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President Trump, Hit the Policy Ground Running

Posted on Friday, November 8, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Photo | Gage Skidmore

Incoming presidential administrations tend to enter the White House treading modestly, and understandably so.  

After contentious election races, administrations often staffed by inexperienced personnel from outside of Washington, D.C., seek to find their legs and integrate peacefully in order to establish comity that they hope can prove fruitful down the road.  Oftentimes, those hopes prove naïve.  

Starting January 20, 2025, President Trump must take a different and more impatient course.  

That’s not to say that the new Trump/Vance administration should seek needless battles or gratuitous acrimony that can drain its energies and forfeit newfound public goodwill.  

That is to say, however, that the Trump/Vance administration differs significantly from a more typical incoming administration.  

Unlike January 2017, President Trump does not enter office unfamiliar with the Washington, D.C., landscape or policy realm.  Not only does he know the lay of the land from his first term, many of his political opponents remain hardened and likely to quickly resume their own needless partisan schemes against him.  

Just as importantly, Trump enters office with a greater popular mandate than he possessed in 2017, when he lost the popular vote and prevailed in the Electoral College with much slimmer margins in pivotal states.  

Additionally, the Biden/Harris administration itself amounted in large part to an unrelenting four-year effort to reverse successful policies and achievements accomplished during Trump’s first term.  

Accordingly, there is no time to waste in reversing four years of disastrous Biden/Harris policies and set the nation on a restored course of prosperity, innovation and strength.  

To be sure, President-Elect Trump has sown no ambiguity in signaling his intent to reverse the Biden/Harris administration’s course on such high-profile issues as border control, energy policy, international relations and taxation.  

On several other policy realms that receive far less attention than they merit, however, it’s important for the Trump/Vance administration to move just as forcefully.  

Tech and internet policy offers a perfect example.  

For two decades beginning with the Clinton administration and spanning both Republican and Democratic presidencies, the federal government maintained a light-touch regulatory approach toward internet service.  That allowed the internet to flourish with rapidity and impact unseen in prior human history.  Doing the bidding of powerful corporate allies, however, the Obama administration decided to upend two decades of rational internet regulation and reclassify the internet as a “public utility.”  

As a result of the Obama/Biden administration’s misjudgment, private broadband investment declined for the first time in history outside of an economic recession.  

Thankfully, the Trump administration’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under Chairman Ajit Pai reversed that “Net Neutrality” regulation and resumed the longstanding light-touch regulatory approach to internet service.  Private broadband investment quickly increased and internet speeds accelerated even through the period of increased use during the Covid pandemic.  

Inexplicably, the Biden/Harris administration resurrected the effort to impose Net Neutrality overregulation, true to its habit of seeking to place every conceivable segment of the American economy under its control.  If allowed to stand, this second effort to impose Net Neutrality will prove equally destructive, so this offers a perfect opportunity for the new Trump/Vance administration to act quickly alongside such wiser voices as FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr for the benefit of our economy and American consumers.  

Protection of intellectual property (IP) offers another area where the Trump/Vance administration must take quick action to protect American innovation, particular with regard to protection of patent rights.  For over two centuries, the United States has protected IP – patent, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets – more reliably than any other nation in the world.  As a consequence, we stand unrivaled as the most innovative and prosperous nation in human history.  

Under the Obama/Biden administration, however, protection of IP rights eroded quickly.  By placing renewed emphasis on protecting IP, the Trump administration reversed that trend and began to restore America’s leadership standing.  Under Biden/Harris, we once again resumed our decline because the administration inexplicably chose to undermine the critical Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 while surrendering American patent rights to international competitors.  

Two immediate opportunities along those lines already exist with the proposed Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA), which can clarify patent eligibility going forward, and also the Promoting and Respecting Economically Vital American Innovation Leadership (PREVAIL) Act, which can restore sanity to our defective Patent Trial and Appeals Board (PTAB).  

Finally, the Trump/Vance administration should move aggressively to reverse the Biden/Harris administration’s destructive and extremist campaign to undermine the U.S. economy via excessively aggressive antitrust lawsuits through the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC).  There is simply no justification for ongoing lawsuits against such entities as Visa and Ticketmaster/Live Nation.  

By taking swift, aggressive action in a manner different from many new administrations, the Trump/Vance administration can quickly begin to correct four years of Biden/Harris malfeasance that has caused so much harm to American consumers and our economy.

Timothy H. Lee is Senior Vice President of legal and public affairs at the Center for Individual Freedom.

Reprinted with Permission from CFIF – By Timothy H. Lee

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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3 months ago

The gop better be all in on this. Hopefully all the rinos leave or get spines

3 months ago

Trump will reverse all the blunders and stupid programs dumped on us in the past four years !!

