for treason. A lot of congressmen both Democrats and Republicans knew that Covid wasn’t as serious as made out to be unless you were old and have other medical issues. Democrat governors sent Covid patients to old folks homes to get the kill rate up knowing that the average time span of old people sent to old folks homes before they die is a year and a half. They used old people as collateral damage. If Covid was so terrible how come most Democrat governors and mayors had rules for thee and not for me . If it was so terrible wouldn’t they be at risk also? Also our government forbid doctors from using ivermectin and hydroxychloriquine because it was cheap and effective. They also mandated fake vaccines that are not vaccines while letting millions of illegals come across our southern border with no vaccines or masks that don’t work. Another thing in 2020 with the so called epidemic going on less people died in the US than the year before how is that possible? No one died from anything else that year but Covid ,even an idiot could decipher that isn’t possible. Yes people died mostly old people with preexisting conditions but there are drugs that worked which we couldn’t use. This whole Covid thing was used for socialism to see how much we would put up with and Democrats showed they are sheeple.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
1 year ago

Fauci is one of the most despicable of Progressives who have sold their soul for profit. Fauci’s actions have literally killed millions worldwide. From aiding Communists with taxpayer dollars to pushing vaccines, Fauci is a public enemy.

DP Schutt
DP Schutt
1 year ago

Why is the US working with labs in China with taxpayers money??? As to Fauci, he is a self serving
anti-American official who has made his income off of the American public while acting as a
medical leader. Hang him high for treason!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Fauci is nothing but a liar he is responsible for thousands of people dying in this world.The Dems in Washington used him to scare people in this country he should be in prison for all that he has done.
Very sad that he stood in front of the cameras and just lie after lie and then out great President and the rest in Washington standing behind him like he is the greatest person on this earth, time to bring him to justice for what he has done.

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
1 year ago

The Dr deserves a final bum’s rush! He clearly involved himself in more than medicine and provided gross disservice to us.

1 year ago

Why is it so hard to vote + for something?

Michael S.
Michael S.
1 year ago

Fauci should be stuck in a deep dark hole and have viruses tested on him.
PS – I’m not the Michael without a clue.

1 year ago

We already know the truth. And we already know that Fauci will lie on the stand.

1 year ago

much ado about nothing. it’s all a done deal and nothing to be gained. there is plenty of information already out there. why waste the money and time and other resources when there are plenty of other more important matters to pursue such as border security and voter Security and balancing the budget?
If they can prosecute fauci then go for it, if not let it rest.

1 year ago

He should be punished not only for all the people who died a horrible death, but how about all the good folks who lost their small businesses because of lockdowns and other government restrictions. These people lost their dreams and incomes with the democrats help.

1 year ago

I hope this man gets into lots of trouble for what he did to America’s children, small business, churches, people with mental problems, and the list goes on. Fauci a disgusting person. NOT a scientist.

1 year ago

The little weasel is lying through his mask . Send him over to the contaminated Whaun lab to fix the problem .

1 year ago

I pray that Fauci and all others involved are prosecuted.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Better tell Fauci he needs to keep six feet away from other prisoners…

1 year ago

Send him back over to China and cancel his passport and US citizenship and don’t let him back in our country. He can live over there with all the ones he infected.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Another great , important article from Andrew Abbott , Well Done Andrew, This investigation by the House Oversight and Accountability Committee is all about getting to the Truth of the government response to the coronavirus , that is really good, I like the sentiment expressed by the chairman of the committee , James Comer in his statement about how he believes “…that every American regardless of their political ideology would like to know the truth.” That sure enough is a good outlook to have about the matter. Kind of funny how most intelligent, right thinking people like to know the truth. Those who have been distorting the truth will no doubt be seeing just how humorous it is as this Committee procedes with it ‘s mission . I believe that the public health establishment needs to be restructured and the improvements should start with the Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health. So much hardship placed on the public could have been avoided by an approach to dealing with the virus that respected the rights of the American people, instead of using coercion with the mask and so-called vaccine mandates. In 2020 I remember thinking how the disregard for the truth, and the coercion being used by those involved with implementing the
measures to deal with the virus seemed to be similar to a hijacking situation. And remembering the principles of, the spirit of the Declaration of Independence came to mind automatically . Freedom should never be scraped in order to deal with a public health emergency, instead all of the advantages of Freedom should be called on to work with public health systems so as to protect both health and freedom, not choosing public health over freedom. Your statement about ” … learning the truth about the government ‘s pandemic response and preventing of similar overreaches of government power in the future.” regarding the purpose of the Committee is very appropriate, accurate and intelligent.
I believe that this issue marks a much needed turning point and that better days are ahead for the freedom loving people of the United States of America. May God guide us on the right course.

Michael D Sadler
Michael D Sadler
1 year ago

Anything that over a million Americans die from in less than a year is not a fantasy. It was something we were not prepared to deal with, what we knew from other diseases didn’t apply to Covid. At the time we didn’t know the odds were against those of us, in at least moderate health, from getting it – but neither you or I or anyone else knew that. This thing was killing everybody in sight worldwide. The media fueled this fire more than anyone. Every day and night we were bombarded with stories of massive deaths everywhere. The media did a great job of creating hysteria. Two years later we have a lot of data indicating we had a lot wrong. We also have a lot of data on how to handle something like this differently. From day one everyone was shooting from the hip. The target was missed- a lot. Now we are wasting a lot of time and money on witch hunts, useless litigation, endless investigates that will accomplish nothing leading nowhere and committees that do nothing but spend incredible amount of money. If you must throw stones at someone throw them at these millions who borrowed money to go to college and don’t believe they have a responsibility to pay it back.

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