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President Trump’s 4 Years of Winning: A Look at the Trump Administration’s Main Accomplishments

Posted on Tuesday, December 22, 2020
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

trumpFrom the very beginning of Donald Trump’s 2016 election as President, he has faced a deluge of personal and professional attacks, smear campaigns, lawsuits, special counsel investigations, a biased mainstream media, and a long list of opponents who worked to sabotage his policies. Nevertheless, Trump successfully navigated the waters of Washington, DC, in several areas that made America stronger, better, and fairer for Americans of all stripes.

Domestically and legislatively, it can easily be argued that Donald Trump’s marquee accomplishment is the passage of the historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Aided by a united Congress, President Trump started his economic growth agenda by updating and simplifying America’s outdated tax code, something that has alluded Presidents of both parties for decades. In addition to providing tax relief, Trump’s tax policy spurred economic growth; one year after passage, America’s middle class, primarily households making $25,000-$100,000 per year, saw some of the sharpest declines in federal income tax paid. In contrast, adjusted gross incomes were 5.7% higher in 2019 than the year prior.

Another success of President Trump’s America First agenda is really a one-two punch combo of trade policy that saw an overhaul of American imports and exports with our immediate North American neighbors Canada and Mexico while carrying out an international agenda focused on holding China accountable and evening the playing field. Again, defying the critics, President Trump successfully negotiated the signing of the US-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA) ratified by Congress and the respective legislatures in Mexico and Canada. At the same time, President Trump delivered on another campaign promise of holding China accountable through a series of executive orders, federal regulations, and trade policies that will cost China approximately $200 billion more for U.S. goods and services over two years, while simultaneously negotiating with the Chinese on a broader, more fair, and balanced bilateral trade agreement.



On the international front, many of President Trump’s campaign pledges were fulfilled. On the battlefield, US-led forces reclaimed 95% of ISIS territory in Iraq and Syria, while renowned terrorists Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Qasem Soleimani were brought to justice. With those battlefield gains, the Trump Administration has brought home the majority of U.S. troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. By the time the next President is sworn in, there will be approximately 2,500 troops left in each country. Over the last four years, President Trump has secured the repatriation of over 50 Americans imprisoned in countries like Iran, Egypt, North Korea, and Turkey. 

However, the Trump Presidency’s marquee international achievement comes in an area that also alluded to his predecessors: advancing Middle East peace. Following the move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the Trump Administration turned to cement bi-lateral peace agreements between Israel and the United Arab EmiratesBahrain, and Sudan and Morocco.

Within our shores and abroad, President Trump’s America First approach has resulted in significant results for the American people, our allies, and peace in the Middle East. It should also be noted that while the outcome of the 2020 election at the top was not in President Trump’s favor, Republicans may have retained the Senate (two seats in Georgia heading to a runoff) and have gained at least 13 seats in the House, leaving Democrats with their smallest House majority since 1893. President Trump’s 74 million-plus votes, the most for a Republican ever, also helped keep Democrats from flipping a single state legislature, with Democrats locked out of redistricting in Texas, Florida, and North Carolina despite millions of dollars of spending of years of planning. 

Winning at home and abroad was what Donald Trump set out to do four years ago, and his record shows a results-driven approach to some of the most complex challenges facing America today, and we can expect to keep hearing about them, and others, playout for years to come.

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3 years ago

President Trump was not my first choice! … Truthfully, I didn’t trust him because He was a “former” Democrat.
But even I am a “former” Democrat but the main reason I didn’t trust Trump was that He was a “guest” at Hillary’s wedding. After all, didn’t that make him “a close friend”? … But He proved me wrong and I was converted because of His many deeds and actions. I truly believe that President Trump will go down in American History as one of our greatest Presidents, if not the Greatest! As a “Scorpio”, I am both stubborn but extremely loyal so I will defend and fight for what I believe in. And I truly believe that President Trump was “Cheated” out of His Re-election and I will commit myself to being one of His staunchest supporters! … Don’t give up the fight Mr. President, don’t ever give up! … We Believe in You!!!

Shannon Travers
Shannon Travers
3 years ago

I voted for Trump because he was not an entrenched U.S. Politician, but an outsider. He was not politically correct, not in the swamp, which by the way is overflowing. The corruption in our system is very deep on all sides with global influences. Trump was truly AMERICA FIRST! No other president has been this pro America in decades. In fact many have been selling us out. But that’s mainly Congress by bankrolling the world instead of helping our own. I voted for Trump in 2020 but the global forces won again. Hopefully after Biden/Harris destroy everything good that Trump has done maybe in the next election we will be ready for Ivanca/Candice ticket to repair the ill doings of the currently fraudulently elected regime.

Diane Evans
Diane Evans
3 years ago

Someone left a comment on the Fox website, saying that President Trump accomplished nothing as president. I replied with many of the great things he has done. Funny, that person never responded back.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 years ago

It’s such a shame that after so much good has been done for American citizens by a businessman president, we are going to go back to 4 years of business as usual with career politicians who look out more for themselves at the expense of American citizens.

3 years ago

Don’t forget that he got us out of that ridiculous Paris Climate Accord. A disaster for America.

3 years ago

President Trump has been disrespected and undermined by Pelosi & her clan and Schumer & his cohorts from before his inauguration. They manipulated the FBI to assist them in their evil doings. We need to work hard to limit the terms allowed for Senators and Reps. to avoid control by 80+ year olds. Discontinue their life long benefits. When they retire they can sign up for Social Security and Medicare like the rest of us. Prosecute those that break the law by misusing their power. President Trump was the most successful President in my lifetime, too bad he was cheated out of a second term. I was hoping he could fulfill his pledge to actually “drain the swamp” that is destroying our country. We will also miss our beautiful and intelligent First Lady! She was also totally disrespected by the mainstream media! Shame on them! I’m afraid with Biden, our country will be loosing military support and respect from the rest of the world. The last thing we need is to go back to making America last like Obama did.

3 years ago

Best President in my lifetime and I go back to Truman. What a shame that it won’t be 8 years of accomplishments because of those lying cheating Dems.

American Believer
American Believer
3 years ago

Read and MEMORIZE these accomplishments. The fake media and Washington Swamp will be working full time to either undo these accomplishments or bury them under their hyperbole.

3 years ago

Mr. Carlson: Please, learn the difference between “eluded” and “alluded”, and the PROPER grammatical use of each word.

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