Ken Mustain
Ken Mustain
3 months ago

There has been no mention of the people who were needlessly prosecuted for Jan 6, whether he will pardon those convicted falsely. Especially when none of the rioters who looted and burned cities were never held accountable.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

I think taking those 4 years off may have done him some good if it fires him up!

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Excellent article.

3 months ago

All the incoming Trump administration has to do is TELL THE TRUTH about what has been going on for the past 4 years, and what Biden will try to force through before the end of his term and even MORE voters will be ready for a change. This can be done BEFORE he actually takes office too. Elon Musk can make sure all this available information NOT reported by any media outlets gets out and to the people!! QUICKLY.
How much federal money has been used/given to states for illegals? Right there, about half of Harris voters will want to switch sides. We are MAD AS H*** and not going to take it anymore!

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
3 months ago

Considering the damage done by the democrats, malfeasance is an understatement.
Good article. Keep them coming.

3 months ago

The Biden Harris administration got their policies past through the courts. The people said no we have a say over that, not a judge. Legislation has to pass and voted in by the delegates (senators and representatives) not a judge. This is what the dems don’t get. That is what the people said with the overwhelming votes that were cast for Trump. 49 states. Still they don’t see it. All the lies they fabricated for the past decade about Trump they now call them threats by Trump They are not accepting what the people said in this election. They rejected the dems communist policies. Talk show hosts cried, Hollywood stars cried but nobody has left yet. Maybe they need some help packing. I will gladly volunteer and drive them to the airport. Nobody will leave. Yes on a vacation but not permanently. Tom Hanks was the first fake mover. Michael Cohen is another. Has Hillary left yet? Bruce Springsteen? The democrat governors are declaring war on Trump. Pritzker said you come after my people you will have to go through him. They want to put Harris on the Supreme Court. Newsom wants to Trump proof the state. Obama wants his puppet but the party doesn’t want Obama he is of the past. One said racism and sexism is the reason Harris lost. Misogyny is another cause. Could it be that the people saw through their failures in running this country. It was lie after lie and the people saw what Trump was saying. They were not better off than 4 years ago. They kept saying the border is secure but 20 million invaders came in the country anyway. How secure is that. Ask those citizens living in the border states. And they blew 1 billion dollars and are 20 million in debt. Who got rich? Hollywood stars and….? Advise to the dems look at yourself the voters did and rejected your policies, all over America. Your making Trump into a Hitler didn’t even work. Our republic is save thanks to its people, who didn’t buy what you were selling.

3 months ago

Trump has a tremendous job ahead of him. trying to reverse the damage to the country of 12 years of progressive policies is undaunting. One of the things that must stop is our tax dollars going to progressive propaganda that NPR &PBS puts out. There are plenty of corporate media for that nonsense. I hope he “cleans house” of all progressive leaning administrators who are in power…God bless him and help him make the right decisions.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Borrow from 1st term & expanded on to date+

3 months ago

Thank you for this enlightening article. I’m starring it for a second read.

3 months ago

Trump deserves to get reimbursed for all the legal costs , intentionally caused by soros & the soros & democrat paid prosecutors & judges & fabricators of phony evidence & liberal liars that defamed , libeled , slandered & intentionally election interfered him . And double that for 8 years of undue stress & so much abuse ! These criminals should ALL be put in GITMO for their years of treason against America . especially soros !

3 months ago

He is not the “new kid on the block” as he was in 2017. He knows who has his back and who will continue to undermine his efforts. He is assembling his cabinet with better choices than previously too. There is a lot to be undone before anything can be started. Hoping all seniors and veterans are the first to reap the rewards of a better administration. I think that Camelot has returned.

3 months ago

I disagree on the antitrust part. Companies like Ticketmaster/Live Nation, Visa, GOOGLE, etc have such far reaching ownership in their respective business segments that gives them too much control. Especially GOOGLE, which has taken over everything including our computers and the radio in your new GM vehicle.

3 months ago

It is very exciting to have an administration back in the Capital that loves America!

3 months ago

I believe Trump is going full throttle for 2 reasons. First and foremost he has so many issues to deal with and repair after 4 years of massive destruction to the US economy, military, etc. That the democrats went after him my have steeled his resolve there.
Second he knows he only has 4 years to Make America Great Again so there is little if any time to waste.
Even trying to get a head start on the issues will not be enough to fix all the broken the Biden/Harris/Obama administration did the last 4 years. Trump needs to have a full blown MAGA replacement carry the mantle the next 4, 8 years; or longer.

