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President Biden Governs Through Obvious, Ham-Fisted Lies

Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2021
by Outside Contributor

Hardly a day passes anymore that President Joe Biden or members of his administration do not stand before the American people and lie through their teeth.

The latest lie to be exposed came Tuesday, when Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he advised Biden to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan, and that withdrawing them “would lead inevitably to the collapse of the Afghan military forces and eventually, the Afghan government.” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley said he told Biden the same thing.

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3 years ago

Are there any witnesses who have the courage to stand with these Generals in order to convince the brain dead leftists that their president is a daft dictator? Getting tired of all they continue to get away with.

3 years ago

As stated before by Josef Goebbels of Hitler’s regime: “Tell the people a lie long enough and it will become the truth to them (paraphrased). Their is nothing really that this administration and Congress won’t do to get out of their responsibilities to the American people and the Constitution. They continue to snub their noses at the people and cry “Who me? No, it was such and such’s fault before I took over.

3 years ago

The sad thing, for all of us, is that this guy seems to have actually convinced himself that the pattern of false narratives he routinely spreads are actually true. As to our top military officers, the classic Nuremburg defense of “I was only following orders” is completely unacceptable. Duty, honor, country…I think that’s a code I heard of somewhere. Apparently some were asleep during class at West Point that day it was covered.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

I’m a couple days late with a comment on this article…Biden Is a pathological liar as are his woke generals at the Pentagon…None of them speak the truth…Quite obviously by now, the American people can clearly see the State Department is in utter disarray…The RIGHT hand has no idea what LEFT hand is doing… They all tell their individual ” made up ” story to deflect the heat away from themselves. Kirby had his version, Biden has his version, then promptly forgets what he said, Austin has his version & lastly the traitor General Mark Milley tells his version of what happened at the Kabul Airport…So WHO do we believe? Can we believe any of them?
I believe the answer to that question has been made abundantly clear, they are ALL liars…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

Lies, deceit, masters of the blame game. What more could you possibly ask for? OK, maybe a brain.

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