3 months ago

It is one heck of a mess to cleanup.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
3 months ago

I am sure President Trump will start to go after programs that Biden and Harris shut down that are hurting us and bring back what works in this country not only for us but for the many companies that Biden and Harris shut down when they took office. The border will be just a start it will be shut down and hopefully the wall will be built and other policies brought back.

3 months ago

It will be amazing to have a coherent, capable and conscientious President again. Even though most of us survived it, the recent, Ill-begotten Biden term KILLED our status quo, and put many millions of us through misery. “Democrat” motives, dishonesty, egos and arrogance have comprehensively proven their unworthiness for occupying ANY governmental office. There should NEVER be another “Democrat” President, Senator, Governor, or Congressman… EVER.

3 months ago

The democrats [Marxists] literally tried to destroy this country but they failed. I’m surprised many Americans didn’t acknowledge this. God bless America!

3 months ago

Trump should publicly ask the Biden regime to shut down the CBP-One app, the borders, and the illegal flights over the borders immediately.

John Warren
John Warren
3 months ago

I would put you in the stupid enemy category.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 months ago

Basically, President Trump is expected to remove regulations that burden businesses needlessly and take away government control over the social lives of American citizens. President Trump worked hard to put more control in the hands of businesses and citizens during his first administration. We should expect President Trump to do the same more aggressively. There is no agency of the Federal Government that does not need to be reigned in for being over controlling, and many divisions of agencies need to be eliminated altogether.

3 months ago

We are so relieved that Donald Trump won the election! A few things I hope to see: The UN and WHO funding cut off! The FBI and Justice Dept. taken to task and meticulously cleaned out. The same for CDC & FDA which seem to be run by the Pharmaceutical companies. They need a major housecleaning to be done so trust in these departments can re-established. And, of course, the return of so many illegal aliens and the border secured. I feel for many of these people who have made such dangerous journeys to get here but we just can’t take everyone in. The tasks are huge but with Robert F Kennedy Jr and Elon Musks incredible assistance we are excited and expectant to see the results! One thing to remember, pray for President Trump and his new administration. They will not be welcome in D.C.

James DeBona
James DeBona
3 months ago

The 2024 “mandate” as its (rightfully) being called, should at the very least concern many of the linguine-spined RHINO’s who still occupy DC! Get onboard with the Trump plan or get in the way with it at your own peril! The majority of the American people who hired you and put you there desperately want this!

3 months ago

Hey stupid. Try it in front of our veterans.

3 months ago

Busy times ahead… and we all should donate ahead of time, if possible. These next 4 years will fly very rapidly…

3 months ago

Do us all a favor and just burn yourself SNOWFLAKE moron.

James DeBona
James DeBona
3 months ago

You don’t think that we have enemies within this country???
Good morning! Wake up and grab a cup of coffee!

3 months ago

I was looking for info on the promising results of Trum[‘s talk with Mexico

3 months ago

Trump hits ground running – backwards.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

Thanks for this great article that will hopefully open the minds of those who are in the dark of what Biden & Kamala has done to our IP. I bet lots went to China?

3 months ago

Hey Michael,the next time you burn “Old Glory”wrap the flag around yourself first.

3 months ago


anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

Could you no choose a better way to get attention ?

James DeBona
James DeBona
3 months ago

Hey sour grapes! Haven’t you got anything better to do except moan and crybaby over losing this election. Your previous post’s mention a supposed “enemy within”. If you have this much trouble losing an election, I would suggest a very large mirror!

3 months ago

It’s too bad the Dems can’t be good losers and move on. If Biden had come in with a reasonable attitude of appeasement and good will you’re asking Trump to show, you might have a point and the country wouldn’t be in the bad shape it is now. You reap what you sow, DEMS, so take a good look in the mirror before you start casting aspersions on an administration that hasn’t even begun yet.

Joyce M. Job
Joyce M. Job
3 months ago

My comments do not relate to the above commentary. I believe that texts to me from Republican sources were somehow blocked. When I tried to access texts, I got a screen that said, “400 Bad Request.” Most of the texts were asking for donations which I was unable to make. Not that any of my donations would make a difference in the long run, but it is just the idea that my donations to candidates I would have donated to, were blocked. Joyce Job, Quincy, Ill.

Rick Mayson
Rick Mayson
3 months ago

Pleas don’t pick any HOUSE Members for the administration! It could give the HOUSE to democrats and NOTHING will get done!!!

Stuart I. Anderson
Stuart I. Anderson
3 months ago

Please don’t expect too much ACTION from Trump conservatives. He has already achieved what he set out to do. Don’t expect anything more and you will avoid disappointment.

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President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.